Layout for learning traffic rules in kindergarten for children of the second junior group
Pictures of road signs Clear pictures of signs with analogies will help you remember the most important symbols that
Games with rules in psychology - Meaning and types of games
The meaning and types of games Children's games for the entire period of Soviet education were not collected,
Abstract of the OOD on environmental education “The World of Indoor Plants” in the senior group.
Abstract of the OOD on environmental education “The World of Indoor Plants” in the senior group. Abstract of OOD on
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Master class TRIZ Method – “System Operator” technologies as a means of cognitive development of preschool children"
Your own system operator Method of TRIZ technology “System operator” as a means of developing the creative initiative of a preschooler
Learning numbers for children 5-6 years old. Exercises to strengthen counting up to 5
"Introducing the number and number 5." Lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers
How to teach a child numbers? The sooner the learning process begins (especially in a home atmosphere) -
Methodology for conducting developmental classes in the first and second junior groups
Mission of developmental classes in the first and second junior groups Development is an important component
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How does a preschooler's cognitive development occur: everything parents need to know
Features of cognitive activity of preschool children Attention! The most important function in the formation of cognitive activity
article on the topic “Organization of a design corner in the middle group - Center for Construction Games.” article on design, manual labor (middle group) on the topic
Regulations on the inspection of design centers in preschool educational institutions Approved by the Head of MADO No. ____ ___________/______________ Pedagogical Council
Photo report “Making a wall newspaper for Family Day”
Summary of the educational activity “Me and my family” in the preparatory group
Card index of didactic games on the topic “My Family” card index (senior group) “Our friendly family” Purpose: To name
Competitions for teachers, educators, teachers and children in MBDOU.
The World of Preschool Children portal organizes a series of competitions for kindergarten students, as well as preschool students
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