Layout for learning traffic rules in kindergarten for children of the second junior group

Pictures of road signs

Clear drawings of signs with analogies will help you remember the most important symbols that you will encounter on your way to elementary school or kindergarten. Vivid images and simple explanations allow you to instantly attract attention and convey information quickly, cheerfully and clearly.

Thanks to road pictures, the child learns to be independent and make the right decisions. The main goal is to show that participation in traffic is not as scary as it may seem. If you understand the meaning of road signs, you can organize your own actions.

Road pictures are different for each age category. Children learn in the presence of an adult, who prompts actions and explains signs.

Pictures of traffic rules for children

This is a fun activity for different age groups, which at the same time brings great benefits. Every child, just starting to walk, becomes a participant in traffic - goes to kindergarten or school, walks in the yard, learns to ride a bicycle. Studying from strict books is boring and difficult, so as an alternative we offer bright drawings with clear messages.

The learning process attracts the child with its accessibility and diversity. Any adult can help understand the images by adding examples from personal experience to the drawing. As a result, confidence in himself and his actions in any situation is formed, he will not be confused or scared at the sight of a moving car and will know what to do at a pedestrian crossing. Traffic rules drawings are quick answers to children's questions.

Road alphabet in pictures

This is play-style learning. Vivid images are better remembered and attract children's attention better than dry texts and abstruse phrases. This alphabet has a dual function - visual teaching of literacy plus familiarization with road traffic and its participants. The child will easily remember the order of letters in the alphabet and their spelling, and will also know the designations of markings, signs, vehicles, etc.

The participation of an adult in the process of learning the alphabet can only be limited to testing the acquired knowledge. Colorful pictures and simple explanations are learned by children of different ages. As a result, the child is well oriented in traffic situations, learns in which places to cross the road, and will be able to distinguish between traffic lights and road sign designations.

PROJECT Topic: Didactic game - layout according to traffic rules “Road rules - follow the rules”

Regional competition of professional skills of preschool education teachers

"Methodological development - 2021"


Topic: Didactic game - layout on traffic rules “Road rules - follow the rules”

Author: Kobeleva Maria Alexandrovna


MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 28"



We all live in a society where we must comply with certain norms and rules of behavior, including in traffic conditions. Statistics show that very often the cause of road accidents is children who play near roads or cross the street in the wrong places. These violations are caused by basic ignorance of the rules of the road and the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the road. Another reason is that preschoolers do not yet sufficiently know how to control their behavior; they have not yet developed the ability to foresee possible danger, so they serenely run out onto the road. The flow of traffic on our streets increases every year. Pedestrians do not always feel safe. Among the pedestrians are children. A child is an explorer who is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something new and unusual, he finds himself in life-threatening situations. Today, the kindergarten strives to provide its pupils with a high-quality, universal education, to ensure a high level of general culture, including a culture of behavior on the road. However, preschool children are a special category of pedestrians and passengers. They cannot be approached with the same standards as adults, because for them a literal interpretation of the Rules of the Road is unacceptable, and the normative presentation of the responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers in road vocabulary inaccessible to them requires abstract thinking from preschoolers and complicates the process of learning and education. It is important to teach children safe behavior on the streets and traffic rules from an early age. And for this it is necessary that parents, preschool institutions, and subsequently the school take an active part in this. Taking into account the age of preschool children, they should be taught the Rules of safe behavior on the roads through didactic games and exercises, outdoor games, role-playing games on sites according to traffic rules and using other forms and methods of work. Habits established in childhood remain for life, so one of the important problems in ensuring road safety is the prevention of children's road injuries in preschool institutions. Studying the Rules of the Road and developing in children a conscious desire to comply with them is one of the main tasks today. Road safety is currently one of the most important problems. As the number of cars on the roads increases, the number of traffic accidents increases. Unfortunately, they also happen with the participation of preschool children. Often a child underestimates the real danger that threatens him on the road, which is why he treats traffic rules without due attention.

Non-existent road signs

This is a great conceptual way to develop a child's understanding of the world. Based on simple drawings, the child develops logical thinking, associative perception, and adapts to social life. Road traffic is an integral part of modernity, vehicles and pedestrians intersect everywhere. Understanding the basics of traffic rules means being safe.

Pictures with non-existent road signs are beneficial because they develop in the child an idea of ​​real symbols that need to be followed. At the same time, fantasy develops thanks to imaginary objects. Children easily reproduce or invent new colorful images. This learning process is built in a game format and is preparatory to further study of the signs from the Rules.

Do-it-yourself traffic rules layout for kindergarten with photo

Didactic manual on traffic rules for preschoolers
Author: Khamidullina Aigul Suleymanovna, teacher at MBDOU kindergarten No. 3, village. Kandra "Preschool educational institution s. Bishkuraevo", Republic of Belarus Tuymazinsky district. Description: This master class is for preschool teachers. Purpose: The layout will be useful to educators during safety classes in preschool educational institutions. Goal: Making a model according to traffic rules for the kindergarten "Gorodok" Task: To train teachers in the step-by-step production of a model from waste material with their own hands.
Master class with step-by-step photos. "Layout according to traffic rules"

For work we will need the following materials and tools: - boxes of different sizes (for tea, toothpaste, cookies, cream, etc.); - self-adhesive paper of different colors (the advantage of this paper is that when dust settles, you can easily and quickly remove it with a damp cloth); - scissors; - a simple pencil; - black marker; - Double-sided tape; - cardboard (old boxes) - cardboard, plastic bottle caps, ice cream sticks (for making traffic signs)


1. We make the base of the layout using any large-sized cardboard (I used a TV box) and self-adhesive paper: blue (sky), gray (asphalt), green (grass), white (clouds, zebra), multi-colored (flowers) and so on further at your discretion.

2. Making houses and buildings in our town: we cover boxes (of different sizes) with this paper, each building has its own color as desired (hospital, pharmacy, houses, train station, kindergarten, school, and so on). Then we cut out squares (rectangles) from colored paper and glue the windows and doors onto the houses, make inscriptions as desired (you don’t have to) Draw frames on the windows using a black marker.

3. We place houses and buildings on the base if desired (you can put them on double-sided tape so they don’t fall). 4. We supplement the layout with ready-made parts: houses (imitation of country houses), trees (from Lego) 5. We continue to supplement the layout with the main details: transport, road signs. If you don’t have any ready-made ones, you can make them yourself from cardboard and lids: The layout is ready. Thank you for your attention! I will be very glad if my idea is useful!

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