Application classes in the preparatory group of a kindergarten on the topic “Domestic and wild animals”
Penguin applique master class Children love not only animals from hot countries or pets, but
Presentation on the topic “All kinds of mothers are important, all kinds of mothers are needed!!!” for children 6-7 years old
Leave your comment In Russia, the number of second-shift students has increased Reading time: 1
Studying geometric shapes in classes in groups of preschool educational institutions
A great variety of lesson notes, GCD; homemade didactic games and construction kits aimed at developing mathematical skills
Pedagogical project “Formation of tolerance in children of senior preschool age”
Relevance of the project. In the context of humanization and democratization of society, the problem of tolerance is very relevant, since
Copybooks with block letters
Recipes for preschoolers
Copybooks for preschoolers - letters and numbers All kinds of copybooks with capital letters and numbers
Organizing meals in kindergarten: methods and nuances. consultation
Diet in kindergarten Meals in kindergartens are designed taking into account age characteristics
Outline of the lesson “Travel to the Land of Singing”
Summary of a music lesson in a senior group using singing technology. Summary of a music lesson in
Sand painting table diagram
Drawing with sand is a developing factor in a child’s artistic and aesthetic perception
Who in childhood did not freeze on the street for half an hour, and someone longer, looking at all sorts of
Boy and girl taking care of an aquarium
Summary of collective work in the preparatory group
Types and forms of labor activity in the preparatory group Labor education runs through the red line
Summary of the drawing lesson “Striped rug”. Drawing a rug in the middle group
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “The Carpet of the Evil and the Good Wizard” Sections: Work
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