Applique fruit from plasticine, circles and scraps of paper using different techniques
Application with plasticine Children at two years old do not yet know how to hold scissors and
Workshop “Organization of project activities in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in preschool educational institutions”
Home Let's decide together Can't enroll your child in kindergarten? Would you like to tell us about the teachers? You know,
Self-analysis on the topic: Formation of environmental culture in preschool children through the inclusion of research elements in play activities
Conducting self-analysis Self-analysis should include the following points: goal; tasks; Preparation; communication part; physical
Lesson summary “Journey through the fairy tale “Three Bears””
Summary of the didactic game in the first junior group “Three Bears” Title: Summary of the didactic game “Three
How to celebrate the New Year
New Year's party "Who was walking under the Christmas tree and lost their mittens?"
Scenario for a New Year's party for young children 2-3 years old. New Year's party for early children
Abstract of GCD on drawing with elements of homeland studies “Drawing city houses”
Notes on drawing on the topic “My Home” author: Somova Svetlana Aleksandrovna Educator MBDOU
Scientific and practical conference for preschoolers
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF "Children's scientific and practical conference is an effective form of educational activity for the formation of prerequisites
Conversation in the middle group “Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods”
Conversations with children lesson plan (middle group) on the topic
Conversation. Conducting conversations - Educational conversation “If you want to be healthy” for children 6–6.5 years old
Didactic games and exercises for older preschoolers on the topic “Flowers” ​​educational and methodological material on the world around us (preparatory group)
Preparatory group We offer games to consolidate and generalize knowledge about flora, expand horizons, and develop
Project in the middle group on the topic: “Houseplants are our friends”
A fairy tale about houseplants for preschoolers A fairy tale for children 5-7 years old An educational fairy tale for
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