Summary of the plot-role-playing game “Family” in the middle group.

Summary of the plot-role-playing game “Family” in the middle group.


Okay, let's go by bus.
But then we need another driver. Children choose a driver.

Okay, let's start the game then.

Dad, mom and children live in a house. In the morning, mother and daughter prepare breakfast.


good morning daughter! How did you sleep: What dreams did you have?

- While dad and his brothers are sleeping, you and I, daughter, will serve breakfast. Let's take a tablecloth and arrange the dishes. What kind of dishes do we need for tea?

- That's right, go get it. What did you bring? Oh, you are my smart assistant.

- Let's put out another sugar bowl, a box of chocolates, cookies.

Dad wakes up with the other children, the whole family has breakfast and gets ready to visit.

Before leaving the house, mother reminds children of the rules of behavior. Reminds them that they will get off the bus at the stop: “Babushkino.” And they go on a visit, or rather, first they go to the bus stop. An improvised bus arrives. Mother:

We carefully board the bus.
Be careful, the doors are closing, the next station is “Kindergarten.”
The bus circles around and stops. Driver:
Be careful, the doors are opening, the Babushkino stop.
We get off the bus carefully, without jostling, we help each other.
We got off the makeshift bus.
Dad suggests going to the store and buying gifts for grandma.
Children, hold hands, let's go to the store, but there is a roadway ahead.
What do we need to do in order to cross the road? Children:
First, you need to look in one direction to see if there are any cars, then in the other, and only after that we cross the road.
Well done, right.
We go to the store. The children greeted the seller. - Hello. We need gifts for grandma. Seller:
Hello, please choose.
Children and parents choose a box of Choco Pie, a pack of tea and a box of Raffaello. They approach the cash register. Mom turns to the seller: Please count how much we owe you. Seller:
Thank you for your purchase, yours is 236 rubles.
Mom pays the seller and they leave the store. They go to grandma.
They approach the house. The doorbell rings. Grandfather opens the door. - Hello, my dears, come in.
Grandfather and dad shake hands. Everyone enters the house and is greeted by their grandmother. Hugging with grandchildren, with mother. Grandma:
Come on in, come on in.
You are probably tired from the road. Have a seat. I’ll put the samovar on now (grandmother, it’s supposed to be put on the samovar). Coming back. Well, tell me how you are doing, how are you doing at school, in kindergarten? Grandchildren:
Grandma, please take it, we brought you some gifts for tea.
Thank you very much.
While the samovar is boiling, they talk. Then they all drink tea with sushi and cakes together. Grandchildren:
Grandma, how is your health?
everything is fine, nothing seems to hurt yet.
Grandma, maybe you need help?
no, drink tea and you can go play with the neighbor kids, while mom and I will prepare lunch.
And grandpa and dad will go to the store for groceries, I’ll write them a list now. Grandfather:
I can’t, because I already have to go to work.
Says goodbye to everyone and leaves. If I have time, maybe we'll meet for lunch. Grandmother:
Then dad will go to the store.
Okay, I'll go.
Write a list. Mom:
Kids, what do you want for lunch?
I want pies;
and I want a sausage. Mom:
Okay, if you've had tea, then go play. Children leave the table and invite all the other children to play. And mom and grandma start preparing dinner.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF




  • Chentsova O.N.
  • Khokhlova G.T.

teachers of MBDOU "Combined kindergarten No. 31 "Scarlet Flower" Gubkin, Belgorod region


  • consolidate knowledge about the profession of a cook - pastry chef, waiter, the purpose of a cafe
  • develop skills in constructing a game plot, conducting game dialogue, playing a role in accordance with the plot
  • develop imagination, speech, communication skills
  • create a sense of collectivism.

Roles: waiter, pastry chef, security guard

Game actions:

  1. Menu selection
  2. Accepting an order
  3. Service
  4. Payment for the order

Subject-game environment:

  1. Dishes, trays
  2. Menu
  3. Food replicas
  4. Calculator
  5. Cash machine
  6. Phone and walkie-talkie for security guard



— expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about working in a photo studio, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other, teach gratitude for the help and service provided.

Roles: administrator, photographer

Game actions:

  1. Selecting a photo
  2. Accepting an order
  3. Working with the administrator (thanks)
  4. Payment for the order
  5. Photo posing

Subject-game environment:

  1. Cameras
  2. Photo catalogs
  3. Easel (panel)
  4. Computer
  5. Envelopes
  6. Photos
  7. Receipts



  • encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games
  • improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot

- to form valuable moral feelings (humanity, love, sympathy, etc.).

Roles: mom, dad, son

Preliminary work: conversations, excursions to a photo studio, cafe, looking at illustrations, reading fiction.

Preparing for the game: joint production of attributes.

Progress of the game

In order to develop the game, the teacher reveals the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to one’s responsibilities, mutual assistance, and the collective nature of work.

The teacher encourages children to creatively reproduce the atmosphere of a photo studio, cafe, or car ride. Roles are assigned. The teacher invites the “family” to depict one of their family’s weekends in the game.


Today we will play the game "Our Family's Day Off" .

Let's distribute the roles. Who wants to be who? (Children choose roles).


Early in the autumn morning, the family of Seeds and Veronica decided... (Children conduct a dialogue).

“Mom” , “dad” and “son” get into the car and go to the photo studio. There they are met by an “administrator” with whom they place an order after viewing sample photographs. The “administrator” accompanies the “family” to the “photographer” , where the photography takes place.

The “administrator” issues a receipt and sees off the clients. The "family" goes to the "cafe" . They are met by a security guard and escorted into the hall. The “waiter” offers to go to the table and brings the menu. "Family" makes an order. The "waiter" serves customers. After eating, the “family” receives the bill, pays, thanks the cafe workers for the good service, and returns to the photo studio for photographs.

The “administrator” issues photos. The “family” looks at the photographs, thanks the photo studio workers and returns home in their car.

Result: upon returning home, “family members” share their impressions of the day off spent together.


Did you like the game?

Where did you like it better: a photo studio or a cafe?

Shall we play this game again?

Who wants to be who next time?

Next >

Card index of the plot-role-playing game “Family” card index (senior group)

Card index of the role-playing game “Family”

Kharaltsova M.A.


  1. To develop the ability to build a game according to a pre-compiled, collective plan - plot.
  2. Teach fairly, distribute roles in games.
  3. Continue to form friendly relationships, the ability to consider the interests of peers.
  4. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot.
  5. To form an idea of ​​collective housekeeping, family relationships, joint leisure activities, to cultivate love, a friendly, caring attitude towards family members, and interest in their activities.
  6. Develop dialogic speech during the game.
  7. Continue to teach children to find a way out of problematic situations.
  8. Continue to develop established types of children's play, complicating and improving the ability to identify.


Goal: To encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games.

To develop children’s ability to prepare the environment for play, select substitute objects and attributes. Expand children’s understanding of their parents’ work activities. Form positive relationships between children.

Game situation “Mom Dad, I am a friendly family”

Problem situation: Adult (mother, child (father, grandfather, grandmother, son, daughter). The adult offers to play family, I will be the mother - prepare dinner, and you will help me. In the future, the main role will be given to the child.

Dictionary: father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter, house, lives, family.

*Looking at the illustrations “Family”.

Goal: name the people depicted and their actions and correlate the actions with the actions of the parents’ house, etc.

Vocabulary: dad, mom, grandma, grandpa, bakes, washes, house, pies.

*Reading of the poem: “Happy Siskins” by D. Kharms

* Story from personal experience “my favorite toy”

Attributes: game, apron, photographs.

The role of the educator: The educator, as an equal partner or plays a secondary role, influences the change in the course of the game.

Creating emotional comfort in the game. Clarify and expand the motivation for children's activities

Game situation “Getting ready for kindergarten”

Problem situation: mother (child) gets the child ready for kindergarten, child (adult or doll).

Conversation “How we spend our days off”;

Writing a story from personal experience.

Reading a poem: Kindergarten" O. Vysotskaya

Vocabulary: cribs, house, table, chairs, dresses, bows, shoes.

Attributes: playroom, stove, kitchen corner, table, dishes.

The role of the educator: The educator, as an equal partner or plays a secondary role, influences the change in the course of the game.

Creating emotional comfort in the game.

Clarify and expand the motivation for children's activities

Game situation “Let’s help mom wash her clothes.”

Problem situation: the doll Masha arrived in a dirty dress, what should I do? what to do? The adult offers to wash the clothes, and as the plot develops, he offers to dry, iron, and dress the doll in different clothes.

Reading fiction and looking at illustrations on the theme “Family”: E. Blaginina “Alyonushka”

D. Game “Bathing my son”

Goal: to develop children’s ability to bathe dolls, consistently perform a chain of play actions, and accompany actions with speech, facial expressions, and gestures. To develop the ability to convey an attitude towards a doll as a child, to express affection, to understand its state (cheerful, sad, cold or warm, etc.)

Making substitute items.

Attributes: game, doll, doll clothes, bath, towel.

The role of the educator: The educator, as an equal partner or plays a secondary role, influences the change in the course of the game.

Creating emotional comfort in the game.

Clarify and expand the motivation for children's activities

Game situation: “Let’s help mom cook dinner”

Problem situation: He offers to feed the boys (or dolls) a delicious lunch, but the adult doesn’t remember where to start. He asks the children if they saw their mothers preparing lunch. And he offers to cook too.

Drawing “Compote in a jar.”

Reading "Mom Cooked Lunch"

Conversation (story from personal experience): “When I was little...”

Attributes: game, doll, dishes, tablecloth, vegetables and fruits.

The role of the educator: The educator, as an equal partner or plays a secondary role, influences the change in the course of the game.

Creating emotional comfort in the game.

Clarify and expand the motivation for children's activities


Goal: To improve the ability to independently create a play environment for a planned plot, to use toys as substitutes for their intended purpose. Strengthen the ability to perform a series of sequential actions. Develop the ability to keep order, after playing, put all the toys in their place, and share them with each other.


Goal: To form and cultivate in children a positive attitude towards family members, to teach them to do good deeds, and to enrich children’s knowledge about family ties. Teach children to combine simple plots together and promote the formation of playful actions. Develop the ability to play together and share toys. Form friendly relationships, the ability to take into account the interests of other people.


Goal: To enrich the social and gaming experience of children according to the plot “Family” according to the situation. Encourage independent distribution of roles. Continue to teach how to choose a convenient place for play and organize the play environment, select the necessary play material. Form friendly relationships. Strengthen the ability to perform a series of sequential actions, maintain interest in joint gaming activities.

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