Thematic role-playing game “Birthday” The game reflects children’s knowledge about the content of joint work of family members
The main content of the answer. 1. Goals and objectives of speech development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions 1. Goals
Long-term plan for working with parents in the middle group for a year Long-term plan for working with
Summary of the organization and management of didactic games with children of the middle group Author: Vyrodova Alexandra Nikolaevna
Long-term planning for reading fiction in the preparatory group Olga Kopylova Long-term planning for
Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and aesthetic development, physical development. Target:
Short-term project in a preschool educational institution for the senior group “We advise everyone to be friends” Relevance: in senior preschool
Musical and rhythmic movements in kindergarten Polina Levchikova Musical and rhythmic movements in kindergarten Methodical recommendations