Resources of cognitive and research activities for the development of preschoolers
The child learns well what he is interested in on his own initiative and does it himself. This is facilitated by
Complex thematic planning of situational conversations in the preparatory group
Card index of morning conversations of the preparatory group Svetlana Chernova Card index of morning conversations of the preparatory group Expand ideas
Methodological development on the topic “Parents meeting in preschool educational institutions”
Notes and plans for parent meetings Contained in the sections: Working with parents. Interaction with families
Summaries of non-traditional physical education classes by age
Article: “Physical education in kindergarten” Starting from the second junior group, three are planned
Long-term design planning senior group
Abstract of OOD designing “Houses” in the senior group Abstract of GCD Educational area: construction Topic: “Houses”
Structure and methodology of morning exercises in all age groups of preschool educational institutions
Methodology for conducting morning exercises in preschool educational institutions Morning exercises in kindergarten Age Number of outdoor devices
Card file of physical education minutes for the preparatory group of kindergarten (6–7 years old)
“Artists” For younger schoolchildren, it is advisable to conduct additional physical exercises in reading, writing, and mathematics lessons aimed at
Card file of morning exercise complexes preparatory group
Complexes of morning exercises in the senior preparatory group card index (senior group) on the topic Complexes of morning exercises
Modern forms of working with parents in preschool institutions
3 ways to publish an article to a teacher (for successful certification)
The magazine “Preschool Education” is well known to all kindergartens. And it is prestigious to publish material in it.
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