Article on the topic “The meaning of fairy tales in a child’s life.” article on the topic
Article on the topic “The meaning of fairy tales in a child’s life.” article on the topic Article on the topic: “The meaning
Podsinkovskaya rural library
Article “Creating a library in kindergarten” (work experience). Author: Mavlyutva Ilseyar Nazylovna
Article “Creating a library in kindergarten” (work experience). Author: Mavlyutva Ilseyar Nazylovna Work experience “Creation
“Wild animals.” outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic
Conversation with children of the preparatory group. Wild animals in winter Summary of educational activities for the implementation of the NGO "Cognitive
plasticine model
"Mysteries of nature: volcanoes." GCD for experimental activities of children of senior preschool age
All you need For the experiment you will need some household chemicals and decorative elements to create
Speech therapy notes for classes with children in the younger group
Speech therapy exercises for children 2-3 years old In the second, third year, you can do
logic for children 7-8 years old
How to develop thinking? Part 1. How to develop thinking in a child
The article presents general recommendations and time-tested practical advice on how to develop
Child plays fireman
Card index of games on fire safety rules card index (preparatory group) on the topic
It is no secret that fires most often occur due to the carelessness of people, and the most careless
Children perform kinesiological gymnastics
What are kinesiological exercises and how are they useful for preschoolers?
Kinesiology is the science of developing our brain through movement. Her techniques can be
Experience of a preschool educational institution: Modeling technology when introducing preschool children to the basics of geography.
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Using layouts in preschool educational institutions as an innovative technology for the cognitive development of preschool children Author: Pastukhova
interaction between teacher and parents
Interaction between teacher and parents in kindergarten
For every child, the preschool period is a very important time in life. In it
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