Environmental project in the middle group “Wintering birds of our region”
Environmental project in the middle group “Help wintering birds” Environmental project in the middle group “Help
Why do we get animals?
Information for parents of the preparatory group on the lexical topic “Pets”
Theme of the week “Pets” Children should know: - names of domestic animals: cow, cat, dog,
Card file of observations in the fall for the preparatory group
Kindergarten lesson notes. Life of insects in autumn Contents Lesson notes in kindergarten.
Quiz for children of senior preschool age “Wintering birds”
Quiz “Bird Experts” for preschool children of the preparatory group Game summary - quizzes about birds
Fairy tale therapy: raising children through fairy tales
How magic helps educate. Education with a fairy tale
We all come from childhood. Almost everyone listened to bedtime stories and imagined themselves as participants
The use of the project method in the work of a music director, as one of the methods of integrated teaching of preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
American Magpie
About the magpie who never said “please” to anyone
Species - Advertising - The genus Soroka includes three species: Pica hudsonia -
Vegetable garden on the window
Educational and research project “Miracle garden on the windowsill” in the junior group of kindergarten
Educational and research project “Miracle garden on the windowsill” in the junior group of kindergarten Project goal: education of environmental
Creating conditions for the active involvement of parents in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
Innovative forms of work with parents of the class teacher Innovative forms of work with parents Efficiency of education
How to develop a child at 2 years old
Developmental activities for young children 2-3 years old
A small child can be compared to a piece of clay: whatever you mold from it is what it is.
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