Do-it-yourself non-traditional physical education equipment in kindergarten – Do-it-yourself non-standard physical education equipment in kindergarten
Do-it-yourself non-standard physical education equipment in kindergarten Contents It is very important for every parent to
Photo catalog “Modern kindergarten - a space for the development of young children” (developing environment of the 2nd junior group)
You can listen to this article in full on our podcast: We suggest considering measures to ensure
Abstract OOD application senior group “Cars driving through the city”
Ideas for the middle group For older children, you can diversify and complicate the creation process
Summary of the lesson of a teacher-psychologist in the junior group “Polite Bear”
Summary of a lesson with children of the second younger group using relaxation exercises. Lesson with
Visual technologies in the creative development of preschool children
When teachers begin to use innovative technologies in their work, as such are commonly called
How to celebrate Preschool Worker's Day
Scenario for the holiday “Preschool Worker’s Day”
How is Preschool Worker's Day celebrated in Russia? On Preschool Worker's Day, it is customary to congratulate
Card index of ecology experiments for senior preschool age
Card file of experiments on ecology for senior preschool age Municipal state preschool educational institution of Kuibyshevsky
Exercising after a nap. Cards for middle and senior groups
Card file of gymnastics after sleep with pictures September 1-2 weeks Complex No. 1 “Cheerful Kitten” 1.I.p.-
Consultation “Development of fine motor skills with the help of clothespins”
What is the use of clothespins? Ordinary clothespins can be an excellent play simulator and educational
Observing clouds with children. Lesson notes.
Summary of the integrated lesson “Clouds - white-winged horses” in the first junior group
Alphabetical physical minutes material on the topic PHYSICAL MINUTES A A is the beginning of the alphabet, That’s what she’s famous for. And find out
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