Drawing lesson in the senior group of a preschool educational institution on the topic “Flowers for Mom”
GCD objectives and required materials The purpose of this lesson is to develop skills in reproducing flower images
“Drawing birds” outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic
Specifics of drawing birds in the senior group of preschool educational institutions Children 5–6 years old are able to create beautiful, expressive
"Didactic games for preschool children on art activities"
Didactic games on visual arts in the senior group Task: The teacher shows the children a picture and
Making the sound “R” in children
Lesson summary/lesson cycle Staging, automation and differentiation of sound [P]plan-summary on the topic
The foundations of correct pronunciation begin to be laid in childhood. If the child has any speech defects,
Summary of educational activities for visual activities for children of the senior group. Topic: Modeling “Kitten”.
Stage of preparation for the lesson “Child and Kitten” Before giving the figure any pose, you need to sculpt
“We develop by playing.” Educational and methodological manual for educators and parents of children.
“We develop by playing.” Educational and methodological manual for educators and parents of children.
“We develop by playing.” Educational and methodological manual for educators and parents of children. Elena Valentinovna Voronina “We develop by playing.”
Didactic games and aids for speech development of children of senior preschool age
“Speech therapy alphabet” (Ozone) I don’t particularly like the pictures in this book (animals are still tolerable,
Sound and letter Oplan-summary of a literacy lesson (senior group)
Goals and objectives The main goal of the classes is for the child to master the rules of writing the letter E and
Card index of educational logic games for older preschoolers
Finding errors and inconsistencies These tasks are an excellent tool for training attention and not
Ecological lesson in the preparatory group “Trees are our friends”
LiveInternetLiveInternet Quote from Tatyana57 Read in full To your quote book or community! SPEECH DEVELOPMENT. LEXICAL TOPIC
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