Pedagogical technology: concept and classification
Updated July 20, 2022 570 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. Daily
Summary of a lesson on the basics of literacy for children 5-6 years old on the topic “Sentence. Offer scheme"
Goals and objectives The goal of the game “Make a sentence” is the development of lexical elements of speech, improvement of grammatical
Methods of working with fabric with preschool children.
How to design a collection of fabrics Anna Sokolova How to design a collection of fabrics A collection of fabrics must be present
How to draw a clown with paints and pencils: the subtleties of drawing and the rules for creating a sketch step by step
Children adore clowns; they amaze with their bright costumes, funny actions and jokes. The nature
GCD drawing in the middle group “Starry sky” (non-traditional technique)
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Program Content: Teach children to lightly press with a finger on
Presentation on life safety.
Presentation on the topic “Rules of conduct in the forest” for preschool children
Presentation on the topic “Rules of conduct in the forest” for preschool children. Publications on the topic:
Lesson summary of the conversation on the topic “Forest - multi-storey building” in the preparatory group
Conversation about the forest in the preparatory group Synopsis of a conversation about the forest for children 5-7 years old
Forms and methods of cognitive development of a preschooler. article (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group)
Home › Preschool children › Development of creative abilities Author of the article Tatyana Stanislavovna Kurtsaeva
Sports fun with parents (middle group)
Sport family. Scenarios for family sports entertainment MAAM teachers have accumulated a wealth of positive experience in conducting such competitions,
Top 7 sports activities for the whole family on
Summary of the sports festival together with parents “Family Starts”
Top 7 sports activities for the whole family Working parents and busy children find it very difficult
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