Card file of fairy tales for dramatization in kindergarten for speech development (2nd group) teaching aid (junior group)

Summary of staging a song in one of the types of theater in the first junior group

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Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok” in the second junior group

Summary of the dramatization of the fairy tale " Teremok "

the second younger group
1. Teach children to imitate the characteristic actions of characters in a fairy tale

2. contribute to the formation of children’s ability to convey the emotional states of characters using means of expression - facial expressions, gestures, movements.

3. Practice onomatopoeia.

4. Evoke an emotional response in children when independently performing the roles of familiar characters.

5. To stimulate interest in theatrical and gaming activities, to create the necessary conditions for its implementation;

6. Improve children’s dialogical speech and ability to cooperate with each other

1. Develop auditory attention, imagination, interest in performing arts

2. Continue to develop memory, thinking, and artistic abilities.

3. Develop the ability to coordinate actions with other children - the heroes of the fairy tale ;

4. Develop children’s active vocabulary and dialogical speech.

1. Continue to cultivate a love for Russian folk tales

2. To foster friendly relationships, goodwill, and a desire to help younger help create a joyful emotional mood in children.

Preliminary work: introducing children to CNT, reading RNS, fairy tales Teremok

, looking at illustrations, playing onomatopoeia games,
dramatizing a fairy tale , playing with a large builder.

Fairy tale script for dramatization by children of the 2nd junior group of a preschool educational institution

Author: Svetlana Nikolaevna Kryuchkova, music director of MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 “Northern Fairy Tale”, Petrozavodsk

Goal: fostering love and respect for loved ones

Objectives: - to reinforce the rules of good behavior - to develop creative abilities - to learn to play the roles of the proposed characters, conveying the desired image

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the author’s fairy tale “The Tale of a Cat with Kittens and a Hen with Kittens.” It can be included in the program of the matinee dedicated to March 8 or Mother's Day. A group of children is divided into 2 subgroups - one plays the role of chickens, the other - kittens. Teachers play the roles of Cat and Chicken.

Presenter: Near the distant forest On a bright edge Two beautiful huts stood side by side.

In the first hut, on the right at the edge of the forest, there lived a Hen with the children, Yellow chickens.

The chicken walked around the yard, taught the chickens to look for worms. The chickens pecked the grains and sang songs with their mother.

Song "Chickens"

The kids lived together here with their mother, the Chicken Chick. They didn’t upset their mother, they always helped Mom.

And in another hut, on the left at the edge of the forest, there lived a little cat with the guys, fluffy kittens.

The cat walked quietly around the yard, teaching the mice to catch kittens. The kittens ran, played, and danced with their mother cat.

"Dance of Kittens"

The kittens adored their mother, but they often offended her. Often they didn’t listen to their mother, the kittens were stubborn.

Cat: Hello, mother hen - I am the Cat, Shall we go for a walk a little? Noisy kittens hurt my poor head in the morning. Hen (chicks)

: My dear children, Favorite chicks. I'll take a walk a little, and you look out the window!

(Cat and Chicken go for a walk to the music)

Host: Kittens and chicks, What if you Bake pies for your Dear Mothers?

(the chickens “bake” a pie and sing the song “Let’s Bake a Pie” )

and after the dance, the kittens have fun and indulge in fun music)

My dear children, My yellow chickens, Thank you for the pie, I love you very much!

Chickens: After all, there is no dearer in the whole world than mother. Presenter: Always remember this, Dear children!

Song "Mommy's Beloved"


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