Dramatization of fairy tales in kindergarten in the senior group: recommendations for the teacher

Psychological characteristics of children in the senior group of kindergarten

By the age of five, a child already knows and can do a lot. At this age, memory is quite well developed. However, the most interesting things perceived on an emotional level are remembered more firmly. An older preschooler has a clear understanding of all types of emotions. He develops various feelings: curiosity, a sense of humor, surprise, a sense of beauty, pride, friendship, etc.

Children aged 5-6 years show creative activity in various fields of activity. The development of fantasy and imagination is often expressed in the composition of funny stories. With all this, the child is attentive to any comments from the adult and tries to act, guided by his advice.

The natural characteristics of an older preschooler create favorable conditions for successful performances.

A theatrical dramatization of a fairy tale for children aged 5-7 years in kindergarten. Scenario

Theatrical dramatization in verse based on the poem by S. Mikhalkov and the fairy tale “The Hare is a Tailor” by M. Yu. Kartushina.
Senior - preparatory group Author: Valentina Pavlovna Voskresenskaya, teacher, GBOU School No. 121 d/o 28A, Moscow Purpose: This material will be useful for educators working with children 5-7 years old, for teachers of grades 1-3, for parents. The fairy tale can be shown by older children for kids, or can be one of the numbers in spring scenarios. Description: A fairy tale about a kind, hardworking Bunny who knew how to sew. The animals found out about this and brought him orders, which he conscientiously fulfills, trying to please everyone. The animals are grateful to him. Friendship brings you closer. Everyone then has fun, dances, and welcomes spring. Goal: Creating conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities. Tasks. 1. Improve children’s ability to convey the images of fairy tale characters. 2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the tailor’s profession. 3. Promote the development of dialogical speech, develop the ability to pronounce words clearly and distinctly, develop intonation expressiveness and memory. 4. Develop the ability to hold yourself freely when performing. 5.Form friendly relationships. 6. Foster honesty and responsibility in relation to your promises and words.

Characters: Presenter, Hare, Dog Barbos, Hedgehog, Mouse, Vaska the Cat, 3 Little Pigs, Frog, Fox There is a house in the clearing, with a sign on it “Hare - Tailor”. A Hare sits at a table in front of the house, he has a centimeter on his neck, like a real tailor, on the table there is a sewing machine, fabric, and scissors. The presenter. -Why has everything changed? Why did everything sparkle? Did you laugh and sing? Well, tell me, what's the matter? Children. -It’s so easy to understand: Spring has come to us again! Leading. -Nature is waking up. This happens year after year: Updates his outfit. The animals also all want to update their outfit. See: “The Tale of the Hare, who knew how to sew and wanted to please everyone.” -In a clearing, in a forest, Under a tall pine tree, A wonderful, painted house. And he lives in that house, the gray hare everyone knows - a wonderful tailor. Hare. -Yes, I am not a simple Hare, I am the best tailor. Animals, what should I sew for you? I will accept any order. Leading. - Spring has come to the forest - it’s red, And everyone has no time for sleep: I want to be beautiful - I need to hurry to the Bunny. The news flew through the forest, reached the village, and Barbos found out about it: He was the first to bring his order. Barbos the dog. -I am a shaggy and shaggy Dog Barbos. Very brave and courageous Dog Barbos. I guard the owner's yard, Woof - woof - woof. I bark angrily at strangers Woof-woof-woof. I guard the flock in the field, I serve faithfully. (Knocks on the Hare)
- Hello, Zainka - oblique!
I heard that you are a tailor? Hare. - That's right, I can sew everything. I try to please everyone. Barbos the dog. -I guard the herd in the field. At work day and night. I need a warm hat. Can you, Hare, help me? Hare. -Can! In a day or two I will finish my work. You come to my house for a hat on Saturday. (The hare takes measurements, the dog Barbos leaves) Presenter. -The shaggy dog ​​is waiting for a hat, the Hare is sewing day and night. And through the forest without paths, the Hedgehog hobbles towards him. Hedgehog. -Hello, Zainka, I’m the Hedgehog! I have 2 pairs of legs. I really need shoes, because the weather is cold. Hare. -Sorry, dear Hedgehog, I have never sewn boots. Do you see the sign hanging? This sign says that he lives in the wilderness of the forest, Not a shoemaker, but a tailor. (The sad Hedgehog leaves, the Hare continues to sew) Presenter. - The fashionable mouse is running, also in a hurry to the Bunny. Mouse. -I am a big fashionista, my dress rustles. The new umbrella is blue, and there is a big bow on the hat. I’m such a mouse, just laughing, I decided to surprise everyone. (Knocks on the Bunny)
- Hello, Bunny - oblique!
I heard you are a tailor? Sew me a skirt, please, I’m in a hurry to go to the circus today. (The hare begins to take measurements) Presenter. -Suddenly Vaska appeared - the Cat, walking towards the house. The mouse saw Vaska, got scared, trembled, threw away her bag and gloves, and rushed off without looking back. (The mouse runs away) Vaska the cat. -Hare, my greetings to you! Do you recognize me or not? Hare. - Well, I remember you used to stay with me a lot. Cat. -You see, I’m so fluffy, neat, very clean. To keep the fur from getting dusty, I ask you to sew a raincoat for me. Hare. - I’ll sew you a beautiful cloak, I’ll try, I’ll make it, and I’ll gladly give it to you, dear friend. (The hare takes measurements, the cat leaves) Presenter. -And then the piglets came running from the garden. Piglets. - Hello, Zainka - oblique! We heard you are a tailor? Hare. -I am ready to serve everyone. Are you telling me what to sew for you? Piglets. 1. Pants for me. 2. I need a vest. 3. And for me - a pink beret. Hare. -I will try for you, I will quickly complete the order. (The hare takes his measurements and sits down to sew, and the piglets start dancing) The piglets sing and dance. -The hare will sew us a vest, and pants, and a beret. There are no more friendly piglets, No better - yes! (Run away) Presenter. -And the frog heard it and also jumped to the Hare. Frog. - Hello, Zainka - oblique! I heard you are a tailor? Sew me some gloves, Zainka. My paws are very cold. Hare. -Fine! I know how to sew, I'll try to please! (Takes measurements, the frog jumps away) Presenter. -The hare is sewing, in a hurry, busy, the tailor wants to please everyone. When Saturday arrived, the Dog came running for his hat. Dog. - Hello, Zainka, neighbor. Did you sew me a hat or not? Hare. The hat is ready, get it, You better protect the herd! Dog. Thank you, Zainka-friend, a pie with cabbage for you. Cat - Hello, dear Bunny, Is my raincoat ready? Hare. Here is your raincoat, take it, and remember the tailor. Cat. -Thank you, Zainka is a boy, and here is a stump from me. (The cat leaves, the piglets run out with carrots) Piglets. - Hello, Bunny, this time we came to pick up the order. Hare. -Here are the pants, here is the vest, and here is the pink beret. Piglets. -And we brought you some sweet carrots straight from the garden. Hare. -Thank you, piglets, friendly guys. Leading. -And again our Hare sews. He sees Fox coming. Fox. - Hello, Zainka - oblique! I know you're fashionable, tailor! Today is a holiday for the foxes, and I should be there. I need a holiday outfit, sit down and sew quickly. Hare. -Yes, your outfit is already good. Will you take me with you? Fox. -I'll take it willingly. Let's go. Leading. (All the heroes of the fairy tale pass)
- Here is the Fox and the Bunny on the forest lawn. They are going to visit, they will lead a dance there.
It is important that the cat walks, the mouse invites, and behind them the dog Barbos. Brothers - piglets came running from the garden, They will dance, have fun and squeal. And the prickly Hedgehog runs without boots. And the green Frog, jumping quickly, jumping! Everyone came to the clearing and started dancing. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and our Hare is great!

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Goals of dramatizing fairy tales in preschool educational institutions

Turning to the dramatization of fairy tales allows the teacher to realize the main goals:

  • Educational. During preparation for the dramatization, children of the older group get acquainted with folk art, some properties of a fairy tale as a literary work, learn to analyze the character of the characters and their actions, and correlate the actions of the characters with real people.
  • Developmental. Dramatization helps develop imagination, attention, memory, emotional sphere, expressiveness of speech, improve communication and motor activity in their combination.
  • Educational. The dramatization of fairy tales fosters interest in literary works, folklore, and fairy tales of individual authors; forms aesthetic taste, strengthens feelings of friendship, support and mutual assistance.

What material should I take for a dramatization game in the senior group of a preschool educational institution?

The dramatization game can be carried out on various materials: Russian folk tales, author's tales, works in poetic form or in prose. Children aged 5-6 years already perceive quite well even such fairy tales as “Cinderella” by C. Perrault or “Thumbelina” by G.-H. Andersen.

Here are some examples of Russian folk tales: “The Boasting Hare”, “Emelya”, “Winged, Hairy and Oily”, “The Frog Princess”, “Sivka-Burka”, “Havroshechka”, “The Fox and the Hare”. Also favorite are the works of V. Suteev (for example, “The Bag of Apples”), C. Perrault (“Little Red Riding Hood”, “Cinderella”) and other writers.

What fairy tales are suitable for production in a preparatory group?

Many fairy tales are suitable for dramatization in kindergarten, for example, “Pinocchio”, “How Maya the Doll Baked a Pie”, “Thumbelina”, “Cat’s House”, “Tsokotukha Fly”. The little-known fairy tale “Lada” is also suitable for production. Children get acquainted with different types of works, even those they have never heard of before.

An adult leading character must be identified. In the fairy tale “How Maya the Doll Baked a Pie,” it is the Storyteller who is the first to take the stage and begin to speak. The teacher involves the children in the game with simple words, like these:

"Hello my friends.

I came to visit you.

I'm glad to see you all.

My name is the storyteller.”

The teacher is the main presenter

The fairy tale Thumbelina at first glance may not seem easy to implement, just like the Cat's House, the Turnip, the Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.

cat house

The popular children's fairy tale, familiar to everyone from a very young age, “The Cat's House,” is also suitable for theatricalization in the kindergarten preparatory group.

The scenery for this fairy tale is simple; all you need is a cardboard house and costumes for all the children. For the game you will also need fire extinguishers, but not real ones, but cardboard ones. You can paint regular plastic bottles red.

During the action, children sit on the lawn in front of the house, “drink tea,” and talk. When the music starts, the children sing and dance, and then the performance begins.

The main goal of this production is to teach the child safety rules. Since they will put out a fire in the house using a fire extinguisher, children will quickly remember what this item is and why it is needed.

Cat house in a new way


Many children really like the fairy tale “Teremok” and this is an excellent option for dramatization at a matinee.

In this tale you need to distribute several roles:

To stage a fairy tale, five children are chosen to play the main roles, but all the others must also be involved in the performance. The best way is to allocate “spectators” and “participants”, who switch places after a few minutes. Children who watch the performance play along with the main characters, clap, “cry” and laugh with them.

Another version of the dramatization, dividing the fairy tale into two parts: speech and fingers. First, children read the text according to the usual script:

Mouse: “Who lives in the little house? Who lives in a low place?

Teacher: “No one answered. The mouse entered the house and began to live there.”

The frog-frog galloped up to the tower and asked: “Knock, knock. Who lives in the mansion?

When the entire fairy tale has been played out, the rest of the children get up from their chairs and begin to “build a tower”, making various movements. They knock fist against fist, imitating hammering, raise their arms high, showing how big the roof will be, and “call for guests” by waving their arms.

Teremok in kindergarten

To make the game interesting, you need to choose the right scenery. The facade of the tower is made from cardboard; you can also put chairs, covering them with fabric, place a spikelet near the house and a table with cups and a kettle.


In the preparatory group of a kindergarten, you can organize a show of the fairy tale “Kolobok” in a new way. To make the production truly bright and interesting, you need to prepare the props in advance:

The main attribute, without which the performance would not be complete, is a pot of “dough” near the hut. A child can play kolobok; for this they are given a large round ball or a foam toy.

Characters of the fairy tale: the leader (teacher), the old man and the old woman, the bun, the hare, the wolf, the bear, the sly fox.

The words for the production can be taken from a traditional fairy tale, or slightly altered, for example, “I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather,” turns into: “Kolobok, I’m a fidget. They baked me for my grandfather. I'm mixed with sour cream, I'm cold at the window. I left the old people. Jump from the window, and that was it.”

Theatricalization of the fairy tale Kolobok

In order for all the children from the preschool group to be involved in the fairy tale, you need to learn the movements with them. When the presenter says that the grandfather and grandmother are digging a vegetable garden, all children can depict this scene.

Zayushkin's hut

The fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” is suitable for dramatization in a preparatory group at a New Year’s party. The whole group takes part, and the children are given roles: hare, rooster, greedy fox, dog, bull, wolf, bear.

The fox took over Zayushka's house, asking for a visit, and kicked out the owner, but the bunny is brave and seeks help from the animals. The main phrase for a child playing a hare: “How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. She asked to spend the night and kicked me out.”

This is followed by a list of animals that have already tried to help the hare and a new attempt to occupy the house.

Note! An activity such as staging a fairy tale in kindergarten, especially the fairy tale about Zayushka’s hut, helps to cultivate empathy in children. At the end, the teacher asks everyone to take pity on the bunny and not offend him, and the children happily do this.

Goat Dereza

The Russian folk tale “The Goat-Dereza” is little known to children, and to introduce the children to it, it is best to stage a theatrical performance. To theatricalize “The Goat-Dereza,” the teacher carries out preliminary work, reads the fairy tale with the children, creates a script for the performance, and prepares the scenery.

For installation you will need:

The teacher begins the speech with simple and understandable words: “Whether close, far, where we don’t know exactly, Grandfather and Grandmother lived.”

Grandfather and Grandmother, goats, granddaughter, bee, bear, wolf and hare come onto the stage. A children's matinee is not an obligation, but a game, but do not forget and aim at an educational moment.

Preparation process

The teacher’s main tools when organizing fairy tale dramatizations will be a card index and a game outline. The card index includes basic information about various dramatizations. The card indicates the goals of the staging, attributes and decorations, and a short course of the game. A synopsis is a detailed description of the dramatization itself.

In the process of preparing for the event, the teacher discusses with the children the topics that are touched upon in the chosen fairy tale, and also analyzes the events and characters in detail. Preliminary work takes a lot of time, but the result depends on it.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some recommendations for the dramatization of the Russian folk tale “The Boasting Hare.”

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