Modern methods and technologies of teaching and diagnostics in preschool educational institutions

Modern methods and technologies of teaching and diagnostics in preschool educational institutions

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor L.A. Venger, who headed the laboratory of the Research Institute of Preschool Education, and his colleagues worked on the problem of diagnosing mental development. Mental development is considered by the authors of the methods as the process of the child appropriating certain forms of social experience, material and spiritual culture created by humanity, the central link. For the authors of methods, the main guideline when creating methods was the cognitive orienting action, as the main structural unit of cognition. In their opinion, the basis of mental development is the mastery of different types of cognitive orienting actions (perceptual and mental).

L.A. Wenger identified five types of cognitive actions. Three types of perceptual actions: perceptual modeling, identification actions, equating to a standard, and two types of mental actions: visual-figurative thinking and logical thinking. Based on this, L.A. Wenger and his colleagues created a method that allows determining the level of intellectual development for preschool children.

Diagnostics of the degree of mastery of perceptual actions of a modeling nature. Methodology "Perceptual modeling".


identifying the level of development of perceptual actions.


the child is asked to put together a figure consisting of geometric parts in accordance with this sample. To complete the task correctly, the child must be able to distinguish between various geometric shapes (triangles of different shapes, squares, etc.) and correctly place them in space (in accordance with the model).

Test “Perceptual Modeling” L.A. Wenger.

Test for children 5 -7 years old. This test makes it possible to consider not only the result of the child’s mental activity, but also the process of solving the problem.

Stimulus material:

drawn circles and squares, as well as individual parts of these figures, from which you need to make either a circle or a square. The first three figures have lines dividing the images of objects that are far from each other, for example, clothing and transport. Pictures from lotto, magazine clippings, and drawings can be used - it is only important that they be the same in color (there should be no combination of color and black and white images) and size. The number of pictures in each group should be the same, that is, 10 wild and 10 domestic animals, 10 fruits and 10 vegetables, etc.


“Look carefully at what I will do” - after these words, the adult begins to arrange the pictures into two groups, without explaining the principle of systematization. After the adult lays out three pictures, he hands them to the child, saying: “Now lay out the cards further, doing the same as I did.” Conducting the test This classification is called non-verbal, since the adult shows, rather than says, how to classify. When laying out cards, take the first two from different groups (for example, wolf and cow), and the third is placed under the first card of the correct group, for example, the sheep card is under the cow. After handing the pictures to your child, you silently observe his activity. If the child makes a mistake, without comment you move the card to the right place, under the correct picture. It is extremely important not to make the child feel isolated and insecure, so your behavior should not be distant. You can smile at the children, pet them, say: “Don’t fidget” or “Be careful.” After the child finishes his work, he should be asked why he divided the pictures into these two groups and what name he can give them.

Specifics of the learning process for preschoolers

Definition 1
Learning is the process of transferring knowledge and developing skills, stimulating the activation of cognitive and research activities, associated with the assimilation of a system of scientific knowledge and the acquisition of practical skills in various fields of activity, the development of creative abilities, the assimilation of cultural norms and moral principles of activity, aesthetic views and moral principles.

The learning process is a structural component of the pedagogical process. It is associated with the activities of the teacher in transferring knowledge and skills to students, and with their activities in obtaining, assimilating and practical application of this knowledge and skills.

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The learning process has its own characteristics depending on the age stage of the child’s development.

Education in a preschool educational institution differs in content, methods and forms of organization. All knowledge and skills at this age are transferred to the child by adults. He guides the child’s cognition, guides the development and retention of educational material, and helps to put the acquired data into practice.

In preschool age, children's education has the following specifics:

  • The main activity of preschoolers is play. Therefore, the learning process takes place in a playful way;
  • The learning process has a systematic structure: there are no scientific theories and concepts in it, children receive basic ideas about the structure of nature and society, and receive simple practical skills in various fields and areas of activity;
  • The emergence of difficulties in cognition associated with the separation of significant objects from secondary ones;
  • The importance of visually presenting objects and cognitive processes to children;
  • The need to develop motivation for cognitive activity;
  • The importance of approval, praise, encouragement of children for their success in learning and the elimination of punishment for lagging behind;
  • Inability to concentrate on objects for a long time, poor performance and frequent mood swings;
  • The need for accessibility of teaching information, its simplicity and clarity of construction;
  • A high degree of development of the emotional component, which prevails over other types of activity;
  • Application of effective and figurative methods in cognition.

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Kindergarten education program

There are a great many programs for raising children, and each kindergarten has the right to draw up its own program, but it is necessary to be guided by the requirements set out in the relevant regulations: the Federal Law “On Education”, the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution and state standards of preschool education.

In modern preschool education, such a Program has become a necessary regulatory document, on the basis of which a license is obtained, accreditation and certification of an institution, as well as the organization of additional paid educational services. The educational program in a kindergarten must justify the chosen methods of education and methods of organizing the educational process and clearly describe the main features of the educational system adopted in this kindergarten.

If a preschool education program is needed in order to formulate the goals and objectives of education, then they are implemented using various methods and technologies. Preschool education technologies make it possible to combine individual techniques and methods into an integral system and organize the upbringing of children in the most rational and effective way. Most often, educational technologies are created by educators directly based on their own experience in raising children, which guarantees the rapid achievement of the desired results.

Today, in many kindergartens, educational technologies are based on well-known educational methods, for example, Montessori, Nikitins, Doman. Each of them is focused primarily on one aspect of the child’s development, so the main task of parents when choosing a kindergarten is to carefully study the educational methods used there and determine for themselves which of the proposed systems best suits the individual characteristics of the child. On the other hand, the task of kindergarten workers is to select a set of methods that will ensure the comprehensive development of children.

Purpose and principles of constructing education for preschoolers

Education in preschool age is aimed at implementing the main educational function, focused on transferring to the younger generation fundamental scientific knowledge about the structure of nature and society, the place and role of man in them, and the organization of his activities. this knowledge and ideas should not be scattered. They need to be given a systematic and conscious character.

Based on the purpose of the preschool stage of education, it requires solving a number of important problems:

  1. Expanding the child’s vocabulary;
  2. Expanding the child’s horizons;
  3. Creating conditions that ensure the overall development of each child;
  4. Formation of motives for participation in cognition, development of cognitive interest;
  5. Development of basic skills used in different types and areas of activity;
  6. Focusing efforts on the development of mental activity, memory, perception and sensation skills;
  7. Development of the ability to independently organize one’s knowledge, manifestation of activity during training;
  8. Developing children's desire to improve their knowledge and skills;
  9. Development of a positive perception of the educational process, activation of an emotional outburst during its course;
  10. Preparing preschoolers for the next stage of their life - schooling.

Each learning task is implemented through an interconnected system of actions implemented in the learning process through the use of teaching methods and tools.

In the course of organizing his teaching activities, the teacher chooses the content and forms of its construction. This is realized by relying on specific patterns of implementation of the teaching process, which are the principles of learning. The basic principles of teaching preschool children include the following:

  • The principle of educational training. The education of preschool children should be educational in nature, i.e. help the formation and development of the child’s personality, the formation of his moral qualities, the perception of moral and cultural values.
  • The principle of developmental education. Education should be developmental in nature, focusing on creating conditions for the development, self-development, self-knowledge and self-expression of the child’s personality.
  • The principle of science. Information taught to children must be strictly scientifically based.
  • The principle of systematicity and consistency. Knowledge must be transferred step by step, have a certain sequence of information data and be systematized.
  • The principle of accessibility. Knowledge and skills must be transferred to children in a form accessible to children’s perception and using rational methods.
  • The principle of awareness. The learning process must be conscious, and both parties to the learning must consciously take part in it.

Contents of preschool education for children

Preschool education is very important. With your help and guidance, preschool will be amazing, wonderful, successful and full of memories. You have the opportunity to contribute to your baby's emotional, physical and social development. (Keep a journal of the skills and abilities he acquired, and when you look at it a couple of months later, you will be happily surprised at how capable and smart your child is.)

The following components of successful learning may seem simple and are often taken for granted by adults, but they are an important start to great achievements in the future. Pay attention to the advice of experts who will help you keep your child busy with studying at home. So, remember: your baby is ready to embark on a journey of knowledge that will give him a solid foundation for life.

Preschool education

1. Literacy

Learning to read and write begins with recognizing letters and their corresponding sounds. Children first learn capital letters and a few sounds, then begin to recognize some lowercase letters. Babies should also be able to recognize and write their own name, and quite possibly even Mom and Dad's names.

Buy letter sets - they can be plastic, magnetic or even cardboard. You can sing songs about the alphabet with your child and put down each letter you sing about; repetition will help the child remember the entire alphabet.

Reinforce these skills in everyday activities, and soon your baby will be able to recognize letters and even simple words. Take his favorite drink or box of cereal, teach the sounds of the first two or three letters and ask him to say them. When you go to a store or cafe, write down your child's name on paper so he can visualize it.

Read to children every day. Toddlers have a short attention span, so reading will only take a few minutes; but at the same time it will significantly affect the baby’s learning process. Try to involve your child in the story, use his name as the name of the main character and ask questions about the plot he read. Ask your child to find a specific image on the page and praise him for his effort, not just his success.

2. Account

Knowing the numbers 0 to 9 is a primary step in developing a child's math skills. First, he must learn to determine the actual shape and sequence of numbers, and then you can start teaching your baby about number relationships and counting. Over time, your child will understand the connection between counting and quantity. This skill also requires memorization.

Use your child's favorite objects to make counting fun - grab a few children's books and ask him to count them. Children always have fun counting their toes and fingers, especially if the counting is accompanied by tickling. When you go up the stairs, ask your baby to count the steps. Each day, increase the amount of snack foods you give your child, such as raisins, and ask your child to count how many raisins he or she has today. Soon he will begin to count everything that catches his eye.

3. Colors and shapes

One of the most interesting activities that always attracts a child's attention is learning about colors and shapes. Learning can easily be turned into a game - this will make it fun, and you can reinforce the knowledge your child receives in kindergarten.

You can use baby clothes to compare colors, asking your baby to choose a red shirt or blue shoes. You can use kitchen utensils such as forks and spoons to explore shapes, or you can ask your child to look for square or triangular shapes in a coloring book. Don't forget to praise your baby. Even if he makes a mistake, you can simply say, “You almost got it,” and then show him the correct answer.

4. Science and natural history

Children have well-developed powers of observation and are great at describing what they see. While observing trees or bugs, do not miss the opportunity to ask your child a few questions. What is the height of the tree? What color are the leaves on it? How many legs does a bug have? Where do you think he lives? You can ask your child to describe the rain or even draw it. Give him a magnifying glass and show him how objects transform when we look at them through a magnifying glass, then let him go outside and let him explore the world around him on his own.

By observing, you can study everything around you. Ask your baby to look at something and discern as many details as possible, then point out what he missed.

5. Motor skills

Fine motor skills are very important. The ability to handle children's scissors and hold a pencil or fork correctly in your hand is a huge step forward. Children fully master these skills by older kindergarten age. Hand-eye coordination is also very important.

Children work better with larger pencils and crayons. Fun, interesting activities like drawing motivate kids to get creative. Studying doesn't have to be boring! Give children activities to increase hand strength, such as kneading dough or simply playing with dough. An arts corner in the house with its own drawing board will certainly interest your little one.

6. Social skills

Social skills involve much more than just the ability to get along with other people. Children need to be able to speak up when something is wrong or when they need something. Arm your kids with the basic tool that every person needs in life, starting from toddler age - effective communication skills. Related skills include the ability to follow simple rules, take turns, and work in a group.

Parents play an important role in teaching children social skills. Organize and supervise your child's communication and interaction with other children at every opportunity. Set a few simple rules at home and start a family tradition of sharing, taking turns, and discussing the events of the past day with your family. First, teach your child to make his own bed (maybe imperfectly), clean up after himself, and fold dirty clothes in the right place. Ask your child what he plans to do today and what activity he likes best. Just teach him to share his ideas or thoughts, and don't forget "please" and "thank you" when it comes to teaching politeness.

7. Other important components of preschool education

  • Problem solving skills. If the child is hungry, he asks for food; if he is reading a book and the pages turn, he puts something down to hold them in place.
  • Ability to follow directions. Have your child write their name, your name, and your phone number. Give him two different tasks in one sentence. For example, ask him to change his shirt and bring you a comb.
  • Logical thinking and classification of objects. Take two green apples, three red apples and four oranges, mix them in a basket and ask your child to put them in order. You can purchase visual teaching aids with numbers, letters or sequences and ask your child to choose the same ones. Show your baby what to do, and then watch him do it on his own.
  • Putting together simple puzzles. Buy a puzzle with large pieces and show your child how to assemble it; then take it apart and ask your little one to help you put it back together. Children love to help.
  • Identifying the differences and characteristics of people. When you are around children, ask your child if he is older or younger and see if he can tell the difference between a baby and a toddler.
  • Creative skills. Role-playing games are a great learning tool. Ask your child to imagine that he is the parent and you are the child. Play with him and develop his creativity.

Related links:

  • Preparing a preschooler to learn to read
  • Pre-Reading Skills for Toddlers
  • Developing Pre-writing Skills in Toddlers
  • Literacy and critical thinking skills
  • Developmental tasks for preschoolers
  • More articles on child development
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