Project on traffic rules in the preparatory group: “A safe pedestrian starts from childhood”

Progress of the conversation:

Traffic lights were invented to regulate traffic safety on the streets. They became widespread after the invention of the automobile. Before that, there was no particular need for official traffic rules and traffic control devices: people relied more on common sense and correct behavior. But when the streets filled with fast and noisy cars, it became obvious that traffic regulation was necessary. Traffic lights, which forced some people to stop while others could move, were one way to protect cars and pedestrians from collisions and avoid traffic jams.

The first traffic light appeared in England in central London in 1868. This gas lantern, covered with red glass on one side and green glass on the other, was suspended from a high iron pole, and could be turned in one direction or the other by means of a handle mounted at its base. Of course, there were no cars at that time. But the number of steam-powered vehicles, animal-drawn carts, and pedestrians increased so much that traffic lights were needed to prevent accidents.

The electric traffic light was invented by Garrett Morgan, an African American inventor and businessman. After purchasing his first car, Morgan realized that some kind of traffic control was needed at intersections. He came up with a traffic light that worked on the same principle as the light signals installed at railway sidings . The first traffic lights had red and green lights, and when the light changed, an audible signal was heard. But as the traffic and associated noise increased, it became clear that the warning light that turned on between the "move"

will be more effective than sound.
A yellow or orange signal has been added to traffic light signals to alert drivers that a stop

Conversation on the topic: “How to behave on the street”

Goal: to form in children an idea of ​​safe behavior on the street.

Project “Safe Road” preparatory group

Project "Safe Road"

(preparatory group)

Project type:

information-oriented, group, long-term (September 2017 – May 2022)

Project participants:

children of the preparatory group, teachers, specialists, parents.


The relevance and simply vital necessity of teaching children the rules of the road is undeniable. Statistics show that very often children are the cause of road accidents. A child is not a small adult; his body is in a state of growth and development, and not all mental functions necessary for adaptation to the outside world are fully formed. Children are very excitable, dynamic and at the same time absent-minded, they do not know how to foresee danger, correctly assess the distance to an approaching car, its speed and their capabilities. In many ways, the safety of a pedestrian depends on his compliance with the rules of behavior on the street, so it is necessary to teach children the Rules of safe behavior on the roads through didactic games and exercises, outdoor games, and role-playing games. It is known that habits established in childhood remain for life, therefore one of the important problems in ensuring road safety is the prevention of children's road injuries in preschool institutions. Therefore, studying the Rules of the Road is one of the main tasks today, and work on a project dedicated to the study of the Rules of the Road will contribute to this.

Project idea:

  1. Formation in children of a model of safe behavior on roads, streets and transport, allowing them to act adequately in a specific real traffic situation.
  1. Raising safe behavior in preschoolers
  1. The development of direct perception of the surrounding world, during which children actively become acquainted with various road situations, perceiving and naming objects, phenomena, actions of people, their relationships with each other, analyzing these relationships and drawing conclusions.


Is the child attentive on the street? Does he know the rules of conduct on the street and in transport? Does he practice the rules of the road? Does the child know how to be careful and circumspect?

Objective of the project:

  • To form in children of senior preschool age the basics of safe behavior on the street, knowledge of traffic rules.

Project objectives:

  • Introduce children to the rules of the road, the structure of the street and road signs intended for drivers and pedestrians;
  • Develop caution and attentiveness on the road;
  • Develop coherent speech in children;
  • Develop safety skills;
  • Continue to introduce the rules of safe behavior on the street.

When implementing the project, the integration of educational areas is carried out:

social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Expected result:

  • Children's acquisition of knowledge of traffic rules.
  • Formation of the ability to find the right solution in a problem situation.
  • Instilling a culture of behavior on the road.
  • Forming a sense of responsibility for your safety and the safety of others.
  • Children’s ability to negotiate and support each other.
  • Encouraging children to further become familiar with traffic rules.
  • Enrichment of the subject environment in the traffic rules group.
  • Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project.

Project products:

work plan, development of GCD for traffic rules, children's drawings and crafts, making a city model, reminders and consultations for parents, reading fiction, didactic games.

Project implementation stages:

  1. Planning
  2. Project implementation
  3. Completion of the project

Main areas of work:

  1. Working with teachers:
  • Tips from teachers
  • Consultations
  • Workshops
  • Business games
  • Open Views
  • Round tables
  1. Work with children:
  • OOD
  • Conversations
  • Reading fiction
  • Holidays, entertainment
  • Targeted walks, excursions
  • Plot-didactic games
  • Outdoor games, exercises, relay races
  • Creating attributes for games
  1. Working with parents:
  • Joint activities of children and parents in preschool educational institutions
  • Holidays, entertainment
  • Participation in drawing competitions and exhibitions
  • Open days
  • Joint activities of children and parents in the family
  • Reading fiction
  • Walking together
  • Watching children's programs
  • Making crafts
  • Educational activities of parents in preschool educational institutions
  • Questioning parents
  • Recommendations, consultations
  • Parent meetings
  • Sliding folders

Expected results (children’s knowledge and skills):

  • They know how to read information on road signs and assess the situation. Knowledge of road safety rules as a pedestrian and vehicle passenger has been developed.
  • Able to make decisions independently and provide first
  • medical assistance.
  • An active life position of an exemplary road user has been formed.
  • Children's vocabulary has been expanded.


The use of this project contributes to a deeper understanding by children of traffic rules, consolidation of knowledge and skills, the formation of a conscious attitude towards their observance, the development of a sense of control, self-control, responsibility and the prerequisites for readiness to be responsible for their actions.

Every year, hundreds of traffic accidents occur on the roads of cities in our country, as a result of which dozens of children die, hundreds are injured and injured. That is why road traffic injuries remain a priority problem of society that requires solutions with everyone’s participation and the most effective methods. The first teacher who can help society solve this problem should be a kindergarten teacher. It is known that many parents have little knowledge of traffic rules and have a vague understanding of this problem. In this regard, teaching parents the rules of the road is of great importance. As mentioned above, the traffic rules are the same for children and adults. Unfortunately, they are written in “adult” language without any consideration for children. Therefore, the main task of educators and parents is to clearly explain the rules to the child, and when choosing a form of education, to convey to the children the meaning and danger of non-compliance with the rules, without distorting their content. Only through the joint efforts of educators and parents, using their knowledge, patience and tact, is it possible to teach our children the skills of safe communication with the complex world of crossing streets and roads. The proposed project is an attempt to organize in practice a system of activities for parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions to teach preschoolers the basic rules of movement and instill in them the habits and behavior of skillful and careful pedestrians. We are convinced that such a system of working to teach children traffic rules undoubtedly produces positive results; the most important thing in our project is that we were able to interest parents and children in this problem. During the implementation of this project, preschoolers became familiar with the rules of the road and safe behavior on the roads in an accessible, entertaining, playful way.

Work plan

Month The content of the work
  • Selection and study of methodological literature on the topic of self-education.
  • Construction from the “Our site” construction set.
  • Compose a story with your children about your journey from home to kindergarten.
  • Conversation with children about the history of transport, viewing illustrations.
  • Role-playing game "Car Park".
  • Didactic games “Read the diagram”, “Good - bad”, “Magic intersection”, “Drivers and pedestrians”.
  • Looking at pictures about types of transport. Drawing on this topic.
  • Purpose walk: observing the movement of pedestrians.
  • Reading the story “Cars on our street” by M. Ilyin, E. Segal.
  • A conversation about warning signs.
  • Reading the fairy tale by N. Izvekova “How funny little men learned the road alphabet.”
  • Examination of the signs “Slippery road”, “Railway crossing without a barrier”, “Railway crossing with a barrier”.
  • Outdoor game "Stop".
  • Playing out situations on a city street model.
  • Conversation with children “Types of traffic lights and their purpose.” Examining the layout of a traffic light.
  • Construction of a traffic light model from colored paper and cardboard.
  • Construction from the “Street with Crossroads” construction set.
  • Conversation with children “Crossroads - what is it? What and who helps regulate the intersection.”
  • Didactic games “Nimble Pedestrian”, “Listen to the Traffic Controller”.
  • Construction of "Bridges".
  • Conversation about rules of behavior in public transport. Games with a street layout “Place the signs correctly.”
  • Quiz game “Who knows the rules of the road better.”
  • Talking with children about prohibition signs.
  • Reading the poem “Why do we need a traffic light” by O. Tarutin.
  • Thematic walk “Rules for pedestrians”.
  • Examination of drawings with signs “No movement”, “Danger”, “Turn”.
  • Examination of paintings depicting trucks and cars. Comparison of a truck and a passenger car.
  • Didactic games "City Street", "What's Extra".
  • Conversation “Children’s behavior on the roads and streets.”
  • Reading: S. Volkov “About traffic rules.”
  • Conversation with children about special vehicles. Reading and solving riddles about special vehicles.
  • Didactic games “Traffic light”, “Name the prohibition signs”, “Assemble a road sign” (cut-out pictures).
  • Drawing prohibition signs.
  • Reading the story “The Street Where Everyone is in a Hurry” by I. Seryakov.
  • Exhibition of children's drawings "We are crossing the street."
  • Guessing riddles according to traffic rules, playing out situations that may occur on the road.
  • Drawing road signs as desired.
  • Build a “Railway Station” from building material and play with it.
  • A conversation about prescriptive signs.
  • Reading the poem “Idle traffic light” by S. Mikhalkov.
  • Didactic games “Find and tell”, “Collect a sign”, “What does it mean”, “Find a road sign”, “Good and bad”.
  • Conversation “Rules for crossing streets and roads.”
  • Reading the story “The Machine That Taught You to Draw” by I. Seryakov.
  • Conversation "New Year's fireworks." Safety regulations".
  • Conversation “The work of a traffic police officer.”
  • Conversation “Car light signals.”
  • Conversation “Why do you need a traffic controller?”
  • Competition for the best drawing “Trafficman at the intersection”
  • Conversation about information and directional signs.
  • Making mandatory signs from cardboard (paper).
  • Reading the story “Traffic Light” by B. Zhitkov.
  • Didactic games “Recognize the road sign”, “I’m walking across the road”, “Skillful pedestrian”.
  • Outdoor games “The Fastest”, “Skilled Pedestrian”, “Winter Road”.
  • Conversation on the topic “Caution, slippery road!”
  • Reading the poem “Ice” by A. Ganyuv.
  • Examination of drawings of a road with several lanes.
  • Conversation on the topic “How to cross the road safely?”
  • A conversation about where you can and cannot play.
  • Reading and discussion of Dorokhov’s story “The Influential Wand.”
  • Didactic games “Answer quickly”, “Regulators”.
  • Outdoor games “Stop”, “Don’t make a mistake”.
  • Memorizing the poem by S. Mikhalkov “Guard”.
  • Conversation about service signs, drawing “Service signs”.
  • Construction of "Street City".
  • Reading the story “Car” by N. Nosov.
  • Drawing special types of transport.
  • Didactic games “Put the road signs correctly”, “Running traffic light”.
  • Memorizing the poem “Forbidden - Permitted” by V. Semurin.
  • A story about dangerous situations on the road and an explanation of where children and adults should sit on the bus. Invite children to use toys to talk about traveling on public transport.
  • Drawing different brands and types of cars.
  • Making a photo album “Road Signs”.
  • Design of the traveling folder “Road Rules”.
  • Conversation “Me and my bike.”
  • Making riddles according to traffic rules.
  • Drawing different types of pedestrian crossings.
  • Reading the work of art by S. Volkov “Road Rules”.
  • Targeted walk “Show and name a famous road sign.”
  • Game “Whose team can name more road signs”, “Spiral movement”.
  • Reading the story “The Learned Friend” by I. Seryakov.
  • Reading: A. Dorokhov “Underground passage”.
  • Dramatization of the song “On the street, along the street.”
  • Target walk “Pedestrian crossing”.
  • Conversation “Types of road signs.”
  • Making directional signs for model games.
  • Didactic game “Place the right sign.”
  • Drawing road signs.
  • Making riddles about traffic rules.
  • Examination of drawings with signs “No movement”, “Danger”, “Turn”. Examination of paintings depicting trucks and cars. Comparison of a truck and a passenger car.

Long-term plan for working with parents

according to traffic rules.


1. Recommendation for parents: “If you bought a bicycle for your child.”

2. Folder “We walk carefully!”


1. Consultation “A joint walk between children and parents.”


1. Involve parents in making the “Road Signs” photo album.

2. Memo for parents “Children and the road.”


1. Folder “Red, yellow, green”.


1. Consultation “How to make children disciplined pedestrians.”


1. Folder “Winter games outside: why are they dangerous?”


1. Production by parents of costumes and attributes for theatrical games according to traffic rules.


1. Exhibition of children's literature for reading according to traffic rules.

2. Folder-movable “Good road of childhood”.


1. Memo “The street is the best textbook” (Rules of the road).

2. Consultations on the topic: “The example of parents is one of the main factors in successfully developing children’s skills for safe behavior on the street.”


  1. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina. “Safety: A textbook on the basics of life safety for children of senior preschool age” – M.: LLC Publishing House AST-LTD, 1998. – 160 p. Belaya K. Yu. Me and my safety. Thematic dictionary in pictures: The human world. – M.: School Press, 2010. – 48.
  1. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina, M. D. Makhaneva “Safety on the streets and roads: A manual for working with children of senior preschool age.” – M.: LLC Publishing House AST-LTD, 1997.
  1. Belaya K. Yu., Zimonina V. N., Kondrykinskaya L. A. How to ensure the safety of preschool children. Notes on the basics of safety for preschool children. A book for kindergarten teachers. – M.: Education, 2004.
  1. Vdovichenko L. A. “Child on the street”, “Childhood-press”, 2008
  1. L. B. Poddubnaya “Rules of the road preparatory group”, Volgograd, “Corypheus”, 2009.
  1. V. N. Kiryanov “Prevention of children's road traffic injuries” methodological manual. - M., “Tritium Rome”, 2000.
  1. Khromtseva T. G. Education of safe behavior in the everyday life of preschool children. Tutorial. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005.
  1. Khromtseva T. G. Education of safe behavior of preschool children on the street. Textbook - M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2007.

Traffic rules Projects – Information and educational project “Safe Road Traffic” for children 5–7 years old

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Project "Children and the Road"

Game "Where is my place?"

Preparing for the game:

Construction of the road, placement of warnings on the road (school, cafeteria, road repair, etc.) corresponding to the studied traffic signs.
Rules of the game:
The players' task is to replace verbal warnings with the necessary signs.

The game can be played in two versions.

1. One player places the signs, the rest evaluate the correctness. 2. Two players compete to see who can place the signs faster and more correctly.

Game "Confusion".

Preparing for the game:

The teacher designs the road in advance and places the signs incorrectly (near the Zebra there is a “Slippery Road” sign, etc.).
Then he tells the children a story about how evil spirits decided to create chaos in the city; he asks for help to correct the situation. Rules of the game:
Children, having turned into good wizards, place the signs correctly. They explain what they are doing.

Game "Road Test".

Preparing for the game:

Construction of the road and placement of signs.
Rules of the game:
Child-driver-student passing the test for the right to drive a car. He “drives” along the road and, seeing this or that sign, explains what he must do. For example: there is a slippery road ahead. I slow down and drive carefully, not overtaking other cars.

Game "Guess the sign".

Preparing for the game:

All signs are placed at a distance from each other.
Rules of the game:
The teacher reads out a verbal description of what this or that sign means. Children must run to the right sign. Children who choose the sign correctly receive a token. At the end of the game, they count how many tokens they have and determine the winners.


Program content:

introduce children to the rules of behavior on the street, in transport and in public places.

Progress of the game:

The teacher creates a game situation by introducing the fairy-tale character Pinocchio. He says that Pinocchio came to the children from another country - from Italy. He is a foreigner, he really likes it here and wants to know everything better. Today Pinocchio would like to go to the zoo to see the animals, but he does not know the way, does not know the rules of conduct in the zoo. Guys, let's help the guest. How many of you have already been to the zoo (the children say that they were not alone, but with their parents and therefore do not know the way). The teacher says: “It’s no problem, I’ll help you!” True, the trip will not be entirely real; we will travel using pictures and a layout. First, the teacher asks Pinocchio to explain what is shown in the pictures and, making sure that the children understand what will be discussed, begins the excursion.


Imagine that the weather is sunny and beautiful, we held hands (Pinocchio will walk next to me) and left the kindergarten (shows the picture). First we went by bus to the station, then by train to Moscow. And here we are in Moscow. Cars are scurrying around. Which ones did you find out? (children name special transport they know). To get to the metro we have to take a special path for pedestrians. Who knows what it's called? (children's answer). The teacher asks to find a picture of a walking path and put it on a flannelgraph. That’s right, the pedestrian path is called a “sidewalk.” “What is the name of the road along which traffic moves?” Highway or roadway (if the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher names it himself, and the children repeat in chorus) - So we approached the metro. Please show me a picture of the subway. What is the name of the staircase that takes us underground (shows a picture). That's right, it's called an “escalator”. Next, the teacher asks the following questions: “Who controls the electric train? Who announces the stops? Who keeps order in the subway?

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

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Methodological development “The best layout project for traffic rules” for children 5–6 years old


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