Preschool education: modern development trendsarticle

Definition 1

The preschool education system is a complex of educational institutions, training programs, management frameworks, patterns and principles for the implementation of educational activities at the preschool age stage of personality development.

The preschool education system plays a key role in the development of the personalities of the younger generation. Therefore, careful organization of training at this level and the construction of an optimal system focused on the implementation of the concept of education at the current stage of development of the social environment and meeting the needs of society for educational services are required.

Figure 1. Preschool education system in the Russian Federation. Author24 - online exchange of student work

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Model of a modern preschool education system

At the present stage of development of society, the preschool education system includes the following blocks, the functioning and development of which are interconnected and interdependent:

  1. Principles of building preschool education. Currently, the preschool education system is based on the following principles:
    • The principle of dynamism. It involves the dynamic development of educational and upbringing processes in accordance with the progress of society and the intensity of its processes;
    • The principle of variability of organizational forms. It means that preschool educational organizations operating in Russia can be presented in different forms, aimed at meeting various educational needs. At the moment, there are many types of educational institutions and there is variability in the educational services provided;

  2. The principle of flexibility. It involves a quick response to changes occurring in society, the needs of society for education and the needs of the individual;
  3. The principle of integrity of the educational process. It is associated with the orientation of educational programs of various types and types towards the development of the personality of each individual child.
  4. Preschool education programs. They are characterized by the variability of their content and directions of development while focusing on common educational goals and objectives.
  5. Pedagogical technologies used in the preschool education system. They are related to the implementation of preschool education programs and the implementation of an individual approach to each pupil. Therefore, pedagogical technologies are characterized by variability, flexibility and dynamic use.
  6. Subject-developing spatial environment. It is a necessary condition for the full development of the younger generation, and therefore, an important component of the preschool education system, without which its full and productive functioning is impossible.
  7. Teaching staff. The qualifications of modern preschool teachers require their continuous professional growth and development. This is necessary for the implementation of variable educational programs in the preschool educational system and the use of variable pedagogical technologies.

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The modern model of preschool education involves the use of variable educational programs that determine the content of the preschool stage of education, the focus of activities, the degree of complexity and guarantee the full and comprehensive development of the younger generation.

The main educational program of a preschool educational institution determines the specifics of building the life activities of children within the walls of a preschool institution, focused on the comprehensive development of each pupil. This is implemented through the inclusion of varied children’s activities in the educational program, presented in the following forms:

  1. Classes of different directions are a form of educational activity for preschoolers.
  2. Unregulated types of activity are a form of work that is not included in the regulations of the preschool educational institution.
  3. Free time – providing children with independent time, socializing in groups, playing and interacting with peers.

At the present stage of development of society, the model of preschool education is based on public-private partnership in the provision of educational services. This means that there are preschool-type educational institutions under the jurisdiction of state authorities, and there are private preschool institutions. Each institution has the right to use its own educational program, adapting to the needs of different families.

Figure 2. Features of modern preschool education. Author24 - online exchange of student work

Characteristics of modern educational programs for preschoolers

Lydia Salomatina

Characteristics of modern educational programs for preschoolers

Characteristics of modern educational programs for preschoolers.

Salomatina Lidia Danilovna

Teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 32"

Solnechnogorsk city

Abstract: This article discusses the main tasks of modern preschool education , as well as the types of educational programs in Russia . The requirements for educational programs . A comparative analysis of the main comprehensive and some partial programs . Conclusions are drawn about the advisability of using partial education programs preschool children .

In the modern world, the role of preschool education . Today, the preschool is becoming the main educational reserve of our country. It is in preschool age that the active development of a child’s personality occurs, the basic spiritual and moral principles, moral and volitional qualities, intellectual abilities and skills that are important for future schooling are laid. In other words, preschool education acts as the foundation for the further harmonious and comprehensive development of the child. of educational program is of enormous importance , which, in turn, must meet the necessary requirements and most comprehensively solve the problems of comprehensive education of children. Such tasks include physical, mental, labor, artistic and aesthetic, social and communicative, spiritual and moral development. All these tasks in practical activities must be in unity, harmony and interconnection, organically complement each other. Only if this condition is met does it become possible to realize the main goal of raising children - the preparation of a comprehensively developed personality.

There are a large number of educational programs adopted and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation . All these programs can be divided into comprehensive educational programs and partial ones . Complex, or general developmental programs , include the main areas of child development: physical, cognitive, speech, social-communicative, artistic and aesthetic; contribute to the formation of various abilities, the formation of specific types of children's activities: object-based, play, theatrical, musical, visual, and so on . Partial programs , in turn, include in-depth development of one or several areas of child development. Regardless of the type of educational program , any of them must meet the basic general requirements:

Programs for preschool educational institutions must comply with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education

, Model regulations on
preschool educational institutions .
nature of education must be respected

Programs should be based on the principle of person-oriented interaction between adults and children

Programs should be aimed at developing curiosity, as the basis of cognitive activity in a preschooler , the child’s abilities, communication skills, as well as the formation of creative imagination

Programs must ensure the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their physical and intellectual development, the emotional well-being of each child, and create conditions for the development of the child’s personality and creative abilities. Programs should be aimed at introducing children to universal human values, at interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child

Programs should provide for the organization of children's life in three forms: classes as a specially organized form of education, unregulated activities, free time provided for the child in kindergarten during the day

The programs should include an optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children. Programs activities preschool children

Programs should provide for the possibility of implementing an individual approach to the child, working with different subgroups of children, and taking into account their age characteristics.

Programs must include a description of the organization of the development environment, indicating the main lists of materials and equipment used

Programs must ensure optimal load on the child in order to protect him from overwork and maladjustment.

There are several comprehensive educational programs recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation : Program of education and training in kindergarten”

, team of authors edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova;

Rainbow Program , authors T. N. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik and others;
Program “Childhood”
, authors V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva, N. A. Notkina and others;

Program Origins , authors L. A. Paramonova, T. I. Alieva, A. N. Davidchuk and others;

Development Program , authors L. A. Venger, O. M. Dyachenko, N. S. Varentsova and others;

Krokh Program , authors G. G. Grigorieva, D. V. Sergeeva, N. P. Kochetova and others.

" Program of education and training in kindergarten"

, created by a team of authors edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova, is based on the Standard
Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten. It is an adapted option for Russian kindergartens. One of its advantages is that in all types of children's activities at each age stage, primary attention is paid to the development of children's creative abilities and their individuality. The ideological basis of the program was the most important ethical principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
, which corresponds to
modern standards of child upbringing and development. The program ensures the comprehensive, harmonious development of the child, clearly defines the tasks of education and training, is based on the continuity of all age periods of early and preschool childhood , and is focused on the regional component and on preparing children for school. The main directions of child upbringing, education and development are presented taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of preschool children . A large place in the program is given to children's health, their emotional well-being, the use of physical exercise and outdoor games.
The basis of Rainbow program

based on the idea that every year of a child’s life is decisive for the formation of certain mental
neoplasms . Special conditions are created for the development of children’s independence, the setting of new goals and the search for solutions are stimulated. An essential point for this is the creation of three types of motivation in children: play motivation, communication motivation and personal interest. The authors of the program called it “Rainbow”
by analogy with the seven-color rainbow, since it includes seven important types of children’s activities and activities during which the child’s development occurs:
visual activity , speech development, mathematics, design, music, movement, the surrounding world . The program has a full set of methodological support and represents a holistic system of education, training and development of children in a kindergarten.

— a comprehensive
educational program developed by the authors from the position of humanistic pedagogy, a personal-active approach to the development and education of a preschooler . The program presents works of oral folk art, folk games, music and dance, and decorative and applied arts of Russia. A new important section has been highlighted - the child’s attitude towards himself. The program includes three parts in accordance with the age characteristics of children - junior, middle, senior preschool age . The entire content of the program is united around four blocks: “Cognition”
“Humane attitude”
lifestyle .
Particular emphasis in the program is placed on introducing children to the natural world and fostering a caring attitude towards the environment.
In "Origins" program

the child is the central figure of the educational process.
The program, which is humanistic in orientation , allows us to take into account the different rates of development of children and implement an individual approach to them due to the fact that in the program the psychological age does not coincide with the chronological one. Based on these principles, the program has 4 stages of development: infancy, early childhood, junior preschool age , and senior preschool age . The program is aimed at enriching and enhancing the mental development of the child. This approach involves maximizing the implementation of its capabilities. program takes into account the specifics of preschool education and provides space for interaction with the child’s family.
Development program

focuses on developmental education based on the psychological theory of L. A. Wenger about the development of children's abilities.
based on two theories : the theory of A.V. Zaporozhets about the intrinsic value the preschool period of development and the theory of L.A. Wenger about the development of abilities. The main focus of the program is the development of mental abilities. The program is designed for each age and contains detailed plans, pedagogical diagnostics, and a full set of manuals to help the teacher. Particular attention is paid to developing ways for preschoolers to solve cognitive and creative problems. The program involves conducting classes in subgroups of 8-10 people. Also, in addition to traditional sections, the program includes such sections as: “Expressive movement”
“Artistic design”
“Directing acting”

“Krokha” program

lies in a wide range of coverage of the period of child development, starting from the preparation of the mother for the birth of the child, right up to his adaptation to entering a
preschool institution . The program is addressed primarily to the family and contains information materials on all areas of personality development of a child under three years of age.
The integrity of the educational process can be achieved not only by using one comprehensive program , but also by the method of qualified selection of partial programs . There are quite a lot of them, each of them is aimed at in-depth development of certain qualities in a child.

Child Safety Fundamentals Program

, created by the authors R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva, N.N. Avdeeva, is aimed at developing the child’s skills of adequate behavior in various unexpected situations, instilling in children independence and responsibility for their behavior.
The program contains six sections: “Child and other people”
“Child and nature”
“Child at home”
“Child’s health”
“Child’s emotional well-being”
“Child on the city streets”

Program “Our home is nature”

N.A. Ryzhova is aimed at raising from an early age a humane, socially active, creative personality, capable of understanding and loving the world around us, nature and treating them with care. Particular attention is paid to the formation of a holistic view of nature and man’s place in it, environmental literacy and safe human behavior.

Program "Harmony"

authors K.V. Tarasova, T.V. Nesterenko, T.G. Ruban ensures the musical development of children, the formation of their musical abilities in the process of basic types of musical activity.
The peculiarity of the program is that it is based on many years of scientific research on the development of musical abilities. The program is methodologically supported by anthologies, audio cassettes, and recommendations for organizing work with children of all ages, taking into account their psychological characteristics.
By competently combining various educational programs , the teacher has the opportunity to significantly increase the level of development of his students. one or another partial program to the main comprehensive program , the vector of a preschooler’s education , and his individual characteristics are taken into account. By combining programs , new opportunities open up for the further comprehensive and harmonious development of children. It is important to maintain the integrity of the pedagogical process, ensure that the selected programs are built on common principles, and avoid duplication or contradiction in the content of the programs . It is also important to ensure optimal load on the child when combining programs used in the pedagogical process. Caring for the health and all-round development of the child, teachers, together with the family, should strive to make every child’s childhood happy.

Used Books.

1. " Program of education and training in kindergarten"

, team of authors edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova;

2. «Rainbow program»

, authors T. N. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik and others;

3. Program "Childhood"

, authors V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva, N. A. Notkina and others;

4. «Origins program»

, authors L. A. Paramonova, T. I. Alieva, A. N. Davidchuk and others;

5. «Development Program»

, authors L. A. Venger, O. M. Dyachenko, N. S. Varentsova and others;

6. «Krokha program»

, authors G. G. Grigorieva, D. V. Sergeeva, N. P. Kochetova and others.

7. Program “Fundamentals of Child Safety”

, authors R. B. Sterkina, O. L. Knyazeva, N. N. Avdeeva

8. Program “Our home is nature”

, author N. A. Ryzhova

9. Program "Harmony"

authors K. V. Tarasova, T. V. Nesterenko, T. G. Ruban

Variability of preschool education programs

The modern education system is represented by six types of preschool educational institutions, therefore, educational programs aimed at preschool educational institutions are presented in various options. At the same time, the Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Institutions have been established, regulating the implementation of educational programs of preschool educational institutions and putting forward requirements for their development.

All preschool education programs are divided into two types:

  1. Comprehensive programs are general developmental programs focused on the implementation of education in all main areas of child development: physical, social, speech, moral, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, communicative, personal. These programs include activities to reveal the child’s basic abilities, activate his creative potential, cognitive abilities and develop special types of children’s activities characteristic of a specific age group: subject, play, art, theater, music, design.
  2. Partial programs are specialized programs focused on the development of preschool children in a specific area. These could be health conservation programs, remedial education programs, environmental and patriotic development programs, programs for mastering non-standard activities (early reading, handicrafts, cooking, etc.).

Information and educational environment

Within the framework of a unified educational information environment, the formation and development of an innovative education system equipped with organizational, pedagogical and information technologies is taking place. In this environment, architectural and structural solutions provide open standards for interfaces, formats and communication protocols to ensure mobility, stability, efficiency and other positive characteristics achieved by creating open systems.

The purpose and principles of modern education are aimed at preparing students for full and effective participation in the social and professional spheres in market conditions. Giving the education system the qualities of an open system means a radical change in its characteristics towards greater freedom in educational planning, choice of place, time and pace, in the transition from the principle of “education for life” to the principle of “education for life”. In practice, this system is implemented using network technologies. Initially, online learning technologies were widely used by those age and social groups who were forced to give preference to learning in the workplace.

Today, open and distance learning provides various segments of the population with the opportunity to improve their level of education using the Internet. Many Russian universities actively use information and network technologies in the full-time education system. As a result, the more effective use of modern educational technologies in the traditional education system is gradually erasing the differences between full-time, correspondence and distance learning, which is a characteristic feature of the innovative education system.

At the present stage, global changes in the goals and content of education are focused on the development of a qualitatively new model that prepares a person for life and activity in a post-industrial society and equips him with completely new personal qualities and skills necessary for these conditions. All this places new demands on specialists.

The modernization of the Russian education system and the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process raise the question of the quality of education in a new way. And today, many countries pay great attention to the problems of the quality and effectiveness of education and combine their efforts in developing methodology, technologies and tools for comparative studies of the quality of education, creating a system for monitoring the quality of education in the world.

Today, a new model of specialist training is being formed in the Russian education system, which takes into account not only the qualification model of a specialist, but also the competency model. The competence of a specialist includes knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as the method of their implementation in activities and communication. In the competency-based model of a specialist, the goals of education are related to interdisciplinary integrated requirements for the result of the educational process. In the first place are the qualitative characteristics of the individual, formed by modern educational technologies. This is not so much about control of knowledge, skills and abilities, but about the quality of the education system.

Training and retraining of teachers is an important area of ​​improving the quality of education. The quality of professional education largely depends on teachers. Universities have a system of advanced training for teachers, which fully meets the requirements of our time and pays great attention to new technologies in education. For example, at the Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin at the Institute of Additional Professional Education, advanced training of the academy's teaching staff is carried out within the framework of the following short-term advanced training programs “Transition to two-level higher legal education based on a competency-based approach”, “Improving the information competence of university teachers” based on innovative educational technologies.

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