what a first grader should know
Consultation for parents “Preparing your child for school.”
How to prepare your child for school with the help of games? Training assignments are the best way to develop
How can a teacher develop the speech of preschoolers through play?
speech development of preschoolers through games and play exercises article on speech development (preparatory group) on the topic
A distinctive feature of children is that they perceive any information better in games,
Development of cognitive activity in young children in the process of objective activity
Development of cognitive activity in young children in the process of subject activity tags: Subject, Child,
A collection of mathematical fairy tales for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts of children 4-5 years old
Mathematical fairy tales for children 5-8 years old Fairy tales with mathematical content for children 5 - 8
Parent meeting in a non-traditional form in kindergarten
Parent meeting in a non-traditional form in kindergarten Presenter: We listened to the teacher,
Program for interaction with parents of students “Teachers and parents as co-authors of development”
Klimenko Tatyana Grigorievna Deputy Director for educational work of the Municipal government institution of additional education "Center"
Drawing lessons for children 6-7-8 years old with pencil and paints
Drawing lessons for children 6-7-8 years old with pencil and paints
Leading psychologists and teachers have long approved the most useful and interesting drawing techniques for children.
Formalities in kindergarten
How to draw up minutes of parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten
Instructional and methodological letter on the preparation of minutes of parent meetings In accordance with the uniform requirements for registration
Traffic rules for parents: how to cross the road with children correctly
Traffic rules for parents: how to cross the road correctly with children Accidents happen on the roads
Consultation for parents of the middle group “Learning to use scissors”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the middle group on artistic and aesthetic development “K
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