Long-term plan for working with parents of the middle group

Joint sports entertainment with parents in the middle group. Scenario “Winter Fun”

Winter fun for children in kindergarten

Scenario of shared leisure time with parents. Middle group

Sports entertainment for the middle group. Scenario

The problem of interaction between kindergarten and family has always been relevant and difficult.
Working with parents, we help them understand the difference between the child's world and the world of adults, overcome an authoritative attitude towards the child, show sincere interest in the child's actions and be ready for his emotional support. This publication addresses the issue of joint winter leisure between parents and children. The material may be useful to educators, physical education instructors in preschool educational institutions, and additional education teachers. Goal: to develop parents’ interest in playing together with their children. Objectives: - to bring children and parents joy from participating in joint games and relay races; -develop speed, accuracy, dexterity, and coordination of movements in children; -continue to form an idea of ​​the family; -contribute to the development and enrichment of children’s motor experience. Preparatory work: -learning poems about family with children; -repeat warm-up to music; - making snowballs from cotton wool; -making “skis” from plastic bottles; - making snowmen from whatman paper; -repetition of the finger game “Snowman”. Equipment and materials: - audio recordings “Three White Horses”, “Funny Music for Competitions”, “Dance of the Little Ducklings”;
- tablespoons - 2 pcs.; -snowballs made of cotton wool; - medium diameter hoops - 2 pcs.; - small diameter hoops - 2 pcs.; - snowmen from whatman paper - 2 sets; -snowman costume for adults; -small felt boots - 1 pair; - “skis made from plastic bottles - 2 pairs; - artificial Christmas trees - 2 pcs.; tangerines, bag. Progress of the event:
Presenter: Snow is swirling outside the window, creeping along the paths. This is the winter blizzard circling and bewitching! (To the recording of “Three White Horses,” children run into the hall and do a warm-up). Presenter: Today we are pleased to welcome the parents of our children to the sports festival! Educator: Children, parents... But how can you call them in one word - when dad, mom and child? (Children's answers). Educator: Children, tell me, what is a family? 1 child: Family is us. Family is me. Family is my dad and mom! 2nd child: Family is your little brother. Family is my fluffy cat! 3rd child: The family consists of two dear grandmothers. My family and sisters are mischievous! 4th child: Family is godmother, aunts and uncles. A family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit! 5th child: Family is a holiday at the blood table. Family is happiness, family is home! Host: Our meeting today is dedicated to winter. And even though winter is a cold season, it is loved by those who happily participate in fun winter games, and these are our children! Introducing our jury (representation of the jury). So here we go! One, two, three, gather your team! (Teams of children are being built). Host: Dear parents, stand next to your children. (Parents stand behind their child.) Host: Guys, who likes to play snowballs - sculpt, roll, throw? (Children's answers). 1 relay race “Carry the snowball in a spoon.” (Children carry 1 snowball made of cotton wool in a spoon, go around the counter, return to the team. Parents take 2 snowballs. The team that completes the task faster wins). Host: We love throwing snowballs at the target, - Come on, hit it! Relay 2 “Hit the target!” (On the floor in front of each team there are hoops of medium and small diameter. Children throw a snowball into a medium-diameter hoop (distance 1.5 m). Parents throw a snowball into a small-diameter hoop (distance 3 m). The team with the most snowballs in the hoops wins ). Presenter: Now we’ll play, we’ll challenge the fastest! Game "Who can collect the most snowballs." (Snowballs are scattered on the floor. To the sound of cheerful music, 2 children collect snowballs in a basket. Rule: take one snowball in each hand. Parents perform the task blindfolded). Presenter: Here's another game, get up in a circle, kids! Game "Pass the Mitten". (Children stand in a circle, pass the mitten to each other to the music. Behind the circle is a parent who is trying to catch it. If he succeeds, the other parent comes to replace him. Rule: pass the mitten quickly). Presenter: One, two, three, gather your team! (Children and parents stand behind the captains on their team). Presenter: We love to roll snowballs - build a fortress, play in it! Relay 3: “Carry the lumps.” (The relay race is carried out in pairs - a pair of children, a pair of adults. A pair of children squeezes the ball between their stomachs, goes to the counter, returns running with the ball in their hands. A pair of parents squeezes the ball with their foreheads. The team that completes the task faster wins). Relay 4: “Build a snowman.” (Parts of a snowman are laid out on the floor at the counter in front of each team. The first participant runs up, lays out 1 part of the snowman, returns to the team, etc. Only children participate. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins). The Snowman, a parent in disguise, enters the hall to the sound of cheerful music. Snowman: Guys, I'm a Snowman, I'm used to snow and cold. You blinded me cleverly. Instead of a nose there is a carrot! Outdoor game "Traps with a Snowman". (Having run away from the Snowman, the children, clapping their hands, say: “One, two, three. Well, quickly catch us!” The Snowman, waddling, catches up with the children). Snowman: You run smartly, I wish I didn’t lose my carrot! Host: We ran, jumped, what more could you want? And I suggest you play some more! Finger game "Snowman". Come on, my friend, be brave, my friend - clap your hands Roll your snowball in the snow! - imitation of rolling a snowball It will turn into a thick lump - close your hands, depicting a circle And the lump will become a snowman! - draw two circles in the air His smile is so bright - clap in palms Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom! - show according to the text But the sun will burn slightly - palms are placed against each other, fingers spread - imitation of the sun Alas! - and there is no snowman! - they spread their hands (Snowman-parent lowers his head, is sad). Host: Don’t be sad, Snowman, you still have the whole winter ahead of you! (To the words of the presenter: “One, two, three, assemble your team!” The teams line up in their places). Presenter: If the Christmas tree had legs, it would run along the path! 5th relay race “Run to the Christmas tree”. (A Christmas tree is placed at the counter in front of each team. Children run to the tree wearing only felt boots, run around it, and run back to the team. Parents “ride on skis” - plastic bottles with a slot in the middle. The team that completes the task faster wins). Presenter: The solemn moment has come for our captains! The New Year is coming soon, he wishes us miracles and surprises! Captains' competition "Find the treasured bag." (Parents of child captains participate in the competition. Blindfolded adults walk between the racks, jump over the sticks, and walk back through the middle of the hall. The parents hold a “magic” wand in their hands, which helps them complete tasks and find the bag. There are tangerines in the bag for children). Host: Our meeting, unfortunately, is coming to an end. And while the jury is summing up the results, I will say a few words to you, our dear children and respected parents: Love physical education, Moms, dads, children! Everyone needs air, sports and vitamins in the world! Run, play together, don’t waste time! The teams are awarded. A cheerful dance of parents with children “Dance of the Little Ducklings.”

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