Psychological training for parents “First of all, we are parents”

Psychological training for parents “First of all, we are parents”

Psychological training for parents

“First of all, we are parents”

Prepared by:

educational psychologist

highest qualification category Itaeva L.R.


increasing parental competence in matters of education; awareness of the significance and reasonableness of the measure of parental care; developing motivation to improve relationships with children; actualization of the feeling of unity in the relationship between parents and children.


1. Improve the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your child;

2. Help reduce emotional stress;

3. Mastering techniques for interacting with a child.



Training duration:

30 - 35 min

Materials and equipment:

magnetic board, chamomile petals, prepared cards with sayings, a drawing of a heart (cut into 4 parts), questionnaire forms, laptop, music for relaxation, markers, blank sheets, on the board - statements about children and parents


: the lesson is held in the office of a teacher-psychologist, participants are seated in a semicircle on comfortable chairs.

Progress of the training

Good afternoon, dear parents. I thank you for coming to our lesson “First of all, we are parents.”

Probably nothing causes such strong feelings in a person as his own children. How to find a common language with your child, how to make sure that you and the child understand each other without words. This is what we will talk about today.

I suggest you take part in the exercises; somewhere we’ll speculate, somewhere we’ll try to take the place of our child.

I hope that you will understand your children even better, be even more sensitive to your child’s experiences, and understand each other’s interests even more.

So let's start by greeting each other.

Warm-up “Give a smile”

I will ask everyone to stand in a circle and hold hands. Everyone takes turns giving a smile to their neighbors on the left and right, it is important to look into each other’s eyes.

Exercise 1

. In a circle, saying their name, they finish the phrase “Being a parent is...”.

After completing the exercise, all participants are asked to take their places.

Educational psychologist

: We have already decided what it means to be a parent
( Being a parent is work. And it should begin with working on yourself)
and before we continue, I propose to discuss the rules of work in class .

Training rules:

  1. We try to listen and hear each other.
  2. Briefly and clearly, express your thoughts, do not forget about the main topic.
  3. We are discussing the problem, not the person.
  4. We implement the “here and now” rule.
  5. We speak only on our own behalf.

Educational psychologist

Traditionally, the main institution of education is the family. The family is a special kind of collective that plays a basic, long-term and most important role in education. It is in the family that the child receives his first life experience, makes his first observations and learns how to behave in various situations. In the system of child-parent relationships, the parent is the leading link, and how these relationships develop largely depends on him. Parenting is a profession that you need to learn, and having learned, constantly improve yourself, no matter how many children you have - one or many.

Exercise 2. “Flower”

Educational psychologist:

Popular wisdom says: “the sweetest sound for a person is his name.” If you want to attract a person’s attention to yourself, to set him up for communication, then you should address the person, the child, by name. What do you name your child?

The game “Flower” will help you find the positive qualities of your child.

Instructions: I suggest making a note in the petal. On it you write your child’s affectionate name and his positive qualities.

Conclusion: Look what a gentle and kind chamomile we have turned out to be! Maybe some of your qualities coincide.

- It was difficult? — How did this exercise make you feel?

— Was it easy for you to fill out? Why?

Educational psychologist:

We understand that parents bear a huge responsibility for the health, development, and happiness of our children. But are we always aware of this measure, do we always act adequately to the current situation? I invite everyone present today to answer the following questions.

TEST “Measure of caring”

Next to each phrase, mark the number of points corresponding to your judgment on the given question.

Strongly disagree – 1 point;

I would not rush to agree with this - 2 points;

This is probably true - 3 points;

Absolutely right, that’s exactly what I think – 4 points.

  1. Parents must anticipate all the child's problems in order to help him overcome them.
  2. For a good mother, communication only with her own family is enough.
  3. A small child should be held firmly while washing to prevent him from falling and hurting himself.
  4. When a child does what he is supposed to do, he is on the right path and will be happy because of this.
  5. It's good if a child plays sports. But he should not engage in combat sports, as this is fraught with physical injuries and mental disorders.
  6. Parenting is hard work.
  7. A child should not have secrets from his parents.
  8. If the mother fails to fulfill her responsibilities towards the children, this most likely means that the father is poorly fulfilling his responsibilities to support the family.
  9. Mother's love cannot be excessive: you cannot spoil a child with love.
  10. Parents should protect their child from the negative aspects of life.
  11. You should not accustom your child to routine housework so that he does not lose the desire for any work.
  12. If the mother did not manage the house, husband, and children, everything would happen less organized.
  13. In a family’s diet, everything that is delicious and healthy should, first of all, go to the child.
  14. The best protection against infectious diseases is limiting contact with others.
  15. Parents should actively influence which of their peers the child chooses as friends.

Processing the results

40 points and above

– all your efforts are aimed at ensuring that the interests of your child are reliably protected. However, this may soon cause his protest. Your child is personally dependent on you, which does not contribute to the formation of his interests and self-esteem. He does not develop the ability to make decisions independently and bear his own burden of responsibility for them.

25 – 40 points

– you have taken the right position in raising your child. He receives a sufficient amount of attention and care from his elders, but at the same time gets the opportunity to show his independence and adulthood.

Less than 25 points

– you pay little attention to the issues of raising your child. You are more concerned about problems at work and marital relationships.

Relaxation “Talk to yourself”

Everyone sits in a circle, calm music sounds, imitating the splashing of waves


Educational psychologist:

Now each of you will make a journey. We sit down more comfortably and close our eyes. Imagine that you are walking along a path, going down to the river. The water flows quietly and shimmers. You look at the water - and suddenly the world around you changes. I don't know how, but you know it. You look at the shore and see a small child in the distance. He plays alone. He seems very close to you. You come up and see that it is you, only small, careless, defenseless. He looks at the world with big, amazed eyes. There is still a lot he doesn't know. Get closer to him. Now you can touch it. You can tell him some important, necessary words. Thank him for helping you become who you are today. Now you can let it in or let it go. Just remember that there is always a piece of this little creature in you. We open our eyes.

Reflective circle

: Everyone in a circle finishes the phrase: “My child is for me...”.

Parents' answers.

Exercise 3. “Jug of Feelings”

Let's imagine that our feelings and emotions are a kind of vessel. At the bottom of the vessel is its most important content, and when we feel good, the vessel cannot be thrown out. When we feel bad, it pours out, as they say, overflowing.

If you see your child in this state, the first thing you can and should do is hug him, hold him close to you and hold him near you for as long as the child needs. When he has had enough, he will leave on his own.

At the same time, under no circumstances should you pat him on the back or stroke him, as if “all these are such little things that they will heal before the wedding.” You just hug him.

The child should know that his parents will always understand and accept him, no matter what happens to him.

A child especially needs such signs of unconditional acceptance, like food for a growing organism. They nourish him emotionally, helping him develop psychologically. If he does not receive such signs, then emotional problems, behavioral deviations, and even neuropsychic diseases appear.

Exercise 4. “What do children want?”

For the exercise you will need a drawing of a heart, cut into pieces. Each part is numbered to make it more convenient and easier to assemble the mosaic in the future.

Educational psychologist: “Imagine mentally that you have returned to childhood. You are 5-6 years old. Remember what you wanted most? Write it down in one sentence.” (Participants write down their answers on the pieces of hearts distributed to them, after which they read and analyze what they wrote).

Then the educational psychologist suggests putting together a mosaic from the pieces received and concludes:
“What children really want is a lot of love, warmth and affection.”
Exercise 5 “Snowflake”

(The psychologist hands out a piece of paper to each participant.)

Educational psychologist:

“Now we will do an interesting exercise with you. You have sheets of paper in your hands, all sheets are the same shape, size, quality, color. The main condition is not to look at anyone and listen to my instructions:

- fold the sheet in half

- tear off the upper right corner

- fold in half again

- tear off the upper right corner again

- fold the sheet in half

- tear off the upper right corner

Continue this procedure as long as possible. Now unfold your beautiful snowflake.

Now I will ask you to find among the other snowflakes exactly the same as yours. The snowflakes must be exactly the same.

Found it? And why? How do you think? »

Educational psychologist:

“Does everyone have the same sheets of paper? What is the difference? How are the leaves similar? What is the purpose of the task? »

The psychologist comes to the conclusion: “Everyone understands the instructions in their own way, we are all different. When reading notations and rules to children, can you be sure that they understood us correctly and understood everything? If there was an example, everyone would have the same thing. There must be an example of parental behavior for children. You can talk as much as you like about how to cross the road correctly, but if you yourself do not follow these rules, you can be sure that your child will break them too.”


Educational psychologist:

Now let's do a small, simple experiment.
I will ask you all to raise your index finger up. Quickly, lift everything, lift it higher, even higher. Now look what you've done. Look! I asked you to raise your index finger, and you raised your thumb. You are adults. After all, you did, not what I told you, but you went and did what I did. So, remember! Moreover, our children do not do what we tell them, but our children do what we do! Children don't hear us, they look at us.
Final part

Well, our training has come to an end. I would like him to help you in raising your children. In conclusion, I propose the “Applause” exercise.

Let's imagine a smile on one palm and joy on the other. And so that they do not leave us, they must be firmly united with applause.

Our meeting has come to an end, and I would like to hear answers to the following questions.

  1. What do you leave this meeting with (mood, feelings, thoughts)?
  2. What do you wish for yourself and your loved ones?

Parents' answers.

Dear parents! I hope today's meeting showed you what a great mission it is to be a parent. How difficult it is to be a parent and what happiness it is!

This concludes our lesson.

Good luck and peace of mind! Thanks to all!

For registration

“Life is short, but a person will live it again in his children”

A. France

“To change a child, you need to love him. The result of influence is proportional to love."

I. Pestalozzi

“Children cannot be scared away by harshness; they only cannot stand lies”

L. Tolstoy

“With children, bitter is sweet. Without children there is no need for happiness.”

V. Rozanov

“The best way to make children good is to make them happy.”

O. Wilde

“Children don’t hear us, they look at us”

Omar Khayyam


  1. Klyueva N.V. Psychologist and family: diagnosis, consultation, training / N.V. Klyueva. – Yaroslavl, 2002.
  2. Kozlova G.N. School parents' club: program of work, forms of classes, methodological developments / G.N. Kozlova, E.V. Lyubeznova, E.N. Netsvetailova. – M.: Globus; Volgograd: Panorama, 2009.

Benefits of courses for expectant mothers

  • Convenient training options - from short but capacious individual lessons to long group lessons with the most complete theory and practice.
  • The cost is affordable and starts from 2800 rubles. So that a mother with a small income can allocate funds from the family budget. Choose which format suits you - individual or in a group, and invest in your future today.
  • The field of obstetrics and pediatrics does not tolerate non-professionals. At our school, classes are taught by doctors of the highest and first categories, candidates of science, practicing psychologists, and teachers from leading universities in the capital. And they all have their own experience of motherhood.
  • Flexible schedule - registration for courses for mothers is carried out both on weekdays and on weekends.
  • The main site of the School is located in the center of Moscow - training is not far from the Tretyakovskaya metro station. Groups are also being recruited near other metro stations. By individual agreement, home visits are possible, which is convenient for women on maternity leave.

Relevance of the issue

Psychological training that brings together children and parents is a seminar in which visitors will learn about the features of change and maturation of the human psyche. Many recommend starting to attend such educational events even before the birth of the first child in the family, in order to imagine in advance how the child will develop. By listening carefully and assimilating as much information as possible, you can formulate in advance a strategy for how to behave with your child at different stages of his life, and think through the features of productive upbringing. It is important to choose a high-quality course, since it allows generations to get closer, teaches people to trust each other, and teaches them to form close contacts.

Training meetings of parents and children help improve the quality of our society. They are formed taking into account what the child needs at different stages of personality development. Trainings allow you to learn how to behave and communicate with other people of your own age and older people. An important aspect of psychological trainings intended for children and adults is a detailed consideration of issues of hygiene and intimate relationships. For some, such topics in family conversations seem taboo, and an experienced psychologist will help convey useful information to the child so that the child understands everything. As a result of the educational program, the child will be better oriented in society, and the likelihood that his life will be filled with problems will decrease. The risk of various addictions, falling into bad company, and hooligan behavior is minimized.

Problems: versatile

One of the topics of psychological training for parents is the relationship between representatives of the older generation. Often they don’t talk about this at all when considering family problems. Relationships between parents deteriorate under the influence of everyday problems; over the years, people get used to each other and even get tired of constant interaction. Age-related changes and the burden of responsibility, various difficulties create a dysfunctional atmosphere in which previously strong feelings gradually weaken and die. Specialized training aimed at maintaining healthy family relationships allows you to preserve the union and remember how happy the couple was when they first became one. A qualified specialist will remind you why two people chose each other and will help revive former love.

There are many methods and ways to restore lost tenderness and warm relationships. It is necessary to remember that loved ones need love and care, and consultation with a specialist, specialized training, during which different situations and interaction patterns are worked out, will improve the quality of everyday life.

general information

On the one hand, no one disputes the need to educate the younger generation. At the same time, not every adult (and especially a child) understands how important and valuable training is for children and parents. It so happened that people, understanding the importance of education, do not pay enough attention to the methods and means through which it is implemented. This leads to an undesirable result - studies do not give the same effect, and the child grows up disappointing. Among our contemporaries there are practically no people who regularly read specialized literature created specifically for parents. Such publications make it possible to eliminate the illiteracy of the population in matters of education. Even less often do people attend trainings and seminars, courses where experienced psychologists tell how to better organize interaction between generations.

If you look around, it becomes clear that some people hope that their children’s education will appear as if by itself. This is especially true for those whose children are still very small. When a child reaches school age, it already seems that training for parents of teenagers is useless: it is impossible to manage the child. Neither teachers, nor psychologists, nor the parents themselves know how to behave further. Some are ready to go to extremes, treat the younger generation too strictly, while others completely ignore any child’s pranks, even harmless ones. To minimize the number of cases of this approach, many trainings have been created. Anyone can attend specialized courses where psychologists will help solve family problems.

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