Rare animals from the Red Book of Russia and the whole world

Nature on a large scale feels the negative impact of human activity, which absolutely thoughtlessly litters both land and water areas with various, and sometimes toxic, waste. In addition, people carry out uncontrolled fishing of fish and other representatives of the underwater world, and also exterminate various animals. As a result of such vigorous activity, numerous species were on the verge of extinction.

In order to somehow control the process and keep records of the population of many species, the Red Book of Russia was legalized. This book contains all objects of flora and fauna, and not just animals or fish. In the Red Book you can find many species of birds that are on the verge of extinction, as well as plants, both cultivated and wild, insects, mushrooms, etc.

Animals from the Red Book of Russia

The Red Book records information about those objects of flora and fauna that need to be protected.

Red or mountain wolf

These are individuals up to a meter long and weighing up to 21 kilograms maximum. In appearance, the mountain wolf is almost similar to a fox, especially if you look at it from afar, which is why it suffered greatly. As a rule, most hunters are not particularly versed in the intricacies of zoology, so the red wolf was subjected to mass extermination in order to seize valuable fur. Naturally, the mountain wolf has quite beautiful fur, a bright red hue. At the same time, there is one highlight - the tip of his tail is dark.

This type of wolf is found in the Far East, China, and also in Mongolia. Leads a gregarious lifestyle, forming flocks of 15, but no more individuals.

Sea lion

The sea lion is a Pacific eared seal that lives on the Kuril and Commander Islands, Kamchatka and Alaska. Adults grow up to 3 meters in length and can weigh up to 1000 kilograms.

Ussuri (Amur) tiger

It belongs to a rare subspecies of cats that has survived to this day. A minimal number of such wild felines can still be found on the Sikhot-Alinsky ridge. These wild cats grow up to almost 2 meters in length, with the tail reaching half the length of the body.


Taimen fish

The common taimen is also listed in the Red Book and is protected in many regions of Russia. According to some reports, this species has suffered serious damage due to uncontrolled fishing, especially by poachers, despite existing restrictions on fishing without special permission. The populations that live in hard-to-reach areas are practically untouched.

Musk deer

Musk deer is a representative of artiodactyls and resembles a deer in appearance. At the same time, the musk deer does not have horns, but it does have fangs, with the help of which the animal can defend itself from natural enemies. For a long time it was believed that this animal was a vampire that fed on the blood of various animals. In fact, the musk deer is an absolutely harmless artiodactyl.

Forest Dormouse

This is an interesting and small animal, which is protected in certain regions of Russia and is listed in the Red Book. Even at the international level it is protected by the Vienna Convention. This species is also listed by the IUCN.

Far Eastern leopard

This animal is considered quite smart, which never attacks a person, but it is also included in the Red Book. Despite the existing prohibitions, poachers are especially atrocious, who also destroy the main food sources of leopards - roe deer and sika deer. In addition, humans are introducing themselves into the living space of animals, building new highways and households. As a result of such activities, thousands of hectares of green spaces are destroyed, where these unique animals prefer to live.

White-faced dolphin

This species of dolphin has a short head and black fins. This representative of the underwater world grows up to 3 meters in length. This is a cute and unusual creature with a small beak, up to 5 cm long. Prefers to live in the Baltic and Barents seas.

Snow Leopard

Snow leopard is also the name of this predator, which is also included in the Red Book. Prefers to live in the mountainous, snowy areas of Central Asia. Due to the fact that the snow leopard lives in areas inaccessible to humans, it has not yet been completely exterminated. And yet, these days it is a rather rare representative of this species.

Mountain sheep

It is believed that the wild sheep is one of the largest representatives of wildlife, which represents the category of wild sheep. According to the Latin species name "ammon", this wild animal was given the name of the god Amun.

Amur goral

This animal lives in the Primorsky Territory and is a subspecies of mountain goat. They prefer to stay in flocks of 6-8 individuals. There are only no more than 700 individuals left. Externally, the mountain goat is similar to the Amur goral. It is also found in Tibet and the Himalayas.

Dappled deer

The beginning of the last century was marked by the fact that the sika deer almost disappeared from the face of the earth as a species. They were destroyed almost everywhere because of their tasty meat, unique skin, and also because of their horns. Miracle medicines were made from the horns.

Far Eastern turtle

The habitat of the Far Eastern turtle extends both to the territory of Russia and to the territory of other countries. Moreover, in Russia this species of turtles is considered rare, and their numbers are constantly decreasing.


It belongs to a subspecies of the wild Asian donkey, although it is extremely rare in natural conditions in our time. Only a small number of individuals have been seen in Central Asia, as well as in the Middle East. To save the number of these unique animals, a reserve was created in Turkmenistan, where these animals are bred artificially.


This wild cat is also called Pallas's cat. This animal is distinguished by its rather long and fluffy hair. Up to 9 thousand hairs grow on 1 square centimeter of its body. The wild cat is found in the Republic of Tyva, Altai and Transbaikalia.

Asiatic cheetah

Quite a rare animal. It is believed that no more than a dozen individuals remain in natural conditions, although at one time the cheetah was found in vast territories, ranging from the Arabian Sea to the Syrdarya River basin. There are no more than 2 dozen individuals in zoos around the world.

Atlantic walrus

Natural habitats are the Barents and Kara Seas. Adults grow up to 4 meters in length and can weigh up to one and a half thousand kilograms. This unique animal was almost exterminated completely in the middle of the 20th century. Nowadays, the walrus population is slowly but recovering. Unfortunately, experts cannot say exactly how many walruses remain today. The fact is that their rookeries are located in remote areas of the north.


This name is not large in size, but is a slender and fast antelope. Males reach 85 cm in height and weigh about 40 kg. The body is distinguished by a yellowish-ochre color. The antelope's horns are hollow and black in color. Females are slightly smaller in size - up to 75 cm in height and weighing no more than 30 kg. They prefer to live either in deserts or steppes, while they could be found, not so long ago, within the Altai Mountains, but were forced out by humans due to the high rate of settlement of the natural habitats of such animals.

Central Asian leopard

This predator is also known as the Caucasian leopard and represents the cat family. It prefers to live in western Asia, and is considered one of the representatives of the panther genus.

Here were given the names of only a small part of the natural inhabitants of Russia that are in danger of extinction.

The Red Book of Russia

Document creation history

The idea of ​​creating the project belongs to France. In 1902, a convention for the protection of farm birds was signed in Paris, and 46 years later the International Union for the Conservation of Natural Resources appeared, which subsequently created a list of endangered species of plants, birds and animals.

The presentation of the two-volume book took place in 1963. The first volume contained descriptions of 211 species of mammals and 312 representatives of the bird world (only government officials and scientists had access to the collection). The next three volumes were published between 1966 and 1971, they were supplemented with descriptions of reptiles and amphibians. In 1972, the revised and expanded book went on sale.

The modern document contains information about the numbers and characteristics of all rare representatives of the surrounding world. The Red Book is based on accurate facts, which allows us to develop solutions to urgent problems in protecting the natural environment.

The red color of the book symbolizes the danger threatening the planet. The goal of scientists is to briefly convey to humanity how important it is to preserve the remaining rare species and prevent them from disappearing from the face of the Earth.

Animals are protected all over the world

The protection of flora and fauna is carried out not only in Russia, but also at the international level, since the problems in all countries are identical. Almost everywhere animals, fish and birds are destroyed by humans.

African lion

Despite the fact that the lion is considered the king of beasts, it also needs protection. The problem is mainly due to the fact that more and more wild areas are being inhabited by people, displacing the animal world beyond its borders. Along with the reduction in natural food sources, the number of lions is also decreasing.

Lemur Lory

Lemurs represent a large family of primates. As a rule, they live in trees and are the closest relatives of galagidae, while forming the suborder of the same name, Lorisiformes.

Blue Macaw

This is a bright representative of the parrot family, which is also the only species of the Blue Macaw from the order Psittacidae.

Bengal tiger

This subspecies of tiger belongs to the order of carnivores, the cat family and the genus Panthera. Bengal tigers represent the national animals of historical Bengal or modern Bangladesh, including China and India. Currently listed in the Red Book.

Leatherback turtle

This turtle is also called “lut” and is represented on almost all government papers of the maritime department of the country of Fiji. Residents of the archipelago respect the turtle and consider it the personification of speed and excellent navigation skills.

Brown bear

The brown bear is also called the common bear. Quite a dangerous predator that doesn’t mind eating berries or other sweets. It grows in height to almost 3 meters, climbs trees well and steals honey from bees. He also loves fish.

Steppe Harrier

This bird of prey belongs to the family Accipitridae and the order Accipitridae. The steppe harrier is capable of migrating over considerable distances. Nowadays it has the status of a vulnerable species, therefore it is listed in the Red Book.

Green turtle

Considered to be the largest sea turtle. It is quite interesting to observe them in the natural environment, especially when they feed, moving in dense marine thickets of aquatic vegetation or simply moving in the water column.

Curlew bird

These are quite interesting and bright representatives of birds that belong to the Snipe family and the Charadriiformes order.

Antelope gazelle

Represents a graceful creature of not large size. In its appearance, it meets many people’s ideas about gazelles.

spotted hyena

Belongs to the hyena family and is a predatory animal. It is considered the most numerous representative of this species. They occupy a serious place in the ecosystem, since they are considered the orderlies of the African continent. They can be recognized by the unique sound they make. This sound is similar to a person laughing.

Bird puffin

It prefers to settle on the shores of the Atlantic and until 2015 was a species that was not endangered. It took only 3 years for this unique bird to be included in the IUCN Red Book and declared a vulnerable species.

Lion marmosets

Among the family of primates, small monkeys called lion marmosets are of particular interest. Their fur is so shiny that it seems as if the monkeys were sprinkled with gold dust. Unfortunately, they are on the list of species that may become extinct once and for all.

Olive turtle

This turtle is not large in size, which is listed in the Red Book as a species that is in danger of extinction. A turtle may disappear as a result of human hunting, as well as as a result of other negative factors, such as environmental pollution, etc.

Maned wolf

The maned wolf lives in South America and is considered a very unique animal. It has features of both a wolf and a fox, so scientists classify it as a relict representative of the animal world. Locals call the wolf "guara". Its distinctive features are an elegant, athletic body, not typical for a wolf, with long legs, a sharp muzzle and relatively large ears.

Brownie shark

Due to its unique appearance, the shark was called the goblin shark. Unfortunately, scientists know little about this shark, so no one can say exactly how many, at least approximately, individuals inhabit the world’s oceans. Therefore, it was decided to list the shark in the Red Book as a poorly studied and rare species.

Spectacled bear

The spectacled bear is known as the Andean bear. It is considered a fairly rare predator these days. The animal belongs to the bear family and represents the genus Spectacled Bears.


The bear order belongs to the mammal family. According to some important characteristics, they are very similar to the canid group. However, there are some important differences between these mammal species. Representatives of the bear order are distinguished by a stockier build and larger size.

Predators of the order Ursidae are the youngest group, the isolation of which occurred relatively recently. The first representatives were small. Then the size of the individual gradually increased, which made it possible to distinguish them into a separate group, separating them from the canine family.

Polar bear

It is rightfully considered the largest representative of the “bear family”. In size it surpasses even the well-known grizzly bear.

Brown bear

The brown bear is also known as the common bear and belongs to the predatory mammals of the bear family. The largest and most dangerous species of land predators with a powerful and well-developed body. It has the typical appearance of all bear representatives. It is found in the territory from England to the Japanese Islands, as well as from Alaska to central Mexico.


Hyenas belong to the predatory representatives of the mammal family. Many people call hyenas dogs, perhaps because of their external resemblance. However, this opinion is erroneous. In fact, they are related to cats.

The hyena can rightfully be called one of the most controversial and externally repulsive predators. Even when pronouncing the name of this detachment, many people experience rejection. It's all because of her appearance. In fact, people in ancient times tamed hyenas quite easily. After a short period of time, the hyena willingly lived with the man, followed him everywhere, replaced the dog and even followed commands.

Striped hyena

The striped hyena is a large animal with a body height of up to 80 centimeters and a weight of up to 60 kilograms. It has a short body, which is emphasized by a mane of coarse hair up to 30 centimeters long. It is found throughout northern Africa, as well as in some regions of Asia from the Mediterranean Sea to the Bay of Bengal. Widely distributed in India and other countries further east.

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