Calendar and thematic planning in the senior group for the month of March

Scheduling. March (senior group)

Lyubov Alexandrovna Dmitrieva

Scheduling. March (senior group)

Topic: International Women's Day.



• Formation of a feeling of love and respect for a woman, a desire to help them, take care of them.

• Attracting children's attention to the holiday of March 8th.

• To develop children's interest in the tradition of its celebration.

• Contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family.

• To consolidate children's knowledge about indoor plants: balsam, ficus, chlorophytum, geranium, begonia, primrose.

Learn how to care for them.


• Cultivate a respectful, tender and grateful attitude towards mothers and grandmothers, a caring and sensitive attitude towards those closest to you, the need to please loved ones with good deeds.

• Deepen children's knowledge about the role of mother and grandmother in their lives.

• Develop children's interest in their loved ones.

• Contribute to the creation in children of positive emotional experiences and a joyful mood from the holiday. Encourage children to participate as much as possible in preparing family holidays;

• Carrying out regular chores around the house.

• To form in children an idea of ​​their mother’s profession.

• Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults and a desire to provide all possible assistance.

Reporting event: “When my friends are with me.”

MARCH 03/05 – 03/09/2018

Topic of the week: International Women's Day. "Houseplants"

1 half day OD 2 half day ind. work working with parents


05.03 1. Introductory conversation on the topic “What grows on the window”: clarifying and expanding students’ ideas about indoor plants.

2. Game of low mobility “We won’t say where we were, but we’ll show you what we did”: complicating the rules of the game with verbal designation of actions, correct use of verbs (tense, person).

3. Work in a corner of nature: planting peas and dill: expanding ideas about how to plant seeds of different sizes, arousing interest in growing plants. Speech development. No. 1 s. 91 Conversation on the topic “Conversation on the topic “Our Mothers.” Reading the poem by E. Blaginina “Let’s Sit in Silence” and A. Barto “Before Bed.” – Help children understand how much time and effort housework takes from mothers; point out the need for help for mothers.

Methods and techniques. Conversation. Answers on questions.

Hood. tvrch. (Drawing) No. 74 “Children doing exercises” - Teach children to determine the relative size of body parts, the general structure of the human figure. Reinforce drawing and painting techniques.

Methods and techniques: Clarification. Show. Discuss the drawing sequence. Consider ready-made drawings.

Music Conversation with children “We need different mothers, all kinds of mothers are important.”

Goal: to deepen children’s knowledge about the role of mother and grandmother in their lives.

Articulation gymnastics.

Reading proverbs about mother.

Goal: consolidate knowledge of proverbs about mother.

Work in a corner of nature: Search and research activities: “What plants did we plant?”

Didactic games: “Associations” by profession Labor assignments for establishing order in the group for Denis S., Artyom, Anya “Every toy has its place”: consolidating the ability to determine the location of each toy, providing all possible assistance to adults. Update of information stands “For you, parents!” and “Advice from Experts” with recommendations for studying the topic of the week and the work plan for the week.


03.03 Conversation “We need different mothers, all kinds of mothers are important” (about the professions of mothers and grandmothers);

Games with objects (cubes) Construction

Finger games. “This finger is grandpa.” Role-playing games: S/R game “Daughters - Mothers” - relationships in the family. Help children determine the place where the game will be played, assign roles

Word game “What is your mother’s name”: consolidate knowledge of the name of your mother and the mothers of other children.

Reading and looking at the book: Yu. Yakovlev: “Mom” Cognitive development (FEMP) Lesson No. 1 p. 49 P/s: To consolidate the idea of ​​the ordinal value of the numbers of the first ten and the composition of the number of units within 5. Improve the ability to navigate in space relative to yourself. Improve the ability to compare up to 10 objects by length. Methods and techniques. 1 hour I/u “Who can make up the number faster”

2h. I/u “Let’s make a number” 3 hours. D/i "Who left"

4h. I/u Talk about the length of the strips" 4. h I/u "Where the object lies"

Hood. creative (Applique) No. 83 p. 89

“Cut out and paste whatever picture you want” - Teach children to conceive a simple plot for transferring to Apple. Reinforce cutting techniques. Methods and techniques: Talk about something they could cut and paste. Explanation. Show. Review of works mark original works.

Physical education in the air Reading G. Okhapkin’s “The History of a Plant”: developing the skills of students to listen carefully to the work, evaluating the actions of the characters and drawing conclusions.

D/i “Guess the plant”: developing students’ skills to recognize a plant by description.

Minute of safety “Dangerous situations on the street and in the yard”: familiarizing pupils with the rules of behavior in situations of discovering unfamiliar objects and when meeting strangers, cultivating attentiveness and caution. Walk D/i “Insert the missing word”, “Choose the word” with Sasha, Gleb, Masha, Matvey.

With Ulyana, Katya, Kira, Egor - development of movements - consolidate the skills of moving in a circle synchronously in pairs.

Participation of parents in the final event “Happy Spring Holidays!”

We congratulate mothers and grandmothers on the holiday and present gifts made by children


07.03 Conversation: “Gifts for mothers and grandmothers” - to cultivate a feeling of love and care for women.

Repetition of poems and songs for the holiday “March 8”.

Did. games for sensory development:

arrange the dishes into groups.

Breakfast: formation of CGN: sit correctly at the table, move a chair closer to the table, hold a spoon correctly.

Role-playing game: “Let’s go to visit grandma” - instill a friendly attitude towards family members.

Children's activities in the creativity zone.

Outdoor games, physical exercises invented by children. Familiarization with the surroundings world "The World of Indoor Plants". O. A. Solomennikova. No. 13с. 66

P/s. Expand your understanding of indoor plants. Learn to recognize and correctly name indoor plants. Create a desire to help adults.

Methods and techniques: Conversation. Screening of the presentation “Indoor plants and their care.” Prak. work “Proper care of plants” subgroup.

Physical culture (hall)


1. Consideration of the encyclopedia “Indoor Plants”: expanding ideas about the diversity of indoor plants, the individual characteristics of some of them, living conditions and rules of care.

2. Verbal game: “When does this happen?”: clarifying and deepening students’ ideas about the seasons.

3. Communication on the topic of the s/r game “Flower Shop”: expanding the pupils’ horizons about the professions of the flower industry (florist, gardener, florist, etc., activating vocabulary on the topic. Game task “Where I’m going, I know!”: teach walking backwards forward, maintaining the direction (Vika, Denis K, Christian, Anya) consultations on parenting issues.


"Children's games and toys."


Reading literature V. Sukhomlinsky “My mother smells of bread” “My mother and I.” "Spring Festival". D\and “The fourth odd one” consolidate the classification in the natural world; develop attention and the ability to justify your choice.

Wash the flowers - reinforce children's ability to carefully wipe the leaves without damaging them. Creating conditions (introducing a screen, fairy tale characters) for theatrical activities based on the fairy tale “Cat’s House”: improving the students’ abilities to independently convey the plot of the fairy tale, using means of expressiveness, to convey the characteristic features of the characters’ images Speech development. No. 2 s. 92 Compiling a story based on the painting “We Bathe a Puppy” - Teach children to work with pictures with sequentially developing action. Methods and techniques: Looking at the pictures, determining whether they are in the correct order. Making up a story based on a picture. Ask a few people. Rate the stories.

Physical Culture

Choreography (additional education) Reading S. Georgiev’s “Granny’s Kindergarten”: introduction to the understanding of imagery and expressiveness of the language of literary works, Finger gymnastics. “Indoor Flowers”: learning the text and movements of a new finger game, developing fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements. D/i: “Shopping at a flower shop”: consolidating the students’ skills in choosing indoor plants by eliminating the characteristics named by the teacher, as well as when describing, finding and naming plants according to their characteristic characteristics. In modeling, learn to roll balls of different sizes. with Artyom, Veronica, Kirill, Dasha. Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Recommendations for parents on how to develop a positive attitude towards kindergarten in their children.

Topic: “Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions”


Goal: “Getting to know Khokhloma”


• Expand children's horizons. Introduce children to one of the folk crafts of Russia - Khokhloma painting;

• consolidate children’s ability to perform decorative patterns of Khokhloma painting on various template forms;

• attract children's attention to Russian folk culture;

• enrich children's understanding of the history of origin and temporary changes;

• introduce children to the traditions of Khokhloma painting (“curls”, “curl”, “berry”, “grass”, “leaf”);

• consolidate children’s ability to design a decorative composition using elements of Khokhloma;

• develop aesthetic feelings and imagination;

• cultivate initiative, independence, activity.

Final event: “Khokhloma miracles” with a computer presentation.

Topic of the week: “Khokhloma”

1 half day OD 2 half day ind. work working with parents


05.03 Examination of illustrations and Khokhloma products. Conversation “Let's remember the history of the development of Khokhloma folk crafts”

D/i “Find a pair”, “Collect a whole”. Canteen duty. Washing: improve the ability to wash quickly and accurately, maintain order in the washroom. Desktop Lego constructor. Speech development. No. 3 p. 93 Stories on the topic “How we congratulate kindergarten employees on International Women’s Day.” D/i “We won’t say where we were.” — Teach children to write detailed and interesting stories on topics from personal experience; develop initiative and the ability to improvise.

Methods and techniques: Conversation. Game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we saw.”

Hood. tvrch. (Drawing) No. 77 “Painting jugs.”

P/s. Teach children to paint clay products using colors. scale and pattern elements. Develop aesthetic creativity.

Methods and techniques: Remember how pottery was painted. Encourage students to use a variety of brush techniques. Viewing finished drawings

Music Conversation about nesting dolls.

Continue to introduce Russian toys, Examination of different types of nesting dolls. Reading the poem by N. Radchenko “Matryoshka” D/i “Learn the pattern” - consolidating the elements of Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel painting. Making riddles about nesting dolls.

Evening walk Outdoor game: “Traps with squats” - teach to follow the rules of the game. Game “Shade the nesting dolls” “Khokhloma patterns”: strengthening the skills of drawing elements of grass with the end of a brush, berries - with a poke using a cotton swab. Roma, Egor.

. Working with parents: designing a mobile folder: “Teach with us”, Organize an exhibition of arts and crafts together with parents.

Consultations for parents: “Introducing children to folk traditions”


06.03 Examination of the products of Khokhloma masters (what elements are used in painting, what they prefer to paint)

2. Acquaintance with the element of Khokhloma painting “grass”, “kriul”

3. Didactic games “Trace the picture” (finger, pointer, brush)

“Assemble the whole Cognitive Development (FEMP) Lesson No. 2 p. 50

P/s: Continue learning to divide a circle into two parts, name the parts and compare the whole and the part. Continue learning to compare two objects in width. Strengthen the ability to consistently name the days of the week.

Methods and techniques: 1 hour. I/ex. “We are building a road for cars.” 2h. I/exercise “Toys for a kitten”. 3h. “Where the object is.”

Hood. creativity (Modeling) No. 75


P\s. Teach children to create an image of dishes from a whole piece of plasticine using the tape method. Learn to smooth the surface of the product with your fingers. Cultivate a caring, attentive attitude towards mother

Methods and techniques: Explanation. Show.

Physical education in the air Developing the image of the situation “Russian folk toy - matryoshka”: to introduce to the origins of the spiritual culture of the Russian people, the forms of the idea of ​​​​the folk toy, traditions and customs, S/r game “We are visiting a cafe”. P/i “Whoever is named catches the ball”: consolidate the skills of throwing and catching the ball with both hands; cultivate attention and dexterity. Self activities children Labyrinth “Guide the matryoshka along the path” Dima, Vanya, Katya, Ulyana.

D/i “What time of year?”: learn to listen to a poetic text, consolidate knowledge about the months of each season, their main features Masha, Savely. Consultation: “The World of Golden Khokhloma”;


07.03 Conversation “Where and how Khokhloma painting is used”

Examination of objects decorated with Khokhloma paintings. D/i “What happens” - learn to classify objects according to shape, color, quality, material. Printed board game “Russian Patterns”. Invite children to play in the “Traffic” and “Beauty Salon” corners. Familiarization with the surroundings peace with 41 O. V. Dybina. "Journey into the Past of the Light Bulb."

P/s. Introduce children to the history of the light bulb; evoke an emotional mood, interest in the past of this subject.

Methods and techniques: Conversation. Puzzles. Screening of the presentation “What’s the beginning - what’s next.” Description email light bulbs using an algorithm

Physical culture (hall)

Choreography (additional education) Conversation based on proverbs: “The master is happy - the owner is happy”, “Many guests - a lot of news.” Theatrical game “These wise Russian fairy tales.” D/i “Where is this bird from?”

“Give me a word” - a selection of adjectives that characterize the tree. Walking games at the request of children. Work according to fig. elements of Gorodets painting (berries, curls) - Sasha

D/i “Whose souvenir?” — deepen knowledge about some types of folk arts and crafts - Vika, Anya, Kira. Making the album “Khokhloma through the eyes of children”


08.03 Book exhibition: “Russian folk tales”. Conversation “Diversity of crafts in Rus'” (showing illustrations, objects where other crafts of Dymka, Gzhel, Gorodets are used, painting of nesting dolls). “Items from Grandma’s Chest” (writing descriptive stories). 1. Hood. creation. (Drawing) No. 78

“Panel “Beautiful Flowers””.

P/s: To develop esthetic perception, figurative ideas, and the ability to use figurative drawing techniques. Continue to develop teamwork skills.

Methods and techniques: Conversation. Explanation. Examination.

2. Music according to the music director’s plan Reading: “Nikita Kozhemyaka”, D/i “Make a pattern”. Solution to the situation: “The colors have disappeared - how can you paint the dishes?”, S/R game “Fair”: learn to convey the atmosphere of street fair trade. Listening to the play “How a Man Played the Accordion.” Walking games at the request of children. “Mosaic” - make a pattern, develop fine motor skills - Masha, Gleb, Anton.

“Say it in one word” - choose generalizing words for the given examples - Nikita, Iskander, Katya, Denis S. Homework for children and parents

"Matryoshka with mom and dad"

Exhibition of homework works.


09.03 Conversation “Magic nesting dolls” - (history of origin, types of nesting dolls)

"Let's decorate the nesting doll"

(painting the silhouette of a nesting doll according to the model)

Learning the poems “Matryoshka” D/i: “Name it in one word,” - choose generalizing words for the proposed examples.

Speech development. No. 4 p. 94. Reading stories from G. Snegirev’s book “About Penguins.” D/i “Complete the sentence.” –Introduce children to short stories from the life of penguins. Learn to build complex sentences. Methods and techniques: Consider. pictures from images Penguins. (What do you know about them). Reading ch. from the book “About Penguins” by G. Snegirev. Conversation about what you read. Compiling complex sentences.

Physical Culture

Choreography (additional education) “Khokhloma and its features” - discuss with children one of the main types of decorative and applied art - Khokhloma. Offer children board games: “Loto”, “Puzzles”, “Lego”, “Mosaic”. Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale “The Fox and the Blackbird” (exercising children in pronouncing the text of the fairy tale). Walking games at the request of children. D/i: “Tender words” - Vanya, Veronica, Anya.

“Put it out yourself” - lay out the sun from plastic corks: development of fine motor skills of the hands - Matvey, Denis K.

Savely, Artyom. Design of the folder “Samples of products from Khokhloma”;

Design of the exhibition “Golden Khokhloma”.

Planning in the preparatory group of kindergarten on the topic “Family”

Working with parents for March. 1. Create a newspaper message with children’s statements “If I were president, then...”. 2. Family page “You asked - we answer” - from the experience of parents, educators, and specialists. 3.Hold a holiday for mothers and grandmothers. 4. Organize an exhibition of works “Portrait of my Mommy”. 5. Organize a meeting of the parent committee on the topic: “Preparing for the prom.” 6.Work with parents upon request. Complex of morning exercises 29.02–11.03 Part 1. Forming in a line, checking posture and alignment, forming a column one at a time; walking in a column one at a time on tiptoes, hands on the belt; normal walking; walking on the inner arch of the foot, hands on the waist; normal walking; running with high hip lifts; normal walking; walking “rope”, hands on the belt; run; normal walking. Part 2. Reorganization in three columns. General developmental exercises with a gymnastic stick. 1. I.p. legs apart, hands on the waist. Jerks with straight arms back (3-5r) 2. I. p. – legs apart, hands behind the back. 1-2 – turn to the right (left), clasp your shoulders, lower your head to your chest 3-4 – I.P.. 3. I.P. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back. 1-3 springy bends forward, touching the floor with your hands. 4 - I.p. 4. I. p. – sitting feet forward, support behind. 1-8 – rotate your feet inwards – pause. 1-8 – the same outward. 5. I. p. - heels together, toes apart. 1 - crouched, back straight, 2 - I.P., 3 - like 1, 4 - I.P. 6. I.P. - lying on your stomach, bend your legs at the knees, grab your ankles, bend over, chest and hips up. Roll over, lie down freely, fists under the chin. 7. I. p. – legs together, hands on the waist; jumping: 1 on two legs to the sides 2. walking 3. with a high knee lift 4. walking 5. “scissors” back and forth 6. walking Physical education 29.02 – 11.03 1 part. Forming in a line, checking posture and alignment, forming a column one at a time; hands on the belt, walking with a swing of the leg, toes pulled up; normal walking; hands on waist, walking on heels; normal walking; running with a change of direction; normal walking; walking with an extended step, hands on the belt; normal walking; running with acceleration; normal walking. Part 2. Reorganization in three columns. General developmental exercises with cubes. No. 1. I.p. legs slightly apart, cubes down. 1-hands up 2-to the sides 3-forward 4-p. No. 2 Turns. I.p. legs slightly apart, hands behind head 1-turn to the right 2-p. 3-turn left 4-ip. No. 3 Tilts I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, hands at chest. 1-Tilt down, put the cubes on the floor 2-I.p. 3- tilt, take cubes, 4-p. No. 4 I.p. sitting on your knees, hands behind your back 1-Kneel, hands up with cubes 2-sit down, hands behind your back 3-4, same thing No. 5 Squats I.p. heels together, toes apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest 1-squat, arms forward 2nd. p. 3-4 - the same N°6 I.p. lying on your back, arms bent at the elbows Exercise bicycle N°7 Jumping Right - left normal walking cross normal walking on the right and left leg alternating normal walking Outdoor game “We are funny guys.” Sedentary game "Dwarves - Giants." Gymnastics complex after daytime sleep from 02/29/2016 to 03/11/2016 1. “Soldier” I. p. - o. With. near the wall, touching it with the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels (fixation of correct posture). Fix this position, step back and walk through the group, maintaining correct posture. (2-3 times) 2. “Breathe deeply.” I. p. - standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. 1- bend back - inhale; 2- return to i. p. - exhale. (5-6 times) 3. “I’m lying in the sun.” I. p. - lying on your stomach with your hands up on the floor. Alternately raising straight legs back. (3 times with each leg) 4. “Legs walk I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately raise the bent leg to the chest. (3 times with each leg) 5. “Bicycle.” I. p. - lying on your back, hands on the floor. Circular movements with legs. (8 movements) 6. “Kitty”. I. p. - standing on your knees, hands pointing in front of you. Slowly sit on your heels, touching your chest to your knees - exhale deeply. Just as slowly return to i. p., resting our palms on the floor, straighten our torso - inhale. (5-6 times) 7. Walking with a bag on the head (30 sec. -1 min.) Planning walks with children from 02.29 to 03.11.2016 Observations Outdoor play and play exercises. Individual work on movement development. Teaching children to work. Individual work. Literary word (folk signs, riddles, proverbs, sayings) Object (living, inanimate nature; animals, plants). Search and research activities. In March there is water, in April there is grass. In March, day and night are measured and equal. In March there is winter both behind and in front. In March the frost is creaky, but not stinging. If you see a starling, you know spring is on the porch! Sometimes even March boasts of frost. March - wind-carrier, watercourse, rookery. March is a winter season, fighting winter. March is the heir of February. March ends winter, March begins spring and sows with snow and warms with the sun. March is not spring, but the pre-spring... Even though the roofs are dripping, the frost bites your nose. The titmouse began to sing in March - it spells the warmth of spring. Early March has April thawed patches.

In March, clouds float quickly and high - good weather.
In the spring the rook arrived - in a month the snow will melt. Thunder in early spring - before the cold. Observing the sun. It is very bright, but we still faintly feel the warmth of its rays, although the day is gradually increasing. Develop observation skills. Observation of icicles. Ask the children why icicles appeared? Place a bucket daily to measure the amount of water dripping from the roof. Every day it becomes more and more. March is popularly called drip. Watching the snow. Note how it has changed: it has become loose, dark, spongy, dirty. An ice crust—crust—formed on its surface, and loose snow underneath it. Why did the snow become like this? Expand your understanding of inanimate nature. Bird watching. They chirp happily in the sun, enjoying the warmth. Fix the names of non-migratory birds. Monitoring a snowplow. Ask how long it will take to remove all the snow by hand. It's good that people came up with such a machine. "Who is faster?" Ts.: practice running, develop speed. “Be careful” Ts.: practice orientation in space. “The Birds and the Fox” Ts.: teach how to deftly jump off tree stumps, run without bumping into each other, and find your own tree stump at a signal. “Homeless Hare” Ts.: practice the ability to run without bumping into each other. “Run up and catch” Ts.: teach agility and speed to catch the ball. “Tag” Ts.: consolidate the ability to run in all directions. “We are funny guys” Ts.: improve the ability to dodge the driver. “Walk across the bridge” Ts.: practice balance. Clearing snow from the “Who’s Next?” section Ts.: practice jumping on two legs to a certain place. Throwing objects at a target. Ts.: develop hand strength and eye control. Cleaning up dry branches on the site. Development of movements when skiing. Ts.: practice sliding. Downhill skating on ice skates. Spreading sand on slippery paths. Sledging. Cleaning up waste on the site Feeding wintering birds. Jumping up from a place Calendar and thematic planning Preparatory group. Topic of the week: “International Women's Day March 8th” Monday February 29th Regime moment Integration of educational areas Joint activity of teacher and children Independent activity of children Completion mark Group Individual Morning Social and communicative development. Cognitive development. Speech development. Artistic and aesthetic development. Physical development. Morning exercises. Conversation “Girls, boys” C.: education of gender identity P/I “Clear Sun” D/I “What for what?” Goal: to consolidate the sequence of days of the week and seasons (Lera S, Artem, Matvey) Duty in a corner of nature - caring for indoor plants. Goal: to cultivate the habit of monitoring the condition of the flowers in the group. Independent play activities in employment centers. Organized educational activities 1. Communication “March 8 – Women's Day! " Memorizing the poem by G. Vieru “Mother’s Day.” 2.Cognition. FCCM continues to introduce children to objects that make human work easier. Expand the concept of “household appliances”; introduce the properties of a vacuum cleaner and hair dryer, teach them to find similarities and differences; introduce safety rules when using household appliances; develop the desire for search and cognitive activity; develop speech, thinking, memory, cultivate interest in understanding the world around us, hard work, friendly relations in the team 3. Music: according to the plan of the music director. Walk On a sunny frosty day, look at the lace plexus of branches in the sky, illuminated by the slanting rays of the sun. Long bluish shadows stretched from the trees in the snow. And, if frost hits during a thaw, the branches will become covered with an ice crust. P/I “Hit the hoop” Purpose: to train children in throwing snowballs at a vertical target. Work on the site is to clear the paths of snow. Goal: to cultivate hard work. Children sledding. Goal: to cultivate the ability to negotiate among themselves, to develop dexterity. Independent motor activity of children in the areas Evening Gymnastics after sleep. S/R game “Buffoon visiting the children” Purpose: to teach to develop the plot according to the theme, using learned sayings and proverbs in the game D/I “Continue the pattern” Purpose: To train children in orientation on a sheet of paper Attributes for S/R games, independent play activities of children in employment centers Tuesday March 1, 2016 Morning Morning exercises. Conversation with children “Spring Holiday” Purpose: to introduce the history of the Russian holiday, its features and differences, to develop speech and thinking, to form the concept of spring of folk culture in the life of the country and society. P/I “Beat the drum” D/I “What the artist didn’t complete” Goal: consolidate the elements, develop logical thinking. Pay attention to the order in the lockers. Goal: to cultivate neatness and respect for clothes. Independent play activities in employment centers. Organized educational activities 1. Cognition. FEMP to form the idea that comparison by length is possible only when measurements are carried out with the same measure, to train the ability to measure the length of objects using a measure, using an algorithm, to consolidate ideas about the dependence of the result of measuring length on the size of the measure; consolidate children's ideas about the number series, comparing numbers with the help of 2. Physical education (street): development of physical qualities, accumulation and enrichment of motor experience. 3. Artistic creativity (drawing) “Tulips” The goal is to consolidate the drawing techniques known to children, to consolidate the skills of drawing with watercolors; teach how to organize your workplace, make you want to draw a beautiful flower for your mother. Walk FR SKR Observation of the sun. Note that the sun's rays are already bringing warmth, spring is beginning to be felt. . It is very bright, but we still faintly feel the warmth of its rays, although the day is gradually increasing. Develop observation skills. P/I “Zarya” P/Exercise “Take a ride - don’t fall” Purpose: to train children in sliding on an ice path. Work on the site - clearing the paths of snow. Making a Maslenitsa doll on the site, games and round dances around the doll. Independent motor activity of children in the area. Evening Gymnastics after sleep. S/R game “Spring Cafe” Purpose: to introduce children through a game situation to the professions of a cook, waiter, and pastry chef. D/I “I’ll start, and you continue” Purpose: to train children in composing a story based on a series of plot pictures, to develop children’s speech. Attributes for tabletop theatre, d/i, material for manual labor. Wednesday March 2, 2016 Morning exercises. Conversation with children Consider photo illustrations of early spring, photo illustrations from paintings by Russian and foreign artists on the theme of early spring (M. Larionov “Acacias in Spring”, I. Levitan “Spring”, etc.) - enrich children’s knowledge about the signs of early spring. D/I “We are learning to read” Purpose: To train children in composing and reading syllables and words (Kirill, Slavik, Ilya, Lera A., Sonya) Duty in class. Goal: to train children in the ability to prepare a workplace for classes. Selection of illustrations on the topic, d/i, board games. Independent play activities in employment centers. Organized educational activities 1. Communication Enrich and activate children's vocabulary. Expand knowledge about the holiday of March 8th. To consolidate knowledge about the main women's professions. Cultivate a desire to help mom. Develop literary speech. Learn to recite short poems by heart. Strengthen the physical health of children 2. Physical education (gym): strengthen the ability to maintain a given pace when walking, continue to exercise children in dynamic balance, develop coordination of movements, endurance and agility Walk Observation of icicles. Ask the children why icicles appeared? Place a bucket daily to measure the amount of water dripping from the roof. Every day it becomes more and more. March is popularly called drip. Outdoor game: "Stream". Goal: development of gaming activities and cooperation in pairs. Work on the site - involve children in the construction of a snow maze. Goal: to develop the ability to work together. Independent motor activity of children at the Evening Gymnastics site after sleep. Memorizing the nursery rhyme: “Come spring, come red.” Looking at pictures about spring helps to reinforce ideas about thawed patches, snowdrops, and melting snow. Plot-theatrical game: “Spring Fairy” - consolidate ideas about seasonal changes in nature. Attributes for s/r games, material for manual labor. Independent play activities in employment centers Thursday, March 3, 2016 Regime moment Integration of educational areas Joint activities of the teacher and children Independent activities of children Mark on completion Group Individual Morning TFR FR PR Morning exercises. Articulation gymnastics. Conversation: “Gifts for mothers and grandmothers” - to cultivate a feeling of love and care for women. Repetition of poems and songs for the holiday “March 8”. consolidate temporary concepts: morning, afternoon, evening, morning through d/i “When does this happen?” (Sonya, Angelica, Vita, Lesha, Kirill) Duty in a corner of nature - water the flowers. Draw on the observation map the changes that occurred with the onion. Goal: to teach children to draw conclusions from observations and establish cause-and-effect relationships. Independent play activities in employment centers Organized educational activities HER PR 1. Artistic creativity “Who will I be when I grow up” Goal: to consolidate the ability to independently choose the content of one’s work, use familiar modeling techniques, develop creativity and imagination, and develop the ability to evaluate work. Holiday dedicated to March 8 Walk PR FR Observation of snow melting - to develop knowledge about seasonal changes in water in nature. Games with external material: “Koloboks for Grandma” Outdoor game: “We are droplets” - develop the ability to line up in two lines and a wide circle. Skiing. “Walk along the bridge” C.: practice balance Observation of icicles - consolidate the idea of ​​​​the states of water. Games with external material: “How snow becomes water” - consolidation of ideas about the states of water. Outdoor game: “Living Labyrinth” - developing cooperation skills in pairs. Evening RR Role-playing game: “Family. (My mother’s profession).” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the work of a mother at home and at work. Children’s games in activity zones D/I “Invent and draw your own warning signs” Goal: to develop imagination, the ability to comment on your work (Sasha, Artem, Danya, Yura, Anya A.) Attributes for S/R games, D/I, video equipment . Independent play activities in employment centers Friday, March 4, 2016 Regime moment Integration of educational areas Joint activities of the teacher and children Independent activities of children Mark on completion Group Individual Morning FR PR SKR Morning exercises. Articulation gymnastics. Conversation about melting snow in spring - be able to establish relationships in nature. Graphic exercise: “Let a boat follow a stream” - consolidate knowledge about changes in water depending on temperature. Exhibition of children's works dedicated to the holiday "March 8": drawings. Canteen duty is to instill in boys a desire to help girls. Independent play activities in employment centers Organized educational activities PR FR HER 1. Cognition. PiPD. “Shirt” (origami) Purpose: to train children in the ability to fold a toy-craft, using a sequential execution scheme, to learn to combine sides and corners, and carefully move their hand along the fold line. Cultivate a desire to congratulate your family and friends 2. Physical education (gym): cultivate the ability to act in a team, fairly evaluate the results of the game, develop the ability to jump on two legs. 3. Artistic creativity (drawing) “My best family” Goal: learn to convey the main details of a costume in a drawing, draw a human figure, observing the proportions of the body structure, cultivate an emotional attitude towards the image Walk PR Examination of tree branches - form ideas about seasonal changes in the life of plants . Individual work: with Vita and Artyom - breathing exercise - development of speech inhalation and exhalation. Games with external material: “Who will remove the most snow?” — development of work skills. Outdoor game: “Birds and Cat” - development of speed and dexterity. Evening RR PR Gymnastics after sleep. Conversation about International Women's Day - to form an understanding of cultural values. Role-playing game: “Let’s go to visit grandma” - instill a friendly attitude towards family members. Children's activities in the creativity zone. Wednesday March 9, 2016 Regime moment Integration of educational areas Joint activity of teacher and children Independent activity of children Mark of completion Group Individual Morning SKR FR PR RR Morning exercises. Conversation with children Consider photo illustrations of early spring, photo illustrations from paintings by Russian and foreign artists on the theme of early spring - to enrich children’s knowledge about the signs of early spring. Repetition of zouks and chips corresponding in color with Matvey, Vita, Angelica, Lesha. Duty in class. Goal: to train children in the ability to prepare a workplace for classes. Selection of illustrations on the topic, d/i, board games. Independent play activities in employment centers. Organized educational activities of the TFR FR 1. Communication: sound and the letter “F” improve phonemic hearing, learn to name words with a given sound, find words in a sentence, determine the place of a sound in a word. 2. Physical culture (gym): develop physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility. Walk FR SKR Observation of thawed patches, in them you can see green grass - to form knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, for plant growth. Outdoor game: "Stream". Goal: development of gaming activities and cooperation in pairs. Work on the site - involve children in the construction of a snow maze. Goal: to develop the ability to work together. Independent motor activity of children at the site Evening HER SKR PR Gymnastics after sleep. Holiday "Maslenitsa" Ts.: develop interest in folk holidays and traditions. SRI “Helping Mom Shopping at the Store” Attributes for s/r games, material for manual labor. Independent play activities in employment centers Thursday, March 10, 2016 Regime moment Integration of educational areas Joint activities of the teacher and children Independent activities of children Mark on completion Group Individual Morning SKR FR PR Consolidate knowledge about family and traditions.
Morning exercises Drawing by children on the topic “My mood” Ts.: learn to convey your mood in drawings Duty in a corner of nature - watering flowers. Draw on the observation map the changes that occurred with the onion. Goal: to teach children to draw conclusions from observations and establish cause-and-effect relationships. Independent play activities in employment centers Organized educational activities HER PR 1. Artistic creativity Application Tasks: Learn to compose a portrait from individual parts (an oval - a face, strips or lumps of crumpled paper - a hairstyle). Introduce a new way of cutting out an oval from paper folded in half (following a self-drawn outline). Develop color perception (choose the color of paper and pencil in accordance with the color of your hair and eyes). 2. Cognition. FEMP Goal Solving a subtraction problem, establishing a correspondence between a number and a figure, time orientation - parts of the day, working in a squared notebook, triangles, the concepts of “big”, “smaller”, “smallest”.Ts.: continue to learn solve a mathematical riddle, write down the solution; learn to read a note; learn to establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the number; consolidate knowledge about the sequence of parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night); Walk PR FR Observation of snow. Note how it has changed: it has become loose, dark, spongy, dirty. An ice crust—crust—formed on its surface, and loose snow underneath it. Why did the snow become like this? Expand your understanding of inanimate nature. Exercise Polina B, Lisa F, Katya P, Vadim K (working with scissors). Goal: teach you how to hold scissors correctly. "Who's next?" Ts.: practice jumping on two legs to a certain place. Cleaning up dry branches at the site Evening RR Role-playing game: “Family. (My mother’s profession).” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the work of a mother at home and at work. Children's games in activity zones Help in strengthening computing skills with Lesha, Slava, Artem, Lera A. Attributes for s/r games, d/i, video equipment. Independent play activities in employment centers Friday, March 11, 2016 Regime moment Integration of educational areas Joint activities of the teacher and children Independent activities of children Mark of completion Group Individual Morning FR PR SKR Conversation: “My attitude towards girls (boys)” Ts.: expand gender ideas Games with building materials “Let's build a castle for knights (princesses) Goal: to consolidate acquired skills in classes and in independent construction. Canteen duty is to instill in boys a desire to help girls. Independent play activities in employment centers Organized educational activities PR FR HER 1. Cognition. PiPD. “Construction. Working with natural materials. Goal: development of subject activity, environmental knowledge about fruits and trees. Showing children how to make crafts from natural materials. Children perform work independently with the help and support of a teacher. Exhibition of children's works. 2. Physical education (gym): develop the ability to act in a team, fairly evaluate the results of the game, develop the ability to jump on two legs. 3. Artistic creativity (drawing) “Maslenitsa” Walk PR Observation of the sun. It is very bright, but we still faintly feel the warmth of its rays, although the day is gradually increasing. Develop observation skills. “Be careful” Ts.: practice orientation in space. "Fifteen" Ts.: To consolidate the ability to run scattering. Games with remote material: "Who will remove more snow?" - Development of labor skills. Mobile game: "Birds and cat" - the development of speed and dexterity. Evening PR, education of cultural and hygienic skills and skills: to form a habit of watching their appearance, to remind comrades of problems in their appearance to show a desire to help them. Didactic exercise: “How to help a comrade” Individual work with the subgroup of children, to exercise in solving examples with signs more, less, equal. Labor in the group: to select toys, books, boxes, to be repaired. Repair boxes, glue books for your group download planning in the preparatory group on the topic "Family"

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