Daily planning for October in the preparatory group. Part 2

Long-term plan for patriotic education in the preparatory school group


Conversation “Moscow is the capital of our Motherland” (Moscow City Day - September 3). Objectives: to improve children’s knowledge of what a capital is, what a coat of arms is, to explain the symbolism of the Moscow coat of arms. To foster in children a sense of affection and love for the capital of our Motherland.

2. Examination of illustrations depicting the sights of Moscow Objectives: broaden the horizons of children, activate their vocabulary, cultivate a sense of pride in their Motherland. 3. Reading stories: “The Kremlin”, “Kremlin Towers”.


1. Conversation: October 1 is the day of older people. Objectives: to tell children about the holiday, the history of its origin, to cultivate love and respect for older people. 2. Conversation “Russian Unity Day”. Objectives: to acquaint children with historical events associated with the holiday, with monuments associated with this holiday. To instill in children an interest in their history, a sense of pride in their people, who did not want to submit to foreign invaders. 3. Learning proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.


1. Entertainment “We need different mothers, we need all kinds of mothers” (for Mother’s Day). Objectives: to form a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the life of a child, family, and society. 2. Conversation: History of Russia. The symbols of the country are the coat of arms, flag, anthem. Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the nature of Russia, the history of the country, its symbols. To instill in children an interest in the history of their country, to cultivate a sense of love and pride for their country. 3. Game “State”, “Tron”. Objectives: To give children an initial understanding of morality and the laws of the state. Foster a sense of responsibility, a humane, caring attitude towards others. DECEMBER

1. Design of the photo album “My Country”. Objectives: To cultivate love for your country. To develop children’s ability to see the beauty of their native nature. 2. Consideration of the coats of arms of large cities in Russia. Objectives: To introduce the coats of arms of other cities in the country. Foster patriotic feelings. 3. Design of the stand “Russia is our Motherland”.


1. Conversation: Familiarizing children with the events of the war in Afghanistan. Objectives: to introduce children to the events of the war in Afghanistan, to cultivate respect for soldiers and officers, and to honor the memory of fallen soldiers. 2. Gallery of heroes: show photographs of war heroes, tell that many avenues, streets, stations are named after them. (Shestakov Igor Ivanovich - hero - native of the city of Volzhsk RME) 3. Reading: A. Barto “At the outpost”, Z. Alexandrova “Watch” 4. D/i “Who needs what.” Objectives: to arouse interest in different professions, to consolidate knowledge about tools.


1. Conversation: “Defender of the Fatherland Day” Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the Russian Army - the reliable defender of our Motherland. Introduce children to the work of a border guard. Foster respect for Russian soldiers. 2. Examination of the painting “Border Security.” Objectives: to expand children’s understanding of border service. 3. Reading: The story “Scarlet” by Yu. Koval. Objectives: to develop emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize with the characters. 4. Making a gift for dad. .Objectives: to arouse children’s interest in preparing gifts and souvenirs. 5. S/r game “Sailors. Return to the port.” Objectives: to develop in children the ability to convey an emotional state in accordance with the characteristics of the role. 6. Sports entertainment “We are the future defenders of the Fatherland.”


1. Conversation: Native village - “Jalil”. Objectives: to introduce children to the native village, its historical past and present; to cultivate respect for distant ancestors, fellow countrymen of the region, and a careful attitude towards the history of the native village. 2. Exhibition: Memorable places of the native city. Objectives: to cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the native land. 3. Solving the crossword puzzle: My hometown is Volzhsk. Objectives: to expand and deepen ideas about the animal and plant world of our region, to activate the vocabulary. 4. P/i “Pebbles” (Russian folk game) 5. P/i “Do you know the city”


1. Conversation: “Cosmonautics Day” Objectives: To improve children’s knowledge about the Solar System. Expand children's ideas about space flights: introduce them to Russian scientists who were at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics, cultivate a sense of pride in their compatriots. 2. Entertainment “Young Cosmonauts”. Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about cosmonaut pilots, character traits and qualities necessary for people in this profession; in games to cultivate dexterity, speed, resourcefulness. 3. Experiment “Why does everything fall to the ground? "Tasks: to bring children to understand that the Earth has a force of attraction, which depends on the weight and area of ​​​​the object. 4. S/r games “Cosmodrome”, “Young Space Explorers”. Objectives: to consolidate children’s ideas about space exploration, to clarify children’s ideas that only a healthy, educated, persistent and fearless person can be an astronaut. 5. Reading stories about Yuri Gagarin “How a boy became an astronaut” 6. Origami “Cosmonaut”. Objectives: master origami-type construction, consolidate skills in working with diagrams, exercise children in working with paper.


Conversation “May 9 - Victory Day”. Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how the Russian people defended their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, how the living remember them, to cultivate a sense of respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, a desire to take care of them. A story about a native of Volzhsk RME - Vasily Nikitovich Prokhorov. 2. Excursion to the monument to fallen heroes. Objectives: to tell children how the memory of fallen heroes is honored in peacetime, to cultivate a sense of pride in those who defended our future from enemies. 3. Artistic creativity. Drawing “Victory Salute” 4. Reading S. Mikhalkov “Victory Day”, A. Mityaev “Dugout”, essays about child heroes. .Objectives: to cultivate respect and a sense of gratitude for everyone who defended our Motherland. 5. D/i “Choose an emblem for a warrior.” Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the branches of the military


1. Entertainment “Children’s Day”. Objectives: create a joyful mood in children, cultivate goodwill and responsiveness. 2. Conversation “What I can be responsible for.” Objectives: to develop in children a sense of responsibility for what has been started, for a given word, to develop skills in performing certain actions, to promote the development of self-esteem. 3. Conversations about children's rights. .Objectives: to form children’s ideas about the rights of a child to be raised in a family, educational institutions, about the rights to protect physical, mental, spiritual and moral health.


1. Entertainment “Hello, red summer.” Objectives: continue to introduce children to folk traditions and customs, create a joyful mood for the holiday. 2. Selection and memorization of folk songs, carols, teasers, chants.


Introducing children to folk outdoor games. .Objectives: to expand children’s ideas about Russia as a multinational state, to introduce new folk games, to develop dexterity, endurance, reaction speed, to cultivate respect for people of different nationalities, their activities and culture.


1. Complex classes 2. Developmental classes with children 6-7 years old / Ed. Paramonova L. A. – M.: OLMA Media Group, 2006. – 782 p.

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