Long-term planning in the senior group (sculpting-applique) September-October

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

“Magic Modeling” program for the senior group

Goal: Development of creative abilities in children of senior preschool age.

Objectives of the circle: introduce children to unconventional modeling techniques, coloring finished products; consolidation of knowledge about Dymkovo, Khokhloma, Gzhel paintings; fix relief, volumetric modeling; introduce the technique of making salt dough products; to develop an interest in performing creative works using different materials and methods; consolidate children's knowledge of materials that can be worked with and be able to use them correctly.

Explanatory note:

Our time requires creative, non-standard people who think and act for the benefit of the development of the individual and society. Therefore, the social order of society is to develop children’s creative abilities, the ability to think outside the box, not to be afraid to express opinions that differ from the generally accepted, to see the unusual in the ordinary.

According to psychologists and teachers, preschool age is the most favorable for the development of thinking and imagination - a mental process that forms the basis of creative activity. Therefore, the development of creativity is one of the main tasks of preschool education and upbringing.

The use of non-traditional modeling techniques in the practice of working with children works to solve several developmental problems at once:

  • development of children's creative abilities (in all the diversity of this concept);
  • development and improvement of fine finger motor skills;
  • developing skills and abilities to work with various materials, devices and tools;
  • acquaintance with new techniques and technologies;
  • ability to apply them in practice.

Frequency of the circle: once a week for one academic year.

Duration of the circle: 25 minutes.

Expected student results:

Sculpts objects of various shapes using learned techniques and methods of sculpting;

Creates small plot compositions, conveying proportions, poses and movements of figures.

Creates images based on folk toys.


1. Topic: “Apples and pears.” Gifts of autumn. Signs of autumn.

Goals and objectives: Practice rolling a ball, oval, flattening, using natural material to complement the craft.

Materials and equipment: Salt dough, dummies of fruits, stacks,

reproduction of paintings with fruits. (1/59)

2. Theme: “Sunflower”

Goals and objectives: Practice rolling a ball, oval, flattening, using natural material to complement the craft.

Materials and equipment: Salt dough, photo of a sunflower, stack, seeds. (11/14)

3. Theme: Decorative plate “Rose”. Gifts of autumn.

Goals and objectives: To develop the ability to sculpt a rose from individual parts, roll out balls, flatten, and make a flower of 6-8 petals. Develop finger flexibility and learn to see the end result.

Materials and equipment: Clay, stack (11/20, 3/61)

4. Topic: Painting the decorative plate “Roses” in the Gzhel style

Goals and objectives: To introduce children to folk art. Continue to develop the ability to paint products after drying, select paints, mix, to obtain the desired shade. Place the work on a plate.

Materials and equipment: Gouache, brushes, palette, dishes with Gzhel painting (8/85)


1. Topic: “Prickly hedgehog.” Animal behavior in autumn.

Goals and objectives: Separately sculpt needles in the shape of a cone, connect the parts. Supplement the work with fungi and apples.

Materials and equipment: Colored salt dough, stack, slide with a picture of a hedgehog in the forest in autumn (11/12)

2. Topic: “The horse is beautiful, daring”

Goals and objectives: Continue to introduce children to folk art. Model a horse from a whole piece of clay. Develop finger flexibility and learn to see the end result.

Materials and equipment: Clay, stack, water, photo of the Filimonovsky horse (2/56)

3. Topic: “Kargopol goat”

Goals and objectives: Continue to introduce children to folk art. Model a horse from a whole piece of clay. Develop finger flexibility and learn to see the end result.

Materials and equipment: Clay, stack, water, photo of the Kargopol goat (1/112)

4. Theme: “Elephant”

Goals and objectives: Strengthen the ability to sculpt three-dimensional things and develop motor skills.

Materials and equipment: Plasticine, stack, photo of an elephant, sample of an elephant (5/14)


1. Topic: “Ladybug” (on a leaf)

Goals and objectives: Learn to sculpt a ladybug from parts: head, body, using moldings, additional material for decoration. Use a leaf cutter. Be able to regulate the pressure when performing moldings.

Materials and equipment: Salt dough, leaf mold, toy, water, brush (12)

2. Topic: Coloring with “Ladybug” paints.

Goals and objectives: To develop skills of accuracy when coloring work. Be able to use unconventional drawing skills - with your finger, to draw dots. Exercise in ways of working with paints, designing work on a piece of paper.

Materials and equipment: Gouache, brush, glue (12)

3. Topic: “Panel with flowers” ​​(sgraffito).

Goals and objectives: Familiarization with the technique of sgraffito - “scratched” on plasticine. plasticine,

Materials and equipment: cardboard, stack, painting with flowers

4. Topic: “Penguins on an ice floe.”

Goals and objectives: Continue to develop the ability to sculpt a figurine from a whole piece, using the techniques of rolling, stretching, flattening, cutting in stacks, conveying their characteristic features and proportions. Use foil when sculpting the body. Develop children's imagination and intelligence.

Materials and equipment: Salt dough, foil, foam. (11/8)


1. Topic: Coloring with paints “Penguin on an Ice Floe”.

Goals and objectives: Continue to develop children’s ability to paint figures after drying, to combine them into a common composition. To develop children’s ability to accurately convey a conceived idea when coloring a product.

Materials and equipment: Gouache, brush, glue. (11/8)

2. Theme: “Christmas tree under the snow” (relief modeling)

Goals and objectives: Introducing children to a new modeling technique - plasticine stretching. Materials and equipment: plasticine, stack, card with Christmas tree (13)

3. Theme: “Snow Maiden”

Goals and objectives: To learn to reflect the impressions received while observing winter nature. Develop artistic and creative abilities.

Materials and equipment: Clay, model of the Snow Maiden (10/24)

4. Topic: Painting the Snow Maiden with Gzhel paintings.

Goals and objectives: Repeat the “Gzhel” painting with the children. Exercise in ways of working with paints, develop aesthetic perception and sense of color. Continue to develop the ability to see the end result of the planned work.

Materials and equipment: Gouache, brush, palette. Folk painting “Gzhel” (8/85)


1. Theme: “Elegant Christmas tree”

Goals and objectives: To develop the ability in children to cut out a Christmas tree using a stencil, smooth out the edges with a brush moistened with water, and independently come up with decorations - balls, toys, beads. Develop finger flexibility. Use familiar sculpting techniques in a new creative situation.

Materials and equipment: Salt dough, “Christmas tree” stencil made of cardboard, stack, beads. (17)

2. Topic: Coloring with paints “Elegant Christmas tree”.

Goals and objectives: Continue to develop the ability to paint a Christmas tree with paints, develop skills of accuracy when doing work. Develop creative imagination and coherent speech when writing stories about the Christmas tree. When decorating the Christmas tree, use various additional materials

Materials and equipment: Gouache, brushes, glue, threads, beads, confetti. (17)

3. Topic: “Kargopol horse”

Goals and objectives: Continue to develop the ability to sculpt from a whole piece of clay.

Materials and equipment: clay, stack. (7/8)

4. Topic: “Decorating the Kargopol horse.”

Goals and objectives: To practice ways of working with paints, to develop aesthetic perception and a sense of color. Instill a love for animals and a desire to help them.

Materials and equipment: Gouache, brush, palette (7/8)


1. Topic: “Bear-folk toy”

Goal: Continue to strengthen the ability to sculpt from a single piece. Introduce the traditions of potters.

Materials and equipment: plasticine, stack (9/10)

2. Topic: “Mug for Dad.”

Goals and objectives: To develop children’s ability to sculpt a mug, roll out plasticine in the form of a strip, a ball, press a depression in it, and pinch the edges. Sculpt the initial letter of the name for decoration. Develop fine motor skills and imagination in decorating a souvenir. Materials and equipment: Plasticine, stack (6/28)

3. Theme: “Hearts”

Goals and objectives: Consolidating the ability to sculpt objects or parts of them from dough, using the movement of the entire hand.

Materials and equipment: Colored salt dough, water

4. Topic: “Stork on the roof.”

February: Practice “painting over” a picture with plasticine. Cultivate an interest in creativity.

Materials and equipment: Plasticine, cardboard, cards with migratory birds, encyclopedia about birds (15)


1. Topic: “Four-legged friend”

Goals and objectives: To develop the ability to use knowledge about the features of the appearance of animals in their work. Strengthen the skills and abilities acquired earlier (rolling, flattening, pulling, smoothing edges). Develop creative imagination and interest in work.

Materials and equipment: Stacks, plasticine, cardboard (10/28)

2. Topic: Signs of spring.”Flower meadow.”

Goals and objectives: Improving manual labor skills by modeling from colored dough.

Materials and equipment: Colored dough, stacks, water, slides with spring flowers (11/14)

3. Theme: “Basket with flowers”

Goals and objectives: Continue to develop children’s ability to roll out clay in an even layer, cut out a basket using a stencil, and scratch with a fork. Tie the flagella together for the handle and bottom. Sculpt familiar flowers and leaves. Develop imagination and the desire to give joy to others.

Materials and equipment: Clay, fork, basket stencil, stack. (11/14)

4. Topic: Coloring the basket and flowers.

Goals and objectives: To cultivate interest in creativity, collectivism, and aesthetic perceptions.

Materials and equipment: Gouache, brush. (11/14)


1. Topic: “Amazing underwater world” (plasticineography)

Goals and objectives: Introduction to non-traditional drawing techniques (plasticine).

Materials and equipment: plasticine, stack (11/26)

2. Topic: “Rocket”.

Goals and objectives: To develop the ability to make a cone-shaped shape. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Materials and equipment: Salted dough, stack. Rocket photo (14)

3. Theme: Geometric man

Goals and objectives: Continue to develop children’s ability to paint crafts after drying, selecting the right colors. To develop the ability to accurately convey a conceived idea when coloring a product, to reveal the creative imagination of children in the process of work.

Materials and equipment: Clay, skewer, paints, brush (6/14)

4. Topic: “My dad is a fireman”

Goals and objectives: Continue to develop the ability to sculpt funny little people using the techniques of rolling balls, ovals, flattening, and pulling. Use matches and sticks to connect the parts. Develop the ability to work collectively.

Materials and equipment: Clay, matches, sticks, stacks (2/79)


1. Topic: “St. George’s Ribbon.”

Goals and objectives: To develop the ability to roll out clay with a rolling pin and cut out shapes according to a template. Cultivate an interest in creativity.

Materials and equipment: Plasticine, template, stack

2. Theme: “Clover”

Goals and objectives: To consolidate the ability to roll balls of different sizes. Continue learning how to apply a relief pattern using a stack.

Materials and equipment: Plasticine, template, stack (3/38)

3. Topic: “Circus in Samara.”

Goals and objectives: Continue to develop the ability to notice and convey in modeling the characteristic features of an architectural structure.

Materials and equipment: Plasticine, stack, circus photo (16)

4. Topic: “Children on a walk.”

Goals and objectives: Continue to teach children how to convey movement in sculpting.

Materials and equipment: Plasticine, stack. (2/80)


  1. Bondarenko T.M. “Complex classes in the senior group of kindergarten.” EC "Teacher", Voronezh, 2007
  2. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten”, Voronezh, 2008
  3. Davydova G.N. “Plasticineography. Floral motifs", M., 2009
  4. “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva M., Mozaika-synthesis, 2014.
  5. Petrova O. “Animals made of plasticine.” FST-PRESS KNIGA LLC, M., 2013
  6. Plomer A.L. “Making from clay” Kharkov, 2013
  7. Educational publication “Art for children. Kargopol toy. ed. "MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS", M., 2008
  8. Utkin P.I. "Folk artistic crafts of Russia." M., 1984
  9. Educational publication “Art for children. We are making a folk toy.” ed. "MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS", M., 2010
  10. Educational publication “Art for children. Khokhloma painting". ed. "MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS", M., 2010
  11. Firsova A “Miracles from salt dough.” LLC "AIRIS-press", M., 2013
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Long-term plan for modeling (senior group)


1 Long-term plan for modeling (senior group) Methodological literature: 1. Skorolupova O.A. “Thematic planning of the educational process” 2. Doronova T.N. “Nature, art and visual activities of children” 3. Lykova I.A. “Art activities in kindergarten” (senior group) 4. Lykova I.A. “Fine creativity in kindergarten (Travel in slippers, felt boots, flippers, barefoot, on an airplane carpet and in a time machine. 5. Davydova G.N. “Children’s design” (plasticineography) 6. Davydova G.N. “Plasticineography” 7 Gribovskaya A.A. "Folk art and children's creativity"

2 weeks of classes Lesson topic Objectives Methodological literature SEPTEMBER I 1 “What we can and love to sculpt” (lesson 1) Studying the interests and capabilities of children in sculpting. II 2 “What we can and love to sculpt” (lesson 2) Studying the interests and capabilities of children in sculpting. 1.p.23 III 3 “Autumn still life” Teach children to create three-dimensional compositions (still lifes) from salt dough. Improve visual technique (choose your own sculpting method and techniques). Develop compositional skills in placing several objects, creating a harmonious composition (large ones in the center or in the foreground, small ones on top or on the side) 3.p.40 IV 4 “Rowan Brush” Develop the skills of kneading and smearing plasticine on cardboard to create the necessary background of the composition; rolling to create berries, branches or leaves; 1.page34

3 smears to attach the composition elements to the cardboard; Develop fine motor skills of the hands. OCTOBER I 5 “Tasty and golden-brown bread” Make children want to make baked goods from salt dough for the game of shop. Continue to teach children to use stacks to decorate items. Cultivate a caring attitude towards bread. II 6 “Autumn Trees” Evoke in children an emotional, joyful attitude towards the bright autumn nature through the means of artistic expression, music, and paintings. Continue to introduce children to the genre of fine art - landscape. Teach children how to work using the plasticineography technique: sculpt individual parts, press down, smear, smooth out the boundaries of connecting parts. Learn to use different textured materials for work. 6.page 6 3.page 46 III 7 “Beautiful dishes for a children’s cafe” Teach children to sculpt beautiful and at the same time functional (useful) objects for playing in a cafe. Introduce a new method of sculpting - from rings. Show the possibility of modeling the shape of a product (expansion or narrowing in individual parts) by changing the length 4.p.66 6.p.25 3.p.141

4 original “sausage” parts. Cultivate aesthetic taste. IV 8 “Dog with a puppy” Learn to compose a simple plot composition from homogeneous objects that differ in size (a dog and 1-2 puppies). Show a new method of sculpting in the style of a folk toy from a cylinder (roller), bent with an arc and cut at both ends. Learn to analyze the structural features of animals, correlate parts by size and proportions. Develop your eye, synchronize the work of both hands. 3.p.28 V 9 “Gifts of Autumn” To consolidate children’s knowledge about the color of autumn, acquired in the process of observing nature in the autumn period. Continue introducing children to still life. Learn to design a composition from different objects united by a single content. Strengthen children's skills in working with plasticine on a plane. Teach children the technique of “pouring one color into another.” To cultivate a feeling of love for the beauty of our native nature. 6.p.31 NOVEMBER I “Swan” Improve the technique of sculptural modeling. Continue to teach how to pull something like this from an entire piece of plasticine or clay 3.p.52

5 10 the amount of material that will be needed to model the neck and head of the bird; Freely use familiar sculpting techniques (stretching, folding, pinching, smoothing with fingers or a damp cloth) to create an expressive image. Develop a sense of shape and proportion. To cultivate interest in knowledge of nature and a more subtle reflection of impressions in fine art. II 11 “Who lives in the forest” Arouse interest in drawing up a collective plot composition from sculpted forest animals. Continue to learn to analyze the structural features of different animals, correlate parts by size and proportions, notice characteristic poses and movements. Learn to independently determine the method of sculpting based on a generalized form. Develop your eye, synchronize the work of both hands. Cultivate interest in cooperation. 3.page 64, 70, 3. (2) p.58 1.p.136, p.74 III 12 “Who got wet in the rain?” Teach children to independently choose a plot for modeling in accordance with a given topic. Arouse interest in creating expressive images (animals wet in the rain). Explain the connection between plastic form and sculpting method. Continue mastering the sculptural method of modeling (sculpting from a whole piece) by drawing out and modeling parts; offer a choice of methods for decorating a stucco image (relief moldings, cutting or scratching 3.p.52

6 stacks) IV 13 “Elephants and rhinoceroses are stomping on the island” Continue mastering the modeling technique. Create images of large animals (elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus) based on the outgoing form (a roller bent in an arc and cut on both sides with a stack). Improve the ability to freely vary different sculpting techniques (pulling, pinching, fastening parts, etc.) to create an expressive image. Develop shaping abilities. 4.p.86, 78 3.p. (2) p.118 DECEMBER I 14 “The Snow Maiden” Develop imaginative thinking, the ability to create a familiar image, based on the life experience of children. To consolidate the ability to use the non-traditional imaging technique of plasticineography in work. To achieve the realization of an expressive, bright image, complementing the work with elements of waste material. Make children feel happy about the work they do. 5. page 49 II 15 “Learning to sculpt birds” Continue to teach children to sculpt birds from a whole piece of clay based on folk clay toys. Encourage an independent search for methods of decorative decoration of a product. 1 (2) p.136

7 III 16 “Hedgehog” To develop children’s cognitive interest in nature; ideas about the dependence of the existence of a particular animal on environmental conditions. Expand children's knowledge about the possibilities of plasticine: they can not only sculpt, but also draw. Strengthen your skills in working with plasticine: creating a semi-volume contour and further filling it with the source material for a holistic perception of the object. Develop special labor skills when using waste material in work. 6. page page 70 IV 17 “Yolka toys cones, bears and firecrackers” Teach children to create images of animals, toys, household items: sculpturally from salt dough or cut out with baking molds; show a new way of decorating molded figures - wrapping them in foil or bright candy wrappers. Develop an eye and consistency in the work of both hands. Cultivate neatness; make you want to decorate the interior. 3. page (2) page 100 JANUARY I II III 18 “Clay toys for children To interest children in the opportunity to create objects for themselves for games and hobby activities. 2.page 120

8 would like to play” (lesson 1) IV 19 “Clay toys that children would like to play with” (lesson 2) To interest children in the opportunity to create objects for themselves for games and hobby activities. 2.page 120 V 20 “We will go, we will rush” (collective modeling) Teach children to create a beautiful plot composition from individual molded figures. Expand the range of sculptural sculpting techniques, show the possibility of complementing the image with different materials (horns made of twigs, legs made of cocktail straws). Continue to teach how to transfer movement and give the craft stability (use tubes or toothpicks as a frame for the thin legs of ungulates). Foster an interest in collaboration in teamwork. 3.page 108

9 FEBRUARY I 21 “Interior of a children's room” Develop teamwork skills, develop the ability to jointly plan and distribute work, express your opinion culturally. Develop a sense of composition, harmonious execution of composition details in compliance with proportions. Develop a sense of color, choosing the right colors. To get beautiful work. 1.page 37 II 22 “At the bottom of the sea” Arouse interest in sculpting images of the underwater world according to the imagination. Enrich and diversify visual impressions. Create conditions for the creative use of mastered methods and techniques of modeling. Learn to negotiate and plan teamwork. Develop imagination and sense of composition. 4.p.102 1(2) pp. p.65, 70 III 23 “Toys and souvenirs as a gift to each other” Continue to develop children’s skills associated with artistically imaginative reflection of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in sculpting. Arouse interest in creating stucco miniatures as a gift to each other (dad, grandfather). 2.page 152 IV “Winter Fun” (collective Teach to compose a collective plot composition from sculpted figures, conveying the relationships between 3.p. 114

10 24 modeling) them. Fix the sculpting method in the style of a folk toy from a cylinder (roller) cut at both ends. Continue to teach simple movements (bending and turning the body, bending the arms, moving the legs). Analyze the features of the human figure, correlate parts by size and proportions. Teach children to analyze the simplest diagrams (figures of men in different poses). Develop your eye, synchronize the work of both hands. MARCH I 25 “Bouquet for Mom” Cultivate love and respect for loved ones, the desire to bring joy with your work. Develop the ability to admire natural forms and transform them into decorative ones. To consolidate children's ability to perform a molded picture when the details of objects retain volume and protrude above the surface of the base. 5. page 26 II 26 “Spring carpet” Continue to introduce children to types of folk arts and crafts (carpet making). Learn to sculpt a rug from flagella, imitating the weaving technique. Show analogies between methods of creating an image in different types of visual activity. Develop fine motor skills and synchronize the movements of both hands. 3. p. 166 III “At the bottom of the sea” Arouse interest in sculpting images of the underwater world according to 3. (2) p. 130

11 27 presentation. Enrich and diversify visual impressions. Create conditions for the creative use of mastered methods and techniques of modeling. Learn to negotiate and plan teamwork. Develop imagination and sense of composition. 3.page 180 IV 28 “Our Pond” Introduce children to the sculptural method of modeling. Learn to pull from the entire piece of plasticine or clay the amount of material that is needed to model the neck and head of the bird; freely use familiar sculpting techniques (stretching, bending, pinching, smoothing with fingers or a damp cloth) to create an expressive image. Develop a sense of shape and proportion. 3. page 34 APRIL I 29 “The Castle of the Good Wizard” Give children an idea of ​​the architecture of ancient buildings. Continue to develop children’s skills in making a molded picture on a plane. Learn to decorate a fairy-tale building with turrets, barred windows with semicircular arches, and decorate a fairy-tale landscape with decorative elements (flowers, leaves). Learn to combine materials of different structures in your work. 5. p. 54 II “Our favorites Teach children to sculpt toys, passing on the characteristic 3. p. 22.58, 60

12 30 toys” features of their appearance (shape, color and ratio of parts). Learn to plan work, select the right amount of material, determine the method of sculpting. Initiate free statements from children on topics from personal experience (describe toys). III 31 “In deep space” Continue mastering the technique of relief modeling; creating a relief picture that includes various space objects. Initiate an independent search for image means and techniques; remind you about the possibility of mixing plasticine colors, about plasticine stretching for an emotional color scheme for the theme. Develop a sense of composition. Cultivate interest in cooperation. 3.(2)p. 182, 184, 186, p. 124 IV 32 “Ladybugs on a daisy” Arouse interest in the surrounding world, form realistic ideas about nature. Learn to use knowledge and ideas about the appearance of insects in your work. To consolidate the use of the plasticine technique in children’s creative activities, to form generalized methods of working using plasticine. Develop the ability, with the help of adults, to find answers to questions that arise while doing work. 5. p. 55, 61 3.(2) p. 196, 18 3. p. 200 MAY

13 I 33 “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” (team work) Learn to compose a collective plot composition from sculpted figures, conveying the relationships between them. Independently vary and combine different methods of modeling in the style of folk toys. Continue to teach how to convey simple movements (tilting and turning the body, moving the paws) and the mood of the characters (fright, fear, hope, joy). Analyze the structural features of animals, correlate parts by size and proportions. Develop an eye and a sense of composition. 3.p.156 II 34 “Miracle bouquet” Continue to teach children to create flower arrangements using plastic means based on folk art (bouquet, flowerpot, wreath). Improve the technique of relief modeling. Show a rational way to obtain a large number of identical elements (colors) - rolling up a tube (roll) and cutting into pieces. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition. Cultivate artistic taste. 3. page (2) page 149 III 35 “What we can and love to sculpt” (1 lesson) Explore the interests and capabilities of children in sculpting. Identify what new skills and abilities you have gained over the year and what you have learned. What results have you achieved? Develop a desire for visual and creative activities. Encourage to

14 IV 36 “What we can and love to sculpt” (lesson 2) participation in the manufacture of such products that could decorate a group room, kindergarten, or the interior of their home. Explore the interests and capabilities of children in modeling. Identify what new skills and abilities you have gained over the year and what you have learned. What results have you achieved? Develop a desire for visual and creative activities. Encourage participation in the manufacture of products that could decorate a group room, kindergarten, or the interior of their home. Long-term plan for modeling (senior group) Methodological literature: 1. Doronova T.N., Grizik T.N. “On the threshold of school” 2. Doronova T.N. “Nature, art and visual activities of children” 3. Lykova I.A. “Art activities in kindergarten” (senior group) 4. Lykova I.A. “Fine creativity in kindergarten (Travel in slippers, felt boots, flippers, barefoot, on an airplane carpet and in a time machine.

15 5. Davydova G.N. “Children’s design” (plasticineography) 6. Davydova G.N. “Plasticineography” 7. Gribovskaya A.A. “Folk art and children's creativity” of the week Lesson topic Objectives Methodological literature 1 “What we know how and love to sculpt” (1 lesson) September Study of the interests and capabilities of children in sculpting. 1.page 121

16 2 “What we can and love to sculpt” (lesson 2) 3 “Autumn still life” 4 1 ““Tasty and rosy bread” Studying the interests and capabilities of children in sculpting. Teach children to create three-dimensional compositions (still lifes) from salt dough. Improve visual technique (choose your own sculpting method and techniques). To develop compositional skills in placing several objects, creating a harmonious composition (large ones in the center or in the foreground, small ones on top or to the side) October Make children want to make baked goods from salt dough for the game of shop. Continue to teach children to use stacks to decorate items. Cultivate a caring attitude towards bread. 1.page p.40 1.page “Autumn Trees” To evoke in children an emotional, joyful attitude towards the bright autumn nature through the means of artistic expression, music, and paintings. Continue to introduce children to the genre of fine art - landscape. Teach children how to work using the plasticineography technique: sculpt individual parts, press down, smear, smooth out boundaries 6.p.6 3.p. 46

17 3 “Beautiful dishes for a children's cafe” connecting the parts. Learn to use different textured materials for work. Teach children to sculpt beautiful and at the same time functional (useful) objects for playing in a cafe. Introduce a new method of sculpting - from rings. Show the possibility of modeling the shape of a product (expansion or contraction in individual parts) by changing the length of the original “sausage” parts. Cultivate aesthetic taste. 4.p.66 6.p.25 3.p. “Dog with a puppy” Learn to compose a simple plot composition from homogeneous objects that differ in size (a dog and 1-2 puppies). Show a new method of sculpting in the style of a folk toy from a cylinder (roller), bent with an arc and cut at both ends. Learn to analyze the structural features of animals, correlate parts by size and proportions. Develop your eye, synchronize the work of both hands. 3.p.28 5 “Gifts of Autumn” To consolidate children’s knowledge about the color of autumn, acquired in the process of observing nature in the autumn period. Continue introducing children to still life. Learn to design a composition from different objects combined 6.p.31

18 with a single content. Strengthen children's skills in working with plasticine on a plane. Teach children the technique of “pouring one color into another.” To cultivate a feeling of love for the beauty of our native nature. November 1 “Swan” Improve the technique of sculptural modeling. Continue to learn how to pull from the entire piece of plasticine or clay the amount of material that is needed to model the neck and head of the bird; Freely use familiar sculpting techniques (stretching, folding, pinching, smoothing with fingers or a damp cloth) to create an expressive image. Develop a sense of shape and proportion. To cultivate interest in knowledge of nature and a more subtle reflection of impressions in fine art. 2 “Who lives in the forest” Arouse interest in drawing up a collective plot composition from sculpted forest animals. Continue to learn to analyze the structural features of different animals, correlate parts by size and proportions, notice characteristic poses and movements. Learn to independently determine the method of sculpting based on a generalized form. Develop your eye, synchronize the work of both hands. 3.p.52 1.p. p.64, 70, 3. (2) p.58 4.p. p.74

19 3 “Who got wet in the rain?” 4 “Elephants and rhinoceroses are stomping around the island” Foster interest in cooperation. Teach children to independently choose a plot for modeling in accordance with a given topic. Arouse interest in creating expressive images (animals wet in the rain). Explain the connection between plastic form and sculpting method. Continue mastering the sculptural method of modeling (sculpting from a whole piece) by drawing out and modeling parts; offer a choice of techniques for decorating a molded image (relief moldings, cutting or scratching with stacks) Continue mastering the modeling technique. Create images of large animals (elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus) based on the outgoing form (a roller bent in an arc and cut on both sides with a stack). Improve the ability to freely vary different sculpting techniques (pulling, pinching, fastening parts, etc.) to create an expressive image. Develop shaping abilities. December 3.p.52 4.p.86, 78 3.p. (2) p. “The Snow Maiden” Develop imaginative thinking, the ability to create a familiar image, based on the life experience of children. Strengthen the ability to use non-traditional imaging techniques in work 5. p. 49

20 2 “Learning to sculpt birds” plasticineography. To achieve the realization of an expressive, bright image, complementing the work with elements of waste material. Make children feel happy about the work they do. Continue teaching children to sculpt birds from a whole piece of clay based on folk clay toys. Encourage an independent search for methods of decorative decoration of a product. 1.page “Hedgehog” To develop children's cognitive interest in nature; ideas about the dependence of the existence of a particular animal on environmental conditions. Expand children's knowledge about the possibilities of plasticine: they can not only sculpt, but also draw. Strengthen your skills in working with plasticine: creating a semi-volume contour and further filling it with the source material for a holistic perception of the object. Develop special labor skills when using waste material in work. 6. page page “Yolka toys cones, bears and firecrackers” Teach children to create images of animals, toys, household items: sculpturally from salt dough or cut out with baking molds; show a new way of decorating molded figures - wrapping them in foil or bright candy wrappers. Develop an eye and consistency in the work of both hands. Cultivate neatness; arouse desire 3. page (2) page 100

21 decorate the interior. January “Clay toys that children would like to play with” (1 lesson) To interest children in the opportunity to create objects for themselves for games and hobby activities. 2.page “We will go, we will rush” (collective modeling) Teach children to create a beautiful plot composition from individual molded figures. Expand the range of sculptural sculpting techniques, show the possibility of complementing the image with different materials (horns made of twigs, legs made of cocktail straws). Continue to teach how to transfer movement and give the craft stability (use tubes or toothpicks as a frame for the thin legs of ungulates). Foster an interest in collaboration in teamwork. 3.page 108

22 1 “Wonderful bag” February Continue to develop creative independence in children. Create a desire to fantasize. 2.page “At the bottom of the sea” Arouse interest in sculpting images of the underwater world according to imagination. Enrich and diversify visual impressions. Create conditions for the creative use of mastered methods and techniques of modeling. Learn to negotiate and plan teamwork. Develop imagination and sense of composition. 4.pp pp. 65, 70 3 “Toys and souvenirs as a gift to each other” 4 “Winter fun” (collective modeling) Continue to develop children’s skills associated with artistically imaginative reflection of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in modeling. Arouse interest in creating stucco miniatures as a gift to each other (dad, grandfather). Learn to compose a collective plot composition from sculpted figures, conveying the relationships between them. Fix the sculpting method in the style of a folk toy from a cylinder (roller) cut at both ends. 2.page page 114

23 Continue to teach simple movements (bending and turning the body, bending the arms, moving the legs). Analyze the features of the human figure, correlate parts by size and proportions. Teach children to analyze the simplest diagrams (figures of men in different poses). Develop your eye, synchronize the work of both hands. March 1 “Bouquet for Mom” Cultivate love and respect for loved ones, the desire to bring joy with your work. Develop the ability to admire natural forms and transform them into decorative ones. To consolidate children's ability to perform a molded picture when the details of objects retain volume and protrude above the surface of the base. 2 “Spring carpet” Continue to introduce children to types of folk arts and crafts (carpet making). Learn to sculpt a rug from flagella, imitating the weaving technique. Show analogies between methods of creating an image in different types of visual activity. Develop fine motor skills and synchronize the movements of both hands. 3 “At the bottom of the sea” Arouse interest in sculpting images of the underwater world according to the imagination. Enrich and diversify visual impressions. Create conditions for creative application 5. page page (2) page page 180

24 mastered methods and techniques of sculpting. Learn to negotiate and plan teamwork. Develop imagination and sense of composition. 4 “Our Pond” Introduce children to the sculptural method of modeling. Learn to pull from the entire piece of plasticine or clay the amount of material that is needed to model the neck and head of the bird; freely use familiar sculpting techniques (stretching, bending, pinching, smoothing with fingers or a damp cloth) to create an expressive image. Develop a sense of shape and proportion. 3. page “The Castle of the Good Wizard” 2 “Our Favorite Toys” April Give children an idea of ​​the architecture of ancient buildings. Continue to develop children’s skills in making a molded picture on a plane. Learn to decorate a fairy-tale building with turrets, barred windows with semicircular arches, and decorate a fairy-tale landscape with decorative elements (flowers, leaves). Learn to combine materials of different structures in your work. Teach children to sculpt toys, conveying the characteristic features of their appearance (shape, color and ratio of parts). Learn to plan work and select what you need 5. pp. 22,58, 60

25 3 “In deep space” 4 “Ladybugs on a chamomile” 1 “Grandfather Mazai and the hares” amount of material, determine the method of sculpting. Initiate free statements from children on topics from personal experience (describe toys). Continue mastering the technique of relief modeling; creating a relief picture that includes various space objects. Initiate an independent search for image means and techniques; remind you about the possibility of mixing plasticine colors, about plasticine stretching for an emotional color scheme for the theme. Develop a sense of composition. Cultivate interest in cooperation. Arouse interest in the surrounding world, form realistic ideas about nature. Learn to use knowledge and ideas about the appearance of insects in your work. To consolidate the use of the plasticine technique in children’s creative activities, to form generalized methods of working using plasticine. Develop the ability, with the help of adults, to find answers to questions that arise while doing work. May Learn to compose a collective plot composition from sculpted figures, conveying the relationships between 3. (2) p. 182, 184, 186, p. p. 55, 61 3.(2) p.196, 18 3.p. p.156

26 (teamwork) them. Independently vary and combine different methods of modeling in the style of folk toys. Continue to teach how to convey simple movements (tilting and turning the body, moving the paws) and the mood of the characters (fright, fear, hope, joy). Analyze the structural features of animals, correlate parts by size and proportions. Develop an eye and a sense of composition. 2 “Miracle bouquet” Continue to teach children to create flower arrangements using plastic means based on folk art (bouquet, flowerpot, wreath). Improve the technique of relief modeling. Show a rational way to obtain a large number of identical elements (colors) - rolling up a tube (roll) and cutting into pieces. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition. Cultivate artistic taste. 3. page page “What we can and love to sculpt” (1 lesson) 4 “What we can and love to sculpt” Explore the interests and capabilities of children in sculpting. Identify what new skills and abilities you have gained over the year and what you have learned. What results have you achieved? Develop a desire for visual and creative activities. Encourage participation in the manufacture of products that could decorate a group room, kindergarten, or the interior of their home. Explore the interests and capabilities of children in modeling. Identify what new skills and abilities have been acquired over the year, why 1.page p. 151

27 (lesson 2) learned. What results have you achieved? Develop a desire for visual and creative activities. Encourage participation in the manufacture of products that could decorate a group room, kindergarten, or the interior of their home.

Calendar and thematic planning "Modeling"

Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling.

Explanatory note.

A child’s visual activity depends on his ideas about the subject. At this age they are just beginning to form. Graphic images are poor. Some children's images lack detail, while others' drawings may be more detailed. Children can already use color.

Modeling is of great importance for the development of fine motor skills. Younger preschoolers are able to sculpt simple objects under the guidance of an adult. In early preschool age, perceptual activity develops. Children move from using prestandards—individual units of perception—to sensory standards—culturally developed means of perception.

The main task of the teacher in working on this section is to develop the child’s interest and desire to engage in visual arts together with the teacher, children and independently.

Long-term planning of lessons is made taking into account the main tasks, goals and age requirements of the “Childhood” program. In order to achieve the desired result, all classes are organized in a story-based, playful, entertaining form. In accordance with this, visual arts classes are structured in such a way as to introduce the child into an imaginative situation that will help him emotionally perceive the object created with the teacher.

Mastery of visual and expressive means (rhythm, color, shape, composition) enriches the content of modeling and allows one to find similarities with surrounding objects and phenomena. The sensory foundations of a child’s visual activity are formed in unity with the development of the figurative principle. Solid mastery of technical skills and abilities requires long-term and systematic exercises. Good mastery of image techniques makes the process of creating sculpts free and enjoyable for the child, increases his interest in activities and develops creative abilities. Exercises in image techniques are not carried out in isolation, but in the process of solving visual problems in each lesson with children, without interfering with creative work, but helping and facilitating it.


Generate interest in modeling. To consolidate ideas about the properties of plasticine, plastic mass and sculpting methods.

Learn to roll out lumps with straight and circular movements, connect the ends of the resulting stick, flatten the ball, crushing it with the palms of both hands.

Encourage children to decorate sculpted objects using a stick with a sharpened end; learn to create objects consisting of 2-3 parts, connecting them by pressing them against each other. Strengthen the ability to carefully use plasticine, place lumps and sculpted objects on a board. Teach children to sculpt simple objects consisting of several parts (tumbler, chicken, pyramid, etc.). Suggest combining sculpted figures into a collective composition (tumblers dance in a circle, apples lie on a plate, etc.). Arouse joy from the perception of the result of common work.

Number of classes:

per week: 1

per month: 4

total per year: 36

Lesson duration: 15 minutes

Calendar and thematic planning.

Month Lesson topic Program content Methodological literature
September Grains for the Petit-Petushka family Exercise children in tearing a small piece from a large one, teach them to be neat; continue to learn how to perform movements following the teacher. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.112-114
Fast balls Develop the ability to roll a ball of plasticine using circular movements of your palms. Cultivate a positive attitude towards the modeling process. “Forward Planning” p.114
Beautiful staircase Continue teaching children to roll out the “sausage” on the board using straight movements of the palms; encourage children, with the help of the teacher, to name the object depicted in the picture; cultivate responsiveness and kindness. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.75-77 “Long-term planning” p.115
Vegetables Continue to introduce the child to plasticine and its properties; teach how to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece, roll them between your palms with straight movements; develop fine motor skills of the hands, develop knowledge about vegetables; cultivate responsiveness and kindness. Consolidate knowledge about color, practice naming colors. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.87-89 Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2 ml.g.” pp. 69-70
October Fruits To consolidate children's knowledge about the shape of objects, to teach them to distinguish objects by size, to consolidate children's ability to sculpt round objects by rolling plasticine in a circular motion between their palms. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.89-91 Bondarenko T.M. “Complex classes in 2 ml.gr.” p.91 “Forward planning” p.116
Let's bake pancakes Continue to introduce the child to plasticine and its properties; learn to flatten plasticine balls using all fingers; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills. Introduce children to household items: stove, frying pan.

Develop an understanding of the world around us and imagination.

Cultivate interest in the activity game and the results of the work.

O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.77-78 “Long-range planning” p.116
Pyramid Develop the ability to roll out a lump of plasticine with straight movements of the palms; transform the “stick” into a ring, connecting its ends, roll the lump of plasticine into a ball using circular movements of your palms;

give the ball a cone shape by “pinching”; develop the eye, fine motor skills, imaginative logical thinking, spatial imagination, thinking.

Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2 ml.g.” pp. 101-102
Cherries in a basket Learn to compare and describe fruits, solve riddles, learn to sculpt berries from plasticine by rolling out small pieces of plasticine, develop accuracy and fine motor skills of your fingers. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.127 Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2 ml.g.” pp.113-114
November Mushrooms Teach children to sculpt mushrooms; roll out a small piece of plasticine between your palms with straight movements in the shape of a sausage; roll out a small piece of plasticine, turning it into a ball in a circular motion, flatten it and flatten the ends, giving it the shape of a mushroom; develop fine motor skills of the hands; cultivate curiosity and accuracy in work. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.117 Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2 ml.g.” pp. 95-96 “Forward planning” p. 117
Let's feed the bunny carrots Encourage children to roll out a lump of plasticine, lengthen and sharpen the tip of the column, flattening it with their fingers. Take care of the bunny O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.92
Kolobok To arouse in children the desire to create images of fairy-tale characters in modeling. Strengthen the ability to sculpt round objects by rolling plasticine between your palms in a circular motion. Strengthen the ability to carefully work with plasticine. Learn to draw some details (eyes, mouth) on a sculpted image in a stack. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.98-100 Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2ml.g.” page 86
Gifts for animals Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the characters. Develop the plot-role concept. Develop fine motor skills and hand coordination. Develop imagination and creativity. Teach children to use familiar sculpting techniques to create different characters. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.112-114 Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2 ml.g.” pp. 44-45
December Christmas tree balls Make children want to decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday. Learn how to roll out colored plasticine and make rings, and make a garland out of them. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.80
Snowman Teach children to name the main signs of the winter period, sculpt a snowman from plasticine; divide the plasticine into three different parts, roll three balls (large, medium and small), connect the parts, name the color of the plasticine, bring your plan to the end; develop independence.

Reinforce the concepts: “big”, “small”.

O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.98
New Year's gifts for toys Encourage children to make candies of different shapes (round, long, flattened). Form imaginative perception and imaginative ideas, develop imagination. Teach children to use previously acquired skills in modeling. Cultivate a kind attitude towards animals and a desire to do something nice for them. Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2 ml.g.” pp. 119-120
Snow Maiden Induce in children a desire to convey the image of the Snow Maiden in sculpting. Learn to highlight parts of the human figure in clothing (head, fur coat widening downward, arms), convey them in compliance with proportions. Strengthen the ability to work accurately. Develop figurative ideas and aesthetic perception. Develop children's creativity. Introduce children to the fine arts. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.112-114 Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2 ml.g.” pp. 44-45 “Forward planning” p. 116
January Hedgehog Teach children to sculpt an object from a whole piece, conveying some characteristic features (elongated nose, paws, needles). Strengthen sculpting techniques: rolling between palms, developing the ability to pull out individual parts from a whole piece. Cause a positive emotional response to the overall result. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.52
Fish Teach children to sculpt oval-shaped objects, pinch out parts and decorate the product using stacks. Develop attention and fine motor skills. Foster a caring attitude towards living nature. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.146-148
Tumbler Teach children to sculpt an object consisting of several parts of the same shape, but of different sizes, pressing the parts tightly against each other. Create a desire to decorate an object with small details (a pompom on a hat, buttons on a dress). Clarify children's ideas about the size of objects. Strengthen the ability to sculpt accurately. Create a feeling of joy from what you have created. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.112-114 Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2 ml.g.” pp. 44-45 “Forward planning” p. 116
February Our children love chocolates very much. Learn to roll out lumps and use plasticine carefully. Cultivate a positive, caring attitude towards others. Teach children to pinch off small lumps from a large lump; Place the molded products and excess plasticine on the board. Develop a desire to sculpt, to rejoice in what has been created. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.93-96
Vitamins Learn to roll out lumps of plasticine using circular movements of your hands. Cultivate interest in the modeling process. Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2 ml.g.” page 244
Fun helicopters Continue teaching children to roll out plasticine columns on the board with back and forth movements and connect them. Teach children to accompany the words of the poem with appropriate actions. Develop attention. Create joy from the created image I.A. Lykova. “Art activities in kindergarten” p. 12
Bunny To develop children's interest in sculpting familiar objects consisting of several parts, to teach them to divide a piece of plasticine into the required number of parts. Strengthen the ability to firmly connect parts of an object, pressing them against each other. Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2 ml.g.” page 175
March A beautiful flower for mommy Continue to develop the plot and role-playing concept, continue to teach children to apply plasticine on cardboard with their fingers. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Teach children to compose an image from details, cultivate the desire to make a beautiful thing. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.143
Three Bears Bowls Teach children to sculpt bowls of different sizes using the technique of rolling plasticine in a circular motion. Learn to flatten and pull the edges of the bowl up. Encourage children to be emotionally responsive to someone else's misfortune. Develop interest in the modeling process. “Forward Planning” p.60
A clubfooted bear walks through the forest Learn to sculpt a teddy bear, conveying the shape, proportions, and small details. Strengthen the techniques of rolling, flattening, pinching. Develop aesthetic perception, consolidate the ability to carefully connect parts by smearing. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.97
Spring, time to plant trees To develop the ability to perform different methods of modeling; convey the shape of the main part of the product and additional parts; develop compositional skills; cultivate interest in creativity; instill respect for nature. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.107-109
April Beanbag Teach children to sculpt an object consisting of two parts: a ball and a stick. Connect the parts, pressing them tightly against each other. Practice rolling out plasticine with straight and circular movements of your palms. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.82-84
Rocket Expand children's ideas about the world around them (about space), teach children to sculpt sticks using the technique of rolling out plasticine with straight movements of the palms, connecting parts, smoothing the surface of sculpted objects with their fingers; instill a desire to sculpt. Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2 ml.g.” page 206
We are walking Teach children to sculpt a small doll: a fur coat - a thick column, a head - a ball, hands - sticks. Strengthen the ability to roll out plasticine with straight movements and circular movements. Learn to compose an image from parts. Create a feeling of joy from the resulting image. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.144-147
Bagels and braids Modeling bagels: rolling out sausages and closing them into a ring, playing with molded products - “stringing” bagels on a bunch of rope. Strengthen the technique of rolling out plasticine with straight movements of your palms. Teach children how to roll the resulting sausage in different ways. Develop the ability to examine works, highlight similarities and differences, and notice the diversity of created images. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.100
May Snail Arouse children's interest in modeling. Learn to sculpt a snail by folding the column and pulling back the head and horns. Bondarenko T.M. “Comprehensive classes in 2 ml.g.” page 82
duck Teach children to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, conveying some characteristic features (elongated beak). Practice using the technique of pinching and pulling. Strengthen the ability to connect parts by pressing them tightly together. O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.102
Caterpillar To help master sculpting techniques: roll a lump of plasticine between two palms in a circular motion to give it a round shape (ball); teach children to place sculpted objects on a board; use plasticine carefully;

learn to knead plasticine with the fingers and palms of both hands; continue to introduce the color green.

O.V. Pavlova “Iso-activity” p.105-107


Reveal children’s ability to separate small lumps from a large piece of clay, roll them out with straight and circular movements of the palms, the ability to sculpt various objects consisting of 1-3 parts, using a variety of sculpting techniques.
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