Didactic game “You can - you can’t” (how to behave in the forest).

How didactic games are conducted in the middle group

Games should not be too simple, as this will cause boredom and reluctance to practice. But you shouldn’t make classes too complicated. Questions and assignments must correspond to the developmental characteristics of a given period of life. This will help stimulate the desire to learn new things and achieve visible results.

How to create a motivating environment

At the age of 3-5 years, children react with great interest to fairy tales and magical manifestations. Any activity can be carried out in the form of fairy-tale adventures, meetings with animated heroes, or travel to a magical land.

We must not forget! Excessive mobility is another distinctive feature of this age. You cannot abuse the child’s attention and delay intellectual work. Be sure to alternate sedentary activities that require increased concentration with outdoor games.

Safety game “You can - You can’t”

Lilia Rakhimova
Safety game “You can - You can’t”

Unfortunately, many accidents happen at home. Our house is filled to capacity with various household appliances and chemicals. My task is to prepare children to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations. Didactic games help me with this. I would like to present one of these games to your attention. The game is called You can - You can’t


This game allows you to solve the following problems:

1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about objects dangerous to life and health that they encounter in everyday life, about their necessity for humans, and about the rules for using them.

2. Help children draw their own conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of such objects.

3. Strengthen children’s knowledge about objects that should not be played .

During the game, the presenter shows a picture of an object. If this item can be played , the child shows a card with a cheerful smiley face. If this item is dangerous, then the child shows a card with a sad smiley face. It is important that children explain their choice.

Principles of forming the foundations of safe life in preschool educational institutions. Relevance of the topic: It’s no secret that the current social and environmental situation is causing concern among people all over the planet.

Parent meeting on the topic “Safety in your home” Dear parents! I would like to ask you, take the time to look at a book, talk to your child, discuss this or that.


Behavioral game “Dos and Don’ts”

Alena Kalashnikova
Behavioral game “Dos and Don’ts”
Dos and Don’ts The favorite word of children at any age is “give” or “I want”, they don’t think about what is not allowed , in order for children to understand you can conduct a behavioral game .

Goal: to introduce children to the diversity of needs and disabilities . Learn to determine what is possible and what is not.

Rules: determine which concept is possible


not allowed refers to the object depicted on the cardboard, and glue the picture onto the corresponding panel.
The pictures are associated with the rules of behavior in various situations: at the table, on the street, in transport, in society, and so on.
Material: Pictures with positive and negative behavior , as well as a board where these pictures are attached.

“We cannot forget these roads” 70 years of Victory The holiday is held with preliminary preparation of children. literary and musical composition dedicated to May 9” for older preschoolers.

Consultation “Relationship between children and adults: do’s and don’ts” Not everything in life works out the way we would like, and sometimes circumstances turn out to be stronger than us. In moments of failure, we want to.

“This is my Motherland - it cannot be divided.” Photo report on May 9, Victory Day is a holiday, It’s fireworks in the evening. There are many flags at the parade, People sing joyfully! Veterans with orders Remember the war and talk.

Art therapy in correctional work with preschoolers (behavioral and emotional-volitional spheres) “Art therapy” (art (English) - art, therapeia (Greek) - care, treatment) is understood as care for psychological and emotional health.

Didactic game on life safety “What is possible, what is not” mmDidactic game on life safety “What is possible, what is not” Preschool age is the most important period when formation. Safety game "Do's and Don'ts" Unfortunately, many accidents happen at home. Our house is filled to capacity with various household appliances and chemicals. My task is...

Consultation for parents “Discipline: do’s and don’ts” Consultation for parents. Discipline: “dos” and “don’ts.” Prepared by Olesya Anatolyevna Manik, teacher of Kindergarten No. 17, Krasnodar.

What not to talk about in front of children. What not to talk about in front of children. Have you ever paid attention to how your child behaves when you communicate with other adults?

Outline of a correctional lesson for older preschoolers using multi-therapy “Dos and Don’ts” Topic of the lesson: “Dos and Don’ts” Goal: correction of negative behavioral manifestations when prohibitions arise Tasks: 1. Formation of awareness.

Project “We can’t live without water” PROJECT: “We can’t live without water” Age: 2-3 years Author: Maltseva Lyubov Petrovna. Relevance: Foster an environmental culture.


Didactic games for the middle group

Through play, children become familiar with the world around them and develop good habits and concepts. During the didactic game, adults teach four-year-old children to engage in joint cognitive activities.


A child aged 4-5 years is distinguished by an inexhaustible supply of curiosity and a desire to get answers to many questions that interest him. It is at this age that a significant growth in the baby’s abilities is manifested. According to the observations of psychologists, thinking during this period becomes more imaginative, and the psyche is more stable compared to previous years of life.


In the middle group, object games fade into the background, although they still remain relevant. To a greater extent, they are aimed at consolidating familiar concepts.

They are gradually being replaced by board-printed and word games. During this period, the active formation of FEMP* begins.

Math lesson

Conducting games for middle group children

Starting from the middle group, a child attending kindergarten is engaged in activities aimed at his personal development.

Lesson in kindergarten

Didactic games for preschool age in preschool educational institutions

Along with tasks in mathematics and speech development, children have the opportunity to learn to draw and sculpt in creative art classes. An important feature of such activities should be a frequent change of activity, in which children have the opportunity to alternate sedentary intellectual activities with active games and physical exercises.

Important to remember! A well-planned educational process will avoid overwork, will not cause boredom and will help to achieve the highest possible results.

Finger drawing technique

Goals and objectives of gaming activities in the middle group

A 4-5 year old child must have certain skills and concepts. At this age, the main activity is play. That is why it is important to adhere to a playful form of learning, which will influence the formation of qualities and skills necessary for the development of attention and thinking:

  • presence of an active vocabulary;
  • the ability to express thoughts using coherent speech;
  • ability to distinguish and describe objects (shape, color, size);
  • understanding of numbers and quantity;
  • the desire to compare and generalize concepts or objects;
  • strengthening abilities aimed at concentrating;
  • memory development.

Important point! A game activity should help consolidate what has been learned and at the same time serve as an impulse that encourages children to learn about topics that are new to them.

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