Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic development on the topic “At the bottom of the sea” (application) for children of senior preschool age

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Lesson summary on application on the topic: “Underwater Kingdom”

Prepared by: teacher of the first qualification category S.N. Podymova Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 14 “Jolly Bells” , Moscow region, Ozyory, 2020


  • teach the ability to work with colored paper, decorate templates with various pieces of paper to convey the expressiveness of the image
  • develop technical skills in working with paper, creativity, emotional perception, interest in the process and result of the application
  • foster a sense of collectivism, co-creativity, and joy in the overall result.

Materials and equipment:

For each child: outline image of fish, colored paper, glue, brushes, hand napkins. Pictures "Fish" .

For parents: Whatman paper, various items, corrugated paper, candy wrappers, pebbles, plasticine for preparing the seabed for fish.

Progress of the lesson:

Emotional mood: On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend -

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Q: I have an envelope in my hands, there is a letter in it:

— We, the inhabitants of a magical underwater kingdom. We ask for help. We were bewitched by a sea octopus, and now we have become sad, ugly, pale, and cannot swim or frolic. Magic spells can be broken by completing 3 tasks.

Q: Guys, let’s help the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom?

D: Let's help.

Q: Task 1: name the sea creatures

D: Fish, jellyfish, turtles, starfish, octopuses, crabs, seahorses, plants...

Q: What is the sea like?

D: Quiet, calm, stormy, running, cold, warm, transparent.

Q: Task 2 help the fish become beautiful: decorate them. To do this, use colored paper. It can be torn off, crushed, twisted into flagella or balls. But first, let's see what the fish were like before the octopus enchanted them.

Q: And there is also a task for our guests: And you will prepare an underwater kingdom for our beautiful fish.

View illustrations.

Q: Task 3, launch them into the underwater kingdom (glue them onto whatman paper of the underwater kingdom).

All works are hung against a common background.

- Oh, guys, look how the fish sparkled, became cheerful, swim, frolic, play. Let's play too.

The fish splashed happily in the clean, light water. Either they will shrink, they will unclench, or they will bury themselves in the sand.

(Connect the fingers alternately from the index finger to the little finger and back.

Twist hands forward and backward.

They squat, twisting their torso.)

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Application for artistic and aesthetic development “Raindrops”

Olga Armyaninova
Application for artistic and aesthetic development “Raindrops”

• teaching children how to glue a strip of paper into a droplet ;

develop the creativity of students;

• expand children’s figurative ideas, develop the ability to create images of the same objects in varied ways;

• continue to develop application ;

• evoke a feeling of joy from the created image;

develop the ability to apply acquired skills and abilities in various methods of application .

Speech development :

• enrich your vocabulary;

develop speech motor skills - the motor apparatus;

develop speech , speech breathing;

develop memory and attention;

• continue to teach children how to form common sentences.

Cognitive development :

• continue to cultivate a love for flowers, nature, a careful and caring attitude towards them;

• teach children to distinguish and name flowers and grass;

• to form in children the concept that plants cannot exist without water;

• learn to recognize by appearance;

• consolidate the names of natural phenomena;

• clarify and expand knowledge about why water is needed;

• formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one’s horizons;

• cultivate aesthetic taste, love and respect for nature.

Social and communicative development :

develop the ability to determine mood, cultivate empathy, group cohesion;

• learn to manage your activities, organize your work independently, and perform various actions.

Physical development :

Develop expressiveness of movements (facial expressions, pantomime)


Artistic and aesthetic development:

develop children's creativity and visual abilities;

• strengthen the skills of safe use of glue;

develop fine motor skills and creativity;

developing raindrops from paper :

• introduce the technique of folding paper with a loop;

• learn to glue a loop, choose a place on the base yourself;

• expand children's imaginative ideas.

• examining illustrations depicting flowers, clouds, the sun and the sky;

• reading and memorizing poems about flowers;

• examination of illustrations, clarification of names;

• highlighting structural features and appearance, didactic game “Collect a flower”


• reading fiction ;

• various types of musical activities - singing, listening to music.

• conversation, playing out the fairy-tale character Droplets .

Equipment and materials:

• pictures of flowers, clouds, sun and droplets ;

• audio recordings of musical works with the sound of rain , thunder;

• easel, Whatman paper with the image of a clearing with flowers;

• flowers on the field, watering can, Whatman paper with “flowerbed” applique

, a cloud of cardboard, strips of colored paper, glue, napkins.

• search activity will develop;

• master the ability to analyze work;

• a positive attitude towards work will be formed;

• constructive, cognitive, creative and artistic abilities ;

• the creativity of pupils in conveying the image will develop;

Accordion paper fish for children 5-7 years old

We will need a long and voluminous strip folded like an accordion.

Small stripe; and we also bend it like an accordion - the tail.

A small semicircle, on the edges of which we draw arched stripes - fins.

2 circles with a dot in the middle - eyes.

Fold the larger strip in half.

Fold a small strip in half. We fix it with glue from the edge of the large strip in the middle.

Also in the middle between the two halves of the large strip we glue a semicircle so that it protrudes evenly on both sides of the strip.

Glue the 2 halves of a large strip together with an accordion.

Glue on the eyes.

As you can see, you can make cute fish using the same technique in different ways!

Author of the work

Another option is to make the accordion a bright multi-colored one; to do this, you can stick colored strips onto the main sheet and then fold it into an accordion. Or first fold the accordions and then glue one on top of the other.

I also recommend Riddles, fairy tales, games about the sea for children

DIY New Year decorations for the home

Sometimes the preparation for the holiday is much more interesting than the holiday itself! Does this happen to you? When we prepare for the New Year, we decorate the house, put up a Christmas tree and hang garlands. We will tell you what crafts you can make with your children from scrap materials.

New Year's wreath made of paper and pompoms

How beautiful New Year's wreaths look on the doors of the apartment. And we will make one from paper and pom-poms. To do this, we will cut out fir branches from paper, draw patterns on them and decorate them with multi-colored pom-poms. What kind of wreath will you make?

Craft “New Year's boot”

Or you can make a personalized boot from cardboard. Look how hard Varya tried and decorated her felt boots with stickers. This is a very simple and easy craft that children from 3 years old can handle.

Do you remember how they used to sew elastic bands to mittens? And we decided to make a pendant from cardboard and white paper mittens. It turned out great!

Pendant “Winter City”

Another pendant is a winter city, which we decorated with snow wool and sparkles. As a basis, we took a piece of cardboard, of which so much remains after the goods are delivered. Cardboard from boxes makes very strong crafts.

We not only decorated the house, but also came up with a winter crown! Download a ready-made template or make a sample with us. Sequins are suitable for decorations, you can take nail polish with sparkles or simply paint with felt-tip pens.

Fairy tale characters

It is impossible to imagine the New Year without Santa Claus. He is the symbol of the New Year, which occupies the minds of all boys and girls. Let's figure out how to make Santa Claus out of paper. And so that you can play with it, let’s glue it to a skewer (or twig). You can make other New Year's characters and stage a real home performance!

Pattern applique “Snowmen”

In the master class “Applique - Snowmen Pattern” we will learn how to cut out even circles, form a uniform composition and learn the basics of creating patterns. This application is suitable for children aged 3 years and older and will be interesting for older children who can add additional elements to it. Take the idea and repeat it with other fairy-tale characters or make a magical forest.

Application “Snowman with a gift”

Or you can make a snowman who will give candy to friends and family. An excellent option for a DIY gift for the New Year for which the only materials you need are paper.

Papier-mâché snowman

I really like this “Snowman” craft, but it can’t be done in one go. The napkin base should dry thoroughly. This will take a couple of days. Children will love the papier-mâché technique, which can be used to form three-dimensional shapes.

Directions for winter crafts

One of the most popular winter-themed crafts is Christmas decorations and winter crafts. They depict winter, both in the form of applications, paintings, and in the form of three-dimensional works.

For New Year's decorations, they often make handicrafts in the form of garlands, simple and voluminous snowflakes, decorative Christmas trees, a symbol of the next year, Christmas wreaths, candlesticks, New Year's socks for gifts.

On the theme of winter, winter landscapes are often depicted, usually crafts of a winter forest or sledding; children like to depict snowmen and bullfinches using different techniques, modeling from plasticine or in the form of a three-dimensional applique, as well as from various improvised materials.

Various options

Below in our photo gallery we offer you to look at photographs of children's crafts on the theme “Winter”. You can find images of various animals made from pine cones and plasticine, soft applications from paper, felt and cotton wool, a wide variety of shapes of snowflakes, tabletop compositions and dioramas. Products placed in various vessels look most advantageous. Let's look at how to make such a magical craft.

New Year's crafts from threads

You can make winter crafts with your own hands from threads. This can be regular sewing thread or yarn. Here you will find a couple of simple master classes.


We roll the tube into an equilateral triangle with each side measuring 8 centimeters. We put two triangles on top of each other to make a star. We wrap the thread around each corner in turn. We continue to wind until a small hole remains in the center. We decorate the stars with beads.


We wind red, black and gray threads onto rectangular cardboard. We cut them and connect the red and black ones. Bend the black threads in half. We put gray threads under the red ones. Fold the red ones in half. We tie gray threads to the tail. For convenience, you can use a hook. We insert the beak and the yarn bird is ready. The bird is suitable for children 2-3 years old.

Christmas trees made from scrap materials

The main symbol of the New Year is the Christmas tree, but not everyone has the opportunity to purchase one. Therefore, you can make an original Christmas tree yourself.

As the base of the tree, you can take thick cardboard rolled into a cone or a plastic bottle. Craft stores also sell special foam blanks.

With the help of a base, a glue gun and your imagination, you will get an exclusive Christmas tree that will be an excellent decoration for an apartment, office, or a craft for the New Year in the kindergarten.

To decorate the base you can use:

  • Sweets (such a Christmas tree will turn out not only beautiful, but also tasty);
  • Paper, felt;
  • Coffee beans (looks stylish and brings a pleasant aroma to the room);
  • Harness, threads (Christmas tree in eco style);
  • Tinsel.

Winter craft Polar bear

The polar bear is another popular winter craft character. You can make a charming “polar bear” pendant from felt.

Felt polar bear

An original way to make a polar bear is to make it from pompoms.

White bear made from pompoms

Skilled needlewomen can sew a beautiful polar bear. How to do this, watch the video:

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