Summary of educational activities for preserving health in the middle group “To help the bunny”

Summary of educational activities for preserving health in the middle group “To help the bunny”

Summary of integrated educational activities “To help the bunny” (middle group)

Objectives: - Social and communicative development: to promote the formation of the child’s personal attitude towards compliance with moral standards: mutual assistance, sympathy, develop emotional responsiveness, empathy.
Develop cultural and hygienic skills, the habit of washing, washing hands with soap before eating, when soiled. — Cognitive development: develop the sense of touch (name a vegetable, taste a fruit), expand ideas about fruits and vegetables.

— Speech development: listen to children, clarify their answers, promote the development of curiosity, help children communicate kindly with peers, replenish and activate children’s vocabulary.

— Artistic and aesthetic development: develop the desire to use a variety of colors in drawing, teach children to draw using an unconventional technique (with fingers), and develop skills in listening to music.

— Physical development: cultivate the need to adhere to a diet, eat vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods. To form an idea of ​​the substances and vitamins that a person needs. Expand ideas about the importance of hygiene procedures and movements for health. Continue to develop motor activity, teach to independently follow the rules.

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development, physical education.

Methods and techniques: verbal, gaming, visual.

Equipment and materials: a soft toy - a hare, a house, a crib for a bunny, an A3 sheet of paper with a drawn jar, plates with gouache, an easel, a thermometer, a car, candy, a scarf, napkins (dry, wet), balloons, toothpicks, fruit , vegetables, basket, treats - carrots, music for games and drawing.

Preliminary work: conversations about the benefits of vegetables, fruits, a healthy lifestyle, hygiene rules, observations, plot-role-playing game “Hospital”, “We are writing a letter to a child who is on sick leave”, reading K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, making notes.

Vocabulary work: microbes.

Venue: music hall of MBDOU compensatory kindergarten No. 7.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Children, today we will go for a walk in a fabulous spring forest.

Suddenly a voice is heard: Attention! Attention! Forest radio speaking. Listen to the latest news. Doctor Aibolit flew to Africa this morning to visit sick animals. And the little bunny Kuzma ate an icicle and his throat hurt and his temperature rose. Urgent help required! Urgent help required! (siren signal)

Educator: Guys, did you hear? Our friend the little bunny got sick. What do we do? How can I help him? (children's answers)

Educator: Of course, we must help our friend the bunny. Guys, he is all alone and he feels bad, what should you take with you to help him? Let's pack everything we need for the road and go to the rescue.

Game: “Choose what you need” (children are invited to choose from the proposed items the items necessary to treat the little bunny (thermometer, machine, candy, comb, scarf, apple, garlic, chewing gum, onion, lemon, jar of vitamins). Children put the selected items in bag. Educator: What should you eat in order not to get sick and to be healthy? (children’s answers)

For a speedy recovery, we need to eat the vitamins that nature gives us - these are vegetables and fruits. They are not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Guys, what fruits do you know? What about vegetables? Educator: Let’s play with you, the game is called “Guess the taste.”

With your eyes closed, you will need to taste the fruit or vegetable and name it. Well done, let's take these fruits and vegetables and treat them to Kuzma. Before the long journey, let's warm up a little.

Fizkul Someone's ears peeked out from the leaves at the edge of the forest. And he rushed off, skok-skok-skok, the gray little animal, so he hopped nimbly along the green paths, the wind whirls around the birch trees, wiggles the bunny’s ears, the wind, play with the wind, you can’t catch up with the dashing bunny.

Educator: Now you can hit the road. To quickly find yourself in the forest near the hare’s hut, you need to say the magic words “Krible! Crable! Boom!"

The teacher and children turn around themselves to the music and say the magic words three times: Krible! Crable! Boom! Educator: Here we are in the forest. Listen to the birds chirping. Where is Kuzma's hut? Let's not rush, otherwise the little bunny might be sleeping. And here is Kuzma’s hut.

Children knock on the door, come in, and say hello to the bunny. Educator: Kuzma, how are you feeling? (the little bunny sneezes). Guys, he can’t speak, his throat hurts a lot. But we took a thermometer with us, let's take the temperature, look at the neck, tie a scarf. Children, we did not come empty-handed, we brought gifts. What did we bring to the bunny, guys, why? (children's answers) Kuzma, we grabbed some vitamins for you.

Guys, our jar is empty, what happened? We probably lost everything along the way. Let's fill our jar ourselves, we'll draw some vitamins. But before that, let's do some gymnastics for our eyes.

The donkey walks around, chooses what to eat first, and doesn’t know. A plum is ripe at the top, (Look up.) And nettles grow below, (Look down.) On the left - beets, on the right - rutabaga, (Look left - right) On the left - pumpkin, on the right - cranberries, (Left - right.) Below - fresh grass, (Look down.) On top - juicy tops. (Look up.) I couldn’t choose anything and fell to the ground without strength. (Close your eyes, then blink)

Educator: We had vitamins of different colors, what color will your vitamins be? Finger painting (non-traditional technique). After work, don’t forget to take a napkin if someone gets dirty and remove the paint from your hands. Here is our jar and it’s intact, let’s take it to Kuzma.

Kuzma, take your vitamins once a day, eat fruits and vegetables, just don’t forget to wash your hands! The teacher covers the little bunny and suddenly notices a microbe under the blanket - a small balloon. Guys, what is this? It's a microbe, Kuzma picked a dirty icicle and forgot to wash his hands, that's why it's so hard for him.

And when the little bunny sneezes (Kuzma sneezes), there are more and more microbes (the teacher scatters balls - microbes). And when we sneeze or cough, what should we do? We need to save the little bunny as quickly as possible, and for this we need to destroy all the microbes. I know there are foods that germs are very afraid of. Which ones do you think? (children's answers)

Educator: Microbes are most afraid of garlic. We need to quickly collect the microbes before there are even more of them. Children, accompanied by cheerful music, collect balls and put them in a large basket.

The teacher holds a large head of garlic over the basket, with a toothpick stuck in the middle, and says the magic words:

“Crible, crable, boom!” and bursts the balloons without the children noticing.

Educator: Guys, we did it! We destroyed the germs and Kuzma is healthy again!

And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's stand in a circle, turn around ourselves and say the familiar magic words: “Krible, krable, boom!” (music sounds) Here we are in kindergarten.

Educator: Children, today we did a good deed: we cured a little bunny, taught us to take care of our health. Thank you guys for helping me treat Kuzma, I definitely couldn’t have done it without you, you’re great!

The little bunny decided to thank us and treat us to a healthy vegetable (carrot treat).

Now you and I will go to the group, wash our hands and crunch some sweet carrots.

Title: Notes of GCD on health conservation in the middle group “To help the bunny” Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, health preservation, 4-5 years Author: Golovleva Marina Evgenievna Position: teacher Place of work: MBDOU compensatory kindergarten No. 7 Location: Ivanovo region, Kineshma

Date modified: 03/21/2016 Date of publication: 03/21/2016

Lesson on speech development using health-saving technologies

  • January 30, 2013

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative – 2012”

Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

The lesson notes have been developed for children of senior preschool age in compensatory groups with the aim of activating children's speech using health-saving technologies.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Practice the skill of writing common sentences.
  2. Use health-saving technologies:
  • develop the ability to control the strength and duration of the air stream.
  • develop in children the ability to perform targeted automated articulatory patterns

3. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers.

Preliminary work:

  • Looking at paintings about winter.
  • Making simple and common sentences about winter.

Vocabulary work:

  • Activation: Snowy, blizzard, frosty, windy, crunchy, sparkling.


  • Birds (toy).
  • Snowman.
  • Cotton balls.
  • Beautiful box.
  • Magic bag.
  • Illustrations about winter.
  • Ball.
  • Lightweight fabric (size 1m x 1m).
  • Snowflakes - for each child.

Class starts in the reception area.

Articulation gymnastics.

Educator: Guys, let's play with the tongue:

Let's take him on a swing. Up and down, up and down, hold on tight to your tongue.

And now like clockwork:

Left - right, tick - tock, the clock goes like this. The tongue galloped on the horse. Resting.

Educator: What time of year is it now, guys? (Winter).

Educator: How do people dress in winter? I suggest you dress warmly because we are now going on a hot air balloon trip. (Imitation of dressing)

Educator: Come on in, take your seats. (Walk into the group and sit on chairs placed in a circle).

Educator: In order for us to take off, we need to fill the balloon with air. We took a deep breath and exhaled (we repeat 2 times. From the edges, in a circle, children take the fabric, toss it, and blow).

Hot Air Balloon Flight

Educator: Well, here we are flying, so that we don’t get bored, let’s play the game “Collect the words.” Come up with words related to winter, and I will put these words in a magic bag.

Children: Snow, icicle, sled, snowfall, snow maiden, snowman, snowflake, snowdrift...

Educator: Now let's talk about what the weather is like in winter.

Didactic game “Let’s collect words in a bag”

Ball game

If snow is snowy, Blizzard is blizzard, Frost is frosty, Wind is windy.

Gymnastics for the eyes and musculoskeletal system

Educator: Guys, freeze, don’t move, you can only move your eyes. You and I are flying through the clouds. Look up at the clouds, look down at the clouds, and now look to the left for some unusual clouds and to the right look for some interesting clouds.

Now close your eyes. With our eyes closed, we also see clouds. Open your eyes, we have passed the cloud zone. Turn your head to the right, look down at how high we are flying. We fly over cities and forests. Turn your head to the left. Guys, look how high the mountains are below, and on the other side, look, there are also mountains. What can you ride from the mountains?

Children: On skis, on sleds, on ice...

Educator: Do you want to go for a ride? Let's land and ride. We need to deflate the balloon. Everyone took a deep breath and exhaled slowly (repeat 2 times).

Physical exercise: imitation of sledding and skiing. Music is playing.

Educator: What kind of snowdrift is this?

Children: Hello, snowman.

Snowman: How did you end up here?

Children: We arrived in a hot air balloon.

Snowman: That's great! Will you help me?

Educator: What happened?

Snowman: The Snow Queen froze the birds and said that they would thaw only when I completed her tasks and left these pictures. I don’t know what to do with them.

Educator: I think I know. If this is the Snow Queen, then we need to talk about winter. Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet.

Educator: Guys, let us tell you beautifully about winter. Children speak one sentence at a time about winter.

Snowman: Guys, I really enjoyed listening to you. But I don’t know beautiful words about winter.

Educator: Guys, let's give the snowman words from a magic bag. Look, we have a whole bag of beautiful words about winter (I pour cotton balls from the bag into the box in which the birds lie).

Educator: Guys, the words have all turned into snowballs. Truly a magical bag! Look, the birds have thawed (birds singing).

Snowman: Let the birds live with you until spring.

Children: Okay.

Educator: Guys, look up, it’s our balloon flying away.

Children: How about we return home?

Snowman: I’ll help, here are the magical snowflakes (the snowman whispers in the teacher’s ear).

Educator: Thank you, I understand everything.

Game with magic snowflakes

Finger gymnastics with a snowflake:

Guys, let's say the magic words:

Help us snowflake, bring us back to kindergarten.

Children alternately finger the rays of the snowflake, then make rotational movements with their hands. The music of the blizzard sounds - the children are spinning.

Lesson summary:

Educator: Well, here we are back with you. Did you like our trip? What did you like about the trip? And the birds will now live with us in a natural corner. (The birds started singing!!!). And you and I will go undress. (Imitation of undressing).

The lesson is original, no additional literature was used.

Author: Ostapenko Irina Ivanovna, teacher of the first qualification category, TMB preschool educational institution Combined Kindergarten “Ldinka”, Dudinka, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Teaching experience 27 years. Participant of the regional program “Children”.

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