Scheme of drawing a truck for older children

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group “Truck”

Elena Samsonova

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group “Truck”

Goal: developing the ability to draw freight transport.


- develop fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to independently choose the color of machine parts, develop artistic taste, creative thinking and imagination;

- instill an interest in drawing,

- develop in children to convey rectangular and round shapes in a drawing, draw an object large, in accordance with the size of a sheet of paper, observe proportions when making a drawing;

- consolidate the ability to draw vertical and horizontal lines with wax crayons, paint objects correctly (paint in one direction, without gaps, try not to go beyond the contour lines).

Necessary materials: wax crayons, half a landscape sheet, a simple pencil, a sample of the finished work, illustrations of various types of trucks.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations “Transport”, looking at a toy truck, reading poems about transport, solving riddles, didactic games “What’s extra”, “Assemble a picture of transport from pieces.”

- Guys, guess the riddle.

It is big and very heavy.

He's used to carrying loads

What kind of car is this?

Everyone knows - (Truck).

A child comes in with a truck.

- Guys, let's look at our truck and remember what parts a truck consists of. Rustam will show the parts of the truck, and you will name them (steering wheel, cabin, body, window, wheels).

— Children, why is such a car called a cargo truck? (Children's answers)

_What kind of cargo can a truck transport (Children’s answers)

— What shape is the cabin? (Children's answers)

— What shape is the body? (Children's answers)

— What shape of the wheel? (Children's answers)

— Did you like Rustam’s truck? Would you like to draw one like this?

The teacher shows a step-by-step drawing of a truck on an easel.

Practical activities for children.

After the teacher’s explanation, the children begin to work. First, make sketches with a simple pencil, and then start coloring with wax crayons.

A truck is carrying sand (they walk in a circle, pretending to hold the steering wheel in their hands)

The people are surprised: (They stop, turn to face each other, spread their arms, make a surprised face).

“This is how a miracle is - miracles, (tilt the head to the right - left 2 times).

There’s sand in it to the skies” (stretching on their toes, raising their arms up).

— What beautiful trucks you make, guys!

— Would you like to decorate and complement your drawing?

— What can you add to your drawing? (You can draw the road along which the truck is driving, you can draw the cargo that the truck is carrying, the sun in the sky.)

Works are displayed on the vernissage.

— Which car do you like best?

— Guys, you are all great, your works look like the truck that Rustam brought us.

Thank you for your attention and support!

Summary of OOD on drawing “Truck” in the senior group Objectives: - Teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts of a rectangular and round shape. - Teach correctly, pass on. Summary of OD in the junior drawing group “A car is driving along the road” Summary of OD in the junior drawing group “A car is driving along the road” Objectives: To evoke an emotional response in children to a problematic situation.

Summary of a design lesson in the second junior group “Machine” Objectives: 1. Develop productive activity. 2. Continue introducing children to the details of building materials (cube, brick, options.

Summary of a lesson on designing from paper in the senior group “Ambulance” Objectives Teach children to design a car from paper, highlighting its characteristic features. Goal: Develop the ability to consistently perform. Summary of the drawing lesson “Combat vehicle - tank” in the senior group Integration of OO: “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”. Tasks: - expand.


How to draw a truck

First I want to offer a simple option. I think every parent will be able to show their child the drawing sequence, and then he will try it himself.

1. Using a simple pencil on a sheet of paper, draw two rectangles: a large one and a small one, like this.

2. Next we draw the upper part of the cabin and two wheels.

3. Draw small details on the cabin, wheels, headlights. Erase the extra lines.

4. If desired, you can color with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.

The result is a cargo van like this.

The entire sequence of images can be viewed in the gallery by clicking on any picture, moving along the arrows to the right or left.

How to draw a truck step by step

The second option is suitable for older children. I will show you in detail step by step how to depict another truck.

1. To make it easier to draw, first draw thin horizontal lines at the same distance in the center of the sheet.

2. Draw the truck cabin, guided by the lines.

3. Add the body.

4. Next we draw the wheels.

5. Add additional body and cabin parts.

6. Draw the cabin, body, wheels, headlights. Erase the extra lines.

7. Color with whatever you like. We did it with paints.

The entire sequence of images can be viewed in the gallery by clicking on any picture, moving along the arrows to the right or left.

Now you know how to draw a truck and can show your child the whole process step by step. I wish you creative success and a great mood!

Read here how to draw a cat.

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"People's Labor in Spring Tractor"

Spring has come. And a troublesome, responsible time has begun for grain growers and agricultural producers. They have to carry out all agricultural work on time, sow wheat, barley, oats, rye, and other crops. People's work in spring is special. Spring day feeds you all year long. A day earlier you sow, a week earlier you reap.

The snow will melt in a clean field,

Melt water will subside -

Runs behind the tractor driver

There is a furrow to the blue river.

The seeders will come out later

Sowing fields with grain.

During the winter, the ground was compressed under the snow and became hard. Seeds cannot be planted in such soil. Therefore, as soon as the snow melts, the tractor driver takes the tractor out to the field and begins to plow the land.

He plows so that the earth becomes soft and begins to breathe.

The tractor plows the ground using a plow that is attached to the rear. After the plow, large lumps remain, so that the field becomes smooth without lumps, it is loosened. A harrow is attached to the tractor. With the help of which the lumps are broken. To sow seeds, a seeder is attached to the tractor. The tractor driver performs a huge and important job. He works from early morning until late evening, because he needs to have time to sow all the fields during the spring months.

Pencil drawing diagram - a tractor with a plow.


List of used literature

Program from Birth to School

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Progress of the lesson.

1.Org. moment: Children stand in a semicircle. The teacher asks you to guess the riddle:

Educator: He is big and very heavy.

He's used to carrying loads

What kind of car is this?

Everyone knows - (Truck).

Educator: Children, let's look carefully in the group and find where our truck is hidden.

The children find a truck and sit in a semicircle on the carpet.

Educator: Well done!

2. Main part

Educator: Let's look at our truck.

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