Dramatization of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”
Tatyana Gudkova
Dramatization of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”
1. Continue to develop a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities.
2. Improve children’s performing skills in creating an artistic image using game, song and dance improvisations.
3. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech. Develop a dialogical form of speech.
4. Stimulate the desire to look for expressive means to create a new image of the character, using movement, facial expressions, and gestures for this.
5. Develop children's memory, thinking, imagination, and attention.
6. Cultivate the ability to enjoy the successes of peers.
Host: In one village, in one house
Once upon a time there lived a friendly family: Mom, Dad, Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka.
Alyonushka, it’s time for us to go to the market in the morning, we’ll leave Vanya at home, and we’ll remind you.
Sit at home with your brother, keep an eye on Vanyusha. We'll come back in the evening and bring you gifts.
Host: Mom and Dad left for the market. Alyonushka sat her brother down under the window to play.
Girlfriends: Alena come out to us, Look at your girlfriends, We’ll start a round dance of whoever enters the circle faster.
Presenter: While Alyonushka was playing with the children, swan geese . They picked up Ivanushka and carried him away on their wings to God knows where.
Alena: Geese-swans , wait! Don't take Vanya away!
Alena rushed into the meadow, There were no geese anywhere around. He sees a stove on the road and asks her for help.
Dear stove. Did geese fly by ? Maybe they were cackling something?
Pechka: Hello, dear girl. Eat my cheesecake. I'll tell you everything as it is, but you have to eat the cheesecake.
Alyosha: What are you saying, “I’m in a hurry!”
Well, then I won't tell!
Alena ran further and began to look for Vanyusha. The river Kiselnye banks flows.
Dear river, did the geese fly by ? Maybe they were cackling something?
I’ll tell you about geese, I’ll help you in any way I can! Just drink some jelly,
GCD for speech development in the senior group. Topic of the lesson: Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans”.
Children: Stove!
Educator: (the figure of the stove is displayed).
A conversation ensued between them.
Let's remember which one? (children retell the scene)
Educator: Well done: you remembered the words of the heroes! Let's play out this scene: the conversation between Alyonushka and the stove. You will say plaintively the words (with a request in your voice): “Stove, stove, tell me where the Geese-Swans flew? And the stove will answer you: “Eat my rye pie, I’ll tell you.” To which you tell her: “My father doesn’t even eat wheat.” Agreed? Then they started...
Alyonushka runs through the forest along the path until she meets a stove. She turns to the stove.
Children: (all together)
“Stove, stove, tell me, where did the Geese-Swans fly?
Teacher: “Eat my rye pie, I’ll tell you.”
Children: (all together)
“My father doesn’t even eat wheat.”
Educator: Alyonushka didn’t eat the pie, the stove didn’t tell her anything. Alyonushka ran on with nothing.
Alyonushka runs farther than his feet and doesn’t feel them. And she met... an apple tree (the figure of an apple tree is displayed)
Alyonushka says to the apple tree...let’s all say together: “Apple tree, apple tree, tell me where the geese-swans flew?” (children speak together with the teacher)
Teacher: “Eat my forest apple, I’ll tell you.” And Alyonushka, in response, we will all say together: “My father doesn’t eat garden vegetables” (the children speak together with the teacher)
Educator: Alyonushka did not eat the apple, the apple tree did not tell her where the geese flew.
Alyonushka ran further. She runs and meets a jelly river with milky banks (a figure of a river is displayed). “Mother River, tell me where the geese and swans have flown?” The river answers, let’s all say together: “Drink my jelly, I’ll tell you” (the children say together with the teacher).
Educator: Alyonushka did not drink jelly. The river did not answer her. Alyonushka became completely sad and began to cry, but then she heard a rustling sound under her feet. Who was that?
Children: Bunny.
Educator: Alyonushka told me what happened to her brother. “I’ll help you,” says the bunny, but you have to guess where your brother is. Alyonushka thought.
There is a hut in the dark forest (hands raised up in the form of a house)
Stands backwards (torso turns)
Grandmother Yaga lives in this small hut.
Crochet nose, big eyes. (depict a hook and binoculars with a hand)
And a broken leg (jumping on one leg)
Wow, so angry, (they threaten)
Go away, go away, don't come to us again. (threaten)
Educator: Alyonushka guessed where her brother was. She ran to Baba Yaga's house. (the figure of Baba Yaga and Ivanushka is displayed).
Alyonushka grabbed brother Ivanushka in her arms and ran as hard as she could home. (figures of Alyonushka and Ivanushka are exhibited).
Baba Yaga came to her senses, but Ivanushka did not.
She called the geese and swans and sent them in pursuit. (figures of geese are displayed)
Alyonushka is running with his brother, he hears geese flying, they are about to catch up.
Who sees ahead? (children answer together)
(an image of a river is displayed).
Alyonushka: “River, little river, hide the geese behind us - the swans are chasing, they’re about to catch up.”
What did the river answer her? (the children answer together
: “Drink my jelly, I’ll hide it.”
Re-enactment of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” with parents
Bibliographic description:
Dramatization of the fairy tale “Geese-Swans” with parents / A. F. Valieva, K. P. Shcheblykina, E. V. Lilitko [and others]. — Text: direct // Questions of preschool pedagogy. — 2022. — No. 3 (13). — P. 103-105. — URL: https://moluch.ru/th/1/archive/92/3282/ (access date: 01/19/2022).
Program content:
- Development of sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities.
- Development of memory, thinking, imagination, attention of children.
- Developing the ability to enjoy the successes of peers.
- Improving the intonation expressiveness of speech. Development of dialogical form of speech.
- Improving children's performing skills in creating an artistic image using game, song and dance improvisations.
Adults: Master, Mistress, Apple Tree, Pechka, Mouse, River, Baba Yaga.
Children: Vanechka, Alyonushka, Girlfriends, Stumps,
Presenter: Good day, Children! Come in, don’t be shy, make yourself comfortable, can everyone see, can everyone hear, is there enough space for everyone? Get your eyes and ears ready, I'll tell you a fairy tale.
Once upon a time there lived a mother and father. Yes, they were so hard-working, and so hard-working, that they had plenty of everything: a cow in the barn, and sheep in the meadow, and children in the house.
Presenter: But the owner gets up before everyone else, walks into the water, and gets to work. (Father comes out)
Host: Our hostess in the house is like pancakes in honey. She comes running, she serves, she alone is responsible for everyone. Mistress, where are you?
Hostess: I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m bringing the samovar. (Places it on the table)
Owner: And here is our daughter. Strawberry girl, ruddy face, clear eyes, red lips. (Alyonushka comes out)
Alyonushka: I’m smart and smart, the whole street knows about it, the rooster and the pig, and brother Vanyushka.
Hostess: But our son, Vanya, he has a horse. (Runs out on a horse)
Vanya: The horse gallops, the bridle jingles, the mane dances, the reins break. He rolled me under the river, and now he’s carrying me home.
Owner: Straight to our porch, straight into my father’s arms. This is what, this is what, my favorite wonderful horse!
Host: And everything is in peace and harmony in the house!
Hostess: As for you, my friends, I cooked and baked: 92 pancakes, 2 troughs of jelly, 50 pies - you can’t find any eaters. Amuse the hostess - amuse my pies.
Owner: Well, hostess, it’s time for us to hit the road, look at the goods and sell ours. Bring gifts for the kids.
Hostess: Daughter! Be smart, take care of your brother, don’t leave the yard. And we will bring you a gift.
Owner: And you, Vanyushka, listen to your sister. We'll bring you a cockerel on a stick.
Children: Goodbye! Come back soon!
Presenter: Her father and mother left, and the girl forgot what she was ordered to do: she sat her brother down on the grass under the window, and she ran outside.
Alyonushka: sit Vanechka, don’t go anywhere, but I’ll come soon.
(Girlfriends come out and sing ditties)
- We know a lot of ditties:
Under the accordion spill,
We have couplets in our heads
Like being in a bag of potatoes.
- Listen guys
Let's not sing with our ears
A pig grazes on an oak tree
A bear is steaming in a sauna.
- A hedgehog sits on a birch tree
New shirt
There's a boot on the head
On the leg there is a cap.
- There is a watermelon on the table
There is a fly on the watermelon.
The fly is angry at the watermelon
What doesn't fit into the belly.
- The accordionist is tired
Started to stammer
Give him milk
Get the player drunk.
(The girlfriends leave, and Alyonushka remains to play with the children.)
Alyonushka: Guys, do you know the game: “Ring, ring - go out onto the porch.” (Game being played)
Girlfriends: Alyonushka! Come play with us.
Presenter: Evil geese-swans swooped in, picked up the boy and carried him away on their wings. The girl returned, but her brother was gone! She gasped, rushed back and forth - no!
Alyonushka: You didn’t see where my brother went, is he among you?
Children: No!
Alyonushka: What should I do, poor thing, how will I answer to my parents when they return. You will have to go on a long journey, catch up with the swans, and help your brother out of trouble.
Host: Whether it walked for a long time or for a short time, we have no idea. I saw it was worth baking. (The curtains open, the stove is on)
Alyonushka: Hello, mother stove.
Oven: Hello, girl! I am burning with intense heat and baking pies for you. The pies are golden brown and taste spicy. Come, swoop in, choose the pies.
Alyonushka: Stove-stove, tell me where the geese-swans flew?
Stove: eat my rye pie, I’ll tell you.
Alyonushka: I’ll eat rye pie! My father doesn’t even eat wheat...
Presenter: The stove didn’t tell her. The girl ran further - there was an apple tree.
Alyonushka: Hello, beautiful Apple tree!
Apple tree: Hello, girl! I'm a forest apple tree, standing alone, I'm bored. And my apples are filled with juice. Taste the apple and tell me your pain.
Alyonushka: Apple tree, tell me, where did the geese-swans fly?
Apple tree: Eat my forest apple, I’ll tell you.
Alyonushka: My father doesn’t even eat garden vegetables.
Host: The apple tree didn’t tell her. The girl ran further. He sees a river of milk flowing, the banks of jelly.
Alyonushka: Hello, Mother River!
River: Hello, girl! I am not a simple river, milky, thick, jelly banks eat me, my friend.
Alyonushka: Milk river, jelly banks, where did the swan geese fly?
River: Eat my simple jelly with milk, I’ll tell you.
Alyonushka: My father doesn’t even eat cream...
Host: The river didn’t tell her. The girl ran further. She ran for a long time through the fields and forests.
Alyonushka: Ivanushka! Ay, ay! Brother, hey! The evil geese-swans carried you away, beyond the dark forests, beyond the high mountains. I've worn out my little feet, I've worn out my dress, but you're still not there.
(Curtains open, dense forest, stumps)
Presenter: She walks through the dense forest, he does not greet her with a kind word, the branches cling to her braids, they tear her dress, they do not allow her to pass.
Kicks: 1) Yeah, I got caught, now you can’t get out of here.
2) Baba Yaga has been waiting for you for a long time.
1) Baba Yaga come out, you have caught a girl-sister.
Baba Yaga: Nothing, nothing, now I’ll light a fire and put on a cast-iron boiler. And I will tie you with a rope so that you don’t run away! And I thank you for your service, my faithful servants are behind me!
(they leave. Alyonushka is crying and lamenting). (A mouse appears.)
Mouse: Pi, pi, pi, it’s either raining or shedding tears.
Alyonushka: mouse, mouse, help us out of trouble.
Mouse: How can I help you, I’m so small?
Alyonushka: Take the rope and untangle us! (Pulls the rope). Thank you mouse. (Treats him with bread.) Well, now, quickly, Ivanushka, let’s run home. (Run away)
Baba Yaga: Where? Who? How dare they run away from under my nose. Come on, geese-swans! Fly in pursuit! My sister took my brother away! Don't come back without them!
(A curtain).
Presenter : Meanwhile, the sister and brother ran to the milk river. And the geese-swans are attacking, and at any moment they will tear your brother out of his hands.
Alyonushka: Mother River, hide us!
River: Drink my simple jelly!
Presenter: The girl ate milk jelly and covered the river with a bank.
Alyonushka: Thank you, Mother River!
Presenter: the girl and her brother ran again. Suddenly he sees the geese and swans catching up again. What to do? He sees an Apple tree standing.
Alyonushka: beautiful apple tree! Hide me!
Apple tree: eat my forest apple.
Presenter: The girl quickly ate it and said thank you. The apple tree obscured it with branches, covered it with leaves... the swan geese did not see it, they flew past.
Alyonushka: thank you, beautiful apple tree!
Presenter: the girl ran again. He runs and runs and it’s not far left. Then the swan geese saw her, cackled, flew over, beat her with their wings, and in no time they would tear her brother out of her hands. The girl ran to the stove.
Alyonushka: Stove, stove-nurse, hide us!
Stove: Eat my rye pie!
Presenter: the girl would rather have a pie in her mouth, and hide with her brother to bake it. The geese-swans flew, flew and flew away to Baba Yaga with nothing.
Alyonushka: thank you, bread-breadwinner! Run, Vanechka, home is coming, it’s close! (They came running)
Alyonushka: Do you hear, Vanechka, father and mother are returning. (Bells, clatter)
Parents: Guys, welcome us, and we brought you gifts: Alyonushka - a handkerchief for you, and for you. Vanechka is a lollipop.
Presenter: That’s the end of the fairy tales. And whoever listened, well done.
- Russian folk tale "Geese and Swans"
- https://kostyor.ru/tales/tale85
- https://infourok.ru/primernaya-programma-zanyatiy-s-doshkolnikami-shkola-pochemuchek-1635094.html
Key terms
(automatically generated)
: leader, girl, brother, milk river, apple tree, father, dense forest, my forest apple, my simple jelly, my rye pie.