Card index. “Riddles about dangerous objects” card index (senior group)

“ABOUT DANGEROUS OBJECTS FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN” Completed by: Spiridonova S.V. - presentation

TOPIC “ABOUT DANGEROUS OBJECTS” Completed by: Spiridonova S.V.
“WE THINK TOGETHER WITH ADULTS” It is necessary to formulate in a preschooler ideas about objects that are dangerous to life and health that are found in everyday life, to teach him to follow certain rules, analyzing various situations, explaining the reasons for categorical prohibitions.

In a conversation with a child on this topic, it is necessary to highlight two groups of household items: items that the child is strictly forbidden to use (matches, stove, etc.); objects that the child should be taught to use (knife, needle, scissors). Adults themselves must strictly follow the rules for safe handling of objects, since personal example is the most effective method of education.

“WHAT TO TELL YOUR CHILD ABOUT” Your apartment is always cozy and beautiful, because all family members keep the house clean and tidy. Think and explain the expression “Every thing has its place.” If important and necessary items are scattered everywhere, then the house is a mess. Each item has its own purpose and those who use it must follow the rules of safe handling. Many useful and necessary items, if handled improperly, can cause harm and even cause disaster.

Let's play: I will name the objects, and you will talk about the rules for their use. And if you cannot talk about some subject, we will do it together. Cutlery (knife, fork). Home first aid kit (medicines, vitamins). Tools (saw, hammer, awl, nails), craft items (needle, scissors, pins). Electrical appliances (iron, coffee grinder, vacuum cleaner, electric kettle).

“IN SURVEYS AND ASSIGNMENTS” What items are called “electrical appliances”? Name them. What electrical appliances are you not allowed to use yourself? Why are sockets needed in the house? Explain why it is dangerous to play with a socket. Why do you need a first aid kit in the house? What is stored in it? How do adults know what medicine is in a particular bottle?

Complete the sentences: Mom grinds coffee in... (coffee grinder). The laundry is washed... (washing machine). Beat the eggs for the pie... (with a mixer). My sister is ironing clothes... (with an iron).

Rules for safe behavior at home: Order in the house is maintained not only for beauty, but also for safety, so objects and toys must be put in their place. You cannot take sharp, piercing or cutting objects (scissors, knife, needle, nails, buttons, etc.) or play with them without the permission of adults. An iron, vacuum cleaner, TV, lamps and other electrical appliances should not be turned on without the permission of adults, touch the wires with your hands, or insert small objects into the socket. You cannot play with matches or lighters.

Riddles Two ends, two rings, in the middle there are carnations. (Scissors) There are teeth, but a mouth is not needed. (Saw) My Antoshka has only a hat and an iron leg. (Nail) If the tip hits you, a hole will immediately appear. (Awl) I’m a needle’s friend, but I don’t have an ear. (Pin)

Game Invite the child to take red paper circles and go around the apartment, placing them next to dangerous objects or in places that, in his opinion, are traumatic. Let the child explain his actions. Then you can have the parents arrange the circles at their discretion and again ask the child to explain why this or that object or place is dangerous.

Riddles about things in the house for children

While the child is small and cannot speak, little interests him. But then he gets older, and there are so many interesting things around him, and he wants to know more about everything.

It’s more interesting to explore everything around in the form of a game. Therefore, riddles enlightened in the house (apartment) for children with answers, short ones will be an ideal option. With their help, you will not only be able to keep your fidget busy, but will also help you learn more about the world around him. And test your own ingenuity.

The pear is hanging, You can’t eat it.



Look under the window - there is an accordion stretched out there. But the accordion doesn’t play - It warms our apartment.



It will close itself - It will close you: Walk as much as you want - The rain will not wet you.



During the day the pillow sleeps on it, And at night Andryushka sleeps.



Everyone wants to wear it, And coats and jackets hang on it all day, When we come back from a walk.



Every day at seven in the morning I shout: “It’s time to get up!”



This is the only item we have at home - everyone in the family loves it very much. Grandfather wants to lie down on it at least a little bit After lunch and take a nap. Grandma is very tired in the evening: She will sit down and watch TV series. And the couch potato, our cat Mitrofan, loves cozy and warm...



I have legs, but I don’t walk, I have a backrest, but I don’t lie, You sit down, I don’t sit.



They hit Yermilka on the back of the head, but he doesn’t cry, he just hides his leg.



Little Erofeyka, with a short belt, hopped and hopped across the floor - and sat down in the corner.



Riddles about objects

Riddles about objects are very interesting for a child. His imagination automatically comes into play. The child’s brain tries to work more actively, developing such facets as: thinking and memory. Also, these riddles are a good way to introduce a child to the world that surrounds him, providing an opportunity to hear and touch the hidden object.

Riddles about objects with answers will help your child expand their vocabulary and influence the child’s interest in certain objects.

I decorate the house, I also collect dust. And people trample me underfoot, and then they beat me with batogs.



She knows everything - it’s just shocking! And she herself is always silent! To make friends with her, you need to learn to read.



And it shines and glitters, It doesn’t flatter anyone, But it will tell anyone the truth - It will show him everything as it is.



Bone back, stiff bristles, makes friends with mint paste and serves diligently.



They hit the boy on the cap so that he lives in a piece of wood.



In a linen country A steamboat floats along a sheet river, Now back, now forward, And behind it there is such a smooth surface, Not a wrinkle to be seen.



He lives in the kitchen, Agile, thin, He sweeps the floor with His beard.



Decorates the apartment, but not the furniture. Burns brightly, but not fire. It rings, but not the bell. It shimmers and sparkles, but not a diamond. Hangs, but not fruit.



If the day frowns, if it rains, He will go out into the street and fly over me.



Stuffed with down, lies under the ear.



Rubber Akulinka Went for a walk on the back. And while she was walking, her back became pink.



She knows everything - it's just shocking! And she herself is always silent! To make friends with her, you need to learn to read. Book

Riddles about household appliances and household items for primary schoolchildren with answers

Riddles about household appliances and household items with answers
Author of the selection: Elena Aleksandrovna Khvostikova, teacher-organizer of the yard club “Ak Zhelken” of DDT, Aksu, Republic of Kazakhstan. Description of work: Riddles for children of primary and secondary school age. The material will be useful for additional education teachers and primary school teachers for organizing interesting leisure time for children. Goal: to develop attention, logic, intelligence, quick thinking, imagination; Expand words knowledge. I bring to your attention a selection of riddles about household appliances and some household items. There are many ways to use riddles in teaching. You can hold a themed Riddle Hour, arrange a thematic or general Mystery Quiz, use riddles in some qualifying rounds to recruit a team, as an independent competitive task... Maybe some riddles will seem old to you, the choice is yours. •I stand on the roof all day and broadcast movies into the house. (antenna)
•I’m standing on the roof - higher than all the pipes.
) •Day and night this miracle guard stands on the roof: he will see everything, hear everything, share everything with me!
•The steeplejack stands on the roof and catches news for us.
•Day and night I stand on the roof, I have no ears, but I hear everything, I look into the distance, although without eyes, my story is on the screen.
•A voice is sent through the field and forest.
He runs along the wires - you can say it here, but you can hear it there. (phone)
•I’ll turn the magic circle and my friend will hear me.
•It’s not an alarm clock, but it rings; it’s not a receiver, it speaks.
Guess who he is? Well, of course, ... (phone)
• Let's point the glass eye, click once and remember you.
•Whatever this eye does not look at, it will convey everything in the picture.
•In our kitchen, Santa Claus lives in the closet all year round.
•In this chest we store food on the shelves.
It’s hot outside, but it’s cold in the chest. (refrigerator)
•Admire, look!
The North Pole is inside, snow and ice sparkle there, winter itself lives there. This winter was always brought to us from the store. (refrigerator)
•In the summer, dad brought us frost in a white box, and now the gray frost is with us in summer and winter, protecting food: meat, fish, fruits.
•Even in the July heat it is frosty, like in winter.
•The robot cleaner pulls dust and dirt from the carpet into its trunk.
(vacuum cleaner)
•Take it and work with it – it inhales dust willingly.
(vacuum cleaner)
•It buzzes, but does not fly, it saves the house from dust.
(vacuum cleaner)
•It has a rubber trunk, a canvas stomach, and when its motor hums, it swallows dust and debris.
(vacuum cleaner)
•He willingly inhales dust, does not get sick, does not sneeze.
(vacuum cleaner)
•I see dust - I grumble, grumble and swallow.
(vacuum cleaner)
•Laughing Yegorka started cleaning, danced around the room, looked around - the floor was clean.
•A close relative of the broom in the house will sweep the corners.
He's certainly not a slacker. It will help to remove the rubbish... (broom)
• Born in the forest, but manages the house.
•Twisted, tied, belted with a bast.
I rustle under the window, circle around the yard, shuffle, shuffle at my hot work! (broom)
•Looking at the screen in the apartment, we see what is happening in the world.
•A miracle box, there is a window in it, in that window there is a movie.
•The whole universe lives in it, but it’s an ordinary thing.
•There is a blue sun in the small window.
I sit by the window, looking out at the whole world. (TV) •There is one magic window in our room. That window is full of miracles, what kind of window is it? (TV)
•My friend lives in an apartment with me, does not travel around the country, but he will tell me everything that is happening in the world before anyone else.
He’ll get me up for exercise in the morning, then he’ll sing me a song, he’ll ask me a riddle and wait for an answer from me. (radio)
•Lives without a tongue, does not eat or drink, but speaks and sings.
•The music floats towards me along the wave, wave, wave.
•There is a beautiful chest, you can’t touch it - it’s silent, but if you turn the handles, it will talk and sing.
•A warm accordion heats the whole house.
•The miracle stove stretched out like an accordion under the window.
•In our house there is a hot harmonica under the window: it doesn’t sing or play – it heats the house.
•The tailed dragon released steam and smoothed out the crumpled scarf.
•The steamer walks and wanders back and forth.
If you stop, woe! You'll make a hole in the sea! (iron)
•Strokes everything it touches, and if you touch it, it bites.
•I will say without bragging: I will make all my friends younger!
They come to me sad - With wrinkles, with folds, They leave very nice, Cheerful and smooth! So, I am a reliable friend - Electric... (iron).
•He floats on the sheet like a boat on a wave.
He is a good friend to housewives, electric... (iron)
•Four blue suns in grandma’s kitchen; four blue suns burned and went out. The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling, the sun is not needed until tomorrow. (gas stove)
•The house is a glass bubble, and a light lives in it!
During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he lights up with a bright flame. (light bulb)
•I put the sun out of my window, hung it from the ceiling, and it became fun at home.
(light bulb)
•It looks like a pear outside, hangs idle during the day, and lights up the house at night.
(light bulb)
• From a distance it looks like a ball, it hangs from the ceiling, but, like a ball, it does not gallop, but shines with a light.
(light bulb)
• We know how to light this sun above us ourselves.
(light bulb)
•The house is a glass bubble, and a light lives in it.
During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he lights up with a bright flame. (light bulb)
•And the sun hangs in the center of the ceiling; when darkness comes, the light bulb in it lights up.
•At night, if I want, I’ll click it once and turn it on during the day.
•Whoever passes, whoever leaves - everyone leads her by the hand.
Walks back and forth, never gets tired.
She doesn’t offend anyone, but everyone pushes her.
It goes back and forth two hundred times, although it stands still all day.
•I have so many friends, I can’t count them myself, because whoever passes by will shake my hand.
(door handle)
•The door will not open on its own - it remains closed.
What do you need to grab onto to make the door open? (by the doorknob)
•We walk at night, we walk during the day, but we won’t go anywhere.
We strike regularly every hour, and you, friends, do not beat us. (clock)
•No legs, but I walk, no mouth, but I’ll tell you when to sleep, when to get up, when to start work.
•They have mustaches not for show, they show the time and are called...
•They go around the clock, they don’t stand still for a minute, but everything is in one place.
•When we walk, we stand, but we can stand lying down, even if we run away, we don’t move either.
•They don’t get angry, but twirl their mustaches, they don’t remain silent, but they don’t say a word, they walk, but they don’t budge.
•On the hand and on the wall, and on the tower on high they walk, they walk evenly from sunrise to sunrise.
•They knock, they knock, they don’t tell you to shout;
They go, they go, and everyone is here and there. (hours)
•They always walk, but never leave their place.
•On the hand and on the wall, and on the tower on high they walk with and without fight, everyone needs you and me.
•Knocking, strumming, spinning, not afraid of anyone, counting his age, but still not a man.
•Two sisters run lap after lap one after another.
The short one only once, the taller one every hour. (clock hands)
•A slender beauty is hiding in the dial.
It circles around and around all day long, counting down time. (clock hand)
•Every day at seven in the morning he shouts: “It’s time to get up!”
(alarm clock)
•The tail is made of bone, and there are bristles on the back.
•Looks like a hedgehog, but doesn’t ask for food.
It will run through your clothes and your clothes will become cleaner. (clothes brush)
•All day long our dancer is happy to dance on the floor.
Where he dances, where he waves, not a speck can be found. (floor brush)
•I’ve had a hedgehog living in my room for years.
If you apply wax to the floor, it will rub it until it's shiny. (electric floor polisher)
•If I want to, I’ll fly to the twelfth floor.
If you want, I’ll rush you and your luggage there. (elevator)
•They go on a hike - they take a house in which they do not live at home.
•Two straps hang on me, there are pockets on the back.
If you go on a hike with me, I’ll hang on your back. (backpack)
•This box is not simple - it has traveled around the globe, it contains shirts and pants - they travel.
•When I lie in place, without opening my mouth, there is, to be honest, such emptiness inside me!
Hurry, let it be summer! And people will put travel items in my big mouth. Apparently, I was given such a character from birth that I love movement, that’s why I ... (suitcase).
•My assistant will solve a million problems for me at once; he has one huge eye and a square head.
•It can multiply two numbers faster than a human, a library could fit in it a hundred times over, only it can open a hundred windows in a minute.
It’s not at all difficult to guess that the riddle is about... (computer)
•They gave me a farsighted man, he brought him closer to me.
•What a funny incident!
A cloud settled in the bathroom. Rain pours from the ceiling onto my back and sides. How nice this is! The rain is warm, heated, and there are no visible puddles on the floor. All the guys love... (shower)
•The rain is warm and thick, this rain is not easy, it is without clouds, without clouds, ready to go all day.
•A warm wave splashes into the cast iron shores.
Guess, remember: what kind of sea is in the room? (bath)
•The boundaries are wooden and the fields are glass.
•It is made entirely of iron, wires and microcircuits, and it will help a person in solving difficult matters.
•You laid me on the floor in the apartment.
The main thing is to remember to remove the dust in time. (palace)
•I lay down to rest in a field of roses; I couldn’t pick a single rose.
The roses were blooming, but their secret was this: each flower had a hundred knots. (carpet)
•A huge pipe is directed to where the stars and planets, rockets and comets are.
•The day has passed, it’s time to sleep, there’s waiting for me in the bedroom...
•Two bellies, four ears.
What is this? (pillow)
•The first syllable is stressed - and you get an ancient house; the second syllable is stressed - there is a barn lock on the door.
•Tail in the yard, nose in the kennel.
Whoever turns his tail will enter the house. (key)
•They go for water - they sing clear songs, and when they go back - they shed tears.
•I serve in the locker room, holding my coat suspended.
• I am related to Moidodyr, turn away, open me, and I will quickly wash you with cold water.
•To prevent her trousers from falling off, she was ordered to hold them.
It is tenaciously attached to the rope... (clothespin)
•Our auntie drew a line across the field with a needle.
Line by line, line by line, it will be a dress for your daughter. (sewing machine)
•Sews like a machine gun, sews a new dress.
(sewing machine)
•The wind dries my mother’s curls.
•This automatic laundress washes everything for us.
(washing machine)
•It boils from the inside and produces bubbles.
•The giant clenched his fist and juiced the orange.

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