Experience of a teacher and his role in the activities of a teacher

For children, kindergarten becomes a second home because they actually spend most of the day there. That is why it is extremely important that representatives of the teaching staff working with children have significant experience in such work. To do this, they will have to not only receive the appropriate education, but also accumulate their own practical experience through self-education, advanced training and the use of personal and borrowed progressive pedagogical practices.

A kindergarten teacher without work experience comes to work for the first time. Yesterday's graduate, who has only theoretical knowledge as a basis and a minimum amount of practical skills acquired during internship, finds himself in a real situation and in front of real children. He will have to put into practice the theoretical knowledge that he was given in a secondary or higher educational institution. As a result of his active work, he will be able to accumulate unique, inimitable experience as a kindergarten teacher, which will demonstrate his level as a teacher and personality.

Teacher's work experience

Teaching materials → Work experience → Teacher work experience

This section presents documents summarizing the work experience of teachers in various kindergartens. Documents in the format “work experience of a teacher” are a summary of the results of the pedagogical activities of a preschool teacher, which can be useful to his colleagues. One document describes in a concentrated format the most important aspects of a teacher’s activity.

Number of materials in category: 704

  • From work experience
    Published: 15:15:25 11/29/2021
  • Work experience “Application of information technology in the interaction of educators with parents”
    Published: 09:20:14 11/27/2021
  • Article “Methods of introducing preschoolers to the nature of their native land (“Native nature is my dear”)”
    Published: 17:25:13 11/21/2021
  • Report on the summer wellness period for 2022
    Published: 10:11:53 08-11-2021
  • Presentation
    Published: 11:31:55 10/19/2021
  • “Psychological relief corner as a means of overcoming the negative emotional state of preschool children”
    Published: 11:08:50 10-19-2021
  • Emotional problems in children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten
    Published: 18:45:42 09/21/2021
  • Presentation for the project within the framework of STEM education “Young Researchers”
    Published: 14:45:12 05/26/2021
  • Sets of exercises for the younger group
    Published: 22:55:34 04/25/2021
  • GTO - first steps!!!
    Published: 17:42:04 11-04-2021
  • “The role of the teacher and junior teacher in instilling interest in the simplest work activities in children of primary preschool age” (from work experience)
    Published: 19:52:45 10-04-2021
  • Using innovations in working with children (QR code, tag cloud, photo collage)
    Published: 20:48:09 04/07/2021
  • Notes
    Published: 10:43:33 03/15/2021
  • Project “My Favorite Fairy Tale”
    Published: 07:30:16 02/23/2021
  • Project “Professions”
    Published: 07:29:32 02/23/2021
  • Project “My Family”
    Published: 07:28:11 02/23/2021
  • Club in the preparatory group: “Smart fingers”
    Published: 15:22:47 02/22/2021
  • Methodological development using innovative technologies.
    Creating an interactive task using the site https://learningapps.org/ Published: 18:44:54 02/14/2021
  • Crossword "Natural phenomena".
    Created jointly with Crossgen Published: 18:32:17 02/14/2021
  • Using the modeling method in various activities
    Published: 08:10:48 01/31/2021
  • Pedagogical project on the topic: “Education begins in the family”
    Published: 11:15:43 01/28/2021
  • Using a variable aid in working with preschoolers
    Published: 14:53:46 01/17/2021
  • Schemes for light construction on a New Year's theme
    Published: 17:40:15 16-12-2020
  • Organization of the speech environment as the most important condition for the development of coherent speech of a preschooler
    Published: 11:38:23 12-12-2020
  • Report on the implementation of an ecological mini-museum in the preparatory group.
    Published: 11:34:51 12-12-2020
  • consultation for teachers - walks in winter
    Published: 08:02:50 05-12-2020
  • “Use of ICT in working with parents” (from work experience)
    Published: 17:27:32 11/29/2020
  • seminar “Use of virtual excursions in the cognitive development of preschool children.”
    Published: 19:39:23 23-11-2020
  • Methodological development using innovative technologies
    Published: 00:26:52 10/18/2020
  • Project “Ant Path”
    Published: 15:15:57 13-10-2020
  • Article Organization of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children
    Published: 07:38:15 13-10-2020
  • presentation - “Video hosting is an effective form of interaction for the successful adaptation of children.
    ". Published: 17:45:30 12-10-2020
  • Consultation “Organization of a walk in order to develop cognitive interest in the environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”
    Published: 18:54:46 08-10-2020
  • Presentation “Storytelling”
    Published: 23:29:27 09/26/2020
  • Consultation for teachers “How to properly organize a parent meeting in a preschool educational institution”
    Published: 06:07:25 08/31/2020
  • Presentation at the pedagogical council of the project activity “So that there is no trouble” (senior preschool age)
    Published: 09:44:16 08/18/2020
  • Message from work experience “Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children of senior preschool age”
    Published: 15:19:53 08/17/2020
  • A message from the experience of working at a methodological association for teachers of senior and preparatory groups Topic: “Formation of the foundations of safe behavior at home in children of the compensatory group from 5-7 years old”
    Published: 16:00:16 05-08-2020
  • Message at a methodological association for teachers of senior and preparatory groups on the topic “Developing subject-spatial environment for the implementation of the educational field “Cognitive Development” in senior preschool age”
    Published: 12:51:29 01-08-2020
  • A message from work experience on the topic “Use of modeling technology in the formation of children’s ideas about time”
    Published: 10:49:01 01-08-2020
  • Master class for teachers of the regional methodological association “Children's experimentation.
    From work experience" Published: 21:29:44 01-06-2020
  • Project “Memory Road”
    Published: 16:11:58 09-05-2020
  • “Children's tourist trip as a means of improving the health of preschool children” Generalization of work experience.
    Published: 11:57:55 04/24/2020
  • Thematic corner for Victory Day.
    Published: 22:50:54 04/23/2020
  • Competition “Reading mother - reading country”
    Published: 01:06:54 04/15/2020
    Published: 22:06:48 04/09/2020
  • Work experience
    Published: 14:12:05 03/30/2020
  • Campaign “Save water!”
    as part of World Water Day Published: 19:53:03 03/28/2020
  • The role of entertaining material in the implementation of the program for the natural mathematical development of preschoolers.
    Published: 13:27:03 16-02-2020
  • Theatrical production of S. Marshak’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse.”
    Middle group Published: 20:11:07 10-02-2020
  • Forms of working with families to promote a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler (from work experience)
    Published: 12:45:46 02/09/2020
  • Forms of physical education and health work with families
    Published: 12:43:12 02/09/2020
  • Project “Soap foams - look!”
    Published: 13:24:58 01-02-2020
  • Formation of safe behavior skills for preschool children at home
    Published: 20:37:28 01/29/2020
  • Cultural practice
    Published: 14:33:03 01/29/2020
  • Publication of an article on the website “My Yugra” on the topic “Volunteer activities in the patriotic and spiritual-moral education of citizens.
    From work experience. Published: 12:54:31 01/23/2020
  • Pedagogical diagnostics
    Published: 22:14:26 01/22/2020
  • Consultations for educators.
    Published: 08:19:31 01/22/2020
  • Report on the implementation of a pedagogical project on the topic: “Familiarization of older preschoolers with the traditions of the peoples of the Volga region”
    Published: 00:03:17 01/22/2020
  • Essay
    Published: 16:46:26 01/17/2020
  • Workshop for teachers “Practice, play, learn and develop”
    Published: 06:35:58 01/15/2020
  • Educator's ESSAY
    Published: 21:27:37 01/14/2020
  • Slideshow for the Project “Vegetables and Fruits...”
    Published: 15:30:19 12-01-2020
  • Report from work experience on the topic: “Organization of motor activity of children of senior preschool age during a walk” (11/26/2019)
    Published: 09:59:54 01/09/2020
  • Development of touch and fine motor skills in preschool children
    Published: 07:28:55 12/24/2019
  • Finger games for kids
    Published: 17:06:31 12/19/2019
  • Workshop for parents with children
    Published: 18:13:41 15-12-2019
  • "Scheduling."
    Published: 14:23:28 28-11-2019
  • Playful self-massage in correctional work with children with disabilities
    Published: 17:12:58 11/22/2019
  • Generalization of work experience “Games - puzzles as a means of intellectual development of older preschool children”
    Published: 18:38:41 11/17/2019
  • Pedagogical project on patriotic education for preschool children “Studying the native land through all types of children’s activities”
    Published: 09:23:59 10/22/2019
  • experience moral education
    Published: 19:37:11 10/20/2019
  • Experience in “Using mnemonic techniques in the development of coherent speech in preschool children.”
    Published: 20:50:42 14-10-2019
  • Methodological material: presentations, reports, messages from work experience
    Published: 16:23:55 07-10-2019
  • Master class for teachers “Using TRIZ for children’s speech development”
    Published: 12:33:25 09/21/2019
  • Methodological recommendations “Creating conditions for the speech development of preschool children”
    Published: 08:15:08 09/21/2019
  • Pedagogical leaflet Topic: “Game technologies in learning the road alphabet”
    Published: 18:52:53 09/16/2019
  • Speech “Integration as a factor of social adaptation of preschool children with hearing impairments” at the XXI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood: Children of the Third Millennium”, Krasnoyarsk, 2022
    Published: 05:34:04 02-09- 2019
  • Teacher's annual report
    Published: 20:38:25 07/15/2019
  • Consultation for teachers “The importance of search and research activities in child development”
    Published: 17:39:08 06/30/2019
  • 01.09.20
    Forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents Published: 15:42:46 06/17/2019
  • Report "Children's speech creativity as a condition for full communication."
    Published: 16:42:43 06/16/2019
  • Consultation for teachers “Development of dialogical communication in preschool children”
    Published: 15:35:35 06/13/2019
  • “The use of health-saving technologies in the educational process at MBDOU DS No. 31 “Bear Cub” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.”
    Published: 20:00:16 11-06-2019
  • Forms of work with children of primary preschool age on moral and patriotic education
    Published: 19:40:29 06/11/2019
  • tank from Lego Eduction Simple mechanisms
    Published: 13:38:28 03-05-2019
  • Speech at the methodological council on the topic: “Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education and improving the quality of preschool education”
    Published: 14:37:58 05/02/2019
  • Methodological advice in preschool educational institutions on the topic “Creating conditions for sports and recreational activities of preschool children”
    Published: 14:36:24 05/02/2019
  • Speech at the methodological council at the preschool educational institution “Formation of coherent speech in preschool children”
    Published: 14:35:34 05/02/2019
  • Essay “I am a teacher”
    Published: 14:34:23 05/02/2019
  • Research work within the framework of the competition “I am a Researcher”
    Published: 14:06:42 04/26/2019
  • NGO Cognitive Development. Project “Toddlers and Cubs”
    Published: 13:54:07 04/26/2019
  • Published an article in the Center for Scientific Investments “Kindergarten as an environment for child development”
    Published: 12:54:41 04/25/2019
  • Experimental activities as a means of developing cognitive interest in preschool children
    Published: 18:21:13 04/14/2019
  • Work experience
    Published: 11:59:25 04/14/2019
  • Campaign “Christmas tree-green needle”.
    2016 Published: 19:43:26 04/08/2019
  • From work experience: “Sensory development of young children.”
    Published: 19:42:32 03/26/2019
  • Sport becomes a means of education when it is everyone’s favorite pastime
    Published: 16:52:13 03/23/2019
  • Onion for seven ailments
    Published: 16:39:56 03/23/2019
  • Project “Space Travel”
    Published: 00:50:28 02/24/2019

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Description of the work experience of a teacher-mentor in a preschool educational institution

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Stepnovsky kindergarten” of a combined type

654241 Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk district, Stepnoy village, st. Startseva, 15



Description of the work system of a teacher-mentor

to support young preschool specialists

using “Case Materials”


Vorobyova Irina Mikhailovna


senior teacher

Novokuznetsk municipal district, 2020

Work of a teacher-mentor with a young specialist

Experience in organizing mentoring for preschool teachers

“By teaching others, we learn ourselves” (L. Seneca)

I, Vorobyova Irina Mikhailovna, have been working in kindergarten for more than 10 years. Over the years, she has graduated more than 90 children from kindergarten into adulthood.

2010 - 2022

Our kindergarten in 2022 turned 50 years old. Our team is large and friendly, but, accordingly, it is no longer “young.” Unfortunately, the number of employees with 20 or more years of experience is growing, and new personnel are reluctant to come to the kindergarten. What is this connected with?

With many factors: this is the high fatigue of teachers at work due to the greatly increased number of children in groups, and low material incentives for work, and greater responsibility for the lives and health of children, and an increase in requirements for the amount of work and filling out documentation for preschool teachers.

There are many reasons, but finding a solution to the problem is extremely difficult.

To my great regret, the teaching staff of many preschool institutions is rapidly “aging.”

The absence of young teachers with their optimism, new knowledge, and skills is a negative factor in the preschool education system. And even if young educators come to preschool educational institutions, the load that falls on their shoulders from the first days often frightens young colleagues, and the amount of work seems impossible to them.

It's no secret that a feature of the work of novice teachers is that from the first day of work they have the same duties and bear the same responsibilities as educators with many years of experience, and parents, administration and work colleagues expect the same from them. impeccable professionalism.

As experience shows, novice educators are afraid of their own inadequacy, of making a pedagogical mistake in interaction with students and their parents; They are afraid of criticism from the administration and experienced colleagues, but it also happens the other way around, when young specialists, especially graduates of secondary and higher educational institutions, are overly self-confident.

Those educators who, in the first year of their work, do not receive support from colleagues and administration, feel “thrown to the mercy of fate” and experience shock when confronted with reality.

Who and how should help a young educator, how you can “charge” young educators with your example, knowledge and enthusiasm to be active and creative in their work, how and why they become mentors will be discussed in my self-presentation!

What does the concept of mentoring include?

Mentoring is precisely the form of work that helps young teachers learn to collaborate and learn to obtain useful information by communicating with people who have extensive experience in their profession.

Mentoring is a process of purposeful formation of a personality, its intellect, physical strength, spirituality, preparing it for life in general, for active participation in work.

But, I would like to note that young specialists, faced with the difficulties of working as a teacher, quit and go to other areas of activity. To prevent this from happening in our team, the preschool educational institution creates all the conditions for professional growth, easier adaptation and “entry” of a young specialist into the teaching staff.

One of the primary tasks for the administration of preschool educational institutions is not just to attract young specialists, but also to retain them in the teaching field. The task of the leader, senior educator, is to help young teachers adapt to the new team, to make sure that they do not become disillusioned with the chosen path.

14 years of teaching experience, 9 years as a teacher in our preschool educational institution and 2 years as a senior teacher. In fact, our kindergarten employs a team formed over the years.

Over the past 3 years, 4 teachers (with no experience working in a kindergarten) and 1 teacher with a pedagogical education and in the past some experience of working in a preschool educational institution have passed through the mentoring system operating at the preschool educational institution. 1 of them had the status of a young specialist, and 2 teachers had already reached the stage of self-improvement and self-development, 1 teacher (young specialist) quit.


my work as a mentor:

Creation of conditions in preschool educational institutions for the professional growth of young specialists, contributing to the reduction of adaptation problems and the successful entry into the professional activity of a young teacher.


1. Ensure the easiest adaptation of young specialists in the team, support the teacher emotionally during the adaptation process, and strengthen his self-confidence.

2. Use effective forms of improving professional competence and professional skills (Case method), provide information space for independent mastery of professional knowledge.

3. Conducting an analysis of the performance of young educators in all areas of educational and educational activities.

4. Jointly plan the career of young specialists with a mentor.

As a result of realizing the importance of supporting the professional and personal development of young educators, the need arose to create a system of work with young specialists in our preschool educational institution.

In his professional development, a novice teacher in our preschool educational institution goes through several stages.

I stage

– 1st year of work (internship): the most difficult period, both for the newcomer and for the colleagues helping him adapt. Realizing his capabilities as a teacher, he begins to understand his importance for children, parents, and colleagues. In practice, he applies the knowledge and skills acquired in an educational institution or rebuilds his knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of preschool pedagogy, if he had experience working in a school before kindergarten. Here the task arises of preventing disappointment and conflicts, supporting the teacher emotionally, and strengthening self-confidence.

II stage

– 2nd–3rd years of work: the process of developing professional skills, gaining experience, finding the best methods and techniques for working with children, developing your own style in work, gaining authority among children, parents, and colleagues. The teacher studies the work experience of colleagues at his institution and other preschool educational institutions, improves his professional skills by attending open events: methodological associations of educators. At this stage, I suggest that my young teachers determine the methodological topic of self-education on which they will work in more depth. They are also actively involved in demonstrations of activities at the kindergarten level (school activities, holding children's parties and entertainment, presentation of personal work experience, etc.).

III stage

– 4th-5th years of work, when a novice teacher develops a system of relationships with children, parents, colleagues, and has his own developments. The teacher introduces new technologies into his work.

– 6th year of work. There is improvement, self-development, mastery of new pedagogical methods, technologies, sustained interest in the profession, active mastery of techniques for working with children, desires to improve one’s education and qualifications, and generalization of one’s work experience. ……………….

From my work experience, I would like to note that passing a certain level is purely individual. Professional qualities largely depend on character, temperament, rate of perception and processing of received information, etc. Therefore, the administration of our kindergarten approaches each teacher differently.

Thus, our system of working with young staff includes forms and methods that contribute to the further professional development of a beginning teacher and increasing his professional competence:

· On-the-job training “In-house improvement of the competence of teaching staff.”

· Implementation of mentoring practice.

· Participation in the work of methodological associations of preschool educational institutions and the region. · Self-education, including independent study of the educational program and modern technologies.

· Training in advanced training courses, participation in seminars and conferences.

· Methodological support for the activities of young specialists (Case method).

The role of the teacher-mentor in this system of work is invaluable.

It is necessary to understand in more detail who a mentor is and what he should be like.


- this is, first of all, a person who has certain experience and knowledge, a high level of communication, who strives to help his ward gain experience necessary and sufficient to master the profession of an educator, must lift the spirit and encourage the young teacher, sharing with him his enthusiasm for his work .

The mentor must have:

— high professional and moral qualities;

— knowledge in the field of methods of education and development of preschool children in the implementation of the main educational program of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;

— rich experience in organizing work with parents of children.

Mentoring is a two-way process: on the one hand –

the activity of a mentor, on the other hand, the activity of a young teacher. This process is subject-subject in nature and is one of the types of pedagogical interaction. This form of work with personnel has a positive impact on all participants in the relationship, as well as the educational organization itself.

A young teacher gains knowledge, develops skills and abilities, improves his professional level and abilities; develops his own professional career; learns to build constructive relationships with a mentor, and through him - with the entire adaptive environment; acquires information about the activities of the preschool organization in which he works.

The mentor develops his business skills; improves his professional level in the process of mutual learning.

The organization thus increases the cultural and professional level of personnel training; relationships between employees improve.

Assigning a mentor to a young teacher allows him to receive the support of an experienced professional who is able to offer practical and theoretical assistance in the workplace, using a variety of forms of interaction with each other. The most important thing is that our young specialist can be present with his mentor at any security event and ask any questions he may have.

Mentors in our preschool educational institution, assigned to work with young teachers, are assigned for a period of 1 year (maybe longer, if necessary). The mentor is appointed from among teachers with a high level of professional training, communication skills and flexibility in communication. The mentor must have experience in educational and methodological work, stable performance indicators, and the ability and willingness to share professional experience. The mentor must have at least 5 years of teaching experience.

The subject of mentoring is the professional and personal competencies of teaching staff, which contribute to familiarization with the internal labor regulations, and most importantly, familiarization with the specifics of working with preschool children.

Working with young and beginning teachers is quite painstaking work, which takes place in our preschool educational institution in several stages:

The stages of development of a young specialist include:

• Adaptation (mastering the norms of the profession, its values, acquiring autonomy)

• Stabilization (acquisition of professional competence, success, suitability for the position held)

• Transformation (achieving integrity, self-sufficiency, autonomy and ability to innovate)

Based on the above stages, the main directions and content of activities were identified.

Directions of activity of the mentor and mentee:

1. Conducting an initial internship for a young teacher (one month).

2. Entering the profession. (Formation of professional skills in a young teacher, accumulation of experience, formation of his own style in work, mastering methodological tools for organizing interaction with children, parents, colleagues) (one year).

3. Self-improvement and self-development of a young teacher, improvement of his qualifications (mastery of new pedagogical methods, technologies, sustained interest in the profession, active mastery of techniques for working with children, development of self-esteem skills, self-control, desire to improve his education and qualification category, generalization of his work experience ) (during the first 5 years).

4. Interim analysis of work (in about a year).

1 direction.


Internship is the most difficult period both for the newcomer and for the mentor helping him adapt.

Objective: to prevent disappointment and conflicts, to support the teacher emotionally, to strengthen self-confidence.

The work includes:

· Conversation-acquaintance with beginning and young teachers to determine areas of work. Study of the regulatory framework. Records management;

· Introduction to the kindergarten, introduction of the young teacher;

· Creation of a database about beginning teaching staff of preschool educational institutions;

· Questionnaire to study the difficulties of preschool teachers in organizing modern high-quality education;

· Diagnostics of studying the methodological needs of teachers (Appendix 1);

· Internship in a group with a mentor, i.e. the mentor and the mentee work together with a group of the mentor’s children; demonstration of routine moments, activities, children's walks, etc.;

· Preparation for conducting classes and joint activities with children;

· Filling out the teacher information card;

Taking into account the results of the survey, we outline a plan for joint individual work for the academic year, which includes consultations on the organization and conduct of pedagogical diagnostics, the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment, consultation with a psychologist on organizing interaction with parents, mandatory attendance at classes with experienced teachers, etc. (Appendix 2).

2nd direction.

Entry into the profession.

Entering a profession is a process of developing professional skills, gaining experience, finding the best methods and techniques for working with children, developing your own work style, and earning authority among children, parents, and colleagues.

Here the young teacher studies the work experience of colleagues at his institution and other preschool educational institutions, improves his professional skills by attending open events: methodological associations of educators. At this stage, I propose to determine a methodological topic on which the young teacher will work in more depth. All interesting ideas, methods and techniques are recorded in the “Creative Notebook”. Actively involved in demonstrating activities at the kindergarten level.

It is at this stage that the assessment of the teacher by the mentor is important. Every day, a young teacher feels the need for timely positive assessment of his work. We often analyze the work of a teacher based on external signs. Calm in the group means everything is in order. What is hidden behind this? The main thing is not external discipline, but whether the teacher was able to raise children, taught them to treat others with respect, and knows how to provide timely help to everyone who needs it. This is precisely what you need to pay attention to first of all, and, having noticed the pedagogical successes of a newcomer, I certainly note them out loud. After all, praise lifts your spirits, stimulates you, inspires confidence, and increases interest in your work!

But for pedagogical creativity, improvement of forms and methods of teaching and upbringing, it is necessary to create conditions that allow for variability in the selection of content.

Traditional forms of methodological work, in which the main place was given to reports and speeches, have lost their importance due to their low efficiency and insufficient feedback. Today it is necessary to use new, active forms of work, which are characterized by the involvement of teachers in activities and dialogue, involving a free exchange of opinions.

One of the methods that will help a novice teacher independently design the educational process is the case method .

Case technology originated at Harvard Business School (USA)

at the beginning of the 20th century and gradually spread to other areas of human activity in many countries, including Russia.

The case method allows all participants in the educational process to interact. The case as a pedagogical technology is universal and not tied to time. Our preschool educational institution has developed sets of materials to support young specialists, from diagnostic techniques for determining the professional competence of beginning teachers to the degree of satisfaction with working conditions in the preschool educational institution.

Thus, using the case method, a mentor can identify the current interests and motives of a young teacher and thereby ensure flexibility and flexibility in the plan of work with him. In addition, the use of the Case method in the activities of a teacher-mentor allows one to identify the current interests of a young specialist, develop activity, communication skills, the ability to listen and express one’s thoughts, conduct a dialogue with children and colleagues, and obtain the necessary information. And most importantly, it helps him independently design not only individual educational situations, but also the process of his development as a teacher as a whole.

But, in my opinion, the case method has only one drawback - the complexity of developing a case, since there are no methods for compiling cases. But this opens up prospects for professional fulfillment for every novice teacher.

Also, at the stage of “Entering the Profession,” we gradually attract young educators to attend open regional events: methodological associations of educators, professional skills competitions; We involve them in the preparation and participation in conducting pedagogical seminars, pedagogical councils, etc.

My mentees became participants in pedagogical councils with presentations on the topics: “Introduction of elements of economic education into the educational process of preschool educational institutions,” “Modern approaches to organizing work on the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education,” “Effective implementation of modern trends in the creation of developmental education in preschool educational institutions.” subject-spatial environment"; took part in parent-teacher meetings, where they took part in a master class on the topic “Speech at your fingertips”, “Entertaining games at home with mom”; created a film for the parents of pupils “How fun we lived!”, a presentation “Achievements of our children”.

3rd direction.

Self-improvement and self-development of a young teacher, improving his qualifications (for 5 years).

During this period, there is a process of developing professional skills, gaining experience, searching for the best methods and techniques for working with children, forming one’s own style in work, and earning authority among children, parents, and colleagues.

A novice teacher here studies the work experience of colleagues at his institution and other preschool educational institutions, improves his professional skills by attending open events: methodological associations of educators. At this stage, I propose to determine a methodological topic on which the young teacher will work in more depth.

During this period, the mentor plays the role of a prompter, adviser, and also an “energy specialist.” With his actions, ideas and creativity, he motivates his mentees to participate in innovative activities, competitive movements, and prepares them for the upcoming certification.

At this stage, the young teacher is ready to create his own portfolio, where pedagogical findings, achievements, etc. are included. This makes it possible to see the dynamics in the professional development of the young teacher in the process of mentoring activities.

A portfolio is a kind of passport for improving the professional level of a teacher, testifying to his abilities, self-organization, communication skills, noting his needs for practical self-realization. In addition, the portfolio can be used as a form of complete and comprehensive presentation of a young specialist for certification for advanced training (Appendix 3).

4 Direction.

Analysis of work results.

The work includes:

1. Assessment of the teacher’s activities with children and parents;

2.Identification of the dynamics of professional growth based on “monitoring of professional activities.”

During this assessment, the attitude to one’s duties, compliance with instructions, implementation of individual work and development plans for employees, and contribution to the implementation of the institution’s objectives are taken into account. This type of assessment is regulated by the regulations of the preschool educational institution.

3. Determining the prospects for further work with a young teacher;

4. Summing up, conclusions.

(Forms for the questionnaire are presented in Appendix 4)

Expected results of mentoring activities:

*Knowledge of a young educator about himself and his orientation towards the values ​​of self-development.

*Qualitative change in attitudes towards the young teacher in the team.

*Increasing the professional and methodological competence of young educators, increasing the level of readiness for professional, personally significant activities.

Mentoring work in preschool educational institutions is regulated by the Regulations, the order of the head on the appointment of a mentor, and the approved plan for working with the mentee.

The advantages of mentoring as a form of organizing assistance to a young educator are obvious: pedagogical mentoring has a broader focus, is less theoretical, has greater flexibility, is distinguished by a variety of forms and methods of work, and most importantly, takes place in real work conditions.

In addition, this process involves close interpersonal emotional contact between the mentor and the mentee, an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the professional positions of a particular educator, and, consequently, stricter control over his practical activities.

The novelty of my experience lies in an integrated approach to overcoming the possible difficulties of a young teacher’s adaptation to work in a new team, an open dialogue with the mentor on all professional issues, the transfer of practical experience through the organization of work in the position “together”, “nearby”, the formation of motivation among young people educators to further self-education, revealing their individuality through their own example and a positive, honest and caring attitude towards the profession.

The work highlights approaches to effective methodological support for beginning teachers in preschool settings, to their continuing education, and describes the experience of using the Case Method in this work in a preschool educational institution.

Thus, I would like to note that 100% of beginning teachers successfully completed adaptation to preschool educational institutions. This was facilitated by:

— Developed methodological recommendations for organizing work with young teachers in preschool educational institutions.

— Competent application of the case method in the work of a teacher-mentor.

— Building a successful strategy for professional development.

The professional development of young specialists is expressed in the implementation of the Basic Educational and Basic Adapted Educational Programs, “Work Programs for Educators” (all age groups), projects: “Lean Kindergarten”, “About Necessary and Important Professions”, methodological recommendations: “Financial Literacy for preschoolers", "Theater of Physical Development", "Little Patriots of Russia".

Maximum creative self-realization is expressed in the participation of young teachers in professional competitions and projects: participation in the municipal stage of the regional competition “Ladder of Success - 2020”, participation and victory in international and All-Russian competitions of pedagogical excellence.”

As for the level of professional skills, 2 young teachers were certified ahead of schedule for 1 qualification category.

In our preschool educational institution, young teachers acquire skills in working using Internet resources, creating multimedia presentations, booklets, and educational projects.

Young specialists carry out practice-oriented activities in their field, summing up results at different levels: District methodological associations, conferences and pedagogical councils in preschool educational institutions.

They regularly publish their educational materials:

2017 publication of methodological development, presentation “The influence of the subject-spatial environment on the cognitive and speech development of preschool children in a speech therapy group.”

2018 publication of an article in the all-Russian publication “Education Portal” on the topic “Organization of the final parent meeting in a preschool educational institution”

2020 publication of an article in the all-Russian publication “Education Portal” on the topic “competitive movement as a motivation factor for self-development and professional growth of young specialists of preschool educational institutions.”

Among the specific results of the functioning of mentoring and the organization of work with novice educators, the following can be identified:

· All young teachers and aspiring educators have gained a foothold in their jobs.

· Two teachers certified ahead of schedule for the first qualification category.

· Two are not yet subject to certification, because haven't worked for two years.

So, to summarize

, it can be noted that working with young teachers helps me coordinate my methodological, pedagogical and psychological positions, strengthens friendly ties with colleagues, makes me the owner of the secrets of skill and accumulated experience of teachers of our preschool institution.

My colleagues who are starting to work in the preschool educational system, in turn, bring their new views on the upbringing and development of children to my professional knowledge, and also stimulate me to increase the level of pedagogical competence. But it’s never too late for anyone to learn?

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