A teacher’s personal website as one of the indicators of a teacher’s professional competence

Recommendations for teachers on website management

Contained in sections:

  • Internet safety for preschoolers 232
  • Working with parents. Interaction with families 11963

Showing publications 1-10 of 38. All sections | Website for educator, teacher, kindergarten



The best

Personal website as a means of self-improvement for a teacher as a professional and an individual. The modern world cannot be imagined without the Internet. A huge number of people are its active users. And everyone finds in it something they need for themselves. The Internet also plays an invaluable role in the work of a teacher . This is primarily due to the search for sites on which...

Consultation for teachers “What is “Fake” on websites and on the Internet” For many of us, teachers , the new foreign expressions and words used by advanced youth are incomprehensible. Among them is the word “Fake”. Recently I wondered what it is and I want to share this information with you. What is fake on social networks. A fake account is...

About Me

“The best way to raise good children is to make them happy.” /O. Wilde/

Date of birth: August 15, 1976

Higher education

Educational institution: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education " Bashkir State University" (2018)

Qualification category: first

Teaching experience: 8 years

Work experience in this institution: 13 years


My portfolio

This section presents the most significant results of practical activities for assessing one’s professional competence.

Essay on the topic: “I am a teacher”

Why am I a teacher ? The answer to this question is simple: for me this is not just a job and a profession, it is my state of mind. Everyone must choose their own path that suits them.

Even as a child, my brothers and sisters did not leave my side when they came to visit. My aunt said: “You need to study to be a teacher or teacher, children love you.” But then I didn’t even think about the profession.

As a schoolgirl, in a pioneer camp, the leader of my troop had the same name, Alena Gennadievna, as mine. That’s when I started thinking, when I grow up, I will also work with children, and they will call me Alena Gennadievna and run after me. But fate turned out differently...

Some time later, when I had my own children, fate itself brought me to kindergarten. And what happiness it was! Everyone has the right to happiness... There is a very good saying: “Happiness is not a destination, but a way of travel.” How do we travel through life? Can we be surprised, see beauty, feel joy?

And now I am a kindergarten teacher. I like working with children, you understand that all children are individual, and you must find the key to each child. And not only to him, but also to his parents. But it is impossible to deceive them, these “little men”. They will always see everything. They will immediately understand how you feel about them: with or without love. And they will answer you the same.

When you are around children you always feel young, cheerful and energetic. I would like to believe that by putting a piece of my soul into each child, I make the world a kinder place.

It can also be very difficult. Sometimes you just give up, but as soon as the baby smiles at you, you realize that you simply cannot betray them. It’s not for nothing that the kids of the younger groups, having forgotten themselves, call you mom. Isn't this the highest level of trust?

We all often ask ourselves the question of whether we are choosing the right profession. Do I regret my choice? Many people choose a profession, but I didn’t - it chose me. Everyone wants to be proud of the results of their activities. So I ask the question: is it possible to be proud of the profession of a teacher? And I can say with confidence: “I am allowed by fate to be close to our future - with our children! I can call myself “Mom” with a capital M, because I give my children a piece of myself, my soul, my love. I have a wonderful mission - to give my Love to children! And I take great pleasure in bringing it to life, while teaching my children this feeling, the feeling of loving and being loved. As L.N. Tolstoy said: “To love means to live the life of the one you love.” These words are the meaning of why you go to children every day.

It’s not for nothing that children are called “the flowers of life”, and teachers are called “gardeners”. The work of a teacher can be compared to the work of a gardener growing various plants. One plant loves the light of the sun, another loves the cool shade; one loves the bank of a stream, the other loves a dry mountain peak; one grows on sandy soil, the other on oily, clayey soil. Each person needs special care that is only suitable for him, otherwise he will not achieve perfection in his development. Likewise, in my work, every child needs love and understanding of his individuality. After all, only in love is the uniqueness of each child revealed, his image revealed.

I think the teaching profession is one of the most important and significant in the life of modern society. And although this is a lot of work and constant self-improvement, the result that you see every day is much more important. And the highest reward for your efforts is the smile on the children’s faces and the recognition of the children when during the day you hear from them: “I love you!” But the most important and important point is that you just need to love your job. “Work is the best way to enjoy life,” said I. Kant. When you come to your favorite job, give all of yourself to your children, see their smiles and joyful eyes, that’s when you feel truly happy. It is then that you fully understand your own importance in the fate of each of the children. I am aware of this and cannot stop there. I will still develop myself, helping children develop. For me, the highest reward is to love children and be loved!

Useful links for children and parents

www.solnet.ee - coloring books, online games, poems, riddles,

www.mults . spb . ru / mults /?p=15 - a lot of good cartoons for mothers who have small children,

www.detkam . e - papa.ru - coloring books, poems, riddles, fairy tales, songs - everything that is interesting to your baby,

www.skazochki . people . ru / index _ flash.html - riddles, cartoons, fairy tales, animals, etc.,

www.teremoc.ru - in “Teremok” each of you will find something interesting,

www. myltik . ru /cards - site about cartoons,

www. raskraska.ru - here you can download a lot of coloring pages, then print them and give them to your child ,

www. kubikizaitseva . narod .ru - all about Zaitsev’s technique,

www. montessori center .ru — all about the Montessori system,

www. wunderkinder . narod .ru - teaching kids,

www. kindereducation . com / schet.html for children from 2 years old),

www. azps . ru / baby / read .html - activities with kids,

www. doshkolniki . com / muz_igry.html - site for preschoolers ,

www. danilova .ru - early childhood development,

www. flashsait . com /kraski - free children's electronic library,

www. moi - kindergarten . ru / doc.htm everything for kindergarten,

www. koshki - mishki .ru - children's entertainment and development site.

Traffic rules (useful links)

Official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: https://www.gibdd.ru/

Movement with respect: https://www.grinia.ru/

“The Good Road of Childhood”: https://www.dddgazeta.ru/

Traffic rules: https://pravdd.ru/

Road Traffic Propaganda Center: https://www.centr-bdd.ru/

Cartoons from the studio "Lukomorye Pictures": https://www.luko-morie.ru/

Teacher's methodological piggy bank: https://zanimatika.narod.ru/OBJ1.htm

We learn the rules for “5”: https://www.lyceum8.ru/pdd/index.htm

Useful links to websites for parents:

Early child development https://www.razumniki.ru/

Portal for parents https://www.detskiysad.ru/

The site is dedicated to children, their parents, teachers and educators https://kidportal.ru/

Portal about the development and upbringing of children https://baby-best.ru/

All riddles with answers https://www.vsezagadki.ru/

Download everything for children and parents https://puzkarapuz.org/

From website fairy tales https://webskazki.com/

From the fairy-tale world https://skazochnyj-mir.narod.ru/

Our kids https://ourkids.ru/

" Doshkolnik.ru " - a site for the whole family

Children's educational online games https://www.igraemsa.ru/


Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation https://www.mon.gov.ru

Federal portal “Russian Education” https://www.edu.ru

Information system “Single window of access to educational resources” https://window.edu.ru

Unified collection of digital educational resources https://school-collection.edu.ru

Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources https://fcior.edu.r


PRESCHOOLER. SITE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY https://doshkolnik.ru/zaniatia-s-detmi.html

PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. SITE FOR TEACHERS https://dohcolonoc.ru/cons/1470-esse-moya-pedagogicheskaya-filosofiya.html

TO HELP THE TEACHER www.pedsovet.org

www.festival.1september.ru The site is an all-Russian platform for providing and disseminating teaching experience

https://dob.1september.ru Magazine “Preschool Education”

www.dovosp.ru Website of the magazine “Preschool Education”

www.propaganda.ru Various materials on the prevention of child road traffic injuries

www.dddgazeta.ru Methodological materials for teaching children traffic rules; competitions for children and teachers

https://bukvar.edu.ru Electronic aids for speech development of preschoolers

https://artclassic.edu.ru Collection: world art culture

https://music.edu.ru Music collection

https://zoology.edu.ru Collection: zoology

https://zagadka-ru.blogspot.com Mysterious world: a collection of riddles

www.maaam.ru The site provides the opportunity to communicate with colleagues from different cities of Russia.

A selection of links for kindergarten teachers and parents of preschool children: Methodological (methodological and didactic materials) - https://numi.ru Pedagogical newspaper - publication for preschool teachers - https://pedgazeta.ru Publishing house "Education of preschool children" - https: //www.dovosp.ru/ Magazine “Pedagogical World” - https://pedmir.ru Everything for kindergarten - https://www.ivalex.vistcom.ru/index.htm Physics for kids - https://physics03 .narod.ru/Interes/Magic/baby.htm Science and education. Preschool education (Portal) - https://edu.rin.ru/preschool Pedagogical library - https://www.pedlib.ru/ “Preschooler” - everything for preschoolers; https://www.kindereducation.com/

All materials posted on the site were developed by the author or collected from publicly available public resources on the Internet and are intended solely for reading for educational purposes and are not of a commercial nature. All copyrights belong to their owners. Any commercial or other use is prohibited. Photos of children on the site are posted with the consent of the parents. This project is non-commercial, and the author of the site is not responsible for the possible consequences of using the proposed materials for purposes prohibited by international law.

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Jimdo pricing policy (prices for tariffs)

Let us immediately note that the free plan is not suitable for creating a promoted website. There is only one reason for this - it is impossible to connect a third-party domain. The rest are no longer important. It was also disappointing that the system does not have a trial period to test the full functionality - the so-called freemium. Many features are not available on Free. You will get 500 MB of space, 2 GB of site bandwidth, a level 3 domain, system advertising in the footer, no ability to work with SEO and statistics, and some limitations in the editor. This is enough to get acquainted with the engine interface, but to create a normal website you need to build on the capabilities of paid plans, of which there are only two:

  1. Jimdo Pro – 4800 RUR/year. You will receive 1 domain as a gift, email, technical support, visit statistics, no advertising, access to the mobile version of the site, SEO settings and the ability to create a store for 15 products;
  2. Jimdo Business – 9600 RUR/year. Added a full-fledged store with all options and an unlimited number of products, advanced SEO settings and 1 more domain as a gift.

Important: all prices are indicated without VAT, which will be charged additionally when paying for the tariff plan.

The difference in the cost of tariffs is large, and the price level of the engine is above average. The first one is suitable for business cards, the second one makes sense to pay if you decide to create a store. The free version can be used to try out the builder to see if you are willing to pay for Jimdo or not.

The target audience

Jimdo is suitable for inexperienced users to create their first website. The main visual editor is easy to use and moderately functional, although its ergonomics are a bit strange - the elements are not placed as you would expect. Some of them are too large, others, on the contrary, are small. The simplified version of the editor looks and feels better, but has much less functionality.

Jimdo's audience is entrepreneurs who want to create a business card to support their business. Photographers who need a portfolio, musicians, makeup artists and others. Jimdo is simple, but, as strange as it may sound, not a very convenient site builder. The interface is bright and colorful, but the logic and structure of the options is sometimes strange and not obvious. It’s not difficult to get used to, as long as you like it initially. For pros, the service is of no interest.

Beginners will enjoy the semi-automatic mode of building sites with the required number of pages, themes and functionality. Previously, the developers pompously called it “Dolphin”, artificial intelligence, but subsequently they simplified the positioning and improved the algorithm to a level that is not a sin to use. A good tool for building simple websites that do not require a variety of design and functionality.

Some webmasters create not only their own sites, but also client sites using Jimdo. Honestly, this is a bad idea, especially when it comes to projects for the Runet. There is no point in using a German designer that is overpriced for our market, has average functionality, and has a bunch of successful alternatives. At the same time, the system does not have any preferences or useful features for creating websites for a foreign audience. In general, this is an average designer with a visual editor, devoid of Russian in the interface. This is something to consider when considering it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Jimdo demonstrates a typical Western approach to product sales. This leaves an imprint on it, entailing both advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of Jimdo:

  • Pleasant for beginners mode of automated site assembly;
  • A good built-in blog module;
  • More or less high-quality templates with convenient customization of their appearance;
  • Two visual editors and, accordingly, two different approaches to creating websites in the system - simpler and more functional;
  • A solid set of elements in the advanced version of the editor;
  • Availability of a free period, which is enough to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the service.

Cons of Jimdo:

  • There are few templates, all hope is for their deep customization or creating your own from scratch;
  • The store is inconvenient to manage and not worth the money;
  • There is no Russian language in the interface;
  • SEO optimization in full is possible only on tariff plan 2;
  • The free plan is seriously limited in terms of features;
  • The design of the control panel, although simple, is not particularly convenient and takes some getting used to;
  • Tariffs are overpriced.

Jimdo is a typically commercial project. Developers in some places too clearly want money from the user, which is frightening given the complete lack of functional optimization of the engine for sites intended for RuNet. It’s not entirely clear why you should buy at an inflated price something that is poorly suited to solving the problems of the domestic audience.

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