Plan for interaction between the teacher and preschool specialists

The role of speech in the development of a child as a person cannot be overestimated. Mastering their native language is the most important condition for ensuring children’s readiness for school, the child’s success in social and intellectual development, as well as in mastering children’s activities and creativity. If violations of sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and phonemic processes are not corrected in time, then preschool children have difficulties communicating with others and problems in learning.

In modern conditions, the problem of finding new forms, methods, techniques and means of speech therapy work that increases the efficiency of the correction process is becoming increasingly urgent.

Theoretical and practical research in this direction has revealed that in the compensatory group for children with severe speech impairments, the success of correctional and speech therapy work largely depends on the speech therapy of the educational process, which implies the need to plan and organize clear, coordinated interaction between the teacher and speech therapist, educator and other narrow specialists under the clear guidance of a senior educator in the Institution.

The MBDOU pays special attention to the implementation of the principle of an integrated approach, which presupposes a close relationship between the activities of all specialists of the Institution, aimed at the comprehensive study and elimination of speech disorders, as well as preventing the consequences of speech defects in children.

Around the child, through the joint actions of various specialists, a single correctional and educational space and a specific subject-development environment are created.

In this regard, problems arise in managing the work of specialized teachers and organizing their joint activities in order to improve the quality of education: ensuring careful attitude towards the health and development of the child’s personality, creating comfortable conditions for her to stay in kindergarten.

Senior educator as interaction coordinator

Organizing a system of methodological work with personnel in kindergarten is one of the important tasks of preschool education. Sometimes in teaching teams, the role of the teacher - the main person closest to the child, when there are different specialists in the kindergarten, is partially underestimated. The problem of organizing interaction between a teacher and specialists to create conditions for the personality-oriented development of a child is relevant.

Why is this problem relevant? Working with children requires a lot of effort and energy from the entire teaching staff, so the main goal is to create a group of like-minded people. Problems arise in organizing the interaction of specialists in the management aspect:

  • a clear definition of which teacher is the main one in solving a particular problem in the development of children;
  • with whom he interacts;
  • what is the share of participation of everyone else.

The senior teacher takes an active part in clarifying the job responsibilities of narrow specialists, determines the forms and methods of their interaction with each other, taking into account the age characteristics of children. Thus, the performer is assigned very specific tasks and responsibilities, which are under the control of the methodological service. There must be certainty: who is doing what and by when, and interacting with whom. It is the interaction of all specialists that is considered as a condition for the development of a kindergarten.

The role of the senior teacher as a coordinator of interaction between narrow specialists of an educational institution is fundamental in organizing scientific and methodological work in kindergarten, aimed at forming a teaching team of like-minded people who are able to introduce modern scientific research and the best pedagogical experience in raising and teaching children.

Subject specialists, professionally engaged in one of the areas of preschool education, finding and implementing new teaching technologies, have a greater opportunity than educators to study in specialized courses. Therefore, a specialist can methodically competently advise educators on his section of the program:

The task of the senior educator is to organize a joint search for productive ways to develop education in the teaching staff. In this regard, the functions of methodological support receive appropriate content:

informational and normative – involves informing teachers about documents related to the protection of children’s rights, changes in the functional responsibilities of teachers, new achievements in the field of pedagogy and psychology of preschool education, as well as correctional pedagogy and psychology;

analytical – determines the creative potential of a specialist and his individual style of activity;

coordination - determination of near, medium and long-term prospects for the implementation of the Institution's plan (coordination of annual and monthly long-term plans of preschool educational institutions and plans of specialized specialists);

innovative - determines the development and search, together with narrow specialists, of new progressive technologies, methods and techniques for raising children and their implementation in practice;

controlling – allows you to monitor the quality of work, ensuring the implementation of state standards in the training, education and correction of disorders of preschool children, excluding overload.

Based on the functions, we can highlight the main areas of work of the senior educator:

educational – creating a system for managing the work of specialized specialists, implementing a person-oriented approach to improving their qualifications through determining the individual educational route of each teacher;

research – determining the direction of research work in accordance with the priority area of ​​the kindergarten’s work;

diagnostic – monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process;

informational – providing methodological support in the creation, development, implementation and dissemination of innovations in the teaching staff.

At the Chaika MBDOU there are compensatory groups for children with severe speech impairments, in which special attention is paid to correctional processes.

The success of joint correctional and pedagogical work with children with severe speech impairments largely depends on the properly organized interaction of specialists. Each of them, solving their own problems determined by the educational program, takes part in the formation and consolidation of correct speech skills in children, the development of the sensorimotor sphere, higher mental processes and health promotion.

The content and structure of pedagogical assistance and speech correction largely depends on the diagnosis, recommendations of specialized specialists of the PMPK, the compensatory capabilities of the child, “the zone of his current and immediate development,” and a person-oriented approach.

Therefore, the leading ideas for correctional work with children with severe speech impairments are:

— person-oriented interaction of specialists on an integrated basis;

— individualization of correctional and developmental activities;

— taking into account the compensatory and potential capabilities of the child;

— integration of methods of correctional and developmental education, efforts and capabilities of parents and teachers

All specialists work under the guidance of a senior educator and speech therapist, who organize their interaction in the correctional pedagogical process.

Individual work as a speech therapist teacher is carried out in the following areas:

· Development of the articulatory apparatus,

· Formation of correct sound pronunciation (pronunciation of impaired sounds, automation of sounds, differentiation of sounds),

· Development of speech breathing,

· Development of motor skills,

Development of auditory attention and memory,

· Development of visual perception,

· Development of phonemic processes (phonemic hearing, phonemic perception),

· Work on the syllable structure of the word,

· Development of the lexical side of speech (familiarity with new words, specification, formation of generalizing functions of words)

· Improving the grammatical structure of speech,

· Development of coherent speech and verbal communication.

The senior teacher draws up a schedule of individual lessons with children, and the speech therapist draws up a thematic lesson plan on the formation of the phonemic aspect of speech (frontal and subgroup lessons). In the process of individual correctional work, the child’s speech development is monitored for further adjustment of the pedagogical and correctional activities of the speech therapist.

Monitoring of the speech development of children with severe speech impairments is carried out according to the methodological complex of the N.V. program. Beggar. The monitoring results are entered into the table and speech profile. On this basis, the child’s individual educational route is adjusted. A speech therapist monitors speech development to adjust their activities two to three times a year (primary, intermediate monitoring - at the request of parents, final at the end of the school year).

The senior educator assists the speech therapist in organizing interaction, carries out coordination activities, monitors the results of the work done and analyzes them. The activities of a teacher-psychologist include comprehensive psychological support for children in the educational process. The realization of this goal is possible only with close interaction between a teacher-speech therapist and an educational psychologist in the development (correction) of speech and extra-speech mental processes and functions.

The activities of a teacher-psychologist are aimed at:

• creating an environment of psychological support for children with speech disorders;

• development of memory, attention, thinking, spatial orientation;

· development of cognitive processes directly related to speech;

• improving fine motor skills;

• development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing;

• development of hand-eye coordination;

• development of arbitrariness and self-control skills, volitional qualities;

• activation of practiced vocabulary;

• relieving anxiety in children with a negative attitude towards speech therapy sessions;

• ensuring psychological readiness for schooling;

• improving the psychological culture of parents and teachers.

Despite the natural differences in functional responsibilities, the general logic of constructing the correctional educational process is visible in the tasks of the speech therapist and educational psychologist.

A pedagogical psychologist and a speech therapist teacher have the opportunity to provide assistance to both each child and a group of children with speech defects: monitor the development process;

engage in deep and comprehensive preventive, correctional and developmental work with children of a certain age;

provide individual support to those who need it.

In addition, with joint activities, it becomes possible to carry out methodological work and develop projects that have an impact on the educational environment of the Institution as a whole. Thus, the coordination of the actions of a speech therapist and a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution makes it possible to effectively correct existing speech development disorders, which helps the child easily adapt to the preschool environment, develop and learn successfully. A teacher-psychologist systematically monitors the study of the level of interpersonal relationships in children's groups: a sociometric survey in the form of a game “Who will I take with me...”

Based on the results of monitoring conducted by narrow specialists, the senior educator analyzes the activities of specialists, outlines ways to solve problems that have arisen in the organization of correctional work, and at pedagogical councils, according to the analysis presented, teachers plan correctional work and make adjustments to the current activities of specialists in each area. The results of the monitoring system are a guideline for teachers to build educational activities with students:

- individual work,

— optimization of work with a group of students

The work of a compensatory group teacher is closely intertwined with the work of a speech therapist. Sometimes it precedes speech therapy sessions, providing the necessary cognitive and motivational basis for the formation of correct speech.

In other cases, the teacher consolidates the results achieved in speech therapy classes. Here he is completely guided by the methodological instructions of the speech therapist, which are recorded in the notebook of interaction between teachers and speech therapist for each child individually and the entire group as a whole.

The teacher includes in his daily duties monitoring the state of children’s speech activity during each period of education. The teacher controls their speech activity, the correct use of set sounds, practiced grammatical forms, expands vocabulary, improves fine motor skills, and develops basic mental processes. These activities take place not only in special classes, but also throughout the day, during the main regime moments of the Institution. In addition, the teacher manages the process of interaction with the families of the students.

Teachers of compensatory groups for children with severe speech impairments twice a year (September, May) conduct pedagogical diagnostics of the cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic, social and communicative development of preschool children based on the “Diagnostics of the Pedagogical Process” by N.V. Vereshchagina (recommended by the educational program of preschool education for children with severe speech impairments - author N.V. Nishcheva), based on the results of which individual educational routes are adjusted.

Special studies have established that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of subtle differentiated hand movements.

Therefore, it is recommended to stimulate speech development by training finger movements, especially in children with speech pathology. The use of folk games with fingers and teaching children manual labor (making simple toys from natural materials, plasticine) in the “Plasticine Country” circle provides good finger training and creates a favorable emotional background. Classes in the “Rechtsvetik” club contribute to the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech, the development of the ability to listen and understand the content of works of oral folk art, to capture their rhythm, and to increase the speech activity of children.

During classes, the music director works to activate attention, develop musical rhythm, and spatial orientation, which has a beneficial effect on the formation of non-speech functions in children with speech pathology.

The teacher selects and introduces musical therapeutic works into children’s daily lives, listening to which helps normalize the processes of falling asleep and waking up. The use of a musical background in the process of gaming and educational activities increases the performance of children, stimulates their attention, memory, thought processes, and minimizes behavioral and organizational problems.

In logo-rhythmic classes, general and fine motor skills, expressiveness of facial expressions, plastic movements, breathing, and voice are improved. Speech exercises associated with movement do not tire children, but relieve static tension. Presented in a playful way, they help to maintain attention and improve coordination of general movements.

Children with severe speech impairments are often somatically weakened, physically intolerable, and get tired quickly. Sitting for long periods of time has a negative impact on children's health. Therefore, the use of health-saving technologies is an important condition during correctional classes. In addition to traditional physical training sessions, at a certain stage they include: a regime of changing postures, psychological gymnastics, eye gymnastics, exercises for the prevention of flat feet, scoliosis, etc.

At MBDOU "Chaika" serious attention is paid to physical education.

The physical education instructor conducts pedagogical diagnostics 2 times a year: at the beginning of the school year (September) and at the end of the school year (May) - this is testing physical qualities in accordance with the recommendations of V.I. Usakova “Pedagogical control over the physical fitness of preschool children”, based on the results of which, together with the senior teacher, an analysis and adjustment of the activities of the physical education instructor is carried out and appropriate recommendations are entered into the notebook of interaction with narrow specialists. According to the doctor’s recommendations, he doses physical activity, works on coordination of movements, breathing exercises, speech load, and fine motor skills.

Along with general somatic weakness, children with TSD are also characterized by some delay in the development of the motor sphere: their movements are poorly coordinated, the speed and clarity of their execution is reduced. The greatest difficulties are identified when performing movements according to verbal instructions.

The physical education instructor, together with the teacher-speech therapist, is engaged in the improvement of the child’s body, staging diaphragmatic-speech breathing, improving the prosodic components of speech, coordination of basic types of movements, fine motor skills of the hand, on the formation of positive personal qualities in the child’s behavior: sociability, the ability to calculate one’s strength, on developing self-control, courage, determination, responsiveness, etc.

The highest priority forms of interaction between specialists in preschool educational institutions are: teacher councils, consultations, trainings, workshops, business games, round tables, surveys, viewing and analysis of open classes, etc. In the process of such interaction, it is possible to equip employees with theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of correctional pedagogy and psychology, speech therapy. And also to develop the necessary skills, intensify the exchange of information and practical experience, and develop the need for continuous self-education.

Psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations also help create a single, cohesive team and coordinate actions, where current issues of prevention, speech correction, continuity between specialists are discussed, which stimulates speech therapy for routine aspects and the content of other classes.

The system of correctional and developmental activities provides for individual, subgroup and frontal classes, as well as the child’s independent activity in a specially organized spatial-speech environment.

The content of the correctional and developmental process is built taking into account the leading lines of speech development - phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech - and ensures the integration of the child’s speech, cognitive, environmental, artistic and aesthetic development. The implementation of this attitude is ensured by the flexible use of traditional and non-traditional means of development: doll and fairy tale therapy, psycho-gymnastics, articulation, finger and breathing exercises, eye gymnastics, acupressure, music therapy, logorhythmics. At the same time, a gentle regime, an individual approach, goodwill, and pedagogical support come to the fore.

The organization of a correctional and developmental environment consists of creating a comfortable environment that stimulates the child’s speech development. Therefore, in compensatory groups, speech zones are equipped, where there are mirrors for facial and articulatory gymnastics, visual and illustrative material has been selected on lexical topics, main phonetic groups, there are plot pictures for working on phrases, toys for improving diaphragmatic-speech breathing, various aids for manual praxis, visual memory and phonemic awareness and much more.

Based on the teacher’s recommendations, parents also organize corners at home that stimulate children’s speech development, fine motor skills, mental processes, etc. Not even the best program and methodology can guarantee full results if its tasks are not solved with the family. Therefore, at the parent meeting at the beginning of the school year, teachers introduce parents to the main areas of correctional work. During the school year, parents are informed about their children’s achievements in this direction at consultations, individual meetings, and at stands at the parent corner. At the end of the school year, competitions are held jointly with parents for the best physical exercises, breathing exercises, hand massage, and relaxation; open final classes to which parents are invited.

Thus, the full mastery of the native language and the development of linguistic abilities are considered by us as the core of the full formation of the personality of a preschool child. Close interaction between the Institution’s specialists working in compensatory groups for children with severe speech impairments has a positive effect on the quality of work.

System of interaction between specialists, educators and parents in preschool educational institutions

(Experience in implementing an information and pedagogical project)

Educational programs of modern preschool institutions are aimed at the formation and harmonious development of the child’s personality, preparing him for a successful transition to a new social status - the status of a schoolchild. Speaking about the comprehensive development of children, it is impossible not to touch upon the most important, in our opinion, issue of mastering their native language, since speech is the basis of general intellectual development. All mental processes - perception, memory, thinking, imagination, purposeful behavior - develop with the direct participation of speech (L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria, A.V. Zaporozhets, etc.), which means a violation in the formation of one function will inevitably entail a disruption in the development of the other. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify difficulties that have arisen in a timely manner, take all possible measures to eliminate them and prevent the occurrence of deeper deviations.

Our analysis of data from diagnostic examinations of pupils of our preschool educational institution over the past few years has shown that the number of children with a low level of speech development is growing every year. This is also proven by the fact that the number of speech therapy groups exceeds the established norms.

Talking with educators and parents who have children with speech disorders, we found out that in many cases, difficulties in mastering the sound culture of speech and mastering the norms and rules of the Russian language were noted in children already under the age of 4 years. The activities of a teacher, no matter how highly qualified he was, in this case were not enough. And parents followed the popular belief that you need to see a specialist after 5 years and patiently waited for the child to reach this age. Other mothers simply did not notice any difficulties in their baby, and if they did notice, they believed that over time “everything will pass.”

Thus, having summarized long-term observations and studied the literature, we came to the conclusion that the main reasons for the increase in the number of children with speech disorders and, accordingly, mental processes are the following:

— insufficient level of parental competence in matters of child development: norms and pathologies, their causes and prevention;

- an imbalance of family education in matters of speech and intelligence development, manifested either in its intensification (advancement) or in an indifferent attitude towards it.

— a significant reduction in the volume of “live” communication between adults and children;

— inconsistency of uniform requirements for the speech of children in kindergarten and family.

In this regard, the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions is faced with the problem of organizing close cooperation of all adults surrounding the child, and creating such psychological and pedagogical conditions that would contribute to his full intellectual development. One of the options for solving this problem was the implementation of the project we developed “System of interaction between specialists, educators and parents in preschool educational institutions.” Implementation period - one academic year, participants - teaching staff , parents, children 4-5 years old, since this age is the most sensitive for pedagogical influence.

The goal of this project is to create a unified educational environment that will facilitate the maximum development of children’s potential, as well as the prevention and overcoming of identified violations.

We assign a particularly important role in this project to the family, since this is the natural space (speech, educational, developmental) that surrounds the baby from the moment of his birth and has a decisive influence on his comprehensive development.

Involving parents as allies, we organized a parent club “Growing and Developing Together.” We interact with families within the framework of the club’s work in the following areas (Appendix 1):

— we introduce parents to the results of diagnostics of the child’s psychophysical development;

— we study parental social and psychological attitudes, form an adequate position in relation to the child’s problems;

— we introduce parents to the content of the events;

— we teach parents specific methods and techniques for conducting correctional classes with the child, adequate ways of behavior and communication with him;

— we provide practical assistance in case of difficulties;

— we monitor the results of the activities carried out and determine further prospects.

When organizing meetings, we use various forms: seminars - workshops, trainings, round tables, interviews with the participation of specialists (physical education instructor, music director, medical specialists). At the final meeting we discuss the results of the club’s work and its effectiveness in addressing issues of child upbringing and development.

We provide feedback from the “teacher-parent” system through keeping individual diaries called “Mom’s Cheat Sheet.” This is a practical guide for parents, which contains theoretical information about the characteristics of the child’s development, offers games and exercises for the child’s development and correction of identified deficiencies. While studying at home with the baby, the mother notes in her diary the difficulties or, conversely, his successes. Next, we analyze the records, discuss them with parents, and write down specific recommendations for further work. Experience shows that this form of relationship is accessible, interesting to parents and, most importantly, effective in solving common problems.

The performance criteria, in our opinion, are:

— high attendance by parents at all planned meetings,

- parents’ use of the proposed materials when working with children,

- positive assessment of the family and feedback on further cooperation with the preschool institution.

Thanks to the establishment of trusting partnerships between all participants in the process during the implementation of the project in the 2009-2010 academic year, we received the following results: we were able to successfully contribute not only to the improvement of general speech development, but also to overcome disorders of attention, memory, thinking, motor skills, and behavior in the child , solve many intrapersonal conflicts and problems of parents, create a favorable psycho-emotional climate in families of children with speech disorders, and form friendly child-parent relationships.

Thus, we were convinced that no pedagogical system can be effective if the family is not involved in it, and, taking into account the positive experience in this direction, we decided to use this form of work permanently.

Annex 1

Work plan of the parent club “Growing and developing together”

Stage, goalSubjects, meanstermresult
I. Familiarization
Purpose: to study the characteristics of the child’s development, the level of competence of parents in matters of his speech development.
Goal: collecting data on the early development of the child, the conditions of his upbringing
SeptemberList of children at risk
Interviews based on the results of the survey.
Goal: obtaining more accurate and complete data about the family and child; study of parental social and psychological attitudes.
I half
Determining priority areas and forms of work with parents and children
Theoretical Goal: psychological and pedagogical education of parents in matters of intellectual development of the child
Lecture with training elements “Age-related characteristics of speech and mental development of children 4-5 years old.
Goal: to familiarize parents with the norms and pathologies of child development at this age stage
II half of OctoberIncreasing the level of parental knowledge about the norms and pathologies of speech and mental development; interest in overcoming identified violations.
Individual consultation:
- How to monitor a child;

— Child-parent relationships as conditions for the full development of the child;

-Causes of problems in speech development and ways to solve them.

Goal: developing an adequate position in relation to the child’s problems

I half of November
Practical Goal: to provide assistance in mastering practical methods of speech development.
Round table “Types of work in the correction of speech disorders” (psychologist, speech therapist)
Purpose: training parents in specific methods and techniques for conducting correctional classes with their child.
II NovemberThe manifestation of parental activity in events;
mastering practical skills; working with “Mom’s crib sheet”.
Interviews with specialists:
— Articulatory apparatus and the sound side of the child’s speech;

— Development of speech and thinking activity;

— The relationship between motor and speech development.

Individual workshops on the development of articulatory, general and fine motor skills and mental processes.

Goal: training parents in adequate ways of behavior and communication with their child; assistance in overcoming difficulties encountered during practical exercises.

November, December, January
Reflective Goal: identifying parents’ difficulties in the practical application of acquired knowledge and possible ways to overcome them
Lecture hall “Let's talk.
Let's listen. We hear." Goal: to focus parents’ attention on the fact that communication is based on the ability to listen and hear each other.
FebruaryReplenishment of “Mom’s crib sheet” with individual recommendations.
Practical dialogues:
- Our achievements;

— Prospects for the future.

Goal: tracking the results of the activities carried out and determining future prospects.

Open Day;
Family holiday "Talkers".

Goal: to attract parents to participate in active forms of working with children.

Individual interviews:
— Your child’s successes and difficulties;

- Right wrong;

— Formation of the psychological basis of a child’s speech.

Goal: identifying the child’s individual achievements; recommendations for further work.

March April May
Practical activities with the child: communication, support of speech development.
Goal: involving parents in consolidating acquired skills and abilities
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