GCD summary. "Cognitive Development". Introduction to the natural world Topic: “Different flowers”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Synopsis of GCD in the senior group. Theme "Flowers". Author: Sivoldaeva Irina Vasilievna Educational
How to draw fireworks for Victory Day (more than 50 ideas for May 9)
Greetings! I am happy to support the patriotic theme of Victory Day. Already sewn for this great holiday
Outdoor games of different nations of the world card index on the topic
“Twelve Sticks” One of the varieties of hide and seek, but with an interesting complication. Before the game starts, participants
Maslenitsa: history, customs and traditions of the holiday, grade 2, part 2
Project on the topic: “Maslenitsa: history, customs and traditions of the holiday” for 2nd grade Project goal:
Girl with a watering can
Using problematic situations in environmental education of preschool children
The use of problematic situations in the environmental education of preschool children Bibliographic description: Ayvazyan, A. G. The use of problematic situations
Joint play activities of parents and children (from work experience)
Types of joint activities of children with parents Types of joint activities of children with parents.  Organization
Card index of didactic games on labor education for preschoolers
Work clothes For the lesson you need paper cut-out images of a boy and a girl, different types
Daytime nap in preschool. Requirements for the organization and features of the implementation. (consultation for educators)
The importance of routine moments in the organization of preschool children The nature of games, the tasks they solve,
Educational methods of influencing an adult on the consciousness and behavior of children
Methods of preschool education. TOP 5 alternatives to the classical approach
Today there are a huge number of different methods and systems for preschool development and upbringing of a child.
THEMATIC MODULE “All professions are needed, all professions are important” Topic: “Profession firefighter”
Career growth At the end of each year, unit commanders prepare lists of employees heading for retraining,
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