Tamara Komarova - Classes in visual arts in the middle group of kindergarten. Lesson notes. Page 17
Preliminary work with children, discussion of the topic Before moving on to the main part of the task,
Children's outdoor game "Mousetrap" for preschool age
Outdoor games “Mice dance in a round dance”, “Cat and mouse”, “Mousetrap”
Rules of the game Cat and Mice Choosing a presenter and driver: it is more advisable to act as a presenter
Card index of ecology experiments for senior preschool age
Card file of experiences and experiments in ecology Card file of experiments and experiments in ecology (in senior
Summary of the OD lesson in the middle group “Space flight”
Progress of the conversation: Guys, have you ever looked at the sky? What did you see there? People have long
Fine motor skills of the hands in children 3, 4 and 5 years old - developmental features
IMPORTANCE OF FINE MOTOR SKILLS Fine motor skills of the hands are a unity of coordinated manipulations that are aimed at
girl and doll
Development of subject activity and cognitive abilities. Games and activities for young children
How to draw a picture for Cosmonautics Day for kindergarten and school
Beautiful drawings on the theme of space using the grattage technique. Using this unusual technique you can
Pedagogical project “Your home speech therapist”
Speech therapy project “When we play, we study, speak and understand”
PROJECT “SPEECH GAMES” I. stage - pre-phonemic II. stage – phonemic Pre-phonemic stage On
musical education for children
Design and equipment of a music corner in preschool groups; methodological development on the topic
The goals of creating a music corner in a preschool educational institution are to instill and improve individual abilities
Drawing lesson in the middle group on the theme of berries
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes. The purpose of this lesson: Cultivating children’s love for arts and crafts
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