Pets Summary of GCD for children of the middle group (from 4 to 5 years old)
LiveInternetLiveInternet Quote from Tatyana57 Read in full To your quote book or community! SPEECH DEVELOPMENT. LEXICAL TOPIC
Summary of an integrated lesson in a speech therapy group of senior preschool age “Journey to a fairytale forest” using ICT (interactive multimedia presentation)
Integrated and comprehensive classes Integrated training allows you to see and understand any phenomenon holistically, in
How to methodically correctly prepare an open lesson on familiarization with the environment in kindergarten
Goals and objectives of open classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world in kindergarten Contents
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“Organization of work with a disabled child in a preschool setting” (from work experience) methodological development (senior group) on the topic
In Russia, there has been a law for more than 7 years, according to which kindergartens must create a special
Counting books for children
Card index of rhymes for organizing outdoor games with preschoolers
A long time ago, in the old days, adults used counting rhymes to fairly distribute responsibilities among each other. However
How to teach a child to swim: exercises for children and tips for parents
345 230 Summer is coming. This means that many people have a long-awaited vacation just around the corner.
DIY stand: step-by-step description of the creation process and unusual design ideas for kindergarten and school
The presence of a brightly decorated stand in itself attracts attention. In addition, it allows you to
Project “Joint creative activity of children and their parents in the educational process”
Project “Joint creative activity of children and their parents in the educational process” MUDO Center for Additional Education
preparing hands for writing for preschoolers
“Pre-school time”: a year before school. Preparing your hand for writing
If you are the parent of a preschooler, you have probably already thought about starting school. How to help
Teaching aid: Lapbook “Fun Math”
What is a lapbook? A lapbook is the newest way to organize educational activities with preschoolers. This
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