Card index of experiences and experiments for children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old)
Text of the book “Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten. Lesson Plans"
Training for teachers “Formula of a good mood”
Training for teachers “Formula of a good mood” Training for teachers “Formula of a good mood” Training objectives:
Summary of a modeling lesson on the topic “butterfly on a leaf.” Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic: Summary of a lesson with children of the senior group
Every insect is busy, wants its own good and life. Master class. Modeling insects. Author: Chepeleva Tatyana
Research project “The Amazing Properties of Water”
History of studying the properties of water The origins of ancient philosophy say that everything is in nature
Forms and methods of work to develop a healthy lifestyle in children
Program for developing the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children 4) Personal and professional growth,
Report on the road safety week “I am a pedestrian”
“Traffic rules week in 4th grade” deepening students’ knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the road
Final open lesson in mathematics for the senior group.
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of the final lesson in the senior group on FEMP “In search of a naughty girl” Organization
Methods and techniques of teaching. Design training in the first and second junior groups of kindergarten
Card file on experimental activities for the preparatory group card file (preparatory group)
Card index of experiences and experiments in the preparatory group Soil Experiment “What soil is made of” Show,
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