Application of migratory birds for manual labor classes in the senior group of kindergarten using various materials and step-by-step instructions
After the walk, the teacher seats the children at tables and shows them a craft - this is an applique
Learning and remembering
Summary of a mathematics lesson in the senior group “Entertaining mathematics”
Why it is necessary to teach mathematics in kindergarten Mathematics in kindergarten helps young smart people
Formalities in kindergarten
How to draw up minutes of parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten
Instructional and methodological letter on the preparation of minutes of parent meetings In accordance with the uniform requirements for registration
Modeling flowers goal. Flowers as a theme for children's modeling classes. Theme: “Fairytale flower”
Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group on the topic “Flowers - unprecedented beauty”
Summary of a comprehensive lesson on application. Topic: “Here is a road crossing, be careful pedestrian”
Volumetric traffic lights made from scrap materials If you show imagination and ingenuity, you can do it without
Photo 3. Registration.
Summary of a role-playing game in the middle group for children with visual impairments Topic: “Hospital”
Role-playing game “Everyone on a visit to the medical office” September 16, 2015 Competition “Pedagogical Album”
Let's learn how to draw Gorodets painting step by step - why it's simple, interesting and accessible. Master class explaining each stage of painting
The craft that arose in the city of Gorodets, Nizhny Novgorod province, became one of the main assets of folk art.
Consultation for educators. Working with children in the flower garden and vegetable garden
We planted a vegetable garden, look what’s growing! Natalya Grigorievna Konovalova, teacher of MBDOU No. 27, Uglegorsk,
Educational activity “Migratory birds in spring” lesson plan on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic
Summary of an educational lesson in a senior group on the topic: Birds in spring Lesson in a senior group
Nikitin's methodology and educational games
Developmental activities for children according to B.P. Nikitina
There is one wonderful Japanese proverb that Nikitin followed. It sounds like this: “Tell me, and
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