ISO. Visual activities in kindergarten in the middle group

Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

Experience in “Using improvised materials in art activities with children 4–5 years old”

Description of methodological development (passport)

Master class
(from work experience)
1. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution,
kindergarten No. 22, Yeisk, Yeisk municipal district 2. Educator: Mohammed Lyubov Borisovna first category 3. Age...
Using visual arts to form the foundations of road safety for younger preschoolers Topic: “The use of visual arts to form the foundations of road safety for younger preschoolers.” “The most precious thing a person has is life”

, wrote Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky. And the life of a child is doubly precious because he is still doing...

Long-term planning of OA in the secondary drawing group

Kryvoruchko Larisa

Long-term planning of OA in the secondary drawing group

(T. S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”


No. Topic Program content Materials Literature

1 According to the plan “Draw a picture about summer”

Teach children
to reflect their impressions ways Strengthen the techniques of painting with a brush , the ability to hold a brush correctly, rinse it in water, and dry it on a cloth. Encourage drawing of different objects in accordance with the content of the drawing. Paper, gouache, brushes, jars of water, rags (napkins)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 23

2 “Apples are ripe on the apple tree”

Continue to learn how
to draw a tree , conveying its characteristic features: the trunk, long and short branches diverging from it. Learn to convey the image of a fruit tree in a drawing. Reinforce drawing techniques with pencils . Learn a quick technique for drawing foliage . Lead children to an emotional aesthetic assessment of their work. Colored pencils, paper, landscape-sized paper (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 25-26


"Beautiful flowers"

Develop observation skills and the ability to choose an object to depict.
Learn to depict parts of a plant in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush and paints , hold the brush correctly, rinse it well and dry it. Improve your ability to look at pictures and choose the best ones. Develop aesthetic perception. Induce a feeling of pleasure and joy from the created image. A-4 paper in white or any light color, gouache of different colors (3-4 colors for each table), brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)

T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 27-28


“Colored balls (round and oval)

» Continue to introduce techniques for depicting oval and round objects.
Learn to compare these forms and highlight their differences. Learn to convey the distinctive features of round and oval shapes in a drawing. Strengthen your painting skills. Practice your ability to paint by lightly touching the pencil to the paper. Cultivate the desire to achieve good results. Balloons of round and oval shape. Pencils, album sheets (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 30-31


"Gold autumn"

Teach children to depict autumn.
Practice the ability to draw a tree , trunk, thin branches, autumn foliage. Strengthen technical skills in painting with paints (dip the brush with all its bristles into a jar of paint, remove an extra drop on the edge of the jar, rinse the brush well in water before adding another paint, blot it on a soft cloth or paper napkin, etc.). Lead to figurative transmission of phenomena. Foster independence and creativity. Induce a feeling of joy from bright, beautiful drawings. Landscape sheets, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 31-32


"Fairytale Tree"

Teach children to create a fairy-tale image in a drawing.

Practice the ability to convey the correct structure of a tree. Learn to paint.

Develop imagination, creativity, speech. Pencils, landscape paper (for each child)

. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 33

7 Decorative drawing “Apron decoration”

Teach children to make a simple pattern from elements of folk ornament on a strip of paper.
Develop color perception. Several aprons made of smooth fabric with trim. Gouache paints.
silhouettes of aprons
(for each child)
pre-cut by the teacher from white or colored (plain) . T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
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"Testicles are simple and golden"

To consolidate knowledge of the oval shape, the concepts of
Continue teaching the technique of drawing an oval shape . Practice the ability to carefully paint over drawings. Lead to figurative expression of content. Develop imagination. Gouache white and yellow; sheets of blue, gray or any other light-colored paper, brushes, a jar of water, napkins (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 36-37


"By design"

Teach children to independently choose the theme of their drawing, bring their plans to completion, hold a pencil correctly, and paint over small parts of the drawing.
Develop creativity and imagination. White landscape paper, colored pencils (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
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10 Decorative drawing “Sweater decoration”

Strengthen the ability to decorate a piece of clothing using lines, strokes, dots, circles and other familiar elements;
decorate clothes cut out of paper with decorated stripes. Learn to select colors according to the color of the sweater. Develop aesthetic perception, independence, initiative. Sweaters cut out of thick paper in different colors; strips of paper to fit the size of the cuffs, neckline, elastic band of the sweater; gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
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"Little Dwarf"

Teach children to convey in a drawing the image of a little man - a forest gnome, making up an image from simple parts: a round head, a cone-shaped shirt, a triangular cap, straight arms, while observing the ratio in size in a simplified form.
Strengthen the ability to draw with paints and brushes . Provide figurative assessments of finished work. Gnome (voluminous, made of paper. Landscape paper, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
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"Fish swim in an aquarium"

Teach children to depict fish swimming in different directions;
correctly convey their shape, tail, fins. Strengthen the ability to draw with a brush and paints , using strokes of a different nature. Foster independence and creativity. Learn to mark expressive images. Toy fish of different shapes and sizes. Landscape sheets or sheets of paper of round or oval shape (aquarium)
watercolor paints diluted to a light shade (blue, light green, etc.)
colored wax crayons, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 43-44


"Who lives in which house"

“Who has what house”
) Develop ideas about where insects, birds, dogs and other living creatures live.
Learn to create images of objects consisting of rectangular, square, triangular parts (birdhouse, beehive, kennel, booth)
. Talk about how a person cares for animals.
Landscape-sized paper, colored pencils (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
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"Snow Maiden"

Teach children to portray the Snow Maiden in a fur coat
(the fur coat is widened downward, arms from the shoulders)
Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush and paints , apply one paint to another after drying, when decorating a fur coat, rinse the brush cleanly and dry it by blotting it on a cloth or napkin. Snow Maiden toy. Rectangular sheets of paper of different soft tones, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
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"New Year's Greeting Cards"

Teach children to independently determine the content of the drawing and depict what is intended.
painting techniques (use paints correctly, rinse the brush well and dry it)
Foster initiative and independence. To develop aesthetic feelings, imagination, the desire to please loved ones, a positive emotional response to a self-created image. Postcards about winter, Christmas tree, and New Year's holiday that are accessible in content. Landscape sheets, paints, gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

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Middle group .
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"Our decorated Christmas tree"

Teach children to convey the image of a New Year tree in a drawing.
To develop the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches lengthening downward. Learn to use paints of different colors, carefully apply one paint to another only after drying. Lead to an emotional assessment of the work. Cause a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings. Sheets of white (or any soft tone)
paper, gouache of different colors, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin
(for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 50

17 “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”

Learn to convey a simple plot in a drawing, highlighting the main thing.
Learn to draw a Christmas tree with branches elongated at the bottom. Strengthen the ability to draw with paints .
Develop figurative perception, figurative ideas; the desire to create a beautiful drawing and give an emotional assessment. Sheets of white paper, gouache paints dark green, light green and dark brown; brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)

. T. S. Komarova

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Middle group .
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18 "Spreading Tree"

Teach children to use different pressure on a pencil to draw a tree with thick and thin branches.
Cultivate the desire to achieve good results. Develop imaginative perception, imagination, creativity. Landscape-sized paper, 3M graphite pencils (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
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19 “Draw whatever toy you want”

Develop the ability to conceive the content of a drawing, create an image, conveying the shape of the parts.
Strengthen drawing skills with paints . Learn to look at pictures, choose the ones you like, and explain what you like. Foster independence. Develop creativity, imagination, and the ability to talk about the created image. Form a positive emotional attitude towards the created drawings. Landscape sheets, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 56


Decorative drawing “Decoration of a handkerchief”
(Based on Dymkovo paintings)
Introduce painting of Dymkovo toys (young ladies, learn to highlight the elements of the pattern
(straight lines, intersecting lines, dots and strokes)
. Learn to evenly cover the sheet with merged lines (vertical and horizontal, in the resulting cells put strokes, dots and other elements. Develop a sense of rhythm, composition, color. Dymkovo young ladies. Gouache paints (on different tables of different colors, square sheets of paper 18/18 cm, brushes, jars of water, napkins
(for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

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Middle group .
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“Let’s decorate the strip with flags”

Strengthen children's ability
to draw rectangular objects and create the simplest rhythm of images. Practice the ability to carefully paint over a drawing using the technique shown. Develop aesthetic feelings; sense of rhythm and composition. Landscape sheets cut in half horizontally; colored pencils (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
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"The girl is dancing"

Teach children
to draw a human figure , conveying the simplest relationships in size: small head, large body;
the girl is wearing a dress. Learn to depict simple movements (for example, a raised hand, hands on a belt, reinforce painting techniques with paints (smooth continuous lines in one direction, felt-tip pens, colored crayons. Encourage imaginative evaluation of images. Illustrations depicting a dancing girl. Gouache, white paper the size of an album sheet , gouache paints, brushes (felt-tip pens, crayons, jars of water, napkins (for each child)

. T. S. Komarova

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Middle group .
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"Beautiful Bird"

Teach children
to draw a bird , an advanced body shape (oval, parts, beautiful plumage. Practice drawing with paints , brushes. Develop figurative perception, imagination. Expand ideas about beauty, figurative ideas. Colored pencils (colored wax crayons or felt-tip pens, landscape-sized paper (for each child)
T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group ,
pp. 61-62


Decorative drawing “Decorate your toys”

Develop aesthetic perception.
Continue to introduce Dymkovo toys, teach them to note their characteristic features, and highlight the elements of the pattern: circles, rings, dots, stripes. Strengthen children's understanding of the bright, elegant, festive colors of toys. Reinforce brush painting . Landscape sheets, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 62-63

25 "Beautiful flowers bloomed"

Teach children
to draw beautiful flowers , using a variety of shaping movements, working with a brush and its end. Develop aesthetic senses (children should carefully choose paint color, sense of rhythm, ideas of beauty. Drawing paper in yellow and green tones the size of an album sheet, gouache paints of different colors, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T.S. Komarova

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Middle group .
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26 Decorative drawing “Let’s decorate the doll’s dress”

Teach children to make a pattern from familiar elements
(stripes, dots, circles)
Develop creativity, aesthetic perception, imagination. Dresses cut out of white or colored paper; gouache paints. Brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 68-69

27 “The little goats ran out for a walk on the green meadow”

Continue teaching children
to draw four-legged animals.
Reinforce the knowledge that all four-legged animals have an oval body. Learn to compare animals, see what is common and what is different. convey fabulous images. Develop imaginative ideas, imagination, creativity. Learn to convey fairy-tale images. Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush and paints. Baby goat toy (or illustration)

Sheets of A4 paper in green tone, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

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Middle group .
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28 “How we played the outdoor game “Homeless Hare”

Develop children's imagination.

to convey the plot of the game and images of animals in a drawing
using expressive means (shape, position of an object in space) Continue to develop interest in a variety of creative activities. Sheets of A4 paper in light green, light yellow or gray; gouache paints in white and light gray, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

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Middle group .
Page 71

29 "Fairytale house-teremok"

Teach children to convey the image of a fairy tale in a drawing.
To develop imaginative ideas, imagination, independence and creativity in depicting and decorating a fairy-tale house. Improve decoration techniques. Colored pencils (or crayons, square sheets of paper, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 72-73

30 "My lovely sun"

Develop figurative ideas and imagination of children.
Reinforce previously learned drawing and coloring techniques. Square (20/20 cm)
sheets of paper (you can take lightly tinted paper, gouache paints or colored greasy pastels, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin
(for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 74-75

31 "Your favorite doll"

Teach children to create an image of their favorite toy in a drawing.
Strengthen the ability to convey the shape, location of parts of the human figure, their relative size. Continue learning to draw large , on the entire sheet. Practice drawing and painting . Continue to learn to look at pictures and justify your choice. Landscape-sized paper, colored pencils (12 colors, colored wax crayons or markers (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 75-76

32 "The house where you live"

Teach children
to draw a big house , convey the rectangular shape of the walls, rows of windows. Develop the ability to complement the image based on impressions of the surrounding life. Encourage children to want to look at their drawings and express their attitude towards them. Light gray paper, gouache in soft shades and, for additions, brown and green. yellow; brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

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Middle group .
Page 77

33 "Festively decorated house"

Learn to convey impressions of a festive city in a drawing.

Strengthen the ability to draw a house and decorate it with flags and colored lights. Practice drawing and painting by overlaying

colors on color. Develop imaginative perception. Learn to choose colorful, expressive drawings when analyzing finished works, and talk about them. Gouache paints (felt pens, wax crayons, white or any pale paper, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child)

. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 79-80

34 "Planes fly through the clouds"

Teach children to draw airplanes flying through the clouds using different pressure on the pencil.
Develop figurative perception, figurative ideas. Induce a positive emotional attitude towards the created drawings. Landscape-sized paper, colored pencils (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

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Middle group .
Page 80

35 “Draw a picture about spring”

Teach children to convey impressions of spring in drawings.
Develop the ability to successfully position an image on a sheet of paper. Practice painting with paints (rinse the brush well, dry it, add paint to the brush as needed). A sheet of A4 paper or a little larger, gouache paints 7-8 colors, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

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Middle group .
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36 “Draw whatever picture you want”

Teach children to think about the content of their drawings and bring their ideas to completion.
Foster independence and creativity. Gouache paints, paper of any soft tone, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

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Middle group .
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37 " Painting feathers for the tail of a fairytale bird"

Develop aesthetic perception, imaginative ideas, creativity.
Continue to form a positive emotional attitude towards visual arts and the works created; a friendly attitude towards the work of peers. Reinforce drawing with different materials (felt-tip pens, thick pastels, paints, colored wax crayons)
Feathers cut out of paper by the teacher (length 15 cm)

a center line marked in pencil , felt-tip pens, thick pastels, colored wax crayons, paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child)
. T. S. Komarova

“Art activities in kindergarten”

Middle group .
Page 83

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