Entertainment in the preparatory group “Our Friendly Family”

Children parents joint competitions: for mothers and children at school

  1. What were you doing there? – Mothers who sit with their backs to the audience have signs attached to their backs (zoo, dentist’s office, basement, etc.). Next, the child asks questions to which the parent must answer negatively or affirmatively. The task is to guess the place.
  2. Miss Lips - Blindfolded mothers apply lipstick to their daughters. They leave an imprint of their lips on the paper, after which they are given funny titles like “Miss Sugar Lips.”
  3. Questions and answers – mothers and children are asked questions. They must write down their answers on pieces of paper. The pair with the most matches wins.
  4. Dress up - daughters dress up toys, and mothers guess which toy their child dressed up.
  5. Balloons - mother and child stand opposite each other and blow on the ball so that it flies either to the mother or to the child. The ball must not fall to the floor. The couple that lasts the longest advances to the finals.

There are a lot of competitions for the entertainment of mothers and children. They help bring children and parents together and feel like one team.

Children parents joint competitions: middle group of kindergarten

  1. Masks - mothers sit on chairs, their faces are covered with masks of mice and cats. The child must find his mother.
  2. Portrait – children draw portraits of their mothers and lay them out on the table. Mothers must find their child's drawing.
  3. Pass the balloon - you need to use a broom to pass the balloon between the pins. The child completes the task, then the mother.
  4. We cook together - the mother is given the recipe for the dish, she dictates to the child what to do. He cooks with toy products on toy dishes.
  5. Puzzle - photographs of mothers are cut into several parts. The child needs to complete the puzzle faster than others. Moms can be helped.

Joint participation in the competition: junior kindergarten group

  1. Forfeits - the mother takes out a forfeit note, reads it, and the child completes the task that is written there.
  2. Mom and cartoon - mothers guess from which cartoon the fragment is shown (or photos of the characters are shown). Children can only guess the first letter.
  3. Fruit – mothers and children guess what kind of fruit is in the bag by tasting it by touch.
  4. Whoever has the most - the mother holds the hoop, and the child throws as many balloons into the hoop as possible.
  5. Dress the baby - mothers with their eyes closed try to dress the doll. Children should do the same.

Children parents joint competitions: senior group of kindergarten

  1. Festive dinner - the child must feed the mother a banana using a teaspoon. The mother's hands are on her knees; she should not help the child.
  2. Scene - a mini-scene is handed out on cards that needs to be shown. For example, “My daughter is sick,” “Mom is trying to feed the child porridge, which she doesn’t like,” etc. The main condition is that children and parents change places in the skit, the child takes on the role of an adult, and the adults become children.
  3. Help me get my mom ready - mom on the chair, hands on her knees. Nearby on the table are beads, a hat, a comb, keys, a bag, and a toy phone. Mom needs to get ready for work: brush her hair, put on beads and a hat, put her keys and phone in her bag.
  4. Beads - the child, together with his mother, needs to string the pasta onto a thread within a certain time.
  5. Golden hands - mothers should make an outfit for the child from a scarf, bows and a scarf. A dressed child walks like a model, showing off his outfit.
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