Entertaining competition program “Hello, it’s time for autumn!”

Fall of Desires

Each guest writes on a piece of paper his wish for this evening, for example: I want to be kissed; I want to be made to laugh; I want to see the focus; I want to be hugged; I want them to dance with me and so on. At the end of the wish, the guest must sign up. The host collects all the leaves with wishes and, on the count of 3, throws them into the hall, and each of the guests at this time must catch one leaf from the fall of wishes. Then each guest reads the wish and the name of who this wish belongs to, and then fulfills it. It will turn out to be an interesting game that will bring the children closer together and, of course, have fun.

Competition program for grades 1-4 “Golden Autumn”

Competition program for grades 1-4 “Golden Autumn”


: organization of educational leisure for schoolchildren.
• expand your horizons, enrich your vocabulary • develop acting skills, speech • develop communication skills • create an emotionally joyful holiday atmosphere


on the tables: cards with the names of the autumn months
2 black opaque bags with vegetables and fruits, clean potatoes and 2 buckets, blindfolds according to the number of participants, 2 umbrellas and 2 glasses of water, 2 stools, an exhibition of drawings on an autumn theme, multi-colored balls, a poster “Sad time - the charm of the eyes!”

Progress of the event Participants - students of grades 1-4 are divided into 2 teams. Each team has some sign of autumn on their clothes.

The music is playing - the calm, slightly sad melody of “Autumn Waltz”. Gradually it calms down. The presenters come out.

1 presenter.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm! I am pleased with your farewell beauty. I love the lush wilting of nature, the forests dressed in crimson and gold... this is how A.S. Pushkin once expressed his admiration for the autumn nature. And I wanted to express my feelings in the words of the great poet.

2 presenter.

And I would like to continue with the words of another famous Russian writer and poet Ivan Alekseevich Bunin:

The forest, like a painted tower, purple, golden, crimson, stands like a cheerful, motley wall above a bright clearing...

1 presenter.

Autumn invited us to her ball Today, so that no one would be late, Autumn asked.

2 presenter.

And here we are, the hall is sparkling, faces are warmed with warmth, The time has come to open our ball and spin in the dance.

Dance with umbrellas.

The jury is selected.

Competition 1:
Guess the autumn month”
1 presenter

: How many autumn months are there in total? My assistants will help us find the answer to this question.

On the tables of each team there are cards with the names of the months “September, October, November.” You need to pick up a card with the name of the month mentioned in the riddle.

2 presenter

: Following August comes, It dances with the falling leaves And it is rich in harvest, We, of course, know it!
(September) 1 presenter
: Our Queen, Autumn, We will ask you together: Tell your children your secret, Who is your second servant?
(October) 2nd presenter
: Who doesn’t let warmth in to us, Who scares us with the first snow?
Who is calling the cold to us, Do you know? Of course yes! (November) 1 presenter
: I wonder if you can guess the riddles about autumn?

Competition 2

Each team is given pieces of paper with riddles, and the answers are written down.


1. I came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn). 2. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles (Wind). 3. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Leaf) 4. They ask and wait for me, but when I come, they hide (Rain). 5. There is a hat but without a head, there is a leg, but without shoes (mushroom).

6. I am like the sun, and I love the sun, I turn my head behind the sun. (Sunflower)


What was dug out of the ground, fried, boiled?

What did we bake in ashes, eat and praise? (potato)

8. Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking, no eyes, but crying (cloud)

9. Large, frequent frequent, watered the whole earth (rain)

10.A white canvas hung over the river, over the valley (fog)

11. Green branches grew in the garden bed, and on them were red babies (tomatoes)

12. There was a child - he didn’t know diapers, he became an old man with a hundred diapers on him (cabbage)

13. He stands thoughtfully in a yellow crown, the freckles on his round face darken. (sunflower)

14. In haymaking it is bitter, but in frost it is sweet. What kind of berry? (Rowan)

15. It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, dies in the fall, comes to life in the spring (forest)

16. In the fall it will climb into the crack, and in the spring it will wake up (fly)

17. First the wedge, then the pancake, the water flowing doesn’t matter to him (umbrella)

2 presenter:

Everyone knows what a tasty and healthy vegetable the potato is. Very often we all have to plant it and clean it up. Now we will see which team is the most agile and fastest. The team that collects the most potatoes in a bucket with their eyes closed wins. Time - 1 minute.

Competition 3:
Game “Collect potatoes”.
It is carried out as follows: a lot of potatoes are scattered on the floor, and blindfolded team members must quickly harvest the crop in one minute. The winner is the one who collects the most potatoes in the basket.

Musical pause

The guys come out and sing ditties

Put your ears on top of your heads, listen carefully: Let's sing ditties about mushrooms. Very wonderful.

If only If only Yes, if only. There were mushrooms growing on my nose. They would have cooked themselves and put it in their mouths.

I sat on a tree and looked at the mushrooms from above. As the wind blew, I fell head over heels from the birch tree.

I walked and walked through the forest. I found a lot of mushrooms. When I saw the bear, I barely carried my legs away.

How old are you, morel? You look old. The fungus surprised me: “I’m only two days old”

My girlfriend and I went to the forest. They found a huge mushroom there. The two of us dragged him, we barely carried him home.

Our Zinochka went mushroom hunting with a basket. She lost her way, got into the wrong place


Petya got up early and collected all the mushrooms in the forest. Boasts of mushrooms with little white dots.

We sang ditties for you. Whether good or bad, And now we ask you to clap.

Guys, what mushrooms do you know? (

edible and inedible
2 presenter :

Well done guys, you did a good job, and now we’ll see what has grown and matured in our gardens and vegetable gardens by autumn...

Competition 4:
“Black Box”
Presenter 1:

One evening in the garden, turnips, beets, radishes, onions, they decided to play hide and seek, but first they stood in a circle.

Presenter 2:

We calculated clearly right there: One, two, three, four, five... Better hide,

Hide deeper.

1 presenter:

Well, I'm going to look. Where did the vegetables hide?

Finds 2 black bags containing various vegetables and fruits. The presenters hold the packages, each team member comes out in turn and guesses the item by touch. The speed and correctness of answers is taken into account.

A phonogram of the sound of rain, thunder, and howling wind sounds.

1 presenter.

Hear, autumn thunder roared and it began to rain. Urgent umbrellas for everyone!

The presenters bring out 2 umbrellas and 2 glasses of water.

Competition 5:
The first players in the team are given an umbrella and a glass of water. A line is drawn in front of them - this is the starting line. Place a stool a few meters opposite each column. At the leader’s signal, the first players run forward to their stools, run around them to the right and return back to the starting line, where the next players of their teams are already standing. They pass the umbrella and a glass of water to the next person, and sit down in their place. You need to run as quickly as possible with an umbrella and a glass without spilling the water. The team with the most water in the glass wins.

2 presenter.

After the rain, puddles appeared in our clearing! And we need to go to the other side of the clearing with the help of two planks. You stand on one, move to another, move the first one forward, etc. Whose team is faster?

1 presenter.

And now the last competition. Team members must create a picture on the theme: “Autumn mood.” To do this, you are given a sheet of paper, glue and ready-made elements to create a picture.

Competition 6:
“Autumn Workshop”
Summing up.
1 presenter :
So the evening has passed, are you satisfied, friends? So everything is fine, Goodbye, friends! (the melody of the song “Falling Leaves” sounds).

In autumn we pick mushrooms

Participants are divided into teams with the same number of people. The guys from each team stand in a separate row, since the game will advance according to the relay race method. At the same distance from the teams, for each there is a basket with mushrooms in the same quantity (mushrooms can be either real or cut out of paper or made, for example, from polystyrene foam). The first participants hold a rope (bundle) in their hands, on which the teams will string mushrooms. At the “start” command, the first participants run to their basket, take a mushroom and tie it by the leg with a rope, then run back, pass the baton to the second participants, and so on. The team that can string all the mushrooms onto a bunch the fastest will win.

Winter supplies

The guys are divided into 2-3 teams of the same number of people. At a certain distance from the teams, identical sets of fruits and vegetables are located (pumpkin, grape vine, 3 apples, 2 pears, 2 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 10 nuts, and so on). At the “start” command, the first participants run to their pantry, take only one item (fruit or vegetable) and carry it into their team’s bag. Then the second participants run, also take one item each and carry it into their bag, then the third participants, and so on. The game lasts 5-10 minutes, depending on the number of participants and the number of vegetables. The team that makes the most reserves will win. That is, at the end of the game, the bags of each team are weighed and the winner is determined.

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