Quiz “Hello, autumn!” for older children

Autumn leisure for the middle group of kindergarten. Travel to the autumn forest

Scenario of autumn leisure for children of the middle group of kindergarten “Journey to the autumn forest”

Description of material:

The script will be useful for educators and music directors when organizing autumn leisure activities with children. This event can be held in a music hall or in a group.


Arouse the desire to take part in dancing, games, and maintain a conversation. Learn simple dance moves. To form in children an idea of ​​the time of year - autumn, about the signs of autumn.


Create a joyful holiday mood in children and bring pleasure.


A series of demonstration pictures “Autumn”. The scarf is yellow-orange. Costume for Bunny. Costume for Fox. Cardboard leaves are orange, red, yellow (according to the number of children). Leaf crown and cape for Autumn. Basket with apples (for treats).


Taking advantage of a surprise moment. Use of conversation with children, songs, music, dances and games.

Room decoration:

Pieces of paper of different colors, balloons, an exhibition of children's drawings and crafts on the theme “Autumn”.

Event participants:

teachers, music director, children.

Celebration progress:

To the music, the children and the teacher enter the hall and sit on chairs. (the teacher shows the children pictures about autumn, asks questions) Teacher.

1. What time of year do you see in these pictures? 2. How did you guess that it was autumn? 3. What happens in nature with the arrival of autumn?

(here the teacher sees a silk scarf lying on the floor)
Kids, look, what is this?
Someone lost a handkerchief, what to do with it now? (bring the children to the idea of ​​finding the owner and returning him)
Let's think about whose handkerchief this could be? (children's answers)

(the teacher points out that Autumn lost this handkerchief)
Since we decided to return the handkerchief to her, we need to call her!

All in unison.

Autumn, autumn, we invite you to visit us!

(we listen, no one is coming)
Remember, I told you that autumn loves to listen to good songs! So let’s sing our song for the beautiful autumn, she will hear us and come.

Song “Autumn in the Forest” (“Autumn, autumn, autumn – has come to us again”)

(we listen, no one) Educator.

Autumn was probably busy and didn’t hear us.
Children, where do you think autumn can be found? (children's answers)
. Or maybe she's walking through the forest now? Helps animals prepare for winter? Let's go into the forest and try to find autumn! And to while away the journey, we’ll take the bus!

(music “Bus” (E. Zheleznova) sounds)
We have come with you to the forest. Take a closer look, do you see autumn anywhere? Oh, look who it is?

(the bunny runs and runs up to the children)
Hello, bunny! Can you tell us where we can find autumn?


Hello, why do you need it?


Children, tell the bunny why we are looking for autumn.

(children explain to the bunny)
Okay, I’ll give you a hint if you answer my questions!
First question: What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall from trees? (leaf fall)
Well done! Second question: what color are the leaves in autumn? (red, orange, yellow)
And the third question: which tree leaves its red berries on the trees and for whom? (rowanberry, for birds)


Well, bunny, we have answered all your questions, now will you tell us where we can find autumn?


Play leaf fall with me, then I’ll tell you for sure!

Outdoor game “Colorful leaves” (children go to the chairs)
Okay, now I can tell you where you can find fall! Oh, oh, oh, who's running there? It's a fox...sorry, but I have to run, otherwise the fox will catch me...

(the bunny runs away, the fox runs up)


Hello, have you seen a bunny here?


Hello, fox! First, answer the question for us, and then we will help you.


Okay, I agree! Say what you want?


You see, Foxy, the guys and I found a handkerchief, we think it was autumn that lost it! We want to find her and return her.


Where did you get the idea that this was her handkerchief? This is my!


Children, explain why we decided that autumn lost this scarf?
(by color) Fox.
So, I’m orange too, so this is my handkerchief!


Yes, you are bright, beautiful, like autumn, but you have only one autumn color. And here, look, yellow, red, orange, but you don’t have those colors.


Okay, I’ll help, I know that autumn often rains! So, let's dance now, she will hear that it is raining here, and she will come to us!

Dance “Rain” (music “It’s bad weather outside the window again”) Fox.

So, run away, kids, to your places! Let's listen whether autumn is coming to us or not!

(silence, no one)
I probably didn’t hear, but let’s dance some more!

Dance “The Guilty Cloud” authors Y. Entin, D. Tukhmanov, Spanish. Fidgety Fox.

Run to your places!!!

(music sounds, Autumn enters)
Who is shedding rain here without me?


That's all of them!
It's not me! (points to the children)


The bunny told me that you are looking for me? Why did you need me?


The guys and I found a handkerchief, and decided that you had lost it.


Oh thank you! I'm looking for him in the forest.


Autumn, since we have met you, allow us to give you a dance!


I will be glad to receive your gift! Dance of girls “Autumn, dear, rustle” lyrics by S. Eremeeva, music by M. Eremeeva


Thank you for such a bright gift!
And I want to give you a gift too! (takes out a basket of apples)
Here, accept my autumn harvest!
Get your vitamins! Take care of yourself and dress warmly! Goodbye, it’s time for me to hurry, I still have a lot to do before winter, I need to get everything done! And you, fox, follow me and you will help me! (Children see off Autumn and Fox and go back to the music “Bus”)

Quiz. “What do we know about nature in autumn”


1 Quiz “What do we know about nature in autumn” Purpose: Generalization of knowledge about autumn. Fostering love and interest in native nature. Tasks. To form a generalized idea of ​​autumn, including knowledge about autumn phenomena in living and inanimate nature. Teach children to give correct and accurate answers by discussing them in a team. Develop communication abilities between peers. Develop the ability to take into account the opinions of others and put forward your own options for answers. Develop feelings of camaraderie, empathy and responsibility, the ability to interact and collaborate Tools: Illustrations of the 4 seasons, d/i “Seasons”, illustrations of early and late autumn, “Wonderful bag” with chips “Sun” and “Cloud”. Image of leaves and fruits of trees, migratory and wintering birds, wild animals. Signs “Sun” and “Cloud”; envelopes with tasks, glasses Autumn leaves; basket with apples for treating children. Progress: It’s so beautiful outside the window. Autumn has come to us. There are a lot of bright leaves, Red, yellow, gold! I dressed up all the trees, I collected them in a bouquet and distributed clothes to everyone. This is a gift from autumn, Greetings from her to you all! The bright and beautiful time of year has come - autumn. And today we gathered at the nature lovers club for an autumn quiz. I propose to split into two teams. (They are divided into teams using the game “Wonderful Bag”) - I introduce the team of players “Sunshine” - I introduce the team of players “Tuchka” I ask the players to take their places (they are seated at tables on which the signs “Sunshine” and “Tuchka” are displayed) - I propose choose team captains (choice of captains)

2 Guys, you know that to conduct the quiz we will need a fair jury: I propose to choose the Old Man - the Forester. For each correct answer they will give you an autumn leaf. Educator: - Teams, attention! I remind you of the rules of our quiz. Envelopes with tasks that we have to complete are laid out on the table. For an accurate and correct answer, the team receives one point - a piece of paper in the basket. Whoever has the most leaves in the basket will win. If a team cannot answer, the question is given to another team. Listen carefully to the instructions, do not shout from your seat. So the game begins! -Whose team completes the task faster will start the game. 1 “Discover Autumn” Find autumn among the pictures depicting the seasons. Why do you think it's autumn? Try to determine from the picture what kind of autumn they depict, late or early? Why? 2. “Answer correctly” - By what signs do we know that autumn has come? (it’s gotten colder, the leaves turn yellow and fall, birds fly away to warmer regions, the days have become shorter, it’s raining, people put on warm clothes). — How is autumn different from spring? (in spring the days are long, birds fly in, buds appear on the trees, the snow melts, it gets warmer, the grass turns green). — What time of year comes after autumn? (winter). — What trees shed their leaves for the winter? Name it in one word. (deciduous). — What trees do not change color in winter and do not fall? (Conifers). 3. “Guess the riddle” Following August comes, It dances with the falling leaves And it is rich in harvest, We, of course, know it! - September - Our Queen, Autumn,

3 We will ask you together: Tell your children your secret, Who is your second servant? - October - The field became black and white: First rain, then snow falls. And it also got colder. The waters of the rivers were frozen in ice. The winter rye is freezing in the field. What month is it, tell me? - November - The fields are empty, the ground is getting wet, the rain is falling. When does this happen? — in the fall Fizkul - In the fall, trees always shed their leaves, you probably love to watch the phenomenon of leaf fall, when the leaves fly, fall, spin and quietly lie on the ground. A very beautiful sight in the autumn. I suggest you turn into leaves and spin around. Educator: Well done, guys. Let's continue our quiz 4. Riddles about mushrooms. Many of you guys went to the forest to pick mushrooms. Let's see which team can guess the most riddles about mushrooms. Very friendly guys, they live near a tree stump... (honey mushrooms). White Panama hat, Pale... (toadstool) By the birch trees, look: Here is one, here are three! (boletus) Where there are too many needles, They are waiting for us... (boletus).

4 Under the aspen tree is that mushroom, children, wearing a bright red beret. (boletus) 5. “The third odd one out” He stood in the forest, Nobody took him, In a fashionable red hat, Good for nowhere (fly agaric) I will name the words, and you try to determine which word is “extra.” Apple-pear-carrot Sparrow-crow-swallow Cabbage-cucumber-raspberry Jacket-pants-boots Birch-maple-fir Boletus-honey mushroom-acorn. 6. “Find a pair” Look how many different leaves there are. Look at them carefully, name what tree they come from. Find in the picture what they pair with? Captains competition. D/exercise: “Assemble a picture” The captains assemble an image of an autumn tree from cut-out pictures. The one who collects the picture faster wins. Musical pause. Children sing the song “Autumn is a wonderful time” 7. “Winter is coming” I will show a picture with an animal, and you have to say how this animal prepares for winter? 8. “Wintering migratory.” Children choose cards with pictures of birds, calling them migratory ones. Summing up Presenter: Guys, what a great job you were today, how much you know about autumn and the nature of our region, and now it’s time to sum it up. The old forest boy is ready to sum up the results of our quiz. (Counting leaf points). The old forest man rewards the children with medals and treats them to apples.



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