Physical education and educational leisure “The ABCs of Safety”

Lesson on fire safety rules “May the New Year’s tree bring us joy!”

Program content

  • Introduce children to the appearance of Christmas trees
  • Strengthen children's skills in decorating a New Year tree, observing all safety rules when installing the tree.
  • Expand children's vocabulary with adjectives and adverbs.

Preliminary work

Looking at paintings and illustrations of New Year trees.

Vocabulary: bright, shiny, golden, fragile, iridescent, above, below, in the middle, high, low, left, right.

Visibility. Artificial Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations, sparklers, firecrackers, cloud, snowflakes.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: The children got up in a round dance - The holiday is coming soon...... (New Year)

It's time to decorate the New Year tree, Decorate its prickly green dress with sparkling beads, balls, icicles, and bells.

- But in order for the festive beauty to bring us joy and not misfortune, it is necessary to follow some rules.

— First, let’s find out what types of Christmas trees there are?

Children: Natural and artificial.

Educator: Which tree should we choose for decoration and for the holiday?

Children: Alive. She is fluffy, beautiful, brings the smell of a winter forest, resin and pine needles.

Educator: What are the disadvantages of a living Christmas tree?

Children: The Christmas tree quickly dries out, loses its green needles and turns yellow.

Educator: Let's decorate the artificial Christmas tree. It does not dry out, does not turn yellow, and does not lose needles.

Children: If an artificial Christmas tree catches fire, it emits toxic smoke that can cause poisoning.

Educator: To prevent a fire from happening during the holiday, you must follow simple rules. What rules must be followed?

Educator: Why does Nadezhda Evlampyevna clean the carpet?

Children: If a spark falls on the carpet, it may catch fire.

Educator: Let's put the Christmas tree near the door, it won't interfere.

Children: The Christmas tree cannot be placed near the doors, because the doors must be free. so that in time of fire you can easily go to another room.

Educator: Now we will open large cardboard boxes with toys.

The box contained many beautiful toys, candles, cotton wool, sparklers, and firecrackers.

Children: For a whole year they slept in a box New Year's toys We were very bored in the dark Bunnies, gnomes and Parsley But they almost faded, Their outfit is just as bright We will hang them on the Christmas tree - Let them sparkle, let them burn!

Educator: I will hang this beautiful, large glass ball. Why do you think it is not advisable to hang glass toys on the Christmas tree?

Children: It is not advisable to hang glass toys on the Christmas tree, they can break and people can get hurt.

Educator: Okay, I won’t do that. How beautifully Nadezhda Evlampyevna scatters cotton wool over the Christmas tree, as if snowflakes are spinning and falling on the branches of the Christmas tree. Is it possible to do this?

Children: Cotton wool cannot be used to decorate the Christmas tree, it can catch fire and there will be a fire.

Educator: We hung up all the toys from the box, but the Christmas tree is not elegant. There are candles at the very bottom of the box. We will now put them on and light them. We will have a beautiful Christmas tree. Is it possible to do this?

Children: Candles should not be placed on the Christmas tree to avoid fire. It is better to hang a garland on the Christmas tree.

Educator: Then we need to check the light bulbs, they are all working, and if one is burned out, then it needs to be replaced. I checked in advance. - There are still not enough toys. Maybe you and I can make toys ourselves

The guys are making New Year's decorations. Lanterns, gnomes, tennis balls.

Educator: Do you like how the Christmas tree is decorated?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, while you were making decorations for the Christmas tree. I found sparklers, let's light them now. It will be fun and beautiful. Do you think it is possible to light them on the street?

Children: Bengal lights cannot be lit indoors, only outdoors, but away from houses.

Educator: Guys, you are so great!!! What a beautiful Christmas tree they decorated!!! And all fire safety rules were not violated!!! Look at the extraordinary snow that fell near our Christmas tree!

Snowflakes are flying from the clouds, and the snowflakes contain a surprise for the children (kinders).

Educator: Guys, these are gifts for you from the Snow Queen.

Literature: T.A. Shorygina “Conversations about fire safety rules.”

Author: Elena Petrovna Pisareva, teacher of MBDOU No. 13 “Forget-Me-not”, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, Russia.

The article is published in the author's edition.

Celebration of life safety at preschool educational institutions: “Don’t touch matches, there is fire in matches”

Celebration of life safety at preschool educational institutions. Don't touch the matches, there is fire in the matches.

Goal: consolidate knowledge of fire safety rules, instill skills in careful handling of fire, and instill a sense of responsibility.

Decoration: In the gym on the walls - hang posters, newspapers on fire safety, photos of fires, fire signs. Characters: Bad Boy, presenter, performers of poetry.

(The gym includes 2 teams “Rescuers” and “Firemen” consisting of 8-10 people each)

Greetings from the teams: Team - “Firemen” Our motto is “Don’t touch the matches, there is fire in the matches!” Team - “Rescuers” Our motto is “So that trouble does not come to our house, always be careful with fire!” Children read poetry :1. Everyone knows: a man without fire does not live a single day! With fire, as with the sun, it is light! With fire, it is warm in winter!

2. Look around, guys, fire is our everyday friend! But when we are careless with fire, it becomes our enemy.

3. A man’s friend is fire, Just don’t touch him in vain! If you indulge, Then trouble will not be avoided - Fire will hurt you

4. Don’t play with a match, my friend! Remember, it’s small, But a small match can burn the house to the ground!

All together: Morning, evening and afternoon, Be careful with fire!

Presenter: You can make a thousand matches from one tree, and with one match you can destroy a forest!

(A frightened Bad Boy runs into the hall in the hands of a match.)

Bad Boy: Oh, what have I done, Why did I play with matches, Why did I light a fire. Now the fire will burn the whole forest, There the smoke rose to the skies. (Bad Boy runs around the hall and talks to the children)

Malchish - Bad; Children need to save the animals, they will die in the fire.

Relay race: “Young Rescuer” (20 animal toys, 2 baskets 2 flags) Children run to the basket, take a toy and return, pass the baton and stand at the end of the column.

Boy-Bad: We saved the animals, now we will put out the fire.

Relay race “Firefighting” (2 flags, 2 basins) Children run with a basin, reach the flag, imitate pouring water from the basin onto the fire (flag), return and pass the basin to the next child.

Host: And now the warm-up joke. Guys! We will ask questions, and you all must answer together: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” But be careful... He: Who, upon hearing the smell of burning, reports a fire? She: Which of you, upon seeing smoke, say: “Fire! We’re burning!” He: “Which one of you plays tricks with fire in the morning, evening and day? She: Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others? She: Who hides matches from their little sister, the children at home? He: And admit it to me , which one of you is playing with fire? She: Very good, guys! Well done! Let's move on to the next competition.

Relay race “Young Fireman” Presenter: To become a young fireman, you need to go through an obstacle course. (2 flags, 4 racks, 2 hoops) Children run, climb over the rack, crawl under the rack, climb into the hoop. They run to the flag, return in a straight line and pass the baton to the next child.

Relay race “Carrying the Wounded” Presenter: Rescuers must be able to carry the wounded. (2 flags, 2 ice cubes, 2 dolls) Children put a doll in a sled and run with an ice cube, run to the flag, return in a straight line and pass the baton to the next child.

Boy-Bad: And now guys, there are riddles for you. Let's guess together.

Coal from the stove “skok”, And... arson of the rugs. Don’t stand as an observer. Fill the coal with... (water) The stove is burning - don’t touch it, Because in it... (fire) Naughty man with matches played pranks Naughty man in the hospital... (got it)

Not very tall. Small match. Just don’t touch the matches... (habit).

Thanks guys! You are very good at solving riddles.

Relay “Dressing the Wounded” Presenter: Rescuers and firefighters must be able to provide medical assistance (2 white coats, 2 bandages)

(A group of guys comes out. In their hands they have drawings depicting: fire, a box of matches, a gas stove, an electric iron).1. FIRE: I am fire! I am a friend of the guys. But when they play pranks on me, I then become an enemy and burn everything around!

2. BOX: Don’t touch the matches, There is fire in the matches!

3. GAS STOVE: Be careful with gas...Gas can cause a fire!4. ELECTRIC IRON: Both shirts and pants, I iron for you, kids, But remember, friends, that you can’t play with me! Boy-Bad: Now I will never play with fire. Thank you very much for helping me put out the fire, save the animals and told me about fire safety rules. Presenter: For your courage and resourcefulness, I present you with prizes. (Children go into groups to the music)

"Safety Day in the senior preschool group"

author: Salomatina Irina Pavlovna

Teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 88 “Firefly”, Penza

"Safety Day in the senior preschool group"

All aspects of a person’s life are directly related to his safety. The situation in society today is such that there is a need not only to improve conditions for preserving the life and health of children, but also to find effective forms and methods of working with children, in closer cooperation with their parents. (slide)

At the beginning of the school year, our kindergarten traditionally celebrates Safety Month. In accordance with the plan developed at the preschool educational institution, in our group, activities to form the foundations of safety were built in several directions. (slides)

Particular attention was paid to creating a subject-development environment in the group. Parents actively helped in the production of manuals, attributes, materials. (slides)

To replenish and expand the materials and equipment of the Children's Activity Center, the parents of the pupils were involved in the “We Live Without Danger” group. A fire shield and a road model were made. (slide)

In our work within the framework of the month, we used effective forms of working with children on this topic (slides)

— Joint activities of the teacher and children. topics “Dangerous objects”, “Dangerous situations at home”, “Fire friend or foe”.

— Traditional conversations “I am a pedestrian”, “Danger is around us”, “What are road signs for?”

— Didactic games “Does and Don’ts”, “Fire Safety”, “Safety in Nature”, “Home Alone”.

— Role-playing games “Firemen”, “Hospital”, “Chauffeurs”.

Pupils of the group took part in a large-scale social campaign to promote road safety “Culture on the Roads”

As part of the federal awareness-raising project “Culture on the Roads,” representatives of the expert group conducted an interactive lesson with children on traffic rules. (slide)

This year, Safety Month ended with Safety Day. On this day, together with the children, we solved cases on the topics “Road Safety”, “Home Safety” (slide)

The case study of technology turned out to be interesting for children. Working with cases, children discussed the information received, reasoned, and found various options for solving the problem.

The technology quest “We are rushing to help you” aroused particular interest on the part of the students. During the quest game, children solved problems and overcame difficulties as a whole team. All tests were aimed at working as a team. (solving puzzles, crosswords)

During the thematic day, the summer books “Safe Traffic” and “Be Healthy” were used.

At the end of the day, the children compiled an album “My Safety,” which will help them develop safe behavior skills in various situations. (slide)

Thanks to focused work, our students have acquired a large amount of knowledge on traffic rules, behavior in various situations (in nature, everyday life, with strangers). Gained skills in calling emergency numbers.

It is also very important that children develop such feelings as responsiveness, kindness, and the desire to help.

"Safety Day in the senior preschool group"

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