Dancing for children. Video of children's dance performances in the senior group

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

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We are happy to watch... Video recording of a choreography lesson with children of senior preschool age

In the work program for direct educational activities in choreography with children of senior preschool age there is a section - “Working with the subject.” I chose the topic - working with pom-poms. They are bright in appearance, and children are enthusiastically engaged with them. The purpose of the lesson is…

“Zimushki” dance of girls of the senior group of preschool age

“Zimushki” dance of girls of the senior group of preschool age, “Fidgets” circle
Author: Nikolskaya Lyudmila Gennadievna, physical education instructor. MDOBU "Novoarbansk kindergarten "Rainbow". Republic of Mari El, Medvedevsky district, Novy settlement. Description of material: Dance of girls of the senior group of preschool age at the New Year's party. Goal: To develop plasticity, rhythm and beauty of movement in dance. Objectives: - development of a sense of rhythm, dancing abilities. - Cultivate a love of music and dance. Ten "Zimushki" - girls of the senior group of preschool age - take part in the dance.

New Year is a magical holiday that children look forward to most; parents prepare costumes for their children in advance. It’s like being at a party without beautiful costumes. This year, together with my parents, we sewed identical fur coats for all the girls in the senior group. There are headbands on which snowflakes have been sewn to match the color of the fur coat (blue). The attribute of the dance in the hands of the girls was a scarf. Elastic bands were sewn onto the corners of the scarves, which were put on the finger like a ring. So that the scarf does not fall out, and the girls feel comfortable performing all the movements. It was under these costumes that the idea came to stage the dance “Zimushek”. The dance was staged to the song “Winter Beauty”. Lyrics of the song. “Winter Beauty” From far, far away So fluffy and light, Winter has flown to us on the grass and on the houses. Winter has a lot to do, I put on a snowy hat, a sleepy forest on top of my head, and climbed into the snowdrifts to sleep. Chorus: Winter, Winter is beautiful, You will like it here! The snow creaks under the boot, We walk along the river. Winter, Winter beauty, is famous for its frost! Flying from the mountain will take your breath away! The sled turned over - Wow! The frost weaves lace, the Blizzard sweeps the street. Snow is flying on your head, smoke is puffing from the chimney. And everywhere here and there, Snowy mountains are growing. Everything around turned white, as if milk had been poured on it. Chorus. Words: S. Savenkov, Music: T. Tarasova
**** The girls line up in two columns on the right and left sides of the tree.

Introduction. On their toes, running slowly and smoothly, they run and stand in their places. 1. Verse. 1st line: Starting position standing, arms bent at the elbows, folded in front of the chest, perform springs with a turn to the right and left.

Line 2: Starting position: standing, release your arms down, palms facing the floor. Squat, slightly turning the body to the right and to the left.

3rd line: Starting position standing, arms bent at the elbows, folded in front of the chest, perform springs with a turn to the right and left. Line 4: Starting position: standing, release your arms down, palms facing the floor. Squat, slightly turning the body to the right and to the left. Lines 5 – 6: Initial position of the arms: elbows bent, palms clenched into fists. They spin around themselves, moving their elbows up and down. Line 7: The starting position is the same, hands in front of the chest, put your foot on the heel on the right side, spread your arms to the sides, slightly bend forward. Return to the starting position.

Line 8: The starting position is the same, hands in front of the chest, put your foot on the heel on the left side, spread your arms to the sides, slightly bend forward.
Return to starting position. Chorus: Line 1: Place your right foot to the side, place your left foot and perform a spring. In the same direction, move your right foot to the right, place your left foot, and stamp your foot.

Line 2: Place your left leg to the side, place your right leg and perform a spring. In the same direction, place your left foot to the left, place your right foot, and stomp it. Line 3: They run around each other, returning to their places.

4th line: Place your right leg to the side, place your left one and perform a spring. In the same direction, move your right foot to the right, place your left foot, and stamp your foot. Line 5: Place your left leg to the side, place your right leg and perform a spring. In the same direction, place your left foot to the left, place your right foot, and stomp it. Line 6: They run around each other, returning to their places. That is, line 3 of the chorus is repeated. At the end of the chorus the word “uh” is sung, you need to jump up in place. 2. Verse. Lines 1 - 2: Girls line up in two circles, small and large. Raising the handkerchiefs up, they go in a circle.

A blizzard sweeps the street. Lines 3 – 4: Turn around and go the other way. They return to their places. Chorus: Line 1: Place your right foot to the side, place your left foot and perform a spring. In the same direction, move your right leg to the right. Place your left hand and stamp your foot. Line 2: The same movements only in the other direction. That is, they return to their places. Line 3: They run around each other, returning to their places. Line 4: Repeat line 1 of the chorus. Line 5: Repeat line 2 of the chorus. Line 6: Repeat line 3 of the chorus. At the end of the chorus the word “uh” is sung, you need to jump up in place. Loss: They take each other’s arm, raise the handkerchief up, and spin in pairs around themselves..

Chorus: Line 1: Place your right foot to the side, place your left foot and perform a spring. In the same direction, move your right leg to the right. Place your left hand and stamp your foot. Line 2: The same movements only in the other direction. That is, they return to their places. Line 3: They run around each other, returning to their places. Line 4: Repeat line 1 of the chorus. Line 5: Repeat line 2 of the chorus. Line 6: Repeat line 3 of the chorus. At the end of the chorus the word “uh” is sung, you need to jump up in place.

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Scenario of a New Year's party in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution.
Music sounds, children enter the hall.
1. “And one, two, three!”, start a round dance, sing 2. Stand in a semicircle.
Presenter: So we’ve waited for the holiday. So they gathered in the hall. And we invited guests: Our best friends! The tree will shine silver, the song will spread, Let's dance together in a round dance, Let's celebrate the New Year together! POEMS READ BY CHILDREN SONG (THE Blizzard
has swept over my city, A blizzard has swept over my city, It spreads like a shroud along the roads.
She also likes the frosts, and the pink blush on her cheeks! You can’t hide from winter, you can’t escape, So we’ll decorate the Christmas tree, We’ll hide the oranges, apples, pineapple little by little in reserve. Chorus:
New Year, New Year - tree, balls, firecrackers.
New Year, New Year - serpentine disco. New Year, New Year - gifts under everyone's pillow, We don't want to let the New Year go anywhere. 2 Santa Claus smiles slyly. What has he prepared for us? Here's the question! Make a wish, sleep sweetly, And then receive a gift. Chorus. 3 Somersaulting down the hill on a sled, A snowball hit my best friend in the forehead, But friends don’t get angry, don’t cry, The bruises will all heal before the wedding! Chorus. POEMS: 1 Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree - Green needle! It lit up with different lights - Green and red! 2 Hello, holiday tree! We've been waiting for you all year! We are at the New Year's tree, having fun and singing! 3 The New Year tree has green needles. And from bottom to top Beautiful toys. 4 Balls hanging on the branches, Magic lanterns, And beads and blue ice flakes. 5 Our Christmas tree is big, Our Christmas tree is tall, Higher than dad, taller than mom, Reaches to the ceiling Presenter: Hush, hush, kids, I hear sounds from the yard, Someone is rushing to us now, He’s telling us to listen to a fairy tale! The Snow Maiden enters. Snow Maiden: Hello, guys! I see that your New Year's holiday has already begun, because cheerful songs are being played. This means that they are already waiting for me and my Grandfather Frost here. Isn't it true? Children : Yes! Snow Maiden : Why isn’t your Christmas tree burning, guys? Let's help her. Where are my fairy friends? Let's light our Christmas tree. The dance “Fairies with Candles” (New Year's fairy tale) is performed.
At the end of the dance, the lights on the Christmas tree are lit.
Snow Maiden: That's a completely different matter. SONG OUR CHRISTMAS TREE
Everything around was covered in a blizzard-commotion.
Winter captivated me with its beauty. We are carrying a Christmas tree from a fairy forest. We'll sing a song together merrily! Lace
made of frost on your needles.
Our Christmas tree will be the most beautiful. We will shower you with silver rain. Our Christmas tree will become absolutely magical! Verse:
Magic will happen soon, just wait.
Catch him in your hands and don’t let him go. Soon the Christmas tree will light up bright garlands and the New Year will come to us with a cheerful song! Snow Maiden: Guys, what is this noise I hear? Someone is approaching us. A pirate enters to the music. Pirate : Hello. Here I am. Snow Maiden: Who are you? Pirate: Why didn’t you recognize me? I'm a Pirate, the storm of the seas and oceans. Snow Maiden: Did you come to our holiday to have fun with us? A out of breath Snowman runs into the hall. Snowman: Trouble! Trouble, Snow Maiden! (sees the pirate) Oh, he's already here. Snow Maiden : What's the problem? What's wrong? Snowman : Yes, here he is! (points to the pirate) This is our Santa Claus! Snow Maiden : How? How is this so? Who did this? Snowman: It was the evil Snow Queen who bewitched our Grandfather. Snow Maiden: Don’t get excited, snowman, otherwise it won’t take long to melt. Tell me better, what should we do to get grandpa back? Snowman: I don't know. Pirate : But I know. You should dance and play with me. And I also want to listen to poetry. And then the Snow Queen's spell will be lifted. Snow Maiden: Well, guys, let's have some fun with the Pirate to lift the spell? Children: Yes! Snow Maiden: Then come out and dance! What kind of holiday is this dance Snow Maiden: Here, Pirate, as our children can do. Like? Pirate: I like it, of course. Well done, maybe you know the songs Snegurochka: of course they do SLED SONG (WITH BELLS) The sleighs themselves are running, the snow is creeping in, And the bells are singing loudly in the cold. Ding-ding-ding-dilin, Through the blue forests They ride, ride ding-dilin Sleighs with bells. The wind hums merrily, speeds up the sleds, and leaves behind the snowy meadows. Ding-ding-ding-dilin, Through the blue forests They ride, ride ding-dilin Sleighs with bells. The sleds rush forward with white powder. Come to us every year. Santa Claus is good. Ding-ding-ding-dilin, Through the blue forests They ride, ride ding-dilin Sleighs with bells. Snowman: (sits leaning against the wall) Oh-oh-oh!!! Oh oh oh!!! Snow Maiden : What happened, Snowman? Snowman: I think I'm melting. It's very hot here. Pirate : Oh, what should we do? How to save the Snowman? Snow Maiden : I know. Where are my snowflake friends? Come here let's cool the Snowman. Dance of the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes. (Snow lace) Snowman: Thank you guys, I feel better now. Snow Maiden: Maybe you can sit down and rest? Snowman: No, Snow Maiden, I’ll go to the North Pole, there’s still a lot to do for the New Year. Snow Maiden: Okay, Snowman, just be careful. The snowman leaves. Pirate: I'm bored! I want to listen to poetry. Do your guys know poetry? Snow Maiden : Of course they do. Guys, come out! 1st child : Santa Claus painted our windows with a white brush. He covered the little pole with snow and covered the garden with snow. 2nd child: And the guys are calling outside A winter day through the ice of the glass - Into the refreshing cold From the cozy warmth. 3rd child: We should ride and have fun! Light sleds - take off! Who will fly like a bird, Who will curl up right into the snow. 4th child: The snow is fluffy and softer than cotton wool. Let’s shake ourselves off and run. We are cheerful guys, We don’t tremble from the frost 5th child: Shouldn’t we get used to the snow, Shouldn’t we hide our nose in a fur coat? As soon as we come out, we’ll shout: “Hello, Grandfather Frost!” Pirate: Hey guys, well done! But tell me, where does Grandfather Frost live? Children: At the North Pole! Pirate: Right. Who else lives there? Children's answers....., Snow Maiden: You know, Pirate, our guys can not only tell who lives at the North Pole, but also show them. Pirate: Really? Come on, I'll be happy to take a look. The boys are performing the polar bear dance (somewhere in this world) Pirate : Wow! Beauty! You guys are so great! You dance so beautifully, you recite poems so well. But what am I feeling, something is that I’m getting cold here, and it’s hot here, oh... oh-oh-oh... (The pirate slowly goes behind the tree. Santa Claus appears from behind the tree.) Santa Claus: Hello guys! Thank you for saving me and lifting the Snow Queen’s spell! Join us in a round dance, we will dance GRANDFATHER'S CLAUS AND FELT FEELINGS. Soon Santa Claus will come to us again for the New Year. There are felt boots on his feet, not hemmed, old ones... Chorus:
Felt boots, felt boots Worn by a remote grandfather It's okay, with a beard - Well, just like a young man.
Grandfather is a prankster, grandfather is a joker, he got into our collar. He froze our ears, painted the kids' noses. Chorus.
Come on, Grandfather Frost, make us laugh until we cry, play, have fun, and give us gifts.
Chorus. At the end of the song, DM loses his mitten Santa Claus : Snow Maiden, granddaughter, where did my mitten go? (Shows his bare hand) Snow Maiden: And here she is. (Shows the mitten) Santa Claus : Give me the mitten, please. Snow Maiden: Play with us, grandpa. Santa Claus: Okay, let's play. Game DM catches up with the hand in a circle Santa Claus: Well done guys. I really enjoyed playing with you. And now it's time for gifts. But where are they? Snow Maiden : Grandfather, ask the staff to help you find gifts. Santa Claus : That's right, granddaughter. Come on, staff, help. Find us gifts! (He knocks with his staff. The staff “takes” him behind the tree. Santa Claus comes out with a bag) Here are the gifts. Father Frost and Snow Maiden give gifts to children. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving. Host: So Happy New Year! With new happiness! May the love of family, friends, happiness and peace be with you forever for many years to come! And for today, goodbye! Until next time, my friends.

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