A card index of poems for memorizing in the senior group for children with STD

A collection of children's poems: poems for the holidays, educational and developmental poems, original and thematic poems for children.

For the little ones

  • For babies
  • Nursery rhymes and pesters for kids
  • Cycle Toys of Agnia Barto
  • Good poems by Berestov for the little ones
  • For the little ones
  • Poems for dad
  • Poems for grandfather

Children's classics

  • Agniya Barto
  • Samuel Marshak
  • Boris Zakhoder
  • Sergey Mikhalkov
  • Irina Tokmakova

Educational rhymes

  • Tongue Twisters
  • Counting books
  • Nursery rhymes
  • Mirilki

Animal world

  • Poems about animals
  • Poems about birds
  • Poems about fish
  • Poems about insects

Nature and seasons

  • Poems about space
  • Poems about winter
  • Poems about spring
  • Poems about summer
  • Poems about autumn
  • Poems about flowers
  • Poems about vegetables and fruits
  • Poems about mushrooms
  • Poems about the sea

Other authors

  • Valentin Berestov
  • Genrikh Sapgir
  • Elena Blaginina
  • Ivan Surikov
  • Nadezhda Shemyakina
  • Tatiana Gusarova
  • Eduard Uspensky
  • Alexander Metzger


  • Poems for Valentine's Day
  • Poems about February 23
  • Poems for March 8
  • Poems about Maslenitsa
  • Poems for May 9
  • Poems for Easter
  • Poems for September 1
  • Poems for Teacher's Day
  • Poems for Mother's Day

New Year

  • Poems about the New Year
  • New Year's poems for the little ones
  • Poems about Santa Claus
  • Poems about the Snow Maiden
  • Poems about snowflakes
  • Poems about a snowman
  • Poems about the New Year tree
  • Poems for Christmas

Train your child's memory!

Not every child can patiently listen to the end of a fairy tale or other prosaic story. While children's poems do not bore you with monotony, the rhyme in them jumps like over bumps, easily holding the attention of the little listener. It’s amazing how quickly children memorize rhymes; once you say them a few times, they can already finish the ending with you. Be sure to use this ability by training your memory from childhood, you will greatly simplify your child’s learning at school. Start with the poems of Agnia Barto in the “Toys” section, look for small quatrains, they are perfectly memorable. You still remember most of them by heart. Right?


An eccentric walked along the roads And bowed to everyone, He must have been in love, He bowed all day long Without money - for nothing!
And if you fall in love even a little, you won’t recognize yourself! I so want to open up to everyone and bow to everyone around me and kiss everything around me!

And many did not understand, “What does he want, weirdo?” They just hardly took him seriously, bows - what a trifle!

But then one day it happened: the eccentric disappeared somewhere, and for some reason everyone, like a well of thirst, looked everywhere for him.

Everyone said to each other: “Where did he go? We lived so wonderfully with him, We all loved him so much!.. Or maybe we had a dream?”

Take a closer look: suddenly there’s an eccentric again, a lover lives between you And he gives bows to everyone, He gives out bows all day For nothing, for nothing...

How to learn a poem for the holiday?

In kindergarten and school, your child will more than once be faced with the need to recite poetry in front of an audience. This could be a New Year's party or an ordinary lesson, in any case, it is important that he is not afraid of it. But all you need to do is pay a little attention to it.

The poem must be learned in advance and repeated at home casually, without focusing on the importance of the event. For example, you can say: “remember, you and I learned a great poem? Well, tell it to me.” Children's poems are usually simple and the child will quickly remember them. You can rehearse by telling a poem to your dad or mom, grandfather or grandmother. You need to ask to speak loudly and with expression, but in no case should you lecture or interrupt during the speech. How your peers and you react to a little artist’s first performance is of great importance, so it’s best to start with relatives. By telling a few rhymes to people you know and receiving a friendly reaction, you will give your child confidence. Poems for children at matinees are an excellent way to train public speaking skills.

Children's poems for kids: 50 best

Website “Mom can do anything!” I have collected the most interesting children's poems for kids. With their help, the little ones will get acquainted with domestic and wild animals, learn about rain, balloons, etc. With such funny rhymes you can interest your fidget.


The roaring cow started crying again. This is how tears flow - You can choke. Quiet, revushka, don’t cry, I’ll give you a kalach! Stop crying, Roarer, Roarer Cow!


My funny ball Jumps and jumps: Jump-jump - into the corner, And then back. This is how we spent a pleasant evening!


Byaka and Buka met. Nobody made a sound. No one gave a sign - Buka and Byaka were silent.

And Buka thought with boredom: “Why is he looking like that - like a bug?” And Byaka thought: “However, what a terrible Byaka he is...”


Why did you, naughty bear, get all your panties dirty? At lunch I indulged and doused myself with kefir.


The cloud and the sun started playing hide and seek again. As soon as the sun hides, Cloud will burst into tears. And as soon as the sun is found, the rainbow immediately laughs.


They bought me a blue ball. It was light and airy. Oh, how handsome he was, But terribly naughty.

He was always eager for the sky, he didn’t want to be submissive. And as soon as I was gaping, I took the ball and flew away.

I wave my hand to him, Even though I feel a little sorry for him.


Dad gave me Leo! Oh, I was chicken at first! I was afraid of Him for two days, and on the third - He broke down!


The rain sings a song: Drip, drip... Only who will understand it - Drip, drip? Neither I nor you will understand, but flowers, and spring foliage, and green grass will understand...


Monkeys love to eat sweet bananas. We look like monkeys, and we love bananas too.


They are clipping the lamb with a curly flank and back. Don't cry, little lamb. In a year the fur will grow thicker.


Geese, geese! Ha, ha, ha! Do you want to eat? Yes Yes Yes! So fly home! The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!


Bai, bayushki, bayushki, don’t lie on the edge! A little gray top will come and grab you by the side and drag you into the woods, under a willow bush. You, little top, don’t come to us, don’t wake up our children!


These are the eyes to see. This is a nose for breathing. These are ears to hear. These are legs for running. These are arms to hug your mother very tightly.


Our cat is striped, Like a zebra, like a sailor. I thought for a long time, guys, I figured out the secret of the stripes:

Apparently her grandmother didn’t waste her time - she knitted Striped underwear for her cat-granddaughter.


The cat is looking, looking, looking for grandma's ball. But there’s no ball of wool anywhere... And Katya has new purple mittens


I have a little dog and barks loudly and loudly, but at the same time he can sing a duet with a cat and howl piercingly and subtly for her.


Let's sit on the horse, Let's sit down and ride! Let's go to the good uncles and to the polar bears.

Let polar bears be not the best neighbors, Let the horse run both quickly and smoothly.

Let her stop! The horse is not afraid. There are two miles to the bears: She runs, and we run into the bushes!

Sit back - nothing! We measured our strength! What about the horse? Everyone... forgot about her!


They finger the child's fingers one by one, saying: Boy - finger, Where have you been? I went to the forest with this brother, I cooked cabbage soup with this brother, I ate porridge with this brother, I sang songs with this brother


The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears, Like this, like this! It's cold for the bunny to sit, I need to warm my little paws, clap-clap, clap-clap. It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump. Skok-skok, skok-skok.


What a wonderful toy This wonderful rattle is, Wonderful to look at, Sounds attractive.

If it gets into your hand, it goes right into your mouth!


Murka licked her fur and tied a new bow. The cat also found Mittens and boots. Murochka smiled: “I am now a Snow Maiden.”


My poor umbrella was wet from head to toe, Because it saved me from the rain for half a day.

So that he wouldn’t get sick, I heated some water for him, and then steamed him in the bath, and wrapped him in a towel. Shhh! Look, he warmed up on the sofa and fell asleep!


I won’t let anyone hurt my sister Lida! I live with her very friendly, I love her very much. And when I need it, I’ll beat her myself.


The magpie-crow cooked porridge and fed the children. Gave to this, Gave to this, But did not give to this.


The sun came out into the sky and looked into all eyes. Hello, golden sun! It’s good to walk with you - As if with kind hands, You embrace us with rays.


Rain, rain, wait! Rain, rain, don't rain! Stop watering the ground, let me walk a little.


The rain sings a song: Drip, drip... Only who will understand it - Drip, drip? Neither I nor you will understand, but flowers, and spring foliage, and green grass will understand...

The grain will understand better than anyone: it will begin to sprout!


Rain. Umbrellas are blooming, Like beautiful colorful flowers. And probably the rain represents that it is not a city, but a flowerbed


I love my horse, I will comb its fur smoothly, I will smooth its tail with a comb, and I will go on horseback to visit.


Our spoon is naughty: It ended up in the ear instead of the mouth! Ay-ay-ay, what a spoon! I'll punish her a little.


The clubfooted bear walks through the forest, collects cones, sings songs. The cone bounced straight into the bear's forehead. The bear got angry and stomped with his foot!


After the rain, the frogs were having fun at the edge of the forest: - What a beauty, KVA-KVA-KVA, wet grass everywhere!


A horned goat is following the little guys. With your feet - stomp, stomp! With your eyes - clap-clap! Who doesn't eat porridge? Who doesn't drink milk? I'll gore, I'll gore!


In the clearing, two beetles danced hopaka: With their right leg, stomp, stomp! Left foot stomp, stomp! Hands up, up, up! Who will rise the highest?


The cockerels started to fly, but did not dare to fight. If you get too cocky, you might lose your feathers. If you lose your feathers, there will be nothing to rooster with.


Drops are falling - drip, drip - From roofs, from trees and from hats, From hoods and umbrellas, From our jackets and coats... How many drops! How many puddles! It's like the city took a shower!


The catman comes to visit and urges the horses. He brings kittens with him. Let them be treated too!


Like Masha has two teeth. Don't bite them, daughter! Don't bite, eat, listen to Mom and Dad.


The eyes are sleeping and the cheeks are sleeping on tired babies. Eyelashes and palms sleep, tummies and legs sleep. And tiny ears sweetly doze on the pillow. The curls are sleeping, the hands are sleeping, only the noses are sniffling.


Early, early in the morning the mother duck came out to teach the ducklings.

She teaches them, she teaches them! You swim, uti-uti, Smoothly, in a row.

Although my son is not great, He is not great, Mom doesn’t tell me to be a coward, He doesn’t tell me to.

- Swim, swim, little duckling, don’t be afraid, you won’t drown.


Our garden is empty, the birds have flown away, The leaves are quietly rustling as they fly around: Will summer really not return again To our God-forgotten, empty garden?


Come to us, lambs, We will comb your curls! - No, thank you, be-be-Beeeee! Comb them yourself!!!


The golden rain is pouring, flowing from the Christmas tree. Admire her: That's what she is!

Everything sparkles and blooms with bright lights. Invites you to a round dance and have fun with us.

The New Year is on its way, it will come to us soon. Brighter, Christmas tree, shine for the joy of children!


She stomped, she stomped - she stopped her little stompers! And I’ll also stomp - I’ll stop the stompers! I won’t go on my heels, After all, there are only stomping heels left! And I’ll go, I’ll go again, stomping on my heels!


The ducks came to the meadow, the ducks found a worm. - What luck, QACK-QACK-QACK! We came here for a reason!


A little goat was walking along the path, His legs were tired. The little goat screamed: “ME-EE-E!” Lay out a rug for me!


CLACK-CLACK-CLACK! - said the squirrel. - Here are the nuts on the plate! Please, chew, but don't litter on the floor!


I am a fox with a red tail. I came to visit the guys. I will have fun with them, spin around the Christmas tree.


Look at our Christmas tree, the bullfinches have arrived. And they sat on the top of the head, like elegant toys.


The bear himself came to you for the New Year's holiday today. Bears sleep in dens in winter, so I'm a little sleepy. The alarm clock woke up the bear, and I started skipping to celebrate the New Year with you! Where do you get honey for your bear? Well, if there is no honey, then give me some sweets!


Won't you freeze, little sparrow, without boots, without a coat? - I won’t freeze! I'm used to it! CHEEK-CHEEK! CHICK-CHICK-CHICK!

Poems for children 2-3 years old


What are tails for?
Roosters - for beauty, Kangaroos - to jump higher, Cats - to walk on the roof. Foxes need to cover their tracks, Pisces need to swim along the water. A cow's tail is for chasing flies, and a puppy's tail is for wagging! © ***

Dust-dust-vacuum cleaner, He has a sucking nose, He takes dust and garbage And puts it in his stomach.
Everything around has become clean, the Vacuum Cleaner is our faithful friend. © ***

Children know very well that toys come to life, As soon as the door is closed, the car makes a roar, Dolls walk and talk, Bears and hares play pranks.
But once you look in, everyone manages to fall asleep. © ***

I love animals very much and I dream of growing up so that my mother will allow me to get a dog.
I also want a kitten, with a red ear and tail. But the kitten will be bored, we need two more later. I love hamsters and mice, cute little animals, a little rabbit will live with them, it will be more fun together. I will have three turtles, a parrot and a siskin, a bunch of different fish, and a hedgehog in the box. The tiger will lie down on the sofa, the bear cub will lie on the carpet, the kangaroo will live with his mother, otherwise it will be cramped for me. I really want a giraffe, but doubts creep in, After all, giraffes are higher than the closet, It is unlikely that they will pass through the door. There will definitely be a monkey, There will be a mini crocodile in the bathroom, And I want a real ostrich to live on the balcony. There is no place for a baby elephant, this makes me sad, I can’t even place a baby elephant anywhere. Mom is horrified, and dad put his question like this: “Where will we live then, since we now have a zoo?” © (Author: editor-in-chief and founder of the website Prazdnik-sam ©) ***

My stomach is waiting for lunch, I'll make a sandwich.
I'll cut the sausage, bring cheese and fish, cucumber, carrots, sour cream, all the jam I can get, honey, candy, chocolate, tomatoes, grapes. Two sausages, three radishes and currants from a bowl. Now I’ll put it on bread, my most delicious lunch. It was difficult to fit everything in, The sandwich looks like a house, But the best was found there. I took a bite and barely swallowed it. I whisper to my mother... I don’t want anything anymore. © ***

It's raining outside, a fly is crawling on the wall. I look out the window, I miss, I sadly study the puddles. That one, perhaps more than anyone else, This one has a nut floating in it. And in the one by the fence is the rake of Yegor’s grandfather. There is a puddle-sea by the bench, You can fill watering cans with it. And from the one where the stumps grow, Maybe a pond will turn out. This puddle is like a river, wide and deep. If you let the fish in, the fish will be able to live in a puddle. Well, there will be a hurricane, There will be a puddle - an ocean. ©

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