Riddles about the sun - a selection of the best riddles for children

Above the forest Kolobok, Kolobok is a hot side!

Riddles about the sun for children 3-4 years old with answers


Above the Kolobok forest. Kolobok is a hot side. And how to hide behind the forest. Orange among the skies. (Sun)


At night it will hide - It will become dark in the yard. In the morning, joyful beats again at our window... (Sun)


What kind of yellow ball is this that is jumping through the forests after us? It gilds the window with a ray, They call it... (Sun)


The morning begins with a ray of light. The Affectionate window is shining towards us... (Sun)


Early in the morning I’ll wake up, I’ll look and laugh, Because in my window it’s shining brightly... (Sun)


Katya was very surprised, looking out the window - For some reason at sunset it became red... (Sun)


What do we see when we look through the window? Shining bright light upon us... (Sun)


It’s warmer and brighter with it, it makes you happy and warm. Children love herbs, grains. Good big... (Sun)

As soon as the sun warms up, everything will be ready. Popular proverb

Logic puzzles for children 6–7 years old

Rechkina Luda

Logic puzzles for children 6–7 years old

1. You, me, me and you. How many of us are there in total? (2)

2. A man was walking into the city and on the way he caught up with three of his acquaintances. How many people went to the city? (4)

3. There were three apples in the vase. Mom treated them to three girls. Each of the girls received an apple, and there was one left. How did it happen? (one girl took an apple from a vase)

4. Three horses ran 5 km. How many kilometers did each horse run? (5 km each)

5. If a chicken stands on one leg, then it weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on two legs (2kg)

6. Three brothers have one sister. How many children are there in the family ? (4)

Dazzles the eyes with the brightness of the outfit

Riddles about the sun for children 5-6 years old with answers


Every day it gets up. Looking through my window, he will quietly say: “Wake up, wash, get dressed, and go for a walk in the yard, sunbathe under me!” (Sun)


Young, new, ready for joy. He gets up early in the morning - I’ll quickly wipe my eyes, And it’s getting brighter, brighter, Outside the window - getting hotter, hotter... What is this?.. (Golden sun)


It's not fire, but it warms. It's not a lamp, but it shines. Like a ball, round. Like a pumpkin, yellow. (Sun)


Someone in the morning slowly inflates a red balloon, and when he lets it out of his hands, it will suddenly become light all around. (Sun)


Not high, not low, Not far, not close. A ball floats in the sky - red-hot, like a fire. (Sun)


Red Antoshka looked out the window. Where it was damp it was grey. Immediately everything became cheerful. (Sun)


Kolobok is a hot side. Oh, he doesn't like couch potatoes. He puts on his dress and gets up before everyone else. (Sun)


There is a yellow pancake in the blue sky. Well, let's eat it! No, it hurts. Damn is hot. Hide your hands. (Sun)


How bright it shines, Generously gives gifts to everyone: Warmth, kindness and light Millions of long years. In the morning I will look out the window, There is a joyful sky... (Sun)


Who lives in the clear sky is called radiant? It warms, shines, blinds the eyes, children love it very much. (Sun)


Again in the morning, a yellow ball began to gallop in the blue sky, Blinding the eyes with the Brightness of its outfit. (Sun)


Good, good He looks at people, But he doesn’t tell people to look at themselves. (Sun)


The scarlet ball came out over the roof for a walk in the sky in the morning. He walked, walked, walked. Met the evening - and disappeared. Where should I look for the ball now? Tell me, wind! - Tomorrow he will go for a walk again. He will go out at dawn! (Sun)


I am always friendly with the light, If the sun is in the window, I run along the wall from the mirror, from the puddle. (Sunny bunny)

The distance from the Earth to the Sun is slightly less than 150 million km. To understand how much this is, let’s give the following example: a car with an average speed of 105 km per hour can cover this distance in only 163 years.

For children 9 years old

In the morning, a good girl, strives to get into every house, so that everyone can feel light, cozy and warm.
Well, what if this red-haired girl gets excited, There will be heat and heat, Don’t argue with me! (Sun) I am always friendly with the light, If the sun is in the window, I run along the wall from the mirror, from the puddle. (Sunny bunny)

The little blue bell rang to the little insect: “Tell me, dear, what kind of daisy is that that grew above the cloud, so yellow, bright, radiant, very big?” “This, little one, is not a flower,” she laughs in response, “This is a large luminary called... (Sun)

For 5th grade

Every day it gets up.
Looking through my window, he will quietly say: “Wake up, wash, get dressed, and go for a walk in the yard, sunbathe under me!” (Sun) Young, new, ready for joy. He gets up early in the morning - I’ll quickly wipe my eyes, And it’s getting brighter, brighter, Outside the window - getting hotter, hotter... What is this?.. (Golden sun)

The scarlet ball came out over the roof for a walk in the sky in the morning. He walked, walked, walked. Met the evening - and disappeared. Where should I look for the ball now? Tell me, wind! - Tomorrow he will go for a walk again. He will go out at dawn! (Sun)

Next riddle

Children Contents

Riddles about the planets of the solar system

Take a quick look through the telescope. He is walking in orbit. There he is the boss over everyone, More than all other planets. There is no one larger in our solar system. (Jupiter)

Lush gas giant Brother of Jupiter and dandy He loves to have Rings of ice and dust nearby. (Uranus)

All planets have poles, each one has an equator. But you won’t find another planet with belts. In these rings he is alone, a very important gentleman. (Saturn)

I often glow in the sky, your closest neighbor. I am Mercury's sister, And I am always hot. (Venus)

This is the red planet Next door to us. In winter and even in summer it freezes above the ice. It’s strange, don’t tell me, - The ice is not on top, but inside. (Mars)

Here is the planets little brother, A little small in size. He is closest to the sun, that’s why he’s hot. (Mercury)

Next riddle

These riddles will help children understand space concepts and learn more about the planets of the solar system.

Sparkling with a huge tail in the darkness, Rushing among the bright stars in the void, She is not a star, not a planet, A mystery of the Universe... (Comet)

This interstellar Eternal wanderer In the night sky Just introduces itself And flies away For a long time afterwards, Twinkling its tail for us goodbye. (Comet)

A fragment from the planet is rushing somewhere among the stars. He has been flying and flying for many years, Space... (Meteorite)

Lights up the way at night, doesn't let the stars sleep. Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep, There is light in the sky for us... (Moon)

At night I change with the Sun and light up in the sky. I sprinkle soft rays, like silver. I can be full at night, And I can be a sickle. (Moon)

An astronomer is an astronomer, he knows everything inside out! Only the stars are visible in a full sky... (Moon)

Outrunning night and day, a deer runs around the earth. Touching the stars with his horn, he chose a path in the sky. You can hear the clatter of his hooves, he is a pathfinder of the Universe. (satellite)

The milky galaxy in which we live has crumbled into cosmic sparkling rain. We will be able to fly around It someday, Calling our galaxy We just... . (Milky Way)

The planet is blue, beloved, dear. She is yours, she is mine, And it is called... (Earth)

The Fiery Eye wanders alone. Wherever he goes, he warms you with his gaze. (Sun)

A bottomless ocean, an endless ocean, Airless, dark and extraordinary, Universes, stars and comets live in it, There are also inhabited, perhaps, planets. (Space)

A yellow plate hangs in the sky. The yellow plate gives everyone warmth. (Sun)

A yellow circle is visible in the sky And rays are like threads. The Earth spins around, As if on a magnet. Although I am not old yet, But I am already a scientist - I know that this is not a circle, but a ball, Very hot. (Sun)

Peas of colored caramel made from sugar crumbs are scattered across the dark sky, And only when the morning comes, All the caramel will suddenly melt. (Stars)

The blue ceilings are nailed down with golden nails. (stars on the sky)

The grain scattered at night, and in the morning there was nothing. (Stars)

The carpet is spread out, the peas are scattered, Neither the carpet can be lifted, nor the peas can be collected. (Starry sky)

These stars, like sparks, fall and go out quickly. They light up in the middle of the night There is a shower of stars in the sky, As if these lights were painted by an artist. (Meteorites)

From which ladle do they not drink or eat, but just look at it? (Big Dipper)

Run. to run - not to reach, to fly, to fly - not to reach. (Horizon)

A man sits in a rocket. He boldly flies into the sky, and in his spacesuit he looks at us from space. (Astronaut)

There are no wings, but this bird will fly and land on the moon. (Lunokhod)

The miracle bird-scarlet tail flew into a flock of stars. (Rocket)

The astronaut, having checked the cable, puts on something, Those clothes will store both warmth and oxygen. (Spacesuit)

To equip the eye And make friends with the stars, To see the Milky Way You need a powerful... (telescope)

Grandma has a piece of bread hanging over her hut. The dogs bark and they can’t get it. (month)

The telescope has been studying the life of planets for hundreds of years. Smart Uncle will tell us everything... (Astronomer)

A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon, but a fast bird can do it... (Rocket)

Riddles about thunder, lightning, thunderstorm

No one sees me, but everyone hears, and everyone can see my companion, but no one hears. (Thunder and lightning)

Deep-voiced and serious, he has a cool character: He will growl very menacingly - everyone will run away right away. (thunder)

He knocks loudly, screams loudly, But what he says cannot be understood, And the wise men cannot recognize. (thunder)

It will sparkle, blink, call someone. (Thunder and lightning)

No one sees me, But everyone hears, And everyone can see my companion, But no one hears. (thunder)

Here is a horse rushing across the sky - Fire flies from under his feet, The horse hits with a mighty hoof and splits the clouds. He runs so hard that the earth below trembles. (thunder)

Malanya passed and a flame was lit; Pakhom came and the house shook. (Thunder and lightning)

It will knock in the sky, but it can be heard on earth. (thunder)

First the shine, followed by the shine, a crackling sound, followed by a splashing sound. (lightning and thunder)

The tur walks through the mountains, the turica walks through the valleys, the tur whistles, the turica blinks. (Thunder and lightning)

The horse runs - the earth trembles. (thunder)

I have neither fire nor heat, but I burn everything (lightning)

A fiery arrow is flying, no one can catch it (lightning)

A red-hot arrow felled an oak tree near the village. (lightning)

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