Master class for parents “Development of fine motor skills of the hands”

Parent workshop in kindergarten

Parents' workshop!

A parent workshop is one of the types of group interaction with parents of pupils.
the master class is held to strengthen the emotionally positive relationship between children and parents in the process of making crafts.
The theme of our parent workshop is “Sunshine”; the choice of theme was associated with the onset of spring. Usually, the making of various handicrafts with one’s own hands took place at each student’s home. This time I decided to gather parents and children in our playroom and make crafts in kindergarten. Goal: Involving parents and children in joint creative activities to make “Sun” crafts. Objectives
1. To form in children love and respect for parents and teachers, through joint activities, harmonious parent-child relationships; 2. Make a craft “Sun”; 3. Organize a joint exhibition “Sun”. Venue:
group room.
Type of activity
: creative, developing.
30 – 50 minutes
children, parents, group teacher.
Equipment and materials:
colored paper, cardboard, rulers, pencils, scissors, PVA glue, glue stick, box lids, peas;
Preliminary work:
- prepare a colorful invitation for parents indicating the theme of the exhibition;

-examples of works “Sun”; - selection and reading of poems, riddles;

Progress of the event:

(In the group room there are chairs, tables on which the material used in the work lies, examples of the creation of works).
Educator: - Good evening, dear parents! To begin with, I would like to ask our children a riddle. Let's see if they can solve it You warm the whole world And you don't know fatigue, You smile in the window, And everyone calls you...
The children answer Sunny.
Educator: -Well done, right. Now spring has already come into full force outside and the sun is warming up very brightly outside. Therefore, I decided to gather you in a group and make the “Sun” craft with my own hands. And before that, I want to take you to the second floor of our kindergarten and show you an exhibition of works about space that older children did. Pay attention to the variety of works performed. After everyone has returned to the group, children and parents sit on chairs. Educator: - Let's try to make a bright, beautiful, warm sun with our own hands. Moreover, this craft requires very few materials and a little imagination, but the result is more than interesting. Making our sun is quite simple, and the children will help you and me in this exciting activity. Even very young children can take part in making crafts with their own hands. If you are at a loss about what to do, then in front of you are examples of how to make a sun. Let's get started, don't forget that children are also involved in creating crafts, actively involve them. Since our children do not yet know how to sit still for a long time, due to their age, they ran away from their parents after 10 minutes. I prepared an exciting activity for them. Before that, showing the example of the sun

which we can do with them. We made a cute sun with them using finger paints. That's all, we have such wonderful Suns! You see how beautiful it is, and there is nothing complicated at all in making this craft. Such wonderful suns can be an idea for a colorful exhibition. Since not many parents came, we offered the rest to make suns at home and we will complement our exhibition with their crafts. With the help of joint crafts made from simple materials, you can instill in your child a love of artistic creativity, which also contributes to the development of fine motor skills. Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window;
Children love you, little restless ones. Thank you very much for coming! We will be glad to see everyone at our next meeting.

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