Consultation “Planning educational work in preschool educational institutions”

Planning educational work. - presentation

Planning educational work

Plan of work with children Mandatory pedagogical documentation of the teacher. There are no strict requirements for maintaining this document, but there are still several important points that must be observed when preparing this document: objectively assess the level of your work at the time of planning; be able to identify planning goals and objectives for a certain period of work, correlating them with the approximate general education program according to which the educational process is organized, the age composition of a group of children and the priority areas of the entire educational process in preschool educational institutions; clearly represent the results of work that must be achieved by the end of the planning period; choose the best ways, means, methods that help achieve your goals, and therefore get the planned result. 2

3 Plan of educational work with children, a document according to which two shift teachers work. Consequently, if the plan is a model of joint activity, then planning should be joint. It involves not only the process of drawing up a plan, but also general mental activity, which involves two teachers discussing what needs to be done to implement program objectives. An important condition for real work planning is taking into account the professional competence of educators, the specific characteristics of a particular age group, teaching staff, the real situation and conditions in which educational activities are carried out.

4, the plan for educational work with children must meet certain requirements: the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of each child; be based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process; the planned content and forms of organization of children must correspond to the age and psychological-pedagogical foundations of preschool pedagogy; it must ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals; tasks of the educational process of preschool children, during the implementation of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of children; observe the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the students in their group.

Forms for planning the educational process We present to your attention the first option for drawing up a plan, proposed by N.A. Korotkova (Published in the journal “Preschool Education”) The proposed plan is based on the complex thematic principle of planning, has the property of compactness (visual visibility) and allows you to cover all thematic factors and cultural practices in the form of partner activities between an adult and children, and see their relationship over time. 5 Week of the month Events in the environment Cognitive - research activity (What is it? How? Why?) Subject material (“modeled” events) Productive activity (Shouldn’t we do this? How to do it?) Literary texts (imaginary events) Plan educational work 1

Forms of planning the educational process The second version of the plan is widely used in the work of GBDOU 69 of St. Petersburg 6 Plan of educational work 2 Day of the week/Date Educational Area Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, group premises ) Interaction with parents/social partners (theaters, sports and art schools, general education institutions) Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments Group, subgroup Individual

Forms of planning the educational process 7 Plan of educational work 3 We offer to your attention the third planning option, which consists of four sections. 1st section “General information” This section presents tables that are prepared by two group teachers under the guidance of a senior preschool teacher at the beginning of the school year. The tables contain the following columns: Information about children and parents; Interaction with children's families; Group daily routine (cold period of the year}; Group daily regimen (warm period of the year); Health sheet; Hardening system in the group; Motor regimen; Gymnastics; Results of examination of children’s speech; Individual work with children on the sound culture of speech. General information

Forms of planning the educational process 8 Plan of educational work 3 2nd section “Complex thematic planning of psychological and pedagogical work with children” The table presented in this section provides for long-term planning for the year, with specification by months, weeks and is built taking into account events, holidays, traditions of this month. The principle of comprehensive thematic planning of a teacher’s work with children is currently increasingly used in the educational process. The scheme for comprehensive thematic planning of psychological and pedagogical work with children includes six blocks. Month of the week Events, holidays, Traditions Topic Autumn Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities Forms of organizing joint activities of teachers with children Interaction with families Comprehensive thematic planning of psychological and pedagogical work with children for September

Forms of planning the educational process 9 Month of the week Events, holidays, Traditions Topic Autumn Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities Forms of organization of joint activities of teachers with children Interaction with families Comprehensive thematic planning of psychological and pedagogical work with children for September Topics selected by the teacher can be distributed over weeks. In addition, it is necessary to plan a developmental environment that helps preschoolers develop independent activities in mastering the proposed topics. So, N.A. Korotkova offers, in a generalized form, four theme-forming factors that can guide the educator when choosing topics and planning them. The first is real events taking place in the surrounding world and arousing the interest of children (vivid natural phenomena and social events, holidays). The second is imaginary events described in a work of fiction that the teacher reads to the children. This is as powerful a theme-forming factor as real events. The third is events specially “modeled” by the teacher (based on developmental tasks). This is the introduction into a group of objects previously unknown to children, with an unusual effect or purpose, arousing their genuine interest and research activity (What is it? What to do with it? How does it work?). The fourth is events occurring in the life of an age group that “infect” children and lead to interests that persist for some time, the roots of which lie, as a rule, in the media and the toy industry.

Forms of planning the educational process 10 Plan of educational work 3 3rd section “Perspective planning by types of children's activities” This section provides for planning work with children for the quarter and month according to the main types of children's activities (motor, play, communication, labor, cognitive- research, music, perception of fiction and folklore, visual arts, construction), each of which has its own specific blocks and is planned both in collaboration with the teacher and in the independent activities of children. 4th section “Planning direct educational activities (DEA)” The weekly work plan includes two blocks: the content of ECD and forms of organizing children. I would like to remind you that the teacher has the right to independently choose the form of writing a plan for his work with children, but we still hope that the options we propose will find their admirers. In case of difficulty, a senior teacher will always come to the rescue.

Memo “Rules for organizing the working day” 11 Allot a certain time for each task, work steadily, without disruptions and “peak loads”. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today: tomorrow you will have other things to do and you will not complete what you planned. Value not only your own, but also other people’s working time; Cultivate the habit of respecting other people's time. Don't be late and demand the same from your team members. In the evening, before leaving work, make a detailed plan of what needs to be done tomorrow so that you can get to work right away in the morning. Avoid long telephone conversations, talk only on business topics, watch the volume of your voice, do not get irritated, remember that nervousness and irritation take away your time and energy. Remember that there is always an opportunity to greatly increase your productive time and use it more fully; While traveling and waiting, you can spend your time looking at notes, reading and other useful things. At the end of the working day, do some technical work that does not require high intellectual activity. Always have items that you use regularly on hand; Always put them back in place. Don't do what your subordinate can do, don't waste time, value yourself as a professional.

12 Plan of a workshop for preschool teachers “Study and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education” September. New legislation on education. Structure and content of the federal state educational standard for preschool education (FSES DO). October. Complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process in kindergarten. Model of organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions. November. Educational areas and types of children's activities. Integration of educational areas. December. Organization of the game as a leading activity. Designing joint activities of adults and children to solve educational problems. January. Features of organizing classes in the form of joint partnership between an adult and children. Updating subject-development environments in preschool educational institutions. February. Psychological support for the implementation of basic general education programs of preschool education. Planning the educational process in groups. March. Social portrait of a 7-year-old child as a holistic reference point and the result of mastering the general education program of preschool education. April. Monitoring the achievement of planned intermediate results of the program. Integrative qualities of a kindergarten graduate as the final result of mastering the program.

13 Plan of a workshop for preschool teachers “Study and implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education” May. Organization of correctional work in preschool educational institutions taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education. Note. In the seminar topic “Educational areas” it is necessary to talk with educators about each of them. The conversation may have the following structure: - goals, objectives and content of the educational field; - forms of work, where, in what regime moments the educational field can be implemented; — what from the methodological literature can be used; — with what educational areas does this area integrate; — what is fundamentally new with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in general and this educational field in particular; — how and with which kindergarten specialists you need to interact for the successful implementation of this educational area. The quality of the seminar will depend on the inclusion of various forms, such as lecture, round table, practical exercise, presentation, etc.

14 Roadmap for studying the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education Contents Dates Responsible Inclusion in the annual work plan of preschool education for the 2014/15 school year. a permanent theoretical seminar on the study of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education Until _____ 2014 Senior teacher Posting on the preschool website information for parents about the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education During the year // Message at the orientation pedagogical council on the topic “Legislative Initiative in Education”..2014/ // Consultation for teachers “What is the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education?” Consultation “FSES DO. General provisions" October 2014 // Consultation "FSES DO. Requirements for the basic structure of the basic educational program of preschool education.” Requirements for sections of the main educational program: target section of the main educational program November 2014 //

15 Roadmap for studying the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education Contents Deadlines Responsible Consultation “Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education. Requirements for the basic structure of the basic educational program of preschool education." Requirements for sections of the main educational program: the content of the part of the program formed by participants in educational relations January 2015Senior teacher Consultation “Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education. Requirements for the basic structure of the basic educational program of preschool education.” Requirements for sections of the main educational program: content of correctional work; organizational section of the main educational program February // Consultation “FSES DO. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education.” Requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment March // Consultation “FSES DO. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education”: personnel; logistical; financial //

16 Roadmap for studying the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education Contents Deadlines Responsible Consultation “Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education. Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of preschool education" April // Determination of the road map (work plan) for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education in the preschool work system for the years. May // Preparation of a package of documents for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education in the system of work of preschool educational institutions for the years. // Consideration at the final pedagogical council of the Regulations on the creation of a working group and the selection of members of the working group for the development of a draft basic educational program for preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Summing up the work of the road map and identifying the effectiveness of studying the Federal State Educational Standards for Education during the pedagogical run at the final teaching council //

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