Card index of walks for the preparatory group. November Walk No. 1–10. Part 1

Open demonstration of the walk “Treasure Hunters” in the preparatory group


There are fallen trees ahead (gymnastic poles 3 pieces, racks 6 pieces), you need to raise your legs high and step over them without hitting them. Don't push each other! Well done, everyone did it! Children approach the spruce tree, there is an Owl on the tree. And here comes the Owl!

Hush, guys, don't make any noise, the Wise Owl is sleeping. I don’t understand what it is. It's daytime outside, but the Owl is sleeping? Why? Children's answers

owls fly at night, catch mice, and sleep during the day. But the Wise Owl has not forgotten about you guys. She left you a letter and a map. Let's read the letter: “Dear guys, to find the treasure, you need to follow the route indicated by the arrow on the map and complete all the tasks. After each correctly completed task you will receive one part of the cut picture. By collecting all the parts of this picture, you will find out where the treasure is hidden. I wish you success! Wise Owl".


Let's look at the map, you and I must go through all the points on the map, let's start from the first.

1st point of the Route – “Forest mysteries”

I'm reading a riddle:

“This tree blooms, gives aroma and honey. And it saves us from the flu, And it’s called... (Linden)

- Let's find words suitable for linden? What is she like? (beautiful, powerful, fragrant, honey-bearing)


: Who knows the beneficial properties of linden? Linden is a valuable tree. Linden flowers contain a lot of sweet nectar, from which honey is obtained. Linden honey is fragrant and healthy.

-What did they say about the linden tree in the old days? “The linden tree puts shoes on people, feeds them and gives them water.” They wove paws from linden bark, brewed tea with linden blossom, and ate delicious honey. Which one of you will tell a poem about the linden tree?

“I love to walk in the linden alley,

The leaf will turn yellow and fall under the bench.

It means autumn is coming, I hear rustling, creaking,

Like the conversations of dark-trunked linden trees.

And that winter is coming soon,

Snowy mountains are like a tower.” (Julia V)


Well done, children, you have successfully completed the beginning of the journey.
And here is the first part of the cut picture (glued behind the linden tree).
But we cannot stop, we must continue our journey. What does the map show us?

2 Route point - “Sharpshooter”


On the road, guys, it is very important to be prepared for any difficulties, which means to be an accurate hunter.
Guys, each of you needs to hit the target. Distribute the balloons to the children. Get into two teams: boys and girls.

Children throw sticky balls at a target.


Well done!
And you completed this task. Keep the second part of the cut picture !
We continue to navigate using our map. (Children look at the map and determine the further path).

Route 3: “Help the forest dwellers”


Let's form 2 teams.
At the signal, you need to fill the baskets with cones, take one cone at a time. Well done! We collected a lot of cones for the squirrels, now they are not afraid of any frost! And here is the third part of the picture (at the bottom of the basket)
. Let's look further at the map!

card index of walks preparatory group.

Preparatory group (October)

Card No. 23

1. Observation of the sun.

Objectives: to form the concept that life on Earth requires the sun; establish a connection between summer and autumn daylight hours; find out the importance of the sun for the life and growth of plants.

- Look how the plants have changed with the arrival of autumn?

— What do plants lack in the autumn season?

— What does the sun give to plants?

Remind children that the Sun is the source of light, heat and life on Earth. Light and heat spread in all directions from it. If the Sun became cold, the Earth would plunge into darkness. All plants and animals would die from the cold and darkness.

The sun is a red-hot spherical body; it can be compared to a burning stove, red-hot iron.

A hot substance emits light, i.e. shines. The Sun also shines, its light reaches the Earth, which is why we are so warm and light during the day. Light from the Sun reaches the Earth in 8 minutes 19 seconds. The sun shines unusually strongly, so even if we are at a great distance from it, we cannot look at it directly, it hurts our eyes. In addition to light, heat comes from hot bodies. So the Sun gives off heat to other planets, as well as to our Earth. Therefore, we bask in the sun, we feel warm.

Invite the children to look at the sun; if it is not there, then find out where it is (hidden behind the clouds).

—What do you feel when you turn your face to the sun?

(the sun is warming, but not as much as in summer)

- Is it possible to look at him directly, does it hurt your eyes?

2.Learning the poem: The sun is smiling - Golden rays

The sun is swinging on a curly cloud.

The sun throws golden balls.

Sunbeams dive into puddles.

L 3. Research activities

.Put 2 pebbles, one in the sun, the other in the shade. After some time, we check which pebble is warmer. We conclude that objects heat up faster in the sun than in the shade.

4. Outdoor game

“Wolf in the ditch” (learning) (OD - jumping). Goal: to develop long jump skills, learn to listen to the teacher’s signals.

Preparatory group (October)

Card No. 24

Watching the sky and rain.

Goal: - learn to determine the nature of autumn rains

Sky observation. Increasingly gray, seems low, completely covered with heavy clouds moving quickly across the sky. Find out the reason for the rapid movement of clouds.

1. Conversation.

Riddle: What kind of ceiling is this? Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high,

Sometimes gray, sometimes whitish, sometimes slightly bluish.

And sometimes it’s so beautiful - lace and blue-blue.


Precipitation monitoring. The nature of precipitation in September is rain and fog. Children find the differences between long and short rains.

What can you say about rain in autumn? (drizzles, drips, pours, walks, drips, whips, makes noise, knocks on the roof).

Poem by S. Egorov “Autumn”: All clouds, clouds. Rain.

Cold as ice

Spiky like a hedgehog

It wanders through the autumn.

2.Research activities

Find leaves that, when torn off, immediately fall down.

Find the leaves that fly, slowly swaying from side to side


Find leaves that fly, clinging to branches. Make a pattern on the asphalt from fallen leaves.

3. Labor activity

Assisting the janitor in clearing leaves from the kindergarten area.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to work together, achieving the completion of a task through joint efforts.

4. Outdoor game

"Wolf in the Moat" (OD - jumping) (known)

5.Individual work.

Jumping on two legs while moving forward.


develop coordination of movements.

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