Work with parents on environmental education of preschool children of senior preschool age; methodological development (senior group)

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

“Forms of work with children and parents to form the foundations of environmental culture”

Humanity is facing an environmental catastrophe. The reason for the violation of the ecological balance was the consumer attitude of people towards the world around them. Preschool childhood can rightfully be considered the beginning of the formation of an individual’s environmental orientation.

Environmental education in preschool age is just beginning; grains of environmental knowledge acquired in childhood will help the child navigate the surrounding reality and understand it correctly. But most importantly, they will lay the foundation for a conscious attitude towards nature, determining one’s place in it in the future.

I am sure that in order to reveal the beauty of nature to a child and teach him to see it, a teacher must be able to live in harmony with nature and captivate children by his example. We know that children are very observant and attentive to the words of the teacher, and they are good at distinguishing between positive and negative in the actions of adults.

Over the past years of work, I have created a holistic system that permeates all types of children's activities and is aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • development of positive moral qualities that encourage children to comply with norms of behavior in nature and in society;
  • education of ethical and aesthetic feelings, development of emotions;
  • formation of cognitive, practical and creative skills of an environmental nature.

When building a system of environmental work, I paid special attention to the following main areas:

  • The cognitive direction of work includes a cycle of educational activities:
  • educational games,
  • conversations,
  • trips,
  • performances,
  • quizzes,

which contribute to a deeper expansion of pupils’ environmental knowledge.

  • The educational and entertainment direction aims to introduce children to the components of living and inanimate nature, the influence of human activity on these components in a playful and entertaining way:
  • theatrical performances on an environmental theme,
  • holidays,
  • environmental games,
  • travel games.
  • The next direction - The study of flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, is associated with practical matters:
  • joint activities with parents for group gardening,
  • territory of preschool educational institution,
  • work in the garden,
  • flower garden design,
  • bird feeding campaigns,
  • making and hanging feeders.

All this helps to instill in students a caring attitude towards their native nature.

  • The research direction of work is carried out within the framework of the following activities:
  • project activities,
  • excursions into nature,
  • experiments,

which contribute to the development of thinking and analysis of the results obtained.

Ways to implement the environmental work system:

1. Creation of conditions (greening of the development environment)

A walk is a mini-trip that creates a special, unique world of sensations, emotional uplift and good mood. Children become more fun, more relaxed, and more sociable. Very impressionable children can easily be attracted to observing the color of the sky, the shape of trees, and the structure of plants. Such children are surprised by a drop of water, the transparency of ice, the murmuring of a stream, and the singing of birds.

In garden beds, children grow vegetable crops (onions, tomatoes, dill, peas, radishes, zucchini, etc.), observe their growth, and conduct experiments ( “In which soil do vegetables grow best?” , “On the influence of watering on plant life” )

Excursions to the park to the Obelisk along a large ecological trail are carried out systematically. We go to the same places, observe the same trees, bushes, grasses, follow the same types of insects and birds, and are amazed that the “ fixed world” changes and moves, colors and smells change , sounds, events. And this is all connected with the change of seasons.

In a corner of nature, different types of indoor plants are collected. In the winter, a mini-garden is placed on the windowsills, which allows the children to grow vegetables during the cold season.

In teaching and upbringing I practice an integrated systematic approach - from simple to complex. I conduct a series of observations of living objects with children. The work on the “Vegetable Garden on the Window” aroused great interest among both children and parents.

2. the way to create a system of environmental work - Work in the laboratory

Our group is equipped with an environmental laboratory, which has everything necessary to conduct various experiments.

In the experiments we carry out, we establish the relationship between air temperature and the state of water, consolidate knowledge about the properties of various natural materials (water transparency, clay solubility, snow adhesion, shape retention by wet sand, etc.).

To improve the environmental culture of preschoolers, various forms and methods of teaching are used:

  • integrated GCD,
  • observations,
  • targeted excursions,
  • environmental actions,
  • experiments,
  • reading fiction,
  • conversations,
  • staging,
  • exhibitions on environmental themes,
  • work in a corner of wildlife,
  • competitions.

This year our group participated in the intermunicipal environmental theater competition and took 1st place.

Thus, with the help of educational activities, we try to develop in children a sense of responsibility, independence, morality, creativity, and the ability to see the meaning of their actions, i.e. to cultivate the child’s personal qualities, and of course, environmental culture, careful and responsible attitude towards the natural environment.

3. The way to create a system of environmental work is the research activity of preschoolers.

Research and search activity is the natural state of a child; he is determined to understand the world, he wants to know it. This is a huge opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves.

During research activities, children’s speech develops, children learn to ask questions: “How to do this?”, make requests: “Let’s do this,” “Let’s see what happens if...”, compare two states of the same object and find not only differences, but also similarities.

Working in an innovative mode, we became interested in project activities. The accumulated material was distributed so as to cover all sections of environmental education.

The method of project activity helps to combine the content of education from all areas of knowledge.

We involve parents and relatives of children in organizing search and creative activities, because One child cannot cope with this activity.

We offer tasks such as: making a model of a vegetable garden, collecting seeds, making feeders, publishing newsletters, etc.

At the moment, work on the topic “Project activities in environmental education of preschool children” continues.

4. The way to create a system of environmental work is Environmental education of parents.

Paying great attention to the joint activities of children and parents, we use the following forms of work:

  • joint landscaping of the territory of the village,
  • joint excursions,
  • participation in competitions and exhibitions,
  • publication of a newspaper for parents and children “Ecological Bulletin” ,
  • joint release of newsletters, messages,
  • participation of parents in environmental holidays.

Parents willingly and willingly participate in holding exhibitions of joint creative works. Crafts made from natural materials and drawings are presented here.

At parent meetings we introduce parents to the work of the environmental education group.

With the help of environmental newspapers and brochures, parents at home can test their children’s knowledge of ecology, check the signs of the seasons, and play environmental games.

The results of the work carried out indicate that the methods and techniques we use in preschool educational institutions support and develop the interest of preschoolers in acquiring new knowledge. Cooperation between educators and parents is carried out on all aspects of the issue of environmental education for children.

I would like to believe that love for our native nature will remain in the hearts of our students for many years and will help them live in harmony with the world around them.

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Consultation for parents “Formation of the foundations of a child’s environmental culture”


on the topic: “Formation of the foundations of a child’s ecological culture”

The transfer of environmental knowledge is the initial stage of developing a habitual attitude towards the world around us.

In the process of environmental education, the following types of activities can take place: 1. Role-playing game, reflecting various events in nature. 2. Practical activities to create or maintain conditions for living objects in the kindergarten area - work in nature, as well as activities to restore objects (repairing toys, books). 3. Children's creativity based on impressions of nature or people's activities in nature. 4. Communication with nature, contact with objects of flora and fauna. 5. Experimentation: practical cognitive activity with natural objects, accompanied by observation and statements. 6. Speech activity (questions, messages, participation in conversation, dialogue), exchange of information, impressions, clarification of ideas about nature using words. 7. Observation (independent cognitive activity), providing information about the nature and activities of people in nature. 8. Watching books, paintings, and television programs with natural history content is an activity that helps to obtain new and clarify existing ideas about nature. 9. Observation of children’s independent activities and analysis of their content allow the teacher to discover their individual characteristics and level of environmental awareness.

A variety of activities naturally connects environmental education with the entire process of personal development. Preschool childhood is a crucial period of a person’s life: the foundations of a correct attitude towards the world around us are laid - nature, things, people.

The work on environmental education of children of this age has great opportunities and prospects. In ecology, the central concepts are the interaction of an individual organism with its habitat and the functioning of an ecosystem - a community of living organisms living in the same territory and interacting with each other.

The basis of environmental education is the leading ideas of ecology, adapted for preschool children: the organism and the environment, the community of organisms and the environment, man and the environment.

The goal of environmental education of children is the formation of the principles of environmental culture. This goal is consistent with the concept of preschool education - to lay the foundation of personal culture and humanistic qualities in a person in preschool childhood. Beauty, goodness, truth in the four leading spheres of reality - in nature, the man-made world, the people around us and oneself - these are the values ​​that preschool teachers of our time are guided by.

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